Seaport Supply Chain

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The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

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Original article

The central tendency of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk in

Indonesia using a rough set ]]

Muhammad Reza Do. Bagus a,b, , Shinya Hanaoka a
Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
Department of Information System, College of Informatics and Computer Management Tidore Mandiri (STMIK Tidore Mandiri), Tidore, Indonesia.

a r t i cl e i nfo a bstr ac t

Article history: Seaports are crucial in modern global supply chain networks and systems, exerting a significant impact on
Received 17 January 2022 the ecological area's economy. Supply chain entities play a substantial integration role, and potential threats
Received in revised form 2 June 2022 at seaports harm chain continuity. This study proposes a rough set-based genetic algorithm, to investigate
Accepted 31 August 2022
the central tendency in seaport risk implied by supply chain threats through a questionnaire evaluation. We
also employ the risk score to observe the level of clarity in terms of risk probability, showing that the lower
the score an attribute obtains, the more likely it is that seaport risk implies supply chain disruption. We
Seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk
Risk assessment deploy 24 risk attributes, which threaten the proposed ten-dimensional factors, based on their risk scores.
Rough set theory The results show that the lack of storage risk planning, low punctuality of delivery goods, shortage of port
Genetic algorithm capacity, congestion in waterways, and the lack of distribution risk planning, are the "best five" of the
Central tendency analysis seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk, in the context of Indonesian seaport firms. These identified risk attri-
butes not only assist seaport managers to identify potential risk-associated deficiencies of supply chain
disruption but also enhance their ability to determine resilience to manage supply chain problems.
© 2022 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Association of
Shipping and Logistics, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creative-

Introduction assessment needs to involve various elements related to the mar-

itime industry, such as ships, facilities, and other objects.
The exchanges and relationships between a seaport and its per- Enhancing the awareness of seaport risks and concerns helps
ipherals generate globalization and supply chain continuity. achieve port resilience. Although some studies (Dewi & Purnamasari,
Seaports’ role in the global production and distribution system ac- 2021; Esteban et al., 2020; Jiang, Li, & Shen, 2018; Loh, Zhou, Thai,
counts for more than 80% of international trade (Hall, 2007). As an Wong, & Yuen, 2017; Morris, 2020; Weng, Liao, Wu, & Yang, 2020)
intersection between the worldwide mobility chain of goods and investigated such phenomena, research on the dynamics between
people, ports have become critical to effectively and efficiently large numbers of seaport-fulcrum supply chain disruption factors
evaluate as well as manage seaport-fulcrum supply chain risks, and the correlated risks is scant. Therefore, this study aims to pro-
protect the people and the environment, and maintain quality and vide an approach for identifying the central tendency in supply chain
performance. Disruptive events at the seaport spread to various risks and elaborating the impact of seaport risk on the threats to
seaport-fulcrum supply chain stakeholders and dimensions. The supply chain continuity. To this end, it investigates the current
identification of seaport risk involves understanding the supply practices of seaport operations, where disruption management by
chain threats due to disruptive events. Correctly identifying those seaport firms significantly affects the seaport-fulcrum supply chain.
risks contributes to the logistics industry by increasing seaport re- We select Indonesia as a case study. The data from Kementerian
silience and ensuring business sustainability. Therefore, the risk Perhubungan R.I. (2020) shows at least 9755 cases of disruption
management. Typical causes of disruption are "disobedience" in
terms of operational rules, administrative regulations, and ministry
decrees; weakness in the control systems, such as accounting and
financial control; and policy. Both directly and indirectly, these fac-

Correspondence to: 2-12-1-I4-12, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8550, Japan tors relate to the export and import trade, as well as supply chain
E-mail addresses:, continuity and accidents with victims (either infrastructure or (M.R. Do. Bagus), (S. Hanaoka).
people). These phenomena reduce the seaport risk predictability.
2092-5212/© 2022 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Inc. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

