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Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Topic Winter - 22 Summer - 22 Winter - 19

Name of Topic
Question Marks Question Marks Question Mark
1a) 2 1a) 2 1a) 2
1g) 2 1b) 2 1f) 2
2a) 4 2a) 4 2a) 4
4b) 4 4b) 4 4a) 4
1 Low Power Amplifiers 5c) 4 5c) 6 5a) 6
6a) 6 6a) 6 6a) 6

Total 22 Total 24 Total 24

1b) 2 1c) 2 2
3a) 4 3a) 4 4
3b) 4 3b) 4 4
4a) 4 4a) 4 6
2 High Power Amplifiers 5b)
5b) 4 5b) 6 6
6c) 6 6c) 6

Total 24 Total 26 Total 22

1c) 2 1d) 2 1c) 2

1e) 2 1e) 2 1e) 2
4c) 4 2b) 4 2b) 4
3 Feedback Amplifiers 6b) 6 4c) 4 4c) 4
2b) 4 6b) 6 6c) 6

Total 18 Total 18 Total 18

1d) 2 1f) 2 1d) 2

2d) 4 2d) 4 2d) 4
4 Waveform Generators
3c) 4 4d) 4 3c) 4
4d) 4 4e) 4 4d) 4
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

5a) 6 5a) 6 5c) 6

Total 20 Total 20 Total 20

1f) 2 1g) 2 1g) 2
2c) 4 2c) 4 2c) 4
3d) 4 3c) 4 3d) 4
5 IC Voltage Regulators and SMPS 4e) 4 3d) 4 4e) 4

Total 14 Total 14 Total 14

Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Exam Unit No Question no as per MSBTE paper Marks

Year and Name

Winter- 22 Unit 1 1a) Define Amplifier. Define the term voltage gain. 2

Amplifier: An amplifier is an electronic circuit which produces a large electrical output of similar
characteristics that of the input signal parameters

Voltage gain: Voltage gain of the power amplifier is defined as the ratio of output voltage to the
input voltage.

Av= (Vo/Vi)

Winter- 22 Unit 1 1g) State advantages and disadvantages of transformer coupled amplifier. 2


1. No signal power is lost in the collector or base resistors.

2. An excellent impedance matching and can be achieved in a transformer coupled amplifier.
3. Due to excellent impedance matching, transformer coupling provides higher gain.
4. D.C isolation between first and second stages.


1. It has a poor frequency response.

2. The coupling transformers are bulky and fairly expensive at audio frequencies.
3. Frequency distribution is higher i.e. low frequency signals are less amplified as compared to the high
frequency signals.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
4. Transformer coupling tends to introduce hum in the output.
5. Cost is more.

Winter- 22 Unit 1 2a) Explain the working principle of single stage CE amplifier with help of waveform 4

Circuit Diagram: -

Working Principle: - When a weak input ac signal is applied to the base of the transistor, a small base current
flows through it. Due to transistor action, a large ac current flows through RC and therefore a large voltage appears
across it and hence at the output. Therefore, a weak signal applied to the base appears in the amplified form in
the collector circuit.
During positive half cycle of the input we get Negative half cycle at the output and vice a versa due to transistor’s
action and hence we get 180-degree phase shifted output.
Voltage gain of the amplifier is the ratio of the amplified output voltage to the input voltage. (Av= Vo/Vi)

Winter- 22 Unit 1 4b) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a two stage RC coupled amplifier. Draw its frequency response. State its
two advantages 4
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Frequency Response
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Advantages: -

1. Wide frequency response

2. Low distortion
3. High overall gain
4. Inexpensive
5. Compact

Winter- 22 Unit 1 5c) Draw common source FET amplifier. Describe its operation. Give its application. 6

Working: -

1. When small AC signal is applied to the gate, it produces variation in the gate to source voltage.
This produces variation in the drain current.
2. As the gate to source voltage increases, the drain current also increases. As the result of this
voltage drop across RD also increases. This causes the drain voltage to decreases.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

3. As the input voltage rises, gate to source voltage becomes less negative, it will increase the
channel width and increase the level of drain current ID.
4. As the input voltage falls, it will decrease the channel width and decrease the level of drain
current ID.
5. Thus ID varies sinusoidally above its Q point value.
6. The drain to source voltage VDS is given by (VDS = VDD – IDRD)
7. Therefore, as ID increases the voltage drop IDRD will also increase and voltage VDS will decrease.
8. If ΔID is large for a small value of ΔVGS; the ΔVDS will also be large and we get amplification.
Thus the AC output voltage VDS is 180º out of phase with AC input voltage.

