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The Officer in charge,

Gaighata Police station,

North 24 Parganas.


This is my humble submission to you is that I Smt. Papia Bhowmik, W/o Shri Rajib
Bhowmik, am a permanent resident of village -…………………….., P.O – Bishnupur, P.S. – Gaighata, District
– North 24 Parganas. It is with a heavy heart that I’m here to inform you on 18/01/2015 I was married to one
Shri Rajib Bhowmik following Hindu rituals and customs. After one and a half month of marriage my father
and mother in- law started to abuse and torture me mentally. My father inlaw went ahead and started giving me
illicit offers. Though I rejected such offers which in turn upped the frequency of said mental abuse. When I told
of such advances by my father in law to my husband he payed no heed to my words and on top of that such
illicit advances by my Father in law did not come to a halt even when my husband was around. My husband just
blindly listens to and believes in everything my father and mother in law says.

On 21/10/2015 when I went to visit my maternal uncles house which is at

………………………………………........... . Today on 21/11/2015 at about 5:00 p.m my father in law Shri
Pratap Chandra bhowmik came to my maternal uncles house at which time all my family members were at the
Mandir. Taking advantage of such event my father in law took out a dagger and tried to kill me but was unable
to do so and instead kicked me in my stomach which lead to me falling down. As of now I’m 3 month into my
pregnancy. Due to immense pain I tried to scream and then fell unconscious. My parents inlaw took away and
withheld all my gold ornaments which I received from my parental house, during my marriage. It is my humble
submission to you that if you may help me as I’m terrorised by the situation as of now and I pray that there be
appropriate punishment for the wrong doers.

It is my duty to inform you that when I came to the police station to lodge an FIR against the wrong doers on
21/10/2015 at around 8:00 P.m one civic volunteers threatened me.

I hope that you will take necessary steps and provide some relief to me in my terrible time and situation.


Papiya Bhowmick

Statement of Subhankar Das

To your inquiry I inform you that the father inlaw of Papia Bhowmick came to our village of Daspara at which
time no one from Papia’s maternal uncle’s family was at home. At that time Papiya’s father in law stood in front
of her maternal uncle’s house and started yelling “Tui keno almarir chabi tor shongey niye esheychis, amar
cheley ki korbey?” I was at home at that time. I came out and saw Papiya’s father inlaw shaking the grill of her
maternal uncle’s house and shouting “ Ami royal Bengal tiger, amar haat thekey tokey keu bachatey parbey na.
Tokey jedin pabo Bhojali diye kopabo.”
Papiya was pregnant at the time at after hearing suck ruckus and threats she fainted and fell to the floor. After
hearing such ruckus her younger grandfather Mukunda Das and Saraswati Das came out of their adjacent house
and after a crowd gathered surrounding Papiya’s father inlaw, he apologised to the public and took a toto to his

After Papiya’s marriage quarrels were a regular occurance in her Husband’s abode and as because her husband
was mostly not present at the house she often used to come to her maternal uncle’s house for staying as her
parents financial conditions were not that stable.

Statement of Abhay Das.

I am the maternal uncle of Papiya, I was not present at home at the time but when I came back I heard that
Papiya’s father in law came to our house and started yelling at her and harassing her by saying “ Tui keno
almarir chabi niye esheychis, rajib eshey ki porbey? Taratari chabi dey naholey merey felbey” as Papiya was
pregnant at the time, she could not handle the situation and therefore loosing consciousness. After hearing all the
ruckus a crowd gathered near the scene. Papiya’s father in law got scared of such situation and thereby
apologised to the public fearing repercussions and quickly left on the toto he came with. Papiya’s husband does
not live in his house as he is working in the B.S.F. Therefore her father and mother inlaw are the only one in his
house along with Papiya herself and they used to subject her to mental torture. Just because Papiya’s parental
house is not finamcialy stable therefore she used to come and stay with us.

Statement of Sita Das.