This study defines risk as the probability of a risk event in seaport in severe breach of contractual obligations (Loh et al., 2017). Cata-
operation, multiplied by the impact of that risk (Aqlan & Lam, 2015). strophic events due to natural disruption and pandemics may affect
Threats are situations that may trigger a hazardous source, generate all ports. The level and duration of the impacts depend on effective
disruptive events, and raise the risk probability in the supply chain protection measures (Notteboom, Pallis, & Rodrigue, 2021; Vous-
(Singh, 2017). Thus, we define the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk doukas et al., 2017). Additionally, seaports are particularly exposed
as the potential effect of seaport risk on supply chain disruption. to extreme threats that may cause various risks, such as operational,
We utilize a rough set-based genetic algorithm to reduce un- environmental or natural, security, technical, and organizational
certainty and deal with many risk factors. Rough set provides valu- risks (John et al., 2014).
able tools for understanding data, and quantifying and handling In the supply chain risk assessment, scholars use the Analytical
uncertainty, knowledge discovery, and vagueness in risk data. Wu, Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Radivojević & Gajović, 2014), the fuzzy
Yue, Li, and Adjei (2004) stated the useful applications of rough set comprehensive evaluation method (Aqlan & Lam, 2015), and various
theory as: pattern recognition and information processing, business other mainstream risk assessment methods. Some adopt relatively
and finance, industry and environmental engineering, and intelligent novel evaluation methods. For example, Bogataj and Bogataj (2007)
control systems. Moreover, the combination of rough set with other use frequency and net present value analysis methods to evaluate
methodology was also used in medical research (Sudha, 2017), cost-associated risk factors. Klibi and Martel (2012) assess supply
which integrated a rough set-based genetic algorithm with a neural chain network risk using Monte Carlo simulation. They indicate that
network to diagnose disease from clinical data sets. We use heuristic the combination of scenario analysis and Monte Carlo simulation
information, such as the genetic algorithm, to determine the central may be able to better evaluate the risk fluctuations associated with
tendency of the risk factors and obtain a relatively minimal reduc- supply chain network demand.
tion among the seaport risk factors. Thus, the proposed rough set- The above literature review indicates that seaports are increas-
based genetic algorithm handles the complexity between the sea- ingly integrated into supply chain continuity, and thus, a disruptive
port risk factors and its supply chain entities. event originating from ports can harm these entities. However, many
supply chain risk identification and assessment models emphasize
Literature review the manufacturing sector and its enterprise without considering the
seaports’ significance in global supply chains. Further exploration
Many studies investigate the role of seaports in supply chains. seems to be required to elaborate on the features of supply chain
Some studies have proposed a comprehensive investigation of de- threats, in particular, the presence of multiple seaport risks. These
velopments in seaport functions, based on three generations. For deficiencies that directly affect seaport functionality and further
example, Bichou and Gray (2005) show that seaports once provided disrupt supply chain continuity are shown in Table 1. Additionally,
the convenience of cargo storage, but eventually, services such as the hierarchical structure of the risk management model not only
cargo distribution, packing, and processing have become crucial includes supply chain operations risk focusing on the manufacturing
seaport functions for conventional and bulk cargo in second-gen- process but also covers the external risk. From a port enterprise’s
eration seaports. Loh and Thai (2015) examine the relationship be- perspective, the operations and development of the seaport-fulcrum
tween seaports and supply chains entering third-generation supply chain are closely related to the import and export trade.
seaports. They address the emerging concepts of cooperation and Hence, seaports face both external environmental and operational
information sharing—with seaports acting as facilitators—and tech- risks. The proposed risk model is used to investigate the association
nology playing a pivotal role in information exchanges between between the seaport risk and threats of supply chain disruption by
different stakeholders. The three seaport generations have faced expert evaluation.
changes in seaport ownership, port development strategy, and the
scope of port activities. Materials and methods
Seaports are crucial systems for coastal cities and global supply
chains. They are an attractive part of a city and facilitate the import, Survey data
export, and transportation of goods. Mokhtari, Ren, Roberts, and
Wang (2012) claim that these infrastructure systems may affect a We employed an online questionnaire survey through face-to-
country's cost structure, industry competitiveness, and living stan- face interviews using a stratified random sampling technique with
dards. Seaports are equally crucial for trade networks, where Slovin’s formula. The period of data collection was January to August
channel control and ownership may be determined or traded. In the 2021. This study classifies the seaport-fulcrum supply chain stake-
Indonesian context, an imbalance of cargo distribution, such as the holder into three main objects that significantly impact supply chain
availability of infrastructure, shipping patterns, and supply and de- issues: seaport-managers (10%), seaport-operators (40%), seaport-
mand of maritime transport including port connectivity, between users (50%). As a result, cargo owners, freight forwarders, ship
the western (developed economic region) and eastern areas (de- owners, and ship management companies are among the seaport-
veloping economic region) create a challenge in the seaport-fulcrum users targeted.
supply chain risk disruption (Amin, Mulyati, Anggraini, and A total of 153 data units were collected, in accordance with the
Kusumastanto (2021). Rumaji and Adiliya (2019) addressed the issue planned collection target of 150 data units. The demographics of
of high logistics costs and price disparity between both regions. these respondents are presented in Table 2. Furthermore, the po-
Some of the developed region, however, is still struggling with dwell tential of supply chain disruption is examined as a threat dimension
time, inefficient maritime security inspections at sea leading to and to generate conditional risk factors evaluated by a five-level
lower ship productivity, claims and contract cancellations, and ordinal scale, which indicates the risk implication in the supply
higher costs of voyages (Dewi & Purnamasari, 2021; Komarudin, chain continuity. Next, a decisional factor is developed to assess this
Reza, Moeis, & Rahmawan, 2017; Zaman, Vanany, & term and determine the impact of seaport disruption on seaport-
Awaluddin, 2015). fulcrum supply chain risk. Both risk factors are evaluated by the
Overall, seaports play a crucial role in different commercial ac- seaport-fulcrum supply chain stakeholders. It adapts a rough set
tivities; however, they are highly complex systems, requiring a high model to find the central dependency in a large number of attributes
number of employees required, due owing to the widespread use of through a questionnaire survey. The proposed algorithm generates a
personnel and technological equipment. For instance, port strikes in reduction attribute set that helps obtain a core attribute set. The set
Australia had left supply chain entities unable to fill orders, resulting of core attributes is crucial for understanding the center of the

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Table 1
The seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk events.

No. References Seaport Risk Events Threats to Supply Chain Disruption

1. Loh and Thai (2015);Bichou and Stakeholder coordination • Ownership profile and leasing structures of terminal operators experienced
Gray (2005) conflicts of interest, hindered the decision-making processes, and disintegrated
the supply chains.
2. Amin et al. (2021); Rumaji and Cargo throughput imbalance • The lower demand for containers in the developing regions of Indonesia leads
Adiliya (2019) to increased sea transportation costs, reduces port performance, and costs
maritime logistics.
• Lowers port performance including infrastructure availability, reduces the level
of competitiveness, and makes visible the bullwhip effect vulnerabilities in the
supply chain.
3. Dewi and Purnamasari Maritime security inspection • Causes operational delays, lowers ship productivity, increase voyage costs, and
(2021);Komarudin et al. (2017) increases exposure to liabilities under contracts of carriage.
• Too many agencies involved in maritime security with no clear division of
responsibilities leads to corruption.
4. Loh et al. (2017); Port strikes • Inability to fill orders, breach of contractual obligations, adverse effects in
manufacturing, retail, and food industries.
• Delayed, duplicated or lost shipments of supplies, delayed shipments to
customers, inventory build-up.
5. Notteboom et al. (2021); Vousdoukas COVID-19′s effect and natural • The lockdown affected most of the workforce and curtailed the industrial base
et al. (2017) disaster on the seaport operation between mid-January and early March 2020.
• A demand shock with backpropagation along supply chain.
• Last-mile vulnerabilities in distribution became visible because of the lower
availability of the workforce (e.g., absenteeism in trucking from major seaport).

