English Roleplay

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1st scene - How it all starts…

“The story starts with Rau- I mean Rose sitting on the chair, she is peacefully using her phone, swiping of
gaynder in hopes of the love of her life.”

Rose/Raul (Jeric): No, no, no, no, all these men are not good. (Sighs)
Rose/Raul (Jeric): It’s okay, there’s still plenty of fish in the sea.. (Looks back at phone)

“After 15 minutes of using gaynder, Rose finds someone that finally caught her eye”

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Jack? Wow.. He is so handsome! He set a fire to my heart..

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Oh my gosh! He matched with me!

“Rose and Jack message each other for 2 hours and decided to call each other”

Jack (Oreous): Hey baby

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Hi (man voice) coughs (returns to girl voice) Hi cutie!
Jack (Oreous): Are you a fart? Because your beauty blew me away
They then talked for another 2 hours..

2nd scene - It’s a date!

“Time flies by, ever since their call they have become closer, love grew between them and they’ve started
dating, then suddenly, Jack suddenly asks Rose if they could call and talk about something important”

Jack (Oreous): Hey honey pie sweetie darling

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Hi babe! Why did you wanna call?
Jack (Oreous): Oh nothing, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date at Mr. Pedro’s Banyo Restaurant
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Of course! I’d love to go out with you!
Jack (Oreous): Alright, how does 5:30 sound?
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Sure!
Jack (Oreous): Okay then, see you there, darling. I gotta go and make sure I’ll look good for you my dear..

“The call ends.”

3rd scene - Getting ready

“Ra- Ahem, Rose, goes to tell her mother about the date.”

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Mom! I have a boyfriend and we’re going on a date later!
Maria (Samantha): Oh my gosh! Really?!
Rose/Raul (Jeric): nods
Maria (Samantha): My son has a boyfriend! I’m so proud! I MUST help you get ready and turn you into the
most beautiful girl in the world! (puts makeup on Rose/Raul [Jeric])
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Are you sure this will work? What if I look like a dying fish?
Maria (Samantha): Of course not! You’ll look like a shining star in the dark night!
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Okay..
Maria (Samantha): (continues to do Raul/Rose’s makeup)
Maria (Samantha): And.. Done! You look out of this world! Now go!
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Thank you mom! Oh, you are such an angel! Ok bye!
“Rose ran in a hurry, with a feeling of excitement and happiness blooming in deep inside, knowing that she will
finally meet the one she had fallen for, the one that makes her heart beat, beat, beat”

4th scene - The date!

“Rose arrives at Mr. Pedro’s Banyo Restaurant and sees Jack”
Jack (Oreous): Wow.. You look beautiful, like so beautiful, you’re beauty is intoxicating. (In a soft slow voice)
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Really…? Jack
(Oreous): Yes, let’s go to our table, my queen.

“They sat in fancy decorated table, for Jack took her in a fine dining restaurant… So he’s basically broke now..”

Pedro (Ezekiel): Greetings! Ma’am, sir. My name is Pedro, owner of this restaurant and your waiter because
we lack of employees and we are in debt, how may I take your order today?
Jack (Oreous): Uhhhhhh
Rose/Raul (Jeric): I would like a medium-rare steak with no cheese, no side salad, no salt, no oil, no seasoning,
no pepper...no toppings, no garnishes, no bacon, no pickles, no onion, no bread, no lettuce, I would also like
an iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, poured, not shaken.
(tryna act cutely)
Jack: fish and chips sir…
Pedro (Ezekiel): Of course, I will be back with the most delicious food you’ve ever tasted! (Pedro leaves the
Pedro (Ezekiel, Background): Why is this order so long?! This would take me forever to prepare! (Pedro comes
back after.. Some time!)
Pedro (Ezekiel): Here is your food, enjoy! (whispers) “I hope you choke” (leaves)

5th scene - The surprise

“After Rose and Jack spend their time together at the restaurant, they had gone to the park.”
Jack (Oreous): Rose.. My honey plum sugar darling?
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Yes Jack?
Jack (Oreous): Rose, you have been in pain for so much of your life, it's about time you get the happiness you
very well deserve, and I will do anything to give you this happiness. My heart aches whenever I see you sad, in
pain, or in danger. There are 7 billion hearts in the world, and mine will beat for you and yours only, who cares
if God forbid your happiness, just like how Adam and Eve broke the rules, I will be the one to pick and eat the
fruit for you. I love you Rose, to the moon and back. So.. (Gets down on one knee and shows ring) Will you
marry me?

“Right there and then, Rose’s heart beat faster, this.. this felt like an enchanting moment for her, the moment
she’s been waiting for all her life. And without having second thoughts, she replied…”

Rose/Raul (Jeric): Oh my god! Yes! And I promise to spend every single moment of mine with you (Jack puts
the ring on Raul, and just before they kiss..)
Maes Ganda (Mikaela): Hey yo! What’s up my friends! Today we’re blogging a happy couple getting engaged
and this is so sweet, they’re like two birds on a wire! I wis-
Mary (Aryanne): Suddenly appears and slaps Jack Jack?! What are you doing?! Why are you cheating on me
with this ragged skank?! I can’t believe this!
Maes Ganda (Mikaela):Oh my god! It turns out the guy was cheating all along?!
Jack (Oreous): Mary! It’s not what it looks like, please believe me!
Mary (Aryanne): You liar! How can I believe you, you’ve broken my trust! After everything I did for you! After I
had walked on eggshells barefoot for you, this is how you repay me?! You cheat on me with this fake dirty
ragged dog! (Pulls Rose’s hair)(insert titanic background song while pulling hair)
Rose/Raul (Jeric): Ow! (wig falls off dramatically) (titanic song fades…)
Maes Ganda (Mikaela): Oh my gosh guys! The girl was a man all along! So many reveals!
Jack (Oreous): What the hell Rose? You lied to me?! You were a chicksilog all along?!
Rose/Raul (Jeric): YOU’RE ANGRY?! I should be angry! You lied to me about being single and cheated on a
Mary (Aryanne): You’re disgusting! With such behavior, you are sure to be alone for the rest of your boring
life! Let’s go! (Raul and Mary walk away)
Rose/Raul (Jeric): And WE-ARE-OVER!
Mary (Aryanne): You know, we should be besties instead(mood swing)
Rose/Raul (Jeric): OMG Yes! And you don’t deserve that sick minded guy, my name is Raul, but you can call me
rose, by the way. (puts wig back on)
Mary (Aryanne): Mine’s Mary. And I’m sorry for pulling your hair earlier.. I hope we can get along(they talk
while walking away)
Jack (Oreous): (Drops ring dramatically and falls into despair with his hand reaching out) NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(insert titanic music again…)

The End

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