Memories of Christmas

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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: K-pop, Infinite (Band), infinite (kpop), Woogyu - Fandom
Relationship: Kim Sunggyu/Nam Woohyun, Woogyu, Woohyun/Sunggyu
Character: Kim Sunggyu, Nam Woohyun
Additional Tags: Friendship, Character Death, KPop, Oneshot, Christmas, Angst,
Alternate Universe
Stats: Published: 2014-11-20 Words: 2219

Memories of Christmas
by Joyschon


He lived a life, hidden in the shadows, now he is the one running....

They were friends...

it wasn´t what he had wanted...

they had been friends...

they had been...

He should have known it would end in a bad way for him, he should have just ran away from
them, hid somewhere, or at least tell them "no". That way it would have only been him to take the
punishment and even if they would have killed him for disobeying, at least no one else would
have gotten hurt.

No, that wasn´t really true. Someone else would have just taken his place and would have ended
the mission, but that someone wouldn´t have suffered like he did..and it still wasn´t at its end.

Everyday he was hoping that it would be his last, that it

would finally be over.....

that he was going to erease him from his life for once
and all


The sky was clear this night, stars were twinkling in their own beautiful formation and the people
were all spending their night together with their family. It was christmas, no wonder that the streets
were this empty, who would be out if he could be at home, getting presents. He would have been
with his family as well but that just wasn´t how it went, their job just wouldn´t allow them such a
chance but that was okay, it wasn´t like that every year.

It was cold, he had no clue for how long he had been camping on the roof of this building already
but it had to be at least two weeks. All he did during that time was observing, studying the way
the people were acting along each other, how long they were on their own, how long they used
the bathroom, at what times they had to leave for work and when they would return. He reported
all of these informations to his boss, someone hidden in the dark just like him, a person no one had
once seen but had always feared like hell. He hadn´t written the informations down, it wasn´t
necessary as he was trained to remember each detail of the people he had to follow, sometimes he
had to stick to their backs for months, weeks or sometimes just days until he was allowed to finish
them off.

Yes, he was a killer, an assasin, just like in those stories that got spread everywhere. It wasn´t by
his own choice, no, he grew up in this family business and even if he wanted to quit there was no
way out, he never visited a real school and knew nothing else but how to kill. All he had beside
this life was his one and only friend, the one his family should never find out about because if they
did he was sure that they would take him away from him.

Of course they didn´t have a normal friendship like other kids, he was a living killermachine after
all so the time they spent was different. He teached his friend how to fight, how to bend into the
shadow, to find a way to become invisible for the eyes of others. Their skills increased almost at
the same time until his friend had reached him, to them it was nothing but a game although the
other knew that it was actually his friends job to kill others, it never seemed to have bothered him
at all.

This time his job was a bit more annoying though, usually he would be spending his time with his
friend until he would go home to his family but not today. Tonight was the night, the one to finish
this mission finally. He had been around that family for weeks and during that time he couldn´t
find any free time to meet up with his friend, he hated it whenever he would need to shadow
someone during the day time, at night it was more interesting since at that time his friend was at
home with his family anyways but his boss had insisted on him only watching them during the
time from 9am till 6pm. It was weird actually, maybe he should have been more suspicious back
then but now it was too late.

Now he was lying here, his glance going over to the window that he was watching through his
sniper. A family, two little girls, a mother and a father, looking happy like in those movies, just
another perfect family that he was going to wipe out of the world forever.
Glancing at his phone for the last time he checked if he got a text from his friend but he was
probably at home celebrating with his parents and siblings. Maybe he would call him once he was
done with his job. Nodding softly he agreed to his own idea and leaned back down, the kids were
already gathering around the tree, each of them taking a present waiting for their parents
permission. He wouldn´t wait that long though, he wanted to get this over with already. Slowing
his breathing he closed his left eye and slowly moved his finger, waiting for another second he
made sure that he was aiming directly between the little girls eyes, he wanted to make it fast and
painless for them.

Breathing out he finally shot and not even a second later the girl fell to the ground while he was
already aiming for the other girl. Shooting her next right into the forehead he then moved over to
the mother who was running over to her kids. Once she was finished off he searched for the
father, it was luck that he had found him this fast because he was already reaching for the phone to
probably call the police. Moving his finger for the last time he leaned back and sat up, sending his
boss a message before looking through his contacts.

Pressing call he waited for a bit before he heard the familiar voice. "Hey Gyu, aren´t you busy
anymore?" "Naw, I just finished my job and thought if we could meet up?" hearing nothing for a
fe seconds he figured that his friend must be thinking about it before he gave his reply "Sorry, I
promised to stay home tonight because as you know it´s christmas and I have to watch over my
two sisters." "Oh I see..." hearing the rustling of keys Sunggyu sighed, he was already at home so
they wouldn´t be able to talk that long anymore for sure "But maybe we ca-" "What is it?"
" are..oh my god" what was it that the other was so shocked about, it couldn´t be a
surprise party because he sure would have heard something by now then. "Tell me, what´s
wrong?" hearing a soft *thud* Suggyu frowned, had he just fallen down?