I am Papiya’s grandmother and I was at home during the incident. Papiya’s father in law came to our house and
started yelling about why she came to her maternal uncle’s house with the keys to her almirah and he also
started banging and rattling the grill. He also screaming at her to give the said keys. My granddaughter was
pregnant and she lost her consciousness after being scared out of her wits. I shouted after seeing such ascene and
hearing my scream our neighbour called Shuvankar came out rushing and other nearby people also came to our
aid and thus out of fear Papiya’s father in law apologised to us and left on the toto he came with. My grandson
inlaw does not stay in his house as he works in the B.S.F. Just because her husband was not present her father in
law usedto mentally abuse her on a daily basis and as my son inlaw is not very financially stable, papaya used to
come over and stay at our place often.

Statement of Saraswati Mondal, w/o Siddheshwar Mondal

In return of your question I’m stating to you that yesterday on 21/10/15 at around 5:00 pm I heard a commotion
coming from Abhay’s house and when I came out to see what the matter was, I saw that a man was yelling at
Papiya and threatening her to give the keys or he will butcher her with a dagger. He also threatened her by
saying “what will my son wear when he comes back” all the while the man was rattling the grills of the house.
Other people also came on the spot to see what was happening and later I came to know that the said man was
Papiya’s father inlaw. Thereafter that man left after apologising. Papiya often used to live with her maternal,
uncle’s house as because her husband works in the B.S.F. Papiya’s father inlaw used to take to those chances to
harass and abuse her mentally. I’ve also heard that her husband also did not pay any heed to her words and often
used to quarrel with her.
Statement of Mukunda Das

I am Papiya’s younger grandfather, I was at home. Yesterday around 5:00 p.m I heard a ruckus coming from
Abhay’s house and when I came out to see what the matter was, I saw a man threatning Papiya with a Dagger
and also yelling at her to “give the keys or he will butcher her also saying what will my son wear when he
comes home. Why did you bring the keys with you.” During the time of me coming out and witnessing the
scene other people also gathered on the spot. Later I came to know that the said man was the father inlaw of
Papiya and later that man went way and apologised for his actions before leaving.

District – North 24 parganas

In the court of ld. A.C.J.M. at Bongaon

M.P. Case No………………../2020


Papia Bhowmick, age – 28 years, w/o – Rajib Bhowmick, D/o – Lakkhikanta Halder, village – Unai, P.S.-
Bongaon, District – North 24 parganas.

Contact no. – 8942860879.

Accused Person

Rajib Bhowmick, S/o – Pratap Chandra Bhowmick

Pratap Chandra Bhowmick, S/o – Late Jagadish Chandra Bhowmick

Rebu Bhowmick, W/o – Pratap Chandra Bhowmick

All of them residing at village – Faridkathi, P.O. – East Bishnupur, P.S. – Gaighata, District – North 24


Upen Halder (Brother), S/O – Lakkhikanta Halder.

Lakkhikanta Halder (Father), S/O – Late Jatindra Halder.

Shefali Halder (Mother), W/O – Lakkhikanta Halder.

Sita Das(), W/O – Nandadulal Das.

Dipali Das (Maternal Aunt), W/O – Krishnapada Das

Number 1 and 3 residing at village – Unai, P.S – Bongaon and

Number 4 residing at village – Chadpara,

Number 5 residing at village – Phoolsara PanchPota,

P.S – Gaighata, District – North 24 Parganas.