Applications: -
1. Used in sensor signal amplification.
2. RF signal amplification with low noise.
3. Communication systems such as television and FM receivers.
4. In op-amps, they are used as voltage-controlled devices.
5. Cascade amplifiers and RF amplifier circuits are examples of their applications.

Winter- 22 Unit 1 6a) Draw circuit diagram of single tuned and double tuned amplifier. Compare single tuned and double tuned 6
amplifier on the basis of (i) Selectivity (ii) Q-factor (iii) Bandwidth (iv) Response of gain Vs frequency.

Circuit Diagram Of Single Tuned Amplifier

Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Circuit Diagram of Double Tuned Amplifier

Compare Single tuned and double tuned amplifier

Parameter Single tuned amplifier Double Tuned Amplifier

Selectivity High Comparatively low
Q-Factor High low
Bandwidth Narrow Wide
Frequency Response

Summer - 22 Unit 1 1a) Define: (i) Amplification (ii) Bandwidth 2

1) Amplification = The process of increasing the strength of a weak signal and produce a strong
signal at the output is called as amplification.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

2) Bandwidth = The range of frequencies over which information signal can be amplified
faithfully without any distortion is called as Bandwidth.
BW= Highest cut off Frequency – Lowest Cut off frequency

Summer - 22 Unit 1 1b) Draw circuit diagram of transistor as an amplifier 2

Transistor as Switch –

Summer - 22 Unit 1 2a) Define the following amplifier characteristics: (i) Voltage gain (ii) Current gain 2

1. Voltage Gain = (Av) = It is the ratio of output voltage to the input voltage
Av = Vo/Vi

2. Current Gain = (Ai) = It is the ratio of output Current to the input Current.
Ai = Io/Ii
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
4b) Explain working of FET as an amplifier with neat diagram. 4

Working: -

1. When small AC signal is applied to the gate, it produces variation in the gate to source voltage.
This produces variation in the drain current.
2. As the gate to source voltage increases, the drain current also increases. As the result of this
voltage drop across RD also increases. This causes the drain voltage to decreases.
3. As the input voltage rises, gate to source voltage becomes less negative, it will increase the
channel width and increase the level of drain current ID.
4. As the input voltage falls, it will decrease the channel width and decrease the level of drain
current ID.
5. Thus ID varies sinusoidally above its Q point value.
6. The drain to source voltage VDS is given by (VDS = VDD – IDRD)
7. Therefore, as ID increases the voltage drop IDRD will also increase and voltage VDS will decrease.
8. If ΔID is large for a small value of ΔVGS; the ΔVDS will also be large and we get amplification.
Thus the AC output voltage VDS is 180º out of phase with AC input voltage.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Summer - 22 Unit 1 5c) Draw circuit diagram of RC coupled transistor two stage amplifier and explain its working with its frequency
Circuit Diagram –

Frequency Response -
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Working –

1. Frequency response curve is a graph that indicates the relationship between voltage gain and
2. At low frequencies, the coupling capacitor Cc offers high reactance Xc. Hence it allows only a
small part of the signal to pass from one stage to the next stage. Thus gain is less at low
3. At high frequencies, the coupling capacitor Cc offers a low reactance and acts like a switch.
Hence, due to loading effect of the next stage increases and the gain decreases.
4. In mid-frequency range, the effect of coupling capacitor is such that it maintains a constant
voltage gain. When the frequency increases, the capacitive reactance Xc decreases which tries
to increases the gain. As the capacitive reactance decreases, the loading effect of next stage
reduces the gain. The voltage gain remains a constant as the two factors cancel each other.

