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Prepared to fulfill English Course Assignments

Lecture :

Marice Saragih, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Prepared by :









MEDAN 2023

Praise we pray to our Almighty God. Because of the blessing and His guidance we can finish this
paper. Shalawat along gushing greetings to Prophet Muhammad as well as friends and family
until the end of time.

Thank God We can finish a paper submitted to fulfill one task subjects "English" all this thanks
to the support of all parties, especially the lecture Maam Marice Saragih, S.Pd,. M.Pd. which
already provide support in the writing of this paper.

In this paper we discuss about The Influence of Drugs for The Future, Hopefully with this paper
is expected someone to be able to read and understand the contents of the English text.

However, it was realized that this paper is far from perfect and there are errors in writing or
references are still inadequate. Speakers apologize and hopefully this effort speakers guidance
and pleasure Allah.



PREFACE ............................................................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
1.1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................. 1
1.2. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEMS ............................................. 1
1.3. THE PURPOSE ................................................................................... 1
1.4 BENEFIT OF RESEARCH ................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 3
2.1. DEFINITION....................................................................................... 3
2.2. TYPES OF DRUGS ............................................................................. 3
2.3. FACTORS OF DRUG ABUSE ............................................................ 3
2.4. CHARACTERISTIC OF DRUG ABUSE ............................................ 5
2.5. THE IMPACT OF DRUG ABUSE ...................................................... 6
2.6. THE INFLUENCE OF DRUG FOR THE FUTURE ............................ 6
2.7. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT ................................................... 7
2.7.1. PREVENTION ........................................................................ 7
2.7.2. TREATMENT/REHABILITATION ........................................ 7
CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................. 8
3.1. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 8
3.2. SUGGESTION .................................................................................... 8
REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................... 9



It cannot be denied that drug abuse among young people and teenagers turns out that there
are still many people who consume it in our surrounding environment. The impact on health and
the future is not small. The dangers of drugs for addicts and young people, students are very
numerous and if the habit of consuming drugs is not immediately stopped, this will slowly but
surely worsen the health status of the users themselves and will damage the future of their lives.
In the social life of young people or Students need an environment that is conducive and
comfortable against drug abuse, therefore overcoming drugs is a shared responsibility starting
from the family, then the community and the government.

The drug problem in Indonesia is still something that is urgent and complex. In the last
decade this problem has become widespread. This is proven by the significant increase in the
number of drug abusers or addicts, along with the increasing disclosure of drug crime cases with
increasingly diverse patterns and increasingly massive syndicate networks. Indonesian society,
and even the world community, in general, is currently facing a very worrying situation due to
the widespread use of various types of illegal drugs.

This concern is increasingly sharpened due to the rampant illicit trafficking of narcotics
which has spread to all levels of society, including among the younger generation. This will
greatly influence the life of the nation and state in the future. The behavior of some teenagers
who have clearly ignored the values, norms and laws that apply in society is one of the causes of
widespread drug use among the younger generation. In everyday life in society, there are still
many teenagers who still abuse drugs.


1. What are drugs?
2. How many kinds of drugs?
3. What are the Factors causing drug abuse?
4. What are the characteristics of drug users?
5. What are the effects on the body and the impact caused by drugs?
6. What are the influences of drugs for the future
7. How to prefent and treat drug users?
1. For knowing about drugs.
2. For knowing many kinds of drugs.
3. For knowing the factors causing drug abuse, the characteristics of drug users.
4. For knowing the effects and the impact on the future caused by drugs.
5. For knowing the influence of drug for the future.
5. For knowing how to prevent and treat drugs.

To provide information about drugs and their dangers so that we don't fall into them and
we can become the successors of a nation free from narcotics.

Drugs are the abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive materialsDrug
familiar terminology used by law enforcement officials, such as police (including the National
Narcotics Agency), prosecutors, judges and correctional officers. In addition to drugs, another
term that refers to all three of these substances are drugs that of narcotics, psychotropic and
addictive substancesThe term drug more commonly used by healthcare practitioners and
rehabilitation. But in essence the meaning of both terms still refer to the three types of the same

According to Law 22 of 1997 on Narcotics, Narcotics are narcotics mentioned sense are
"substances or drugs derived from plant or not plant either synthetic or semi-synthetic that can
cause degradation or alteration of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can
creating dependency "

Psychotropic is a substance or drugeither natural or synthetic non-narcoticwhich is

efficacious psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system that causes
typical changes in mental activity and behavior".