Table 2
Demographic information of respondents.

No. Demographic factor Percentages

1. Gender Male 70%

Female 30%
2. Object of research Seaport-manager 11%
Seaport-operator 43%
Seaport-user 47%
3. Work duration Below 5 years 4%
Between 5 and 10 years 39%
Over 10 years 57%
4. Educational background Diploma 10%
Bachelor 61%
Master’s 27%
Doctoral 2%

seaport-focal supply chain risk tendency. Fig. 1 illustrates the clas-

sification process workflow.
The questionnaire presented the scale definitions before the
questions. Following the definition, the list of seaport risk and di-
mensional threat factors were provided in a table, with distinct
columns for respondents to insert their rating. The evaluations were
used as inputs for the proposed model.

Selection of dimensional threats and risk attributes

We mainly source the identification of dimensional threats and

risk attributes from accident reports in the literature. The 61 risk
attributes result from an extensive examination of the literature
(Section 2). We identify several indexes for capturing different per-
spectives of domain experts. They are categorized into dimensional
threat groups with the top event and risk attributes as conditional
factors, as shown in Table 3. We design this classification of threats
to reflect the responsiveness to the threat, in terms of the seaport Fig. 1. The classification process of attribute reduction.

supervision level, and define the scope of actions that may be an-
ticipated. positive regions of a rough set to identify the core attribute and find
a relatively minimal reduction with reduced computational time.
Basis of rough set A new data table is identified by the quadruple (4-tuples) S = {U,
A, Va, f}, where U is a finite set of objects (universe), A = C ∪ D; {a1, a2,
The rough set theory, initially introduced by Pawlak in 1985 (Wu …, an} is a finite set of attributes (seaport risk), Va is the value set of
et al., 2004), is a mathematical approach for understanding and attribute a, where V = 1, 2,…, 5 indicates the highest to the lowest
manipulating imperfect knowledge. It helps deal with many risk evaluation, V = ∪a ∈ A Va, and f: U × A → V is a total function, such that f
factors in risk assessment without losing classification capabilities (x,a) ∈ Va for each a ∈ A, and x ∈ U is called the information function.
and attribute reduction. We use a genetic algorithm based on the A string vector describes each object x of U. Thus, the description of x

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Table 3
The seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk.

Dimensional threats Index Ai Conditional risk attributes Index aij References

Planning Process threats A1 Lack of seaport-enterprise strategic risk a11 Jiang et al. (2018);Loh et al. (2017).
Lack of berth risk planning a12
Lack of supply chain strategic risk planning a13
Lack of ship risk planning a14
Lack of handling process risk planning a15
Lack of storage risk planning a16
Lack of transfer risk planning a17
Lack of distribution risk planning a18
Deficiency of berth allocation risk planning a19
Infrastructure threats A2 Port equipment breakdown a21 Loh et al. (2017).
Inadequate port cargo handling equipment a22
Occupational accidents a23
Power outages a24
Breakdown of vessel traffic management system a25
Breakdown of port information system a26
Collisions in the waterway a27
Seaport Service Process threats A3 Congestion in the waterway a31 Jiang et al. (2018);Loh et al. (2017).
Congestion within terminals a32
Congestion at hinterland transfer a33
Less services calling at port a34
Less ship visits a35
Less load factors in captive cargo a36
Shortage of facilities or equipment a37
Shortage of port capacity a38
Shortage of IT and advanced technology a39
Distribution Process threats A4 Less timeliness of port departure and entry a41 Jiang et al. (2018);John et al. (2014);Loh
Low punctuality of delivery goods a42 et al. (2017).
Less timeliness of port customs clearance a43
Bad defect condition of goods a44
Low deviation time a45
Low efficiency of navigational services a46
Long time in feeder link a47
Less quality of logistics company a48
Relationship Process threats A5 Lack of member coordination a51 Jiang et al. (2018).
Member exit mechanism a52
Port labor strikes a53
Less motivation of member interest distribution a54
Member information asymmetry a55
Nuclear-enterprise financial A6 Low revenue a61 Jiang et al. (2018).
threats High debt a62
Low-efficiency operation a63
Low growth development a64
Less cash flow a65
Less growth of domestic and international a66
macroeconomic operation
Monetary threats A7 Less efficient deviation cost a71 Kavirathna, Kawasaki, Hanaoka, and
Less efficient port cost a72 Matsuda (2018).
Less efficient cost in feeder link a73
Location threats A8 Short sailing time to the other hub ports a81 Kavirathna et al. (2018).
Less accessibility of hub port a82
Long connectivity of feeder markets a83
Security threats A9 International trade-war a91 Jiang et al. (2018);Loh et al. (2017).
War or terrorist attacks a92
Stowaway a93
Smuggling a94
Trafficking a95
Exchange rate a96
Environmental threats A10 Earthquake frequency a101 Jiang et al. (2018);Loh et al. (2017).
Pandemics/epidemics occurrence a102
Typhoon frequency a103
Increasing sea-level in the seaport a104
Increasing sedimentary level in the seaport a105
Decisional Factors D Implication of seaport risk to the potential threats of supply chain continuity.

is expressed in terms of the evaluation of the attributes from A. It If (x1, x2) ∈ IB, objects x1 and x2 are B-indiscernible. The indis-
represents the available information about x, as: cernibility relation thus defined, is an equivalence relation (reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive). This relation also serves as a bridge for
Ades (x) = {f (x , a1), f (x, a2), …, f (x , an)} (1) the proposed model, reducing the geometric increase of possible
An indiscernibility relation in U is every non-empty subset of profiles and determining the appropriate data presentation, con-
attributes B, denoted by IB, defined as follows: nection, and function form.
Let S be a data table, and X be a non-empty subset of U, and ∅ ‡ B
IB = {f (x1, a) = f (x2, a), a B} (2) ⊆ X. The set X may be characterized by two ordinary sets, the B-lower