Summer - 22 Unit 1 6a) Sketch frequency response of single stage common emitter CE amplifier and label the following: (i) 3 dB
lower cutoff frequency (ii) 3 dB upper cutoff frequency (iii) 3 dB bandwidth 6
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Winter - 19 Unit 1 1a) List the types of coupling used in BJT amplifier. (any four) 2
Types of coupling used in BJT amplifier:
i. Resistance capacitance (RC)coupling
ii. Impedance coupling
iii. Transformer coupling
iv. Direct coupling

Winter - 19 Unit 1 1f) State the need of tuned amplifier in electronic circuits. (four points) 2
Need of tuned amplifier:

i. Selects the desired radio frequency signal.

ii. Reject all other unwanted signals.
iii. Amplify the selected signal
iv. Filter

Winter - 19 Unit 1 2a) Explain the working principle of FET amplifier and list its two applications 4
Circuit Diagram: -
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
1. When small a.c. signal is applied to the gate, it produces variation in the gate to source voltage.
This produces variation in the drain current. As the gate to source voltage increases, the drain
current also increases. As the result of this voltage drop across RD also increases. This causes
the drain voltage to decreases.
2. As the input voltage rises, gate to source voltage becomes less negative, it will increase the
channel width and increase the level of drain current ID.
3. As the input voltage falls, it will decrease the channel width and decrease the level of drain
current ID. Thus ID varies sinusoidally above its Q point value.
4. The drain to source voltage VDS is given by VDS = VDD – IDRD
5. Therefore, as ID increases the voltage drop IDRD will also increase and voltage VDS will decrease.
6. If ΔID is large for a small value of ΔVGS; the ΔVDS will also be large and we get amplification.
Thus the AC output voltage VDS is 180º out of phase with AC

Applications: - 1) Low noise amplifier 2) Buffer amplifier 3) Cascade amplifier 4) Analog switch
5) Multiplexer 6) Chopper 7) Current limiter

Winter - 19 Unit 1 4a) Draw the two stage BJT amplifier. State the formula for overall gain of this amplifier 4
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Let, Av1-Voltage gain of first amplifier

Av2-voltage gain of second amplifier

Overall voltage gain, Av = Av1 * Av2

Winter - 19 Unit 1 5a) Describe the operation of double tuned amplifier with the help of neat circuit diagram and mention its 6
Circuit Diagram: -

 The signal to be amplified is applied at the input terminal through the coupling capacitor CC
 The resonant frequency of the tuned circuit L1 C1 is made equal to that of tuned
 circuit L2 C2
 Under these conditions the tuned circuit offers a very high impedance to the input signal. As a
result of this, a large output appears across the tuned circuit
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

 L1C1which is inductively coupled to the L2C2 tuned circuit.

Applications:( any two)

(i) Radio and T. V broadcasting as tuning circuit.
(ii) Wireless communication system.

Winter - 19 Unit 1 6a) For a BJT ac amplifier, with a midland voltage gain of 200, if the cutoff frequencies are f1 = 20 Hz and f2 =
20 kHz. Draw the frequency response for amplifier. Draw the frequency response in case of mid gain of 100 6
and f1 = 500 Hz to f2 = 5 kHz.
(i) Frequency response for amplifier with mid-band voltage gain of 200, if
the cutoff frequencies are f1=20Hz and f2= 20KHz.

(ii) Frequency response for amplifier with mid-band voltage gain of 100, if
the cutoff frequencies are f1=500Hz and f2= 5KHz.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Exam Year Unit No Question no as per MSBTE paper Marking


Winter- 22 Unit 2 1b) State important features of power amplifier 2

1. Collector efficiency
2. Distortion
3. Power dissipation Capability
4. Impedance matching
5. Radio frequency power amplifier
6. DC power amplifiers
7. Class A, Class B Class AB, Class C

Winter- 22 Unit 2 3a) Compare different types of power amplifier on the basis of (i) Efficiency (ii) Power dissipation in transistor 4
(iii) Conduction angle of collector current
Parameters Class A Class B Class C Class AB
Efficiency lowest Above 78.5% Between 50 to Above 95%
efficiency 78.5%
25% to 50%
Power Very high Low Low Very Low
dissipation in
Conduction Conducts for (180 ˚) half Greater than Less than 180 ˚
angle of (360˚) cycle 180˚ of
collector full cycle of of input and less than input signal
current input signal . 360 ˚
Position of Q In the center In the cutoff Above cutoff Below cutoff
point. of active region region region

Winter- 22 Unit 2 3b) Explain with circuit diagram the working of Class B push pull amplifier. 4
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Working: -

1. The circuit of class B push-pull amplifier shown in the above figure contains center-tapped
2. When no signal is applied at the input, the transistors T1 and T2 are in cut off condition and
hence no collector currents flow. As no current is drawn from VCC, no power is wasted.

3. When input signal is given, it is applied to the input transformer Tr1 which splits the signal into
two signals that are 180o out of phase with each other.