Other addictive substances are substances or other materials instead of narcotics and
psychotropic substances that affect the brain and can lead to dependence" Nonethelessit is
important note that not all types of narcotics and psychotropic use is prohibited Because quite a
lot of narcotics and psychotropic also has great benefits in the field of medicine and for the
benefit of the development of knowledgeAccording to Law 22 of 1997 and Law No5 of 1997,
narcotics and psychotropic substances are included in Group I is a type of substance that is
considered illegalAs a result of the illegalnya status, anyone who has, manufacture, use,
distribute and/or distribute narcotics and psychotropic Category I may be imposed in accordance
with the provisions of the criminal law apply.


a. Group I
Narcotics that can only be used for the purpose of developing science and is not used in therapy,
and has a very high potential for causing dependency. Examples are:

 Heroin
This heroin is a morphine derivative that has undergone a chemical process. Initially this heroin
was used to treat morphine dependence, however then it was proven that heroin addiction was
even greater. Morphine or heroin also called putaw. It looks like an odorless white powder.
 Cocaine
The effects of cocaine use can cause paranoia, hallucinations and reduced self-confidence. Using
this drug will damage the nerves in the brain. Apart from worsening the respiratory system,
excessive use is very serious dangerous and can lead to death. Cocaine derivatives are putaw
very dangerous for human health.

 Marijuana
Marijuana, also known as cannabis sativa, was originally abundant Used as a relaxant to treat
intoxication light. The materials used can be leaves, stems and seeds, but later misused.
Marijuana can be mentally and addictive thinking becomes sluggish and the addict appears
stupid because the substance can affects concentration and memory and the ability to think

b. Group II
Narcotics, which have medicinal properties, are used as a last resort and can be used in therapy
and/or for scientific development purposes and has a high potential for causing dependency.
Examples are:
 Morphine
Morphine is an opium derivative made from mixing poppy sap (papaver sormary ferum) with
other chemicals, it is semi-synthetic in nature. Morphine is the active substance of opium. In the
world of medicine, this substance is used for reduces pain during surgery or surgery. When it
ruptures civil war in the United States in 1856, this substance was used for soldiers who wounds,
which reduces pain. However, the user has a negative effect replaced with other synthetic drugs.

c. Group III
Narcotics have medicinal properties and are widely used for therapy and/or purposes
development of science and has the potential to cause light impacts dependency. Examples are:
 Codeine
Codeine is a type of drug used to treat moderate pain to heavy. The side effects can be life-
threatening, just like opiate compounds. This is respiratory tract depression.


Drug abuse factors can be caused by several things, such as the desire to try, want to be
different, lack of self-confidence, ultimately becomes an addiction (dependence). Using drugs as
a lifestyle, environmental influences, wrong relationships, peer group pressure, coercion, threats,
and traps ultimately lead to drug conversion. Work pressure, study pressure, so looking for ways
to increase endurance (body endurance) through controversy.

There are many factors that are still developing and must be taken into consideration in a
person's life which motivates them to use drugs, including:

 Family history opens up opportunities for someone to take it out on drugs

Family conditions that are less harmonious can be one of the causes of drug abuse in a person.
Limited space to express oneself within the family is a big reason for someone to be friends with
drugs. A person has the opinion that if the world doesn't care about him, why should he care?
Doing whatever they please is their answer to gaining freedom and momentary pleasure.

 Wrong choice of relationships and social environment

Nearly 40 percent of drug abuse factors are caused by unhealthy relationships. Making a mistake
in choosing a social group makes it easier for someone to fall into the trap of drugs. Usually,
someone only thinks about pleasure without considering the consequences that will be received.

 Being in a difficult situation can lead to depression and anxiety
A person who is experiencing problems is in a condition where it is difficult to think clearly.
Moreover, his emotional level was still unstable so looking for a shortcut was felt to be the most
appropriate solution. So it is not surprising that the desire to try new things, including negative
ones such as using drugs, is greater when you are experiencing depression or excessive anxiety.

 Decreased self-confidence due to deep trauma

Not only adults, teenagers also often experience serious problems and don't know what to do or
how. So it's not surprising that teenagers easily experience deep trauma. Trauma in adolescents is
divided into several aspects, for example mental, psychological and mental. For example, being
excluded from the social environment, losing parents, sexual crimes, or other cases. If not
accompanied, teenagers will very easily become familiar with drugs.

 Inability to adapt to the environment

A teenager who is closed off and has difficulty interacting with his environment usually has an
easier time dealing with drugs, you know, Sisters. Feeling lonely and feeling alone is one of the
incentives for teenagers to use drugs. At first I was curious, I tried it, then I fell deeper. The lack
of information about drugs makes teenagers explore the role of drug addict


The characteristics of drug users vary, depending on the type and dose of drugs consumed. In
general, the following are the recognizable characteristics of drug users.
 Physical characteristics of drug users
-Reddish sunken eyes
-Lack of attention to hygiene, resulting in an unkempt physical appearance
-Tremors and nervousness
-Drastic weight change
-Pale skin color
-Hair loss
-Fungus or infection that does not heal
-Susceptible to getting sick
-Excessive tears and sweating
 Psychological characteristics of drug users
-Significant mood swings
-Personality changes
-Unable to enjoy things they used to enjoy
-Tend to be more impulsive
-Hallucinations and delusions
-Symptoms of depression or anxiety, such as panic attacks
-Difficulty concentrating
-Irritability and irritability

Other visible characteristics of drug users are that they tend to have poor social and financial
lives. They are also more at risk of doing dangerous things, due to the hallucinatory effects of
drug use.

