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Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Test Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: Define the following terms in the table below in \(100-200\) words.\[\begin{array}{|l|l|}
\hline\text{ a) Culture }& \\
\hline\text{ b) Diversity }& \\
\hline\text{ c) Human Rights }& \\
\hline\text{ d) Cultural identity }& \\
\hline\text{ e) Ethnicity }& \\
\hline\text{ f) Race }& \\
\hline\text{ g) Marginalised community }& \\
\end{array}\]Q2: List at least three (3) internal factors and three (3) external factors that
contribute to the formation of culture.Q3: List any three (3) legislations that will assist with
diversity and cultural differences in the workplace.Q4: Is it necessary to value and respect the
cultural identity and cultural difference of your clients colleagues? Why?Mention any two (2)
reasons with explanations.Q5: Briefly describe the following discrimination legislation below.
Provide 60 words per Acta. Age Discrimination Act 2004b. Disability Discrimination Act 1992c.
Racial Discrimination Act 1975d. Sex Discrimination Act 1984Q6: When was the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights adopted?a) What rights do people have under the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights that affect disability support services? Mention any five (5)
rights.b) How does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affect individual workers?
Answer in 30 words.c) Describe the relationship between human needs and human rights?
Answer in 30-50 words

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