Application under IPC section 195A/506/509/34 and under CRPC 156C

The statement of the petitioner are as follows;-

the petitioner is a simple minded law abiding citizen of India on the other side the opposite party is cunning and
desperate people and are better kmown as anti-social in the neighbourhood they bear a history of breaking law
and have never respected law in their life. Petitioner on 22/10/’2015 have filed a case of Domestic violence in
Gaighata Police station being case No. 1035/2015 u/s 498A, 328,307,406,506,34 IPC. Thereafter the opposite
party became extremely violent and called and messaged the petitioner from different numbers to threaten the
petioner4 that she should restrain herself from taking relief of law and also not to provide any evidence in the
court of law. On 20-12-2019 the opposite picture visited the house of the petioner and threatened the petitioner
to withdraw all the criminal charges against the opposite party, on being refused by the petitioner on the
opposite party’s proposal the O.P 2 took a bamboo stick and hit the petitioner with every intention to kill her.
Thereafter the petitioner complained the above events to police but there was inaction of the police after which
on 30-12-2019 the opposite party again threnten the petitioner and used degoratory languages upon the
petitioner and her male child. It is pertinent to mention that the O.P 1 on being influenced by the other O.P’s
called the petitioner over phone and used slang and derogatory language against the petitioner and the opposite
party also threthen the petitioner that he will circulate nude picture of the petitioner over social networking site.
Thereafter the petitioner also stated the above facts to Super-in-tendent of Police at Bongaon but there was
inaction on the part of the police

It is humbly prayed that your honour could be graciously be pleased to take note of the above statement u/s
156(3) and your honour could take cognizance upon the facts stated above.

Copy enclosed-

Photo copy of the FIR of the main case.

Photo copy of the all the message and call details of the opposite.


All the above statements are true and has been written and read to me. I have understood and thereafter signed
such to the best of my knowledge.


I, Papiya Bhowmick, aged about 28 years, w/o – Rajib Bhowmick, D/O – Lakkikanta Halder, Occupation –
HouseWife, residing at Unai, P.S. – Bongaon, Dist. – North 24 Parganas, by nationality – Indian, by faith –
Hindu do hereby swear a nd declare the facts that are –

I am a Citizen of India

I am petitioner of the aforementioned case

I have not registered any case of such manner in any other court of law neither are any decisions
pending of such cases in any other court of law.

All the satements written in accordance to the aforementioned suit are written to the best of my
knowledge and I have thus signed on such documents after reading and understanding such documents.

I have intimated the facts of the matter to the S.P. Bongaon Police District.

All the aforementioned statements are true to the best of my knowledge and ability.


The Superintendent of police

Bongaon Police District,

Vill. – Ramnagar Road, Bongaon

District- North 24 Parganas.

Pin – 743235


I, Papiya Bhowmick, W/O - Rajib Bhowmick, D/O – NeelKanta Halder, currenty residing at Unai, P.S –
Bongaon, Dist – North 24 Parganas would humbly beg to state you that on 22/10/2015 I have filed a case on
my husband of Domestic Violence Vide No. 1035/2015 U/S 498A/328/307/406/506/34 IPC. Since he has been
freed after the granting of bail, he started threatening me and my family members. He even stated me to give
statements in his favour. He is even sending me vulgar and obscene messages in my mobile phone. He warned
me not to give evidence against him. When I went to the Gaighata Police Station the officials told me to inform
you about all these incidents.

It is duly prayed before you that you take these into consideration and do the needful so that the accused gets
the just punishment.


Xerox copies of the above stated case or the prime case of 498A of the petitioner that has been filed in the
Gaighata PS vide No. – 1035/15 dt. 22/10/2015 U/S 498A/323/307/406/506/34 are hereby served to the
Learned Court through firisti.

Order Date – 27/6/19 M=60/17


Gaighata PS

I would like to state that I, Smt. Papiya Bhowmick , W/O Mr. Rajib Bhowmick ama aresident of Faridkati , P.O. –
Bishnupur , P.S.- Gaighata , Dist – North 24 Parganas . With a heavy heart I would like to inform you that I was
married to Rajib Bhowmick according to the Hindu Customs on 18/01/2015. Within one and a half months of
my marriage the father-in-law and mother-in-law stated torturing me mentally. My father-in-law used to give
my indecent and obscene proposals every now and then .on refusing to his proposals the torture started
increasing day by day. Sometimes I used to tell my husband about the kind of torture I was going through. But
my husband used to turn deaf ears to my sayings. Even in the presence of my husband I was tortured and was
repeatedly told to bring money from my father. My husband listens to each and every thing his parents say
him. The incident is on 21/10/2015 I went to my maternal uncle’s house in Fultala Pachpota for enjoying Puja.
On this day at around ……. Pm my father-in-law Mr. Pratap Chandra Bhowmick came here. At this time all the
members here were busy in the temple. My father-in-law took the scope of mw being alone and took out a
dagger and …………………..