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

approximation of X (denoted by B (X )) and B-upper approximation of X population may not be the same, nor the evolutionary processes of
(indicated by B¯ (X )) in S. These sets may be defined as follows: the two attribute reductions.
When using the genetic algorithm, the genetic representation
B (X ) = {x U : IB (x) X} (3)
¯ and design of the fitness function are considered first. The former
method uses a fixed n-bit binary series if the actual characteristic of
B¯ (X ) = {x U : IB (x) X } (4)
attribute reduction is considered, in line with Luo, Ji, Fu, and Tong
The rough approximations obey the following basic laws: the (2007). This study's encoding length is the number of conditional
inclusion property: B̄ (X) ⊆ X ⊆ B̄ (X); the complementarity property: attributes in the decision table. For instance, if the conditional at-
B̄ (X) = U - B̄ (U – X). If an attribute from the subset B ⊆ A preserves the tribute set is {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, …, a61}, the encoding length is 61.
indiscernibility relation RA, the attributes A–B are dispensable. D Furthermore, if the reduced binary code is 10001…1, the reduction
totally depends on C only if I(C) ⊆ I(D), meaning that the partition by in the decision table is {a1, a5, …, a61}. In other words, the condi-
C is finer than that generated by D. The concept of dependency tional attribute room C may be mapped into an individual room,
discussed above corresponds to that considered in relation to con- when each bit corresponds to a conditional attribute. Therefore, the
ditional seaport risk datasets, where k = γ(C, D) is mathematically latest method in this algorithm may be processed as described in
defined as: Section 3.3.
An individual's fitness relies on two aspects: the number of at-
|POSC (D)|
(C , D) = tributes and the ability to classify them. Both dimensions relate to
| U| (5)
the decision-making attribute set, as follows:
|POSC (D)| |C| |B|
POSC (D) = C (X ) F (B) = p1 + p2 + p3 S¯ (B)
* |U| |C| (10)
X U / I (D) (6)

POSC(D) is a positive region of the partition U/D with respect to C, The function consists of three parts. The first part represents the
namely, the set of all elements of U that may be uniquely classified classification ability. A reduction occurs when k = 1. The second part
into blocks of the partition U/D with respect to C. shows the reduction rate. For example, the fewer attributes in the
Similarly, as the effect of the rough approximation law, the attribute subset B indicate that B is a minimum reduction with a high
conditional attribute set is C = {a1, a2, …, an} ∀ B ⊂ C, and the de- reduction rate. The third part is the weight factor, which increases
pendency of the decision attribute on B is defined as: the efficiency of the algorithm. The three elements are dynamically
adjusted during algorithm evolution.
|POSB (D)| In this study, the adaptive factors are the adjustment parameters
(B , D) =
| U| (7) used to ensure correct reduction results with minimum reduction.
Fig. 1 explains the steps for creating a rough set-based genetic al-
To maintain the convergence speed and achieve the global op-
gorithm. Moreover, a smaller value of p1 indicates a high possibility
timum, while preserving the knowledge in the dataset, we propose a
that the chromosome is a reduction set, and its fitness value is
preliminary step to determine the pre-classification model as a
greater. As the value of p2 decreases, the conditional risk attribute set
significance attribute, where the conditional attribute subset is IB ⊂ C
declines, while the fitness value of the reduction increases. Finally, as
∀ ai ∈ IB, and the significance of IB is defined as follows:
p3 increases, the attribute contained in the reduction set becomes
|POSC (D)| |POS(B ai) (D)| more relevant, and the fitness value of the reduction increases.
Sai (B) =
|U| (8) Hence, the adaptive function of this study is defined as:

The more B is reduced, the larger the average of the significance p1 = 5, p2 = 2, p3 = 1, (C , D) < (B , D)
attribute. This principle is reflected in the weight indicator in Eq. (9). p1 = 6, p2 = 3, p3 = 1, (C , D) = (B, D) (11)
The theorem and proof from Eqs. (8) and (9) are shown in Appen-
dixes A and B, respectively. To find the central tendency of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain
risk, we identify the 61 elements of seaport risk (Table 1). The po-
i = 1 Sai (B) tential threat to supply chain continuity follows as the top event.
S (B) =
|B| (9) Next, we employ the rough set-based genetic algorithm to reduce
the number of attributes, without losing their dependency degree.

Attribute reduction design of the rough set-based genetic algorithm

Evaluation matrix of central tendency
Rough set theory is effective when dealing with many seaport
risks and NP-hard (Nondeterministic Polynomial) problems in the The results of the rough set-based genetic algorithm belong to
combinatorial optimization of the dataset. The rough set-based ge- the attribute reduction set. To find the central tendency in the at-
netic algorithm improves individual metrics in the evolutionary tribute reduction set, we manually use the discernibility matrix of
process and avoids population diversity imbalance, by introducing a the rough set. Concerning the element classification in the universe,
Hamming distance when initializing the population. As a result, the a reduction set enables the same classification of elements of the
initial population may cover the entire solution space. Theorem 1 universe as the entire attribute set. For example, let B be a subset of
employs a constraint condition (reported in Appendix A); thus, we A; hence, the connecting notion between the core-set attribute and
assign a value equal to one to the attribute reduction set position, the reduction set attribute is defined by:
according to the conditional attributes with the largest attribute Core (B) = Red (B). (12)
dependence. To identify the variation in the population diversity in
the evolutionary process of the algorithm, we reduce the decisional Eq. (12) indicates that the core attribute that becomes the center
attributes using the adaptive method of the rough set-based genetic of the tendency, is the intersection of all the reduction sets. Thus, the
algorithm. We decided that the termination condition would be core is the most relevant subset of attributes because none of its
reach 200 iterations, to directly analyze algorithm diversity. As the elements may be removed without affecting the attribute classifi-
initial population is randomly generated, the algorithm's initial cation power.

