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COMPETENCY BASED LESSON PLAN-chapter 01” Nutrition in plants”

1. Name of the teacher: D. MARUTHI Designation:- TGT Science

2. Subject:- Science Class:- VII Std. Section:- A& B
3. Number of periods required:- 10 Duration from: 01.05.2022 to 10.05.2022

A Learning outcomes:-

1. Pupil identifies different types of nutrition in plants.

2. Pupil differentiates between autotrophs and heterotrophs.
3. Pupil classifies the plants into autotrophs, heterotrophs, parasites and
4. Pupil explains reason for some plants to feed on insects/ animals and
symbiosis between Rhizobium bacteria and legumes, an alga and a fungus
in lichens and the type of nutrition of “ Saprotrophs”.
5. Pupil draws the diagrams of “ Insectivorous plants”, “ Bread mould”,
process of photosynthesis and cuscuta.
6. Pupil conducts experiments/ activities to test the presence of starch in a
green leaf and sun light is essential for photosynthesis.
7. Pupil applies the knowledge of photosynthesis and infers that life can’t
exist on the earth without plants since the green plants provide food and
oxygen to the animals.
8. Pupil writes stories, songs and essays on photosynthesis ( construct).

B. Details of pedagogical strategies:- Story telling ( writing a story on


Art integrated: Drawing diagrams of green plants, saprotrophs, insectivorous

plants, plant parasites, symbionts.

C. Topic for students’ presentation:- Autotrophs and photosynthesis.

D. Skills to be developed: Critical and creative thinking, social responsibility,

digital literacy, problem solving.

E. Activities/ Experiments:-

1) Iodine test for the presence of starch in green leaves.

2) Observation of symbiosis in lichens and root nodule bacteria and legumes.

3) Observation of growth of fungi on food items.

4) Conduct of activity to show that sunlight is essential for photosynthesis.

F. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of life skills, values, gender sensitivity

and environment awareness:- Creating awareness among the students that
how important are the plants on the earth and how they sustain life on the
earth, how important it is to protect and conserve the plants.

G. Resources: Videos from U tube, self prepared PPTs , charts and models
( Stomata).

H Assessment items:-


Oral quiz 25 1to 7
Portfolio 01 1 to 04
MCQs 20 1-7
VSA questions 15 1 to 7
( carrying 01 mark)
SA questions ( carrying 10 1 to 7
02 marks)
Long answer types 04 3 and 4
( carrying 05 marks)
Competency based 10 1 to 7
Presentation 02 4
Puzzle 01 3
Group project 01 7
Individual project 01 7
Any other item ( essay/ 01 7

I Remedial Teaching plans: Taking remedial classes in the afternoons for concept
clarity, giving attainable targets, fixing short term goals, drilling of answers

J Inclusive practices: Differently abled children will be given personal attention

and their needs will be catered to.

Subject teacher. PRINCIPAL.

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