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On the left hand side of the electromagnetic spectrum exists Microwaves.
As per its order, Microwaves are known to have a larger wavelength and
less frequency relative to other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The
exact specs of these are frequency ranges between 300 mhz to 300 ghz, and
wavelengths from 1m to 30cms which is very large compared to Em waves on
the other side of the spectrum by a ridiculous margin. As we will discuss
later there are 2 types of Microwaves, each has distinct properties which
allows them for different uses in the application of science.
History Behind The Wave
In 1865 a man named James Clerk Maxwell proposed the existence of invisible
electromagnetic waves, of these waves existed microwaves. The first to demonstrate
the existence of these invisible waves was Heinrich Hertz (the name for the S.I unit of
frequency is named after him). He discovered this as his finding from an experiment he did
coincided with the calculations devised by James Maxwell known as “Maxwell’s
Equation”. Unbeknownst to Hertz, his discoveries would have many scientific implications
in the years after him. As of today the uses of these invisible waves, by extension
MicroWaves, are numerous ranging across all fields of science.
What is an electromagnetic wave
An electromagnetic wave is a wave produced by oscillations between
an electric field and a magnetic field.The electric and magnetic fields
travel perpendicularly from each other and they travel at a constant
speed of 3.0x10^8m/s.Visible light and are forms of electromagnetic
Properties of an electromagnetic wave
1)They are transverse waves.
2)They travel at the speed of light which is 3.0x10^8
3)They are formed by the oscillations of Electric and Magnetic fields.
4)They travel through a vacuum
of M
1)Water affected microwaves-Some microwaves can interact directly
with water.The microwave transfers its heat energy to the water
causing it to boil and the particles become more excited.This heat can
be used in many different ways like to cook food and to kill bacteria
and dangerous microorganisms .This is how our food which is placed in a
microwave is cooked and warmed.
2)Water ignoring microwaves-Some microwaves can pass through the
atmosphere without hitting the water in the air, this makes it possible
for microwave sources like communication and sonar waves to work
How are micowaves detected
Microwaves are detected using an instrument called a bolometer.The bolo
meter detects the electromagnetic radiation by absorbing the radiation which
causing the temperature of the bolometer to rise
Sources of microwaves
2)Microwave oven
of m

1)Satellite communication
2)Cell phone communication
5)Remote sensing
6)GPS(Global position system)
Fun Facts about the Microwave
1. The Microwave Was Invented In the 1940s By Accident

While standing in front of an active radar set working on magnetrons, Percy Spencer noticed the candy bar
in his pocket had melted. Intrigued, Spencer, a leading expert at the time in radar tube design, decided to
experiment. He ended up creating a high­-density, electromagnetic field within a metal box that would go on
to live in infamy as the way we heat up burritos.

2. Popcorn Was The First Food Tested In a Microwave

Once they built that magical box of microwaves, Spencer naturally had to test it, and his first choice could
not have been more perfect: popcorn. It was a beautiful, bouncing success. The next day, he tried his second
selection of food: an egg. It exploded, but not before a stunned engineer put his face just a little too close
to behold the new machine’s wondrous power. Actually, that one might’ve just been a hilarious prank.
3. The First Microwave Cost $5,000

Called the “Radarange,” the machine was unsurprisingly a bigger robotic beast than what we
know today. Weighing 750 pounds and standing just under 6 foot tall, the first commercial
microwave sold for $5,000 (or $52,628 adjusted for inflation). It was also far more powerful
than today’s microwave, cooking a whole potato in 30 seconds.

4. Nobody Wanted To Buy One When It Came Out

Once they reduced the size for consumer use, people came running for the space-age technology.
Or not.
According to Spencer’s grandson Rod, "The microwave oven eventually became known as
Raytheon’s largest commercial failure, and the reason why was that, like so many other
failures, they saw the cool technology but they didn’t understand the market.”
5. Microwaving Plastic­-Covered Food Can Give You Cancer; Standing Next To It Won’t

Putting plastics in a microwave is rarely a good idea since chemicals will leach into your food when the
containers break down. In a 2011 Environmental Health Perspectives study, it was revealed that even “BPA-­free”
plastics leach estrogenic chemicals that could cause cancer.
However, keep in mind that microwaves don’t come filled with cancer­-causing radiation, nor do they spill out into
the air when you open the door. So feel free to stand in front of it while it zaps your leftovers back to life.

6. Metal Can Be Okay Inside A Microwave, As Long As It’s Not Thin Or Sharp

At times, it seems like if you so much as think about having any metal in a microwave, your house explodes. That’s
not the case. Instead, it comes down to what kind of metals you put in there. the appliance’s microwave
radiation bounces around, attracting all the metal’s electrons. If they get caught in a dead end (like a fork) or a
kink (aluminum foil), it creates a concentrated area of negative charge, which goes haywire once it hits the air.
Thicker, flat pieces of metal heat up slowly, so they aren’t really too dangerous, as they work much like the
walls of microwaves themselves.
Things made of materials, such as ceramics or glass, won’t absorb radio waves at that frequency, so while they
heat up, it’s not enough to go berzerk.


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