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

The group of core attribute sets in the new decision table is de- Table 4
ployed to calculate the degree of importance. Let S be the informa- Result of reliability test for primary dataset.
tion system table of the following tuple: S ={Corex(B), γi(B,D), Vγi}, Case Processing Summary Number of Percentage
where Corex(B) is the core attribute x in subset B, γi(B,D) is the de- responses
pendency degree of i (i=1, 2,… n; the number of algorithms running), Cases Valid 153 100%
and Vγi is the value of the dependency degree. We propose an im- Excludeda 0 0.0
portance degree, to obtain the central tendency among the core-set Total 153 100%
attributes, and the weight indicator to estimate the relative im- Reliability Statisticsb Percentage
portance using the core-set attributes as follows: Cronbach’s alpha 0.882 88.2%
Number of features 62 100%
i (B, D)
i = ,
Core x (B) U (13) a
Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure

i = . b
Cronbach’s alpha level of reliability 0.0–0.20 Less reliable
i (14) > 0.20–0.40 Rather reliable
> 0.40–0.60 Quite reliable
To estimate which seaport risk attributes have the highest im- > 0.60–0.80 Reliable
plication for the seaport-fulcrum supply chain threat factors, the > 0.80–1.00 Very reliable
threat score is calculated based on the average value of the re-
spondent evaluation for each conditional seaport risk attributes and
weight indicator in Eq. (17), as shown in the following equations:
1 u
C x¯ij = a xij;
U i = 1, j = 1 (15)

i = i × C xij . (16)

Data mining: association rule learning

Association analysis is based on the concept of rough set theory

and contains three main measures – strength, certainty, and cov-
erage – as detailed below. Strength indicates how frequently the Fig. 2. The quality of reduction.
antecedent C and consequent D both occur across the data set. In
other words, it represents the probability that conditional and de- needed to determine the weight of the parameters, and sometimes
cisional risk factors occur simultaneously as shown below. leads to a multiple attribute decision problem. This study introduces
Suppx (C , D) into the algorithm a weight indicator based on the significance de-
x (C; D) = gree of the reduction set attribute in Eq. (9). Furthermore, the re-
|U| (17)
duction attribute set is set up from 200 iterations of the rough set-
Certainty represents the conditional probability that deficiency based genetic algorithm, as shown in Fig. 2 as the quality of reduc-
itemset D occurs under the condition that deficiency itemset C oc- tion. In Fig. 2, the criteria that were met imply that the fitness
curs, which means the frequency of occurrence is found in the data function calculation in Eq. (10) fulfills the iteration set up in the
set as defined below. algorithm, while the percentage stall indicates that the calculation
Suppx (C , D) falls into the local optimal solution. Hence, this study only finds the
|C (x) D (x)|
cerx (C; D) = = central tendency among the reduction sets with 100% criteria met
|C (x)| |C (x)| (18)
and 0% stall. In line with these conditions, the evaluation matrix is
Coverage is defined as the ratio of the conditional probability of introduced to obtain the Boolean function in Table 6.
occurrence of the antecedent C and that of the consequent D to the According to Fig. 2, the set of reduction attributes is sourced from
probability of occurrence of the antecedent C as expressed below. the running algorithm as many as 50 times, and is shown in Table 5.
The corresponding matrix shown in Table 6 results in a dis-
|C (x) D (x)| Suppx (C , D)
covx (C; D) = = cernibility function and simplification with the absorption laws of
|D (x)| |D (x)| (19) Boolean algebra, as follows:

f (A) = {a15 a101a81} + {a16 a25 a54 a61} + {a73 a81a101} + {a34 a105 a101}
Results and discussion
+ {a81} + {a 43 a105} + {a63 a73 a94 a102} + {a14 a34 a81}
Pilot test of questionnaire survey + {a14 a15 a 42} + {a105} + {a18 a91 + a91a101} + {a91}, (20)

To begin the proposed model, the initial test of primary data was where + denotes the Boolean sum, while Boolean multiplication is
deployed first to check the reliability of the dataset after collection. omitted.
There are 61 conditional seaport risk factors and a decisional factor From Eq. (22), we obtain the core attribute sets or the central
from 153 responses which were tested. Table 4 shows the reliability tendency of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk reported in Table 7.
test results. According to the Cronbach’s alpha, the dataset was very This study simply selects the core attributes from the Eq. (22) and
reliable as an input for the rough set-based genetics algorithm. aggregates all of them into the top event of dimensional threats.

Multi-factor set of threat dimension evaluation Reduction performance analysis

Indexing the set is a crucial construction related to the reason- To analyze the convergence performance of the algorithm, we
ability and accuracy of the comprehensive evaluation. This step is record the alterations in the optimal individual and average fitness

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Table 5
Set 48 The reduction attribute set from the result of the rough set-based genetic algorithm.