Statement of Upen Halder

To your query I would like to inform that I, Upen Halder , S/o Lakhsmi Kanta Halder residing at Vill- Unai , P.S. –
Bongaon am the sister of Papiya Bhowmick . My elder sister was married to rajib Bhowmick according to Hindu
Rights. My brother-in-law Rajib works in B.S.F. Currently he is posted in Delhi. My elder sister is blessed with a
child. Since marriage my brother-in-law Rajib , his father – Pratap Chandra Bhowmick , his mother – Renu
Bhowmick used to torture my elder sister both mentally and physically. Not being able to withstand the pain
my elder sister filed a case of Domestic Violence vide No. 1035/2015 in Gaighata P.S. After filing this case my
elder sister moved to the court to file a case of maintenance. At present both the cases are pending. My
brother-in-law even sent the maintenance money a few times. They are all angry on my elder sister since the
filing of the case. Rajib along with his family members often threatens my elder sister to death and tells her to
withdraw the cases filed. On 20/12/2019 they all came to our house and have beaten my elder sister and
warned us that if she does not withdraw the case she will be killed. Again on 30/12/2019 they came to our
place and threatened us. After this Rajib started sending threats and vulgar messages to my elder sister’s
phone. Rajib even threatened my elder sister that if she refused to withdraw the case then he will make
obscene videos of her and make those viral online. My elder sister is too much horrified now. Please take strict
actions against him.

Statement of Lakshmikanta Halder

To your query I would like to say that I am Laksmikanta Halder , S/O Lt Jatindra Halder , resident of vill – Unai ,
P.S.- Bongaon . I am the father of Papiya. I married my daughter to Rajib Bhowmick through Social Customs.
Rajib works in BSF. Presently he is posted in Delhi. Within a few days of marriage my daughter started being
inhumanly tortured mentally and physically by her husband Rajib and his parents. They tried to kill my
daughter several times. On 22/10/2015 Papiya lodged a case of domestic violence vide No. 1035/15 in the
Gaighata Police Station not being able to withstand the torture. After this Papiya filed a case case for
maintenance in the court. Both the cases are pending at present. Rajib has paid the maintenance amount 2
times. But ever since the start of the case Rajib and his family members got enraged against Papiya and have
threatened my daughter to death many a times through mobile. On 30/12/2019 they came here again to
threaten my Daughter. After this Rajib started constantly sending vulgar messages to Papiya’s phone and kept
on threatening her to withdraw the cases. He even threatened that if she doesn’t withdraw the case he would
make obscene videos of her and make it viral in the internet. Our life is at stake all because of rajib . Please do
the needful so that he gets the proper punishment.

Sefali Halder

To your query I would like to inform that I am Sefali Halder , W/O Lakhsmikanta Halder , residing at Unai , P.S.-
Bongaon . I am the mother of Papiya. I married Papiya to accused Rajib according to Social Customs. Rajib
works in BSF , I thought he would keep my daughter with love and peace. Within a few days of marriage my
daughter started being inhumanly tortured mentally and physically by her husband Rajib and his parents. .
They tried to kill my daughter several times. On 22/10/2015 Papiya lodged a case of domestic violence vide No.
1035/15 in the Gaighata Police Station not being able to withstand the torture. After this Papiya filed a case
case for maintenance in the court. Both the cases are pending at present. Rajib has paid the maintenance
amount 2 times. But ever since the start of the case Rajib and his family members got enraged against Papiya
and have threatened my daughter to death many a times through mobile. On 20/12/2019 Rajib along with his
parents came to our hose and threatened that if she doesn’t withdraw the case she will be killed. . On
30/12/2019 they came here again to threaten my Daughter. After this Rajib started constantly sending vulgar
messages to Papiya’s phone and kept on threatening her to withdraw the cases. He even threatened that if she
doesn’t withdraw the case he would make obscene videos of her and make it viral in the internet. Our life is at
stake all because of Rajib . Please do the needful so that he gets the proper punishment.

