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Daniel Dibaba, Shuo Yang, Vinay Shanthagiri, Young Suk Lee did a wonderful video on big
data relation to health informatics. Their fourth point on data storage, got my attention and it
resonates well with other research studies I researched on. Their fourth point from the video said
and I quote "Big data is being generated at a faster rate and with a myriad variety. Information
technologies like Hadoop \& SAP Hana can help harness and make sense out of them. (Yogesh et
al., 2019), argued that the most challenging task in the real world is to collect data in different
formats and from different sources. This is because a lot of unstructured data makes it difficult
for traditional databases to extract knowledge from. This forms the basis of potential challenges
of big data

Potential Benefit

Liyanage et al (2020) in their article Big Data in Health Care domain gives an advantage that
big data can improve the quality and efficiency of health care delivery (Gadekallu et al , 2021)
.Big data helps in early disease detection , a better understanding of disease, getting the optimal
drug for precision medicine and enhancing disease prediction and prevention. A more
personalized and effective treatment will be gained if we leverage large volumes of data
generated by sources like EHR, wearables, medical imaging and genomic sequencing.

Potential Challenge

One potential challenge is that data collected from various sources are often dirty and impacting
prediction and accuracy. When data are now well cleaned and the errors removed, data quality
and integrity is lowered. This has an impact on data analysis and predictions. Another related
challenge is the issue of data security and privacy when dealing with patient sensitive records.
Mitigation Strategy for Big Data Challenges
To mitigate the above challenges, healthcare providers can prioritize data cleaning, quality
assurance, access control measures and encryption techniques to ensure security and integrity of
healthcare data in clinical systems (Ridzuan & Zainon, 2019).

Gadekallu, T. R., Pham, Q. V., Huynh-The, T., Bhattacharya, S., Maddikunta, P. K. R., &
Liyanage, M. (2021). Federated learning for big data: A survey on opportunities, applications,
and future directions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04160.

Ridzuan, F., & Zainon, W. M. N. W. (2019). A review on data cleansing methods for big data.
Procedia Computer Science, 161, 731-738.
Glassman, K. S. (2017). Using data in nursing practiceLinks to an external site.. American Nurse
Today, 12(11), 45-47. Retrieved from

Thew, J. (2016, April 19). Big data means big potential, challenges for nurse execslinks to an
external site.. Retrieved from

Wang, Y., Kung, L., \& Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and
potential benefits for healthcare organizationsLinks to an external site. Technological Forecasting
and Social Change, 126(1), 3-13.

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