No. Reduction attribute sets No. Reduction attribute sets

a39, a73, a81 1 a15, a24, a26, a48, a81, a101 26 a14, a34, a64, a81, a82, a96
2 a42, a61, a92, a102, a104, a105 27 a34, a43, a52, a92, a94, a104
3 a13, a21, a63, a66, a91, a102 28 a26, a41, a72, a82, a93, a103
Set 46

4 a16, a25, a31, a54, a61, a103 29 a14, a15, a42, a61, a94, a96





5 a34, a39, a53, a73, a81, a101 30 a11, a19, a24, a34, a35, a72, a81
6 a44, a51, a96, a103, a104 31 a15, a27, a31, a38, a71, a91
a155, a105

7 a18, a38, a39, a43, a92, a105 32 a14, a38, a61, a64, a94, a105
Set 45

8 a15, a25, a47, a52, a91, a93 33 a21, a33, a34, a51, a73, a101


9 a13, a23, a41, a46, a62, a72, a95 34 a52, a53, a82, a91, a102, a104

10 a33, a34, a41, a43, a101, a105 35 a31, a62, a63, a72, a92, a103
11 a44, a51, a96, a103, a104 36 a26, a31, a53, a54, a82, a91
a26, a101

a43, a101

a18, a101
Set 41

12 a18, a38, a39, a43, a92, a105 37 a18, a34, a54, a91, a101

13 a15, a25, a47, a52, a91, a93 38 a15, a24, a72, a81, a91, a101

14 a13, a23, a41, a46, a62, a72, a95 39 a26, a27, a34, a82, a96, a101
15 a33, a34, a41, a43, a101, a105 40 a12, a15, a19, a22, a43, a96, a103
a34, a101
a34, a101

a18, a101

16 a16, a31, a39, a66, a72, a81 41 a18, a23, a26, a43, a62, a101
Set 37


17 a15, a17, a25, a91, a94, a103 42 a17, a19, a32, a44, a66, a94



18 a14, a26, a36, a48, a66, a83, a101 43 a27, a32, a42, a63, a94, a102
19 a18, a47, a62, a63, a95, a101 44 a19, a33, a44, a55, a105
a14, a61, a94

20 a16, a31, a39, a66, a72, a81 45 a35, a44, a54, a95, a104, a105
a38, a105

21 a33, a38, a43, a95, a105 46 a26, a39, a42, a73, a81, a91
a14, a62,
a62, a94
Set 32

22 a15, a17, a25, a91, a94, a103 47 a19, a24, a38, a42, a61, a102, a103


23 a25, a37, a64, a73, a94, a102 48 a15, a21, a22, a36, a91, a102

24 a14, a24, a38, a44, a94, a105 49 a14, a35, a43, a46, a96, a102, a105
25 a18, a34, a64, a71, a103, a105 50 a14, a34, a52, a95, a104
a14, a61, a94
a14, a96
Set 29

values, in the iterative process for each reduction attribute set. The




convergence speed is stable after ten generations from running the

algorithm 50 times, indicated in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. Because
a14, a62,
a34, a81

a14, a96
Set 26

of the elitist strategy, the convergence speed of the rough set-based






genetic algorithm accelerates the evolution mechanism. This

strategy copies the individuals with the highest fitness value directly
a62, a94
Set 23

into the next generation, without manipulation in the reduction set.




As an impact, the algorithm converges with the global optimal so-

a33, a43, a105

a38, a105

a95, a105
Set 21

Evaluation of attribute ranking and potential threats


Each attribute in Table 7 indicates the central tendency of the

a39, a81
a16, a31

Indonesian seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk. These central ten-

Set 16

dencies are classified on the basis of dimensional threats. For man-




agement analysis purposes, we employ Eqs. (13)–(16) to calculate

the risk score for each dimensional threat. In addition, the scores of
a33, a43, a105

the core attributes reflect the feasibility of the attributes. The higher
a34, a101

a34, a101
a43, a101
Set 10

the attribute score, the lower tendency for the seaport-fulcrum




supply chain. The ranking of the potential threats to supply chain

disruption is depicted in Fig. 5.

a39, a73, a81

We consider the issue of supply chain coordination related to

a81, a101

a34, a101

a34, a101
a39, a81

a34, a81

disruptive events under the condition of satisfying self-organized

Set 5


criticality. It is worth mentioning that the probabilities of all po-


tential threats cannot be derived. However, the seaport risk score

The discernibility matrix of reduction attribute sets.

helps understand the feasibility level of the potential threats to

a16, a31
Set 4

supply chain disruptive events. In Fig. 5, σi indicates the number of




scores from each dimensional threat, and σi(Total) indicates the re-
sult obtained by subtracting σi from the total of σi divided by two. As
a81, a101

a26, a101

the threat feasibility declines due to the effect of monotonicity in Va,

Set 1





σi(Total) rises. Hence, the trendline of the power-law helps us

identify the probability of potential threats. This convex function

Reduction attribute sets

implies that they have a negative slope (dimensional threats). Hence,

we typically assume that a higher score is clear, and a lower score is
unclear. The threats from the planning process (A1), infrastructure
(A2), distribution process (A4), nuclear enterprise financial (A6), lo-
cation (A8), and security (A9) are clear in terms of risk probability,
while the threats from the seaport service process (A3), relationship


Table 6


process (A5), monetary (A7), and environmental (A10) are beyond


stakeholder comprehension. Hence, the ten-dimensional threats

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Table 7
The score of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk.

No. Dimensional threats Attributes Importance degree ( ij ) Weight ( ij ) Evaluation average value (C xij ) Score ( ij )

1 A1 a14 0.02335 0.04774 2.57895 0.1231

2 a15 0.02069 0.04230 2.60526 0.1102
3 a16 0.01495 0.03056 2.41447 0.0738
4 a18 0.01400 0.02863 2.75658 0.0789
5 A2 a25 0.07299 0.14923 2.58882 0.3860
6 a26 0.01851 0.03784 3.35526 0.1270
7 A3 a31 0.01843 0.03769 3.26974 0.1232
8 a33 0.03694 0.07553 3.31250 0.2502
9 a34 0.01388 0.02838 2.76316 0.0784
10 a38 0.01600 0.03271 2.76974 0.0906
11 a39 0.02453 0.05015 2.67763 0.1343
12 A4 a42 0.01466 0.02997 2.61184 0.0783
13 a43 0.02271 0.04643 2.61184 0.1213
14 A5 a54 0.09177 0.18764 2.68684 0.5029
15 A6 a61 0.01495 0.03057 2.52632 0.0772
16 a64 0.02024 0.04138 2.58553 0.1070
17 A7 a73 0.03519 0.07195 2.55592 0.1842
18 A8 a81 0.02182 0.04462 2.49342 0.1113
19 A9 a91 0.02151 0.04398 2.67105 0.1175
20 a94 0.02126 0.04346 2.50000 0.1087
21 a95 0.04277 0.08744 2.58553 0.2261
22 A10 a101 0.02094 0.04282 2.56579 0.1099
23 a102 0.03244 0.06634 3.21053 0.2130
24 a105 0.02028 0.04147 3.00658 0.1247