Sita Das

To your query I would like to inform that I am Sita Das , residing at Chandpara under Gaighata P.S. I am the
grandmother of Papiya. Within a few days of marriage my granddaughter started being inhumanly tortured
mentally and physically by her husband Rajib and his parents Pratap Chandra Bhowmick and Renu
Bhowmick . . On 22/10/2015 Papiya lodged a case of domestic violence vide No. 1035/15 in the Gaighata
Police Station not being able to withstand the torture. After this Papiya filed a case case for maintenance in the
court. Both the cases are pending at present. Since the filing of the cases Papiya’s in-laws are angry on her and
they are constantly threatening her withdraw the case. On 20/12/2015 rajib along with his parents went to
Papiya’s father’s house and have beaten Papiya and threatened her that is she doesn’t withdraw the cases she
would be murdered. Rajib went on sending vulgar messages to Papiya. He even threatened that if she doesn’t
withdraw the case he would make obscene videos of her and make it viral in the internet. I want you to take
necessary steps against him so that he cannot so such things any further.

Dipali Das

To your query I would like to inform that I am Dipali Das residing at Village – Fulsara under Gaighata Police
Station. I am the maternal aunty of Papiya. Papiya and Rajib were married socially . within a few days of
marriage Rajib and Papiya started having disputes . Rajib and his father Pratap Chandra Bhowmick and his
mother Renu Bhowmick cordially stated torturing Papiya both mentally and physically. On 22/10/2015 Papiya
lodged a case of domestic violence vide No. 1035/15 in the Gaighata Police Station not being able to withstand
the torture. After this Papiya filed a case case for maintenance in the court. Both the cases are pending at
present. I heard that Rajib paid the maintenance amount twice. Since the filing of the cases Papiya’s in-laws
are angry on her and they are constantly threatening her to withdraw the case or else she would be murdered.
On 20/12/2015 Rajib along with his parents went to Papiya’s father’s house and have beaten Papiya and
threatened her that is she doesn’t withdraw the cases she would be murdered. Rajib went on sending vulgar
messages to Papiya. He even threatened that if she doesn’t withdraw the case he would make obscene videos
of her and make it viral in the internet. I want you to take necessary steps against him so that he cannot so
such things any further.

Papiya Bhowmick

To your query I would like to inform that I am Papiya Bhowmick , the complainant . Whatever I have informed
in the complaint are the absolute truth. I would hand over the mobile you have asked for further investigation
later on. My husband is working in BSF and is currently posted in Delhi. I would make you know the exact
address of him as soon as I get to know.

Application u/s 156(3)

Accused Witness

1. Shree Rajib Bhowmick 1. Shree Nilkanta Halder

S/O Pratap Chandra Bhowmick 2. Smt. Shefali Halder

2. Renu Bhowmick 3. Smt. Sita Das

W/O Pratap Chandra Bhowmick 4. Shree Abhay Das

3. Pratap Chandra Bhowmick 5. Shree Sushanta Kopat

S/O lt. Jagadish Chandra Bhowmick 6. Shree Sadhan Ghatak

All residing at Faridkati , P.S. – Gaighata

P.O.- Bishnupur East , Nothy 24 Parganas` 7. O.C. Gaighata P.S. and oths.