4. These two signals are given to the two identical transistors T1 and T2.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

5. For the positive half cycle, the base of the transistor T1 becomes positive and collector current
flows. At the same time, the transistor T2 has negative half cycle, which throws the transistor
T2 into cutoff condition and hence no collector current flows.

Winter- 22 Unit 2 4a) Compare small signal amplifier and power amplifier (any four points).

Winter- 22 Unit 2 5b) Compare class A, class B, class AB and class C with efficiency, conduction angle, Q point location and 6
Parameters Class A Class B Class C Class AB
Efficiency lowest Above 78.5% Between 50 to Above 95%
efficiency 78.5%
25% to 50%
Conduction Conducts for (180 ˚) half Greater than Less than 180 ˚
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

angle of (360˚ ) cycle 180˚ of

collector full cycle of of input and less than input signal
current input signal . 360 ˚
Position of Q In the center In the cutoff Above cutoff Below cutoff
point. of active region region region
Distortion No Distortion Maximum Less than B
distortion more than A distortion and C but
and AB but more than A
less than C

Winter- 22 Unit 2 6c) Sketch the complementary symmetry push pull amplifier and explain working with waveform. 6

Circuit description:

1. As shown in above Figure-Two transistors one NPN & other PNP is used in the circuit so they
are Complementary to each other.
2. Biasing conditions used for both transistors are same so they are symmetrical.
3. R1, R2, VCC are used for voltage divider bias of transistors.
4. Both transistors conduct for 180°as it is class B amplifier.
5. Whenever one transistor is ON other push to be OFF so the name push pull.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution


1. Input signal Vin is applied to both the transistor through input capacitor.
2. During positive half cycle of input: The base of the transistors NPN & PNP is positive. As a
result of this NPN conducts & PNP remains OFF. So we get half cycle in the output.
3. During negative half cycle of input: The base of the transistors NPN & PNP is negative. As a
result of this PNP conducts & NPN remains OFF. So we get remaining half cycle in the output.

Summer - 22 Unit 2 1c) Define: Cross over distortion 2

Explanation: -
1. Cross over distortion occurs in Class B push pull Amplifier. In the push-pull configuration, the
two identical transistors get into conduction, one after the other and the output produced will
be the combination of both.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

2. When the signal changes or crosses over from one transistor to the other at the zero voltage
point, it produces an amount of distortion to the output wave shape.

3. For a transistor in order to conduct, the base emitter junction should cross 0.7v, the cut off
voltage. The time taken for a transistor to get ON from OFF or to get OFF from ON state is
called the transition period.
4. At the zero voltage point, the transition period of switching over the transistors from one to the
other, has its effect which leads to the instances where both the transistors are OFF at a time.
Such instances can be called as Flat spot or Dead band on the output wave shape.

Summer - 22 Unit 2 3a) Compare Class A and Class B power amplifier on the basis of: (i) Position of Q point (ii) Distortion in output 4
voltage (iii) Efficiency (iv) Power dissipation in transistor
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Parameters Class A Class B

Efficiency lowest Above 78.5%
25% to 50%
Conduction Conducts for (180 ˚) half
angle of (360˚) cycle
collector full cycle of of input
current input signal .
Position of Q In the center In the cutoff
point. of active region
Distortion No Distortion
distortion more than A
and AB but
less than C
Power Very high Low
dissipation in

Summer - 22 Unit 2 3b) List any four applications of power amplifier. 2

1. Consumer Electronics:
2. Industrial Electronics
3. Wireless Communication
4. Commercial
5. Academic
6. Military applications

Summer - 22 Unit 2 4a) Explain working of transformer coupled class A power amplifier with neat circuit diagram 4
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

1. Figure above shows the transformer coupled class A power amplifier.

2. The construction of class A transformer coupled power amplifier is similar to the normal amplifier
circuit. Only difference is RC coupling has been replaced with transformer coupling.
3. In directly coupled amplifier collector register Rc is used where we get considerable wastage of
power across Rc. To reduce this wastage of power, transformer coupling is used.
4. In transformer, the internal resistance of winding is less, so less wastage of power across the
winding, hence efficiency increases to 50%

Summer - 22 Unit 2 5b) Explain working of Class B power amplifier with neat diagram 6
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Working: -

1. The circuit of class B push-pull amplifier shown in the above figure contains centre-tapped
2. When no signal is applied at the input, the transistors T1 and T2 are in cut off condition and
hence no collector currents flow. As no current is drawn from VCC, no power is wasted.
3. When input signal is given, it is applied to the input transformer Tr1 which splits the signal into
two signals that are 180o out of phase with each other.
4. These two signals are given to the two identical transistors T1 and T2.
5. For the positive half cycle, the base of the transistor T1 becomes positive and collector current
flows. At the same time, the transistor T2 has negative half cycle, which throws the transistor
T2 into cut-off condition and hence no collector current flows.