Fig. 3. Optimal adaptation process.

mean that the seaport risk poses potential threats in various di- This main risk of the dimensional planning process threat is re-
mensions to disrupt supply chain continuity in Fig. 6. lated to seaport infrastructure and management (Loh & Thai, 2015).
The lack of storage risk planning is ranked highest among 24 Despite the significant effort required to develop seaport infra-
central tendencies of seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk disruption in structure, the result will improve its performance with high space
Fig. 5. For example, Siswanto, Kurniawati, Latiffianti, Rusdiansyah, utilization. The utilization rate of these areas should be tracked to
and Sarker (2018) highlighted the problem of storage planning par- ensure that new area plans are carried out on time. Furthermore, the
ticularly in the fertilizer product supply chain, clearly implicating an risk of a port confronting a dimensional threat of the planning
inventory routing problem. Initially, the fertilizer company chartered process threat increases if it is either a regional gateway owing to
a vessel for some time horizon under the capacity constraint. The less timely customs clearance, or a transshipment hub port due to
demurrage in the loading port implicated a decline of the ship’s less cost efficiency in feeder links and short travel times to the other
utility and increased the ship’s operational cost. The former clearly hub ports. In this instance, the hub port may encounter disturbed
affected congestion in the waterways, whereas the latter affected working schedules if vessels' arrivals are delayed owing to inclement
low growth for the factory. weather, inventory routing, and security problems at earlier ports. A

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Fig. 4. Alteration process of the average fitness.

suffers operational delays and increased exposure to liabilities under

their contract of carriage. Furthermore, stoppages for maritime se-
curity checks at sea generate delays, which raise shipping expenses.
If a ship is delayed due to a marine security inspection, the delayed
ship will need to speed up to meet the same arrival schedule at its
next port and will burn more fuel than expected leading to green-
house emissions. If its arrival schedule at the destination port
changes as a result of the delay, it may have to pay to reschedule
services, including pilotage, class inspections, and planned main-
Generally, the seaport-service is a main duty in seaport opera-
tions. This study found that the port capacity shortage, waterways
congestion, and hinterland transfer congestion are among the top
Fig. 5. Th ranking of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risks.
ten central tendencies that pose threats to the seaport service pro-
cess. Together with the monetary and location threats, the shipping
industry may consider this issue as a port-choice problem.
Indonesia, as an archipelago country, faces a difficult challenge in
achieving maritime logistics system efficiency. The higher logistics
costs account for around 20 – 30% of Indonesia’s GDP because of the
archipelagic characteristics particularly in eastern Indonesia (Amin
et al., 2021). This research shows that a market imbalance in terms of
container and cargo throughput exists in the Indonesian maritime
supply chain. The availability of the manufacturing industry and
medium enterprises also contributes to the market imparity.
Meanwhile, irregular ship schedules, high sea transportation costs,
and lack of transportation modes are some issues faced by the
maritime supply chain in eastern Indonesia as a result of market
Fig. 6. The potential threats to the seaport-fulcrum supply chain. Seaport location is also important in the global supply chain
since many shipping lines try to maintain a small number of ports of
hub port also has a busy waterway since it feeds a network of ves- call with maximum market coverage, especially if they are as close
sels, some of which may choose to obtain supplementary services, to the growth market as possible (Kavirathna et al., 2018). Short
such as water supply and bunkering, while docked in seaport waters, sailing time to other hub ports is considered a central tendency of
while others might experience vessel bunching. location threat in the Indonesian seaport-fulcrum supply chain op-
On the other hand, low punctuality of delivery goods, which was eration. Such a phenomenon, known as Short Sea Shipping (SSS),
ranked second in the central tendency of the supply chain, results provides cost competitiveness in the modal shift from road haulage
from various risk factors that have significant implications in the for the seaport-users. However, this also brings a negative ripple
supply chain distribution process. Dewi and Purnamasari (2021) effect to the shipping industry and seaport management. The former
revealed that low punctuality of delivery goods is caused by in- might draw excessive competition in the shipping market to the
efficient maritime security inspections at sea as part of seaport seaport-fulcrum supply chain society. Excessive competition, for
customs clearance operations. Consequently, the shipping industry example, may result in the extinction of shipping lines with weak

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

Fig. 7. Decision class 1 (the highest implication of risk to disrupt supply chain continuity).

