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ningt ocontr

TIP ONE:Overt he course ofa week,not e down when you’re being

ggered to eat.Learn t he sit
uat i
ons orevent sthattriggeryourneed t o
respond by eating. A l otoft hem happen subconsci ously and somet imes
you mightnoteven be aware you’ re doing it
.Bringing i
tt o yourconsci ous
awareness can really help.
So many peopl e eatto soot he loneli
ness and boredom rathert han hunger
and when you recogni se thisis what’s happening and acti
vel y do
something abouti t,everyt hing changes.

TIP TWO:It’si mportantyou beware oft he scales.These are the biggest

emot i
onaleat i
ng drivers ofall
!The wei ghing scale can create huge
emot i
onaleat i
ng issues so ift
his happens to you please use otherways t o
measure yourprogress – f orexampl e,by how you f eelint he clot
you’re weari

TIP THREE: Underst and t he effectstress has on you.St ress creat

es havoc
when you’ re aiming toi ngrain new eating habits. Ifyou eatwhen you’ re
stressed yourbrai n goes t hrough a process which is:
The trigger-f eel
ing st ressed oranxi ous;
The behavi our-Eatf ood.
The Reward -Feelbet t
er .
These st eps create powerf ulhabi ts using t
he brain’s reward-based learning
system. Butofcourse t his becomes an aut omat i
c response and creates
really unhelpfulhabi ts.
Ifyou recogni se this pat t
ern ofbehavi ourwith regard to stress,please
use yourChi ll
pod regul arly alongside yourSl i

TIP FOUR: Treatyoursel fwit

h kindness and self-l
ove notwi thf ood.Thi
takes a bi
toftime buti fyou work wi ththe Sl
impod you can do i t!
Think aboutnon-food rewards you can treatyourselfto rathert han f
– ma
m ybe something as simple as a soothi
ng bath ora relaxing walk..

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