Summer - 22 Unit 2 6c) Draw circuit diagram of Class AB Push Pull amplifier and list its any three advantages 6
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Circuit Diagram:

Advantages: -

1. It eliminates crossover distortion.

2. The class AB has a linear behaviour
3. The distortion of this amplifier is less
4. The sound quality of this sound is very high

Winter - 19 Unit 2 1b) Compare small signal amplifier with power amplifier (any four) 2
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Winter - 19 Unit 2 3a) Classify the power amplifiers on the basis of operation and input / output waveforms 4
Depending upon the operation and input/output waveforms power amplifiers are classified into following type.
1) Class A amplifier.
2) Class B amplifier.
3) Class C amplifier.
4) Class AB amplifier.
5) Class D amplifier.

Winter - 19 Unit 2 4b) Draw the circuit diagram of class AB power amplifier and describe it’s working. 4

Circuit diagram:
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Circuit Description:

1. The circuit consists of two centre-tapped transformers T1 and T2, two identical transistors Q1
and Q2, Resistor R and diode D.
2. The DC voltage developed across the diode D is connected to the bases of both the transistors
through the secondary winding of the input transformer.
3. This voltage acts as DC bias for the transistors because it is equal to cut-in voltage and they will
conduct for complete half cycle period of the input to eliminate the cross-over distortion.


When there is no a.c. input signal is applied both the transistors Q1& Q2 are cut off. Hence no current
is drawn from VCC.


 The base of the transistor Q1 is positive and that of Q2 is negative.

 As a result of this Q1 conducts, while the transistor Q2 is OFF.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution


 The base of the transistor Q2 is positive and that of Q1 is negative.

 As a result of this Q2 conducts, while the transistor Q1 is OFF.
 Thus at any instant any one transistor in the circuit is conducting.
 Then the output transformer joins these two halves & produces a full sine wave in the load
Waveform: -

Winter - 19 Unit 2 5b) Sketch the labelled diagram of class A and class B types of power amplifier. Also draw the input and 6
output waveforms. State one application of each
1. Circuit Diagram of Class A Power Amplifier
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

2. Input Output Waveforms of Class A Power amplifier

3. Applications of Class A Power amplifer

A) High gain voltage amplifiers

B) RF& IF amplifiers in Radio & T.V.
C) Audio amplifiers

4. Circuit Diagram of Class B Power Amplifier

Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

5. Input Output Waveforms of Class B Power amplifier

6. Applications of Class B Power amplifer

A) Final stages of the amplifier circuits
B) In public address systems (PA system)
C) In tape recorders and music system
D) In T.V receivers

Winter - 19 Unit 2 6b) Draw a class AB push pull amplifiers and comment on its usefulness in the output stage as compared to 6
other power amplifiers and the relationship between maximum transistor power dissipation wrt the supply
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Circuit Diagram of Class AB push pull amplifiers: -

Usefulness as compared to other power amplifiers:

1. Efficiency more than Class A power amplifier

2. Cross over distortion is eliminated as compared to Class B power amplifier.

Relationship between maximum transistor power dissipation w.r.t the supply

PD = Pi(DC)– Po(A.C.)

= (𝟐𝑽𝑪𝑪∗𝑰𝒎/𝝅) – (𝑽𝒎∗𝑰m/2)
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Exam Unit Question no as per MSBTE paper Marking

Year No Scheme
Winter- Unit 1c) Define the term ‘feedback’ in amplifier. 2
22 3

Feedback is a process of injecting some energy from the output and then return back to
the input.

Winter- Unit 1e) State the meaning of positive and negative feedback with neat sketches. 2
22 3

Positive feedback: If the feedback signal (voltage or current) is applied in such way that it is in phase with input
signal and thus increases it, then it is called positive feedback.

Negative feedback: If the feedback signal (voltage or current) is applied in such way that it is out of phase with
input signal and thus increases it, then it is called negative feedback.