on a person is very dependent on the type of narcotics used, the personality of the user and the
situation or condition of the user. In general, the impact of drug addiction can be seen in the
physical, psychological and social a person.
 Physical Impact:
Disorders of the nervous system (neurological)
such as: convulsions, hallucinations, impaired consciousness, peripheral nerve damage,
heart and vascular disorders heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular) such as: acute
infection of the heart muscle, circulatory disorders, skin disorders.
 Psychological Impact:
The psychological impacts
are: loss of self-confidence, violent behavior, difficulty concentrating, feelings of
irritation and depressed, mental disorders, anti-social and immoral, troublesome and a
burden on the family and education is disrupted. family and education is disrupted,the
future is bleak.
 Physical and psychological impacts are closely related.
Physical dependence will result in severe pain (sakaw) if you don't take the drug on time
and the psychological urge in the form of a very strong desire to consume. These physical
and psychological symptoms are also related to social symptoms such as the urge to lie to
parents, steal, be angry, manipulative, and bullying parents, stealing, being angry,
manipulative, etc.


Drugs are a threat to the nation's future. Drugs, which are generally illegal drugs, are currently
very common among society, even in Indonesia.The influence of drugs among teenagers today
also threatens the future of the nation because the spearhead of the progress of the Indonesian
nation lies in the younger generation. Drugs themselves pose a threat to the disintegration of the
nation and deviations from Pancasila values because they are considered a behavior that does not
reflect the first principle and is capable of eroding the nation's ideals in the third principle.
The impact on health and the future is not small. The dangers of drugs for addicts and young
people, students are very large and if the habit of consuming drugs is not stopped immediately
then this will slowly but surely worsen the health status of the users themselves and will damage
their future lives.
The impact of drug use on the Indonesian people can be very damaging. The dangerous
chemical content of drugs can over time undermine the physical and mental health of the user.
A great nation needs the next generation, this generation will grow and be able to bring good
changes to the country. Therefore, protecting the nation's generation from drug abuse is very
ant. The effects that arise from drug abuse cannot be considered trivial, drug dependence is a
very dangerous phase. Those who already have an addiction will usually find it difficult to give it
up, whatever means they will use to obtain these illegal drugs. The influence of drug abuse on
the Indonesian nation includes:
a. The achievement of the nation's children declines
b. Losing the nation's successor
c. Having an inferior generation
d. Increase in criminal cases

e. Can damage the nation itself


The most effective and fundamental methods of preventing and eradicating drug abuse are
promotive and preventive methods. The most practical and tangible efforts are repressive and
humane efforts are curative and rehabilitative.

1. promotive In this program, the targets are community members who have not used or even
known drugs at all.
2. preventive This program is aimed at healthy people who have never known drugs at all so that
they know about the ins and outs of drugs so that they become uninterested in abusing them.
3. Curative This program is aimed at drug users. The aim of this program is to help treat
dependency and cure diseases caused by drug use, as well as to stop drug use.

2.7.2. Treatment/Rehabilitation
The form of activities carried out in this treatment program are:
a) Direct withdrawal;
b) Treatment of health problems resulting from drug withdrawal and use (detoxification);
c) Treatment of organ damage caused by drug use;
d) Treatment of other diseases that can be introduced with drugs such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis
B/C, syphilis and others. These treatments are very complex and costly. In addition, the recovery
rate from this treatment is not high because the success of stopping drug abuse depends on the
type of drug used, the period of time spent using drugs, the dose used, the awareness of the
patient, the attitude of the patient's family and the patient's relationship with the drug syndicate.


Drugs are substances that can affect a person's psychological state (thoughts, feelings and
behavior) and can cause physical and psychological dependence. Factors causing drug abuse can
be divided into two factors, namely internal factors originating from within the individual such
as personality, anxiety and depression and lack of religiosity, as well as external factors
originating from outside the individual or environment such as the presence of substances, family
conditions, weak laws and environmental influence. The impact that drugs can have if misused
will be very dangerous for the future of the nation. Efforts to overcome drug abuse can be carried
out in several ways, such as preventive, such as guidance and supervision in the family, curative,
such as medical treatment or other media, rehabilitative so that victims do not become addicted
to drugs again, and repressive through legal means.

Based on this discussion, our suggestions are as follows:
1. Never try drugs, even if it's just a little.
2. The government must eradicate drug trafficking in Indonesia.
3. Parents must pay more attention to their children so that they do not fall into the abyss of
4. There is a need to increase cooperation between the community and the authorities to eradicate
drug trafficking.
5. Teenagers must be paid attention to by all parties so that they do not fall into the trap
on drug abuse.


Rusliyanto, Ari, 2017. Dangers of Drugs. Pappers

Anonymous, 2023. Prevention of Narcotics Abuse. Quoted from

Heriady, Willy. 2005. Eradicating Narcotics (Not Enough if Just talk). Jogyakarta: UI Press.

Dr.Stefanie, Quoted from

Humas BNN, 2019. Factors Causing Drug Abuse. Karangasem: BNN Kabupaten Karangasem.

Author BNN, 2021. Factors Causing Drug Abuse. BNN Province South Sumatera

Humas BNN, 2020. Drugs Take the Future of The Young Generation. BNN Province Gorontalo

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