financial conditions, while surviving shipping businesses will use risk level, a level of over 40% in the strength indicator and coverage
their monopolistic status to hike rates. This will soon have an ad- indicator, such as less timeliness of port customs clearance, low
verse effect on the shipper and society. Meanwhile, the latter in- growth development, less efficient costs in feeder links, less moti-
duces congestion within the terminal since the number of container vation of member interest distribution mechanisms, low revenue,
throughputs in the stacking yard increases. Moreover, the more shortage of IT and advanced technology, and lack of ship risk plan-
frequent presence of vessels in hub ports due to short sailing times ning, is likely to signify the highest disruption in this supply chain
increases greenhouse emissions. context.
The aforementioned potential threats directly or indirectly im-
pacted the financial condition of the seaport-fulcrum supply chain Conclusion
members. Revenue and growth development are also central ten-
dencies in particular cases. Both are primary tendencies of financial In this study, the seaport-fulcrum supply chain risk was analyzed
risk precautions for each member of the seaport-fulcrum supply using a rough-set-based genetic algorithm and data from a ques-
chain threat. Hence, decreasing financial loss, preventing capital tionnaire survey. The proposed method can support study of the
chain breakdown, and avoiding nuclear-enterprise financial risk are combination problem among seaport risk factors as well as between
compulsory attempts to establish risk retention and risk prevention many seaport risk factors and supply chain threats from the per-
along the supply chain entities (Jiang et al., 2018). spectives of seaport-manager, seaport-operator, and seaport-user
evaluations, which can provide insights into risk management at the
Relationship between the decision class and risk level seaport. The score aids stakeholders in reacting correctly based on
the seaport risks and threats.
In the analysis, five decision classes are based on the rough set According to the study findings, 24 seaport risks in Indonesia
theory approach employed to understand risk factor level. However, pose potential threats to supply chain continuity. In terms of feasi-
only decision class 1 (highest implication to disrupt supply chain bility, the seaport service process (A3), relationship process (A5),
continuity) was analyzed with the five threat risk levels. The risk monetary (A7), and environmental (A10) are beyond stakeholder
level according to Fig. 5 is then obtained based on the score assigned comprehension. The shortage of port capacity, congestion in water-
by the seaport supply chains’ stakeholder. The connections between ways, and congestion in hinterland transport are among top-ten
decision class 1 and risk level according to Eqs. (17) – (18) are de- priorities in the central tendency of the Indonesia seaport-fulcrum
picted in Fig. 7. supply chain risk disruption and induced threat to the seaport ser-
The frequency among 152 seaport-fulcrum supply chain stake- vice process. Less motivation of member interest distribution me-
holders on seaport risk levels is depicted in Fig. 7. Moreover, the chanism also poses a threat to the relationship process among
central tendency of seaport risks is segmented according to their risk supply chain entities, whereas less efficient costs in the feeder link is
level and shown by three indicator measurements. At the highest considered a monetary threat. The occurrence of pandemics/

M.R. Do. Bagus and S. Hanaoka The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 38 (2022) 222–233

epidemics (COVID-19), which is another top-ten priority of the Disclosure statement

central tendency list, is considered an environmental threat.
Several aspects of the Indonesian seaport-fulcrum supply chain The authors reported no potential conflict of interest.
operation are in danger of interruption. First, seaport risk factors
from various dimensional threat categories, such as planning process Appendix A. The Theorem and Proof of Eq. (8)
(A1), infrastructure (A2), distribution process (A4), nuclear enterprise
financial (A6), location (A8), and security (A9), influenced other ca- Theorem 1. Suppose ai ∈ β, where β denotes the attribute reduction
tegories previously, making threats more vague and unpredictable. set. Then, Max (B (D)), which follows the condition attribute ai
For example, in a specific time frame, there was no planning process belonging to the condition set of attributes B (where B ⊆ A), is D-
or dependable planning procedure. As a result, the unpredictability superfluous if it has no effect on the lower approximation of D.
of the ports service process-related hazard increased. Second, the Otherwise, attribute ai is D-indispensable in A.
lack of cooperation among supply chain entities in carrying out their
Proof 1. As defined in Section 3.3, for a ∈ C, the
tasks, caused by the lack of incentive of the member sharing interest
SB (D) = C (D) B ai (D) ; if k= 1, D depends entirely on C, the SB (D)
distribution mechanism, has increased. Furthermore, the container
becomes larger, and the B ai (D) decreases, as mathematically
throughput imbalance caused by inefficiency of costs in feeder
connections, notably in Indonesia's eastern region, becomes a defined by Eq. (3). Furthermore, the smaller |POS(B ai) (D)|, the
greater the dependency of decision attribute D on attribute a, and
monetary danger that should be addressed. Finally, the occurrence of |POS(C a ) (D)|
COVID-19 has considerably disrupted the supply chain operation at the larger (C , D), as mathematically shown in SC (D) = |U|
the seaport. where |U| is a fixed value. Owing to the addition of attributes in the
Ultimately, a supply chain emergency management system, as order of significance, a reduction may be obtained, so that Max (IB
well as a contingency plan and emergency protection mechanism for (D)) ∀ ai ∈ β. The set of D-indispensable attributes in A is called the D-
force majeure events such as seaport risk, should be developed to core of A. However, the minimal subsets of conditional attributes
decrease risk and prevent unanticipated occurrences. The seaport that discern all equivalence classes of the relation Ind(D), discernible
management is also strongly urged to work closely with its stake- by the entire set of attributes, are called D-reducts. In other words, if
holders and the government to ensure that future plans keep up each conditional attribute in the decision table is independent of D,
with new trends and are related to consumer requests, as well as then the conditional attribute set C is independent of D; otherwise, C
national trade and investment goals. Relevant information, such as is dependent on D.
client vessel size orders, shipping market assessments, and chal-
lenges encountered by seaport users, should be communicated with
Appendix B. The Proof of Eq. (9)
the seaport-operator through the seaport-manager, since these have
an influence on the adequacy of future plans. In addition, a supply
Proof 2. Let the conditional attribute set be C and B be a subset of C.
chain management mechanism for the seaport enterprise core
As shown in Eq. (8), for ai element B, each attribute in B is
should be established; strategic cooperators should be engaged to
independent of D, and S (B) becomes larger. Otherwise, B ai (D)
improve the ability of upstream and downstream supply chain en-
becomes smaller than in Eq. (8). Thus, B is more likely to be reduced.
terprises to deal with unexpected incidents and prevent supply
Specifically, when POSB(D) = POSC(D), B is the reduction in C
chain breakdown as a result of these factors.
according to the definition in Eqs. (3) and (4).
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