Date of incident – Since marriage


The petition is U/S 498(A)/406/195(A)/323/506/34 –

1. On 18.01.2015 the complainant was married to the accused No.1 following the Hindu Rights and
Customs. Before the Social marriage on 04.02.2015 they registered their marriage under the Special
Marriage Act. During the marriage on the request of the accused the complainant had to give 1 Gold
chain, 1 Gold ring, a pair of gold bangles, 1 gold necklace , 2 gold rings, a pair of gold jhumkos , a box
bed, steel almirah , steel showcase, kasha pitol vessels, around 40 kgs of utensils etc as dowry. Within
a few days of the marriage the accused started torturing the complainant because of various causes.
They didn’t even give proper food to the complainant. As the accused No. 1 is working in BSF and
stays out of house most of the times the accused No. 2 used to torture the complainant both
physically and mentally. When the accused No. 1 used to come back home during his holidays , he
along with accused No. 2 and accused No.3 used to beat the complainant and even threatened her to
throw her out of the terrace and throw acid on the face of the complainant. When the complainant
was 1 and half months pregnant she was beaten severely and was thrown out of the hose. They also
kept all the accessories which were taken by them as dowry. On 22/10/2015 the complainant
informed about all these happenings and filed a case against Accused No. 1-3 under the Gaighata P.S
vide No. 1035/15 which was filed U/S 498(A)/323/307/406/506/34 IPC . Then on 24/04/2016 the
complainant gave birth to a son. His name is Riyan Bhowmick . for the sake of bail the accused No. 1-
3 started acting with the complainant . they pretented to be good. They even agreed on papers that
they would not take anything among the articles which were given to them as dowry. They made the
complainant believe that they wanted to stay together. And took her with them. They took her to
Bongaon Court and got the bail. After all these the accused No. 1-3 started returning to their own
colour. Then the torture started again. The complainant along with her son were not even given
proper and adequate food. The accused No.1 threatened the complainant to throw acid on her face
and Accused No.2-3 tried to dash her off the terrace. The accused brought back the complainant to
their home just by showing false hopes and false claims. Just for the sake of the child the complainant
kept on bearing all the tortures. The accused No.1-3 kept on threatening the complainant to withdraw
the pending cases or else she along with her family would be murdered. They used to always threaten
her and use vulgar words against her. The complainant and her family members became afraid and
terrorised .
on 3rd March 2017 the accused number 1, 2 and 3 again started torturing the complainant . Taking
back all the items which they received as dowry they kicked out the complainant and her child. After
being Kicked the complainant felt helpless and took shelter in her father's house. She felt like she had
no other option than dying . The accused number one works in the BSF and the accused number is a
retired Soldier . Does they are strong people and second the compliment to murder her . The
complainant informed all these things to the gaighata police station and lodged a case vide number
205/17 dated 3rd march 2017 . Till now no necessary steps are taken from the police rather she is
advised to file a case in the court . Complainant wanted to continue the relationship . Looking at the
face of her child agree to file a case . On 14 March 2017 it is prayed under section 156( 3) that the
diary is treated as FIR .

The above written statements are true to the best of my knowledge.

I Smt Papiya Bhowmik ,aged about 25 years W/O Rajib Bhowmick daughter of Neelkanth Haldar ,
religion- Hindu , occupation - housewife, currently residing at unai, P.O. - kalipur, police station-
Bongaon, district North 24 Parganas. I swear as follows -
1. I am the only complainant to the above stated case. it is true to the best of my knowledge.
2. I have stated about all the happenings to the gaighata police station. there is no investigation
pending against the accused. I have Only made a diary against the accused in the police station.

All the statements written above are true to the base of my knowledge.

Statement of witness Sovan Mallick son of late shiben mallick.

