Draft Agenda 82669

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TAIEX Workshop on Statistics,

statistical analysis and preparation

of comprehensive reports and
publications useful for
development of effective policies
for crime prevention
Organised in co-operation with

Ministry of Justice, North Macedonia

21-22 May 2024

Venue: tbc
Name and Address
North Macedonia

TAIEX Case ID JHA 82669

Aim of the Workshop:

The objective of this TAIEX assistance is to improve institutional coordination
mechanisms and methodology for collecting, processing, and analyzing statistical
data on criminal offences and effectiveness of the institutions involved in prevention
and fight against criminal offences, with focus on corruption.

National authorities have recognized that collecting, processing, and analysis of

statistical data represents a significant segment in the process of developing effective
policies for crime prevention.

The Methodology of Court Statistics, adopted in 2011, was drafted in accordance

with the Guidelines on Judicial Statistics (GOJUST) adopted by the Council of
Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). With the aim
of obtaining relevant comparable information about the performance of the courts,
the Methodology of Court Statistics covers the collecting, processing and analyzing
statistical data on all types of court cases. The implementation of the Methodology
of Court Statistics falls under the competencies of the Judicial Council.

The Ministry of Justice collects statistical data related to crimes that have been
selected for monitoring in the area of Corruption and based on the data from the
completed “track-record” tables submitted to the European Commission prepares
annual information with statistical data on corruption cases in criminal procedure.

For the implementation of the Anti-corruption track record methodology, the AK

stats - web-based solution for collecting and processing data and generating
statistical reports was developed and it is operational since 01.04.2019.

As recommended following the Peer Assessment mission to the Republic of North

Macedonia on the ability to successfully address high level corruption, organized
crime and money laundering, 2019:

“Statistical information on the performance of the system should be systematically

analyzed and used for management and policy-making purposes. Detailed data in
order to monitor the work of the Prosecution Offices/Courts and the levels of their
performance (quantity and quality), in order to detect some bad practices, delays,
variations in performance and being able to come to conclusions on how to improve
the efficiency has to be available.”


 Mr Arunas Kaveckas
Chief of Division
Criminal Police Bureau, Lithuania
 Mr Aleksi Kirjonen
Chief Specialist
Ministry of Justice, Finland
 Ms Marija Novikovaitė
Senior Specialist
Division for Research Coordination and Monitoring, Special Investigation Service,

Data Protection: Personal data contained in this document is processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument
in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. The chairperson should inform all persons attending the event that photographs/pictures
should only be taken during a set period of time to allow for persons who do not agree to have their photographs taken to leave the room,
unless all of the participants have provided their express consent to having their photograph taken.
See https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/sites/near/files/taiex_privacy_statement_online.pdf

Day 1:
Chair: Xx Xxxx (external service provider)
Local time
9:00 – 9:30 Registration, connecting participants, technical verifications
Welcome and introduction:
 Ms. Tatjana Dimitrovska, President of the State Commission for Prevention of
Corruption (TBC)
9:30 – 10:00  Mr. Nikola Prokopenko, State Advisor - Ministry of Justice (TBC)
 Representative from the Ministry of Interior (TBC)
 Representative from the Public Prosecution of the Republic of North Macedonia

10:00 – 10:15 Break

Title/topic: Bodies that serve as criminal justice knowledge centers that
contribute to the development of knowledge within the criminal justice
system and the criminal policy area, that includes promoting crime
prevention work
10:15 – 11:15
 Legal basis and mandate
 Organizational set-up
Speaker: Mr / Ms First name Family name, position, institution [only mention position
and institution once]
Title/topic: Collecting, processing and analyzing statistical data on criminal
 Methodology, procedures and institutional coordination
11:15 – 12:15
 Indicators for analysis
Speaker: Ms Marija Novikovaitė
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch break
Title/topic: Collecting, processing and analyzing statistical data on the
effectiveness of the institutions involved in prevention and fight against
criminal offences
13:30 – 14:30  Methodology, procedures and institutional coordination
 Indicators for analysis
Speaker: Mr Aleksi Kirjonen
Title/topic: Skills and tools for collecting, processing and analyzing
statistical data on criminal offences and on the effectiveness of the
institutions involved in prevention and fight against criminal offences
14:30 – 15:30  Skills necessary and training needs for continuous development
 Tools (including IT tools, data warehouse)
Speaker: Mr Aleksi Kirjonen
15:30 – 15:45 Break

Title/topic: Presentation of resources of best practices on the topics of
collecting, processing and analyzing statistical data on criminal offences
15:45 – 16:15 and effectiveness of institutions
Speaker: Mr Aleksi Kirjonen
16:15 – 16:30 AOB and wrap up of day 1

Day 2:
Chair: Xx Xxxx (external service provider)
Local time
9:00 – 9:30 Connections of participants, technical verifications
Welcome address:
9:30 – 9:45
 Ms Elena Dimovska, Head of Unit - Ministry of Justice
Title/topic: Comprehensive reports, publications and other materials useful
for development of policies for crime prevention, with focus on prevention
of corruption
 Preparation methodology: Elements of the report/publication/material (what
9:45 – 10:45
makes them comprehensive and useful?)
 Competent authorities (who should prepare, review and adopt the
Speaker: Ms Marija Novikovaitė
10:45 – 11:00 Break
Title/topic: Development of policies for crime prevention
 Methodological approach and institutional coordination (examples)
 Using reports, publications and other materials (examples)
11:00 – 12:00  Competent authorities (who should prepare and adopt the policy)
Speaker: Mr Arunas Kaveckas

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break

Title/topic: Crime prevention policy implementation review
 Methodological approach and institutional coordination (examples)
 Competent authorities (who should review and adopt the
13:30 – 14:30 reports/publications/materials)
Speaker: Mr Arunas Kaveckas

Title/topic: Opportunities for cooperation in sharing knowledge and good
practices in the area of statistical analysis and development of crime
14:30 – 15:15 prevention policies

Speaker: Mr Arunas Kaveckas

15:15 – 15:30 Break
Title/topic: Developed Crime Prevention Policies - best practices (examples)
15:30 – 16:15
Speaker: Ms Marija Novikovaitė
AOB and wrap up of day 2 / End of the Workshop
16:15– 16:30


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