Winter- Unit 2b) Draw a single stage transistor amplifier with voltage series negative feedback. Write its effect on voltage gain, input 4
22 3 resistance, output resistance and harmonic distortion.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Diagram of a single stage transistor amplifier with voltage series negative feedback

Winter- Unit 4c) Draw the block diagram of voltage series and current series feedback. 4
22 3
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Block diagram of voltage series feedback:

Block diagram of current series feedback

Winter- Unit 6b) In single stage voltage amplifier, voltage gain without feedback is 80, input resistance Ri = 800  and output 6
22 3 resistance Ro = 8k . If 20% output voltage is feedback in series with input, determine Avf, Rif, Rof of the
negative feedback amplifier.

Given: -

Ri= 800 Ω
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Ro= 8 K Ω
Feedback % =20 % i.e. feedback factor β = 0.2

Find: -, Avf? Rif? Rof?

Solution: -

Summer Unit 1d) State any two advantages of negative feedback. 2

- 22 3
1) Increased stability.
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

2) Increased bandwidth.

Summer Unit 1e) Draw block diagram of negative feedback with its input and output` waveforms. 2
- 22 3
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution
Summer Unit 2b) Compare voltage series and voltage shunt feedback amplifier on following basis: (i) Distortion (ii) Output resistance 4
- 22 3 (iii) Bandwidth (iv) Gain

Sr No. Parameter Voltage series Voltage shunt

1 Distortion Decreases Decreases
2 Output Resistance Decreases Decreases
3 Bandwidth Decreases Decreases
4 Gain Decreases Decreases

Summer Unit 4c) Compare positive and negative feedback on basis of: (i) Voltage gain (ii) Distortion (iii) Noise in output signal (iv) 4
- 22 3 Stability of circuit

Sr. No Parameter Negative feedback Positive feedback

1 Gain Decreases Increases

2 Distortion Decreases Increases

3 Noise Decreases Increases

4 Stability Improved Poor

Summer Unit 6b) Draw current series and current shunt feedback amplifier. Compare them on the basis of : (i) Bandwidth (ii) Voltage 6
- 22 3 gain
Sr Parameter Current series Current shunt
1 Bandwidth Decreases Decreases
2 Voltage Decreases Decreases
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

3 Block

Winter - Unit 1c) State four advantages of negative feedback used in feedback amplifier. 2
19 3
i. Distortion decreases
ii. Noise in output decreases
iii. Stability of gain of amplifier improves
iv. It is used as an amplifier.
v. Operating point is stabilized.
vi. Input resistance increases in certain configuration and output resistance decreases in certain
vii. Bandwidth is increased

Winter - Unit 1e) Differentiate between positive feedback and negative feedback. (four points) 2
19 3

Parameter Negative feedback Positive feedback

Feedback signal 1800 out of phase with the input signal In phase with the input signal
Net input signal Decreases Increases

Gain Decreases Increases

Noise Decreases Increases

Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Stability Improved Poor

Uses Amplifiers oscillators

Winter - Unit 2b) Compare the performance of voltage series and current series type of negative feedback amplifiers. (four points) 4
19 3
Sr. No. Parameters Voltage series negative feedback Current series negative feedback
amplifiers amplifiers
1 Block

2 Gain Decreases Decreases

3 Output Decreases Increases
4 Input Increases Increases
5 Distortion Decrease Decrease

Winter - Unit 4c) With the help of neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of voltage shunt type of feedback amplifier. 4
19 3
Examination Paper Analysis and Solution

Fig. shows common emitter transistor amplifier with a feedback resistor RF connected between its output and
input terminals. This is collector to base biasing when the input signal is applied to the input then amplified
output VO is produced with 1800 phase shift (out of phase with input) with the input.
Thus if we reduce the output voltage to zero then feedback voltage will reduce to zero, therefore, it is voltage
feedback. As IS = If + Ii it is shunt type therefore it voltage shunt negative feedback amplifier.

Winter - Unit 6c) Comment on the effect of negative feedback on the gain, input and output resistance of the feedback amplifiers. 6
19 3 Describe the gain bandwidth product term used in this context and its importance.

Effect of negative feedback:

1. Gain decreases with negative feedback.

2. Input resistance increases with negative feedback.
3. Output resistance decreases with negative feedback.
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Explanation of significance of Gain bandwidth product

Bandwidth measure at 3db voltage gain. As Gain and bandwidth product is always constant, and it is unity
gain bandwidth.
The gain decreases with negative feedback bandwidth increases which means it is stable output on more
range of frequency.

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