To your inquiry I would like to state that I reside in the above stated address . The complainant and
the accused are my neighbours. Around 2 years back Rajib,S/O Pratap Bhowmik was married to
Papiya Haldar according to the Hindu customs in unai under Bongaon PS. A few items were given by
the bride family To Rajib during the marriage . They were enjoying a happy married life. They were
blessed with a son. Within a few years of their marriage there started arising disputes among them .
Rajib, his father Pratap Bhowmik, his mother Renu Bhowmik, and his wife Papiya Bhowmik were
always quarrelling among themselves. Suddenly Papiya left everything and decided to move to her
father's house . After this Rajib 's wife Papiya filed a case of domestic violence against Rajib and his
parents under gaighat PS. After these Rajib and his father went to papiyas house and convinced her to
come back with them . Thus they were given bail. For a few days everything was fine . All of a sudden
one day Papiya started telling us that her husband and her in laws again started torturing her .
According to her they were again forcing her to withdraw the pending cases . on 3rd March 2017 after
a huge quarrel Rajib and his parents kicked Papiya out of their house. At present Piya is in her father's
House along with her son.

Statement of Archana Majumdar

To your enquiry I would like to state that I reside at the above mentioned address . The accused and
the complainant to the case are my neighbours . In 2015 Rajib of our locality was married to Papiya
Haldar of unai. They were married according to the Hindu customs . During their marriage Papiya was
gifted a few ornaments and items by her parents . After the marriage they were leading a Happy
Family Life . They were blessed with a son. Within a few years of marriage the started having disputes
among themselves .After a fight Rajib's wife left everything and went to her father's house. After this
Rajib's wife Papiya filed a case of domestic violence against Rajib and his parents. After the case was
filed , Rajib and his parents went to papiya's house and talked to papier's parents . They convince
them and brought back Papiya. They were released on Bail. For a few days everything was fine .
Suddenly one day Rajib and his parents beat Papiya and threatened her to withdraw the pending
cases . On third March 2017 Papiya again had a fight with Rajib's parents and was thrown out of the
house . At present Papiya is in her father's House along with her son.

Of witness lakshmikanta Haldar

To your enquiry I would like to state that I live in the above mentioned address. The complainant to
the case is my daughter . Around 2 years back my daughter to Rajib Bhowmik of Faridkati under PS .
They were married according to the Hindu customs . During marriage we even gave whatever we
could afford . After the marriage they started living happily. They were blessed with a Son. But within
a few years they started having disputes among themselves . Rajiv Bhowmik, his father Pratap
Bhowmik, his mother Renu Bhowmik started torturing my daughter and threw her out of their house .
Thus my daughter was left with no other option than filing a case against them of domestic violence
under Gaighata PS vide number 1035/15. To get rid of the case after a few days Rajib and his parents
came to our house, discussed with us and took back Papiya with them. They took advantage and got
bail. For a few days everything was going fine . Suddenly my daughter informed me that her husband
and her in laws where forcing her to withdraw the case already filed . They even started torturing
her . Many a times went to her and tried to make them understand so that they do not torture my
daughter . But nothing happened . On 3rd March 2017 my daughter's in laws kicked my daughter off
their house and kept back all her accessories . At present my daughter and her son is staying with us.

Statement of witness Shefali Haldar

To your enquiry I would like to make you know that I reside in the above mentioned address. The
complainant to this case is my daughter . In 2015 daughter Papiya Haldar was married to Rajib
Bhowmik of Farid kati under gaighata PS . They had arrange marriage. They were married according to
The Hindu customs. During the marriage we even gifted our daughter whatever we could afford. They
were leading a happy life and were blessed with a son. Suddenly my daughter became the victim of
there torture. She was thrown out of their house by her in laws. So my daughter was left with no
other choice than filing a domestic violence case against them vide number 1035/15. To get rid of the
case one day Rajib and his parents came to our house and discussed everything and convinced us to
let our daughter go with them. They used it to get bail. For a few days everything was fine . Suddenly
our daughter that her in laws again started torturing her and constantly threatening her to withdraw
the case. Many a times we went to her in-laws house and requested them not to torture our daughter
. But everything went in vain . On third March 2017 my daughter's in laws have physically assaulted
my daughter, snatched every thing she had and kicked her from their house. Currently daughter is
staying along with her son with us.

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