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(SECTION 1) 10%

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SECTION 1A (Occupational Health, safety and welfare)

Piece One
Students are required to write a report on a visit to a work site. The report must include the evidence
gathered from the visit using the following instruments.

1. Checklist
2. Questionnaire/interview (Occupational Health, safety and the environment in the workplace)
3. Students must provide evidence of site visit by providing photographic evidence of at least eight
(8) pictures. (Student must be included in the photo)
4. Written report of site investigation including the items/evidence from 1,2 and 3 above

Format of the report

1. Cover page ( should include A picture depicting the topic, to the bottom right corner: student
name, student registration number, school, school registration number, territory, teacher)
2. Table of Content (title and page number)
3. Acknowledgement (thank everyone who assisted you in completing the project)
4. Introduction (a brief summary about the project)
5. Terms of reference (define the purpose and structures of a project, committee, meeting,
negotiation, or any similar collection of people who have agreed to work together to
accomplish a shared goal. Terms of reference show how the object in question will be
defined, developed, and verified.)
6. Methodology (the medium used and method in which data was collected)
7. Findings (include the pictures taken and a description of the pictures)
8. Appendix (checklist/Questionnaire/Interview)
9. Analysis (a summary of all the data collected in the findings and appendix)
10. Recommendations (suggestion to improve on health, safety and welfare on the site visited)
11. Conclusion (conclude the project, what was the main idea gathered)

Piece two

Tools project

● Cover page ( should include A picture depicting the topic, to the bottom right corner: student

name, student registration number, school, school registration number, territory, teacher)

● Table of content (title and page number)

● Introduction (a brief summary about the project)

● Types and use of traditional drawing tools with illustration at least 10

● Definition, types and use of CAD with illustrations. Use this website to help. choose at least 5 programs CAD programs for example

revit architecture, sketchup, civil 3D, autocad, CReo BlocksCAd etc.

● Bibliography ( web sites, books, articles etc.)

Each project should be at least 10 pages long for section1 B( tools and lines project)

Piece three

Lines and lines types project

● Cover page ( should include A picture depicting the topic, to the bottom right corner: student
name, student registration number, school, school registration number, territory, teacher)
● Table of content (title and page number)
● Introduction (a brief summary about the project)
● Types of drawing lines Take a look at page 3 in textbook 1 it will help you.
● Types of drawing symbols INCLUDE architectural symbols, kitchen and bathroom appliances,
plumbing symbols, electrical symbol and engineering symbols, doors and windows
● Types of drawing conventions Take a look at page 8 in textbook 3 it will help you.
● Drawing codes Check out this site and take some of each relating to construction.

● Bibliography ( web sites, books, articles etc.)

Each project should be at least 10 pages long for section1 B( tools and lines project)

Tools and lines projects. First draft due

date: 17. March 2023

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