It couldn´t be that...Looking through the lens of my sniper my eyes widened "Oh my..." seeing
Woohyun picking up his phone he spoke in a cold almost monoton voice "Who was it that you
have killed for your job tonight?" "I..I´m sorry Woo, I didn´t know, I really didn´t know" "YOU,
you killed them, you´ve taken my family from me and THAT is your excuse?!" getting up he
looked out of the window, trying to spot the other in the distance "You will pay for it, I will kill

Sunggyu knew that the younger really meant it, that this weren´t just words spoken out in anger
and sorrow because of his loss. After all the years they had spent together he knew better than
that, his friend was just as cold as he was when it came to hurting or even killing. Although
Woohyun had never killed a person before, they had practiced on animals and no matter how cute
or helpless they were, they both didn´t care. Of course Sunggyu could have just ended his best
friends life here and now, after all the sniper was still aimed at his apartment but he couldn´t, he
just couldn´t.

Getting up he sighed, there was no way that he could make the other feel better again, he had just
ereased the only people in his life that were still worth loving as Woohyun had told him and now
they were gone.

Packing everything together he rushed out of the building, he had teached the other a lot and that
was exactly what had been his mistake. Woohyun knew everything about him and his family, he
knew every secret of him and now he was on the hunt..and Sunggyu was his prey.


A year had passed, he wasn´t running away anymore, he was just waiting for it to end, for
Woohyun to come and finally end his struggle. Of course Woohyun had used the year well, each
day was a torture for Sunggyu who had by now lost everything.

It had started with loosing his best friend and soon his family followed, it wasn´t that Woohyun
had killed them but it was almost just as bad. Sunggyu had confessed to them, telling them what
had happened, told them about his friendship that he had kept a secret from them for so long. But
instead of helping him out they had pushed him away, they had no use for someone like him, he
couldn´t even kill the person...his why should they keep him, he was useless, trash.

Now he had no one, he as alone and he knew that soon he would have to die, there was no way to
avoid it, he wasn´t going to hide though, he wanted it to be over soon. Woohyun seemed to know
that as he was not stepping out of the shadows yet, Sunggyu knew he was around him the whole
time, he could feel his presence, sometimes he even thought he was feeling his light touch on his
shoulder or his breath in his neck but everytime he turned around, there was nothing.

It felt like he was going crazy, day by day he was looking around, paranoid and slowly growing
more and more paniced. Why was the other still hiding, it had been months already, one year to be
exact and now here he was, sitting on the cold ground, snowflakes covering his hair and the cold
air turning his breath into white clouds. A ripped and dirty blanket was wrapped tightly around his
body, preventing him from freezing to death.

He could smell the sweet scent of candies in the air, hear the faint noise of people singing
christmas songs and their laughter, that happy reminded him of that day, the happy
faces of the two girls when they picked up their presents, those bright smiles they carried just

Why couldn´t he forget, he had killed so many times before and he couldn´t remember any of
those people anymore but..that family, that precious family...why..just why

"What a beautiful night, don´t you think so?"

Keeping quiet Sunggyu looked down at the white ground beneath him, he didn´t dare looking up,
facing the person that he had loved so much, his best and only friend...he wasn´t worth calling him
that anymore

A soft clicking sound reached his ears, the sound of a loading gun,he could tell. Still, he didn´t
look up, nor did he move away, he had been running way too long, now he only waited for it to
be over.

The first bullet went straight through his right leg, the pain was intense but he stayed quiet, his
mind was numb, just like his heart. He almost didn´t realized that there had been shot a second
bullet that had went right through his left shoulder until he noticed that he couldn´t move his arm.
Finally he looked up, right into the front of the shaking gun that was pointing at his face, held by a
trembling male.

Why was he hesitating, wasn´t this what he wanted, wasn´t he seeking for revenge? Looking up
into the youngers eyes he saw nothing but a wall of tears, he looked so vulnerable, so hurt. Slowly
the aimed boy kneeled down in the snow infront of the person he once trusted the most, his arms
sliding around him while he pulled the other close to his chest, their heads resting on each others
shoulders. Neither of them dared to say a word, they were just lost in the moment, could it ever be
like it was before, could they return to being friends...?

"I´m sorry...I..I´m so sorry"

Pulling the trigger he closed his eyes, feeling the warmth slowly soaking his clothes before he got
up and took a step back, the lifeless body infront of him lying motionlessly on the ground and
turning the once perl white snow into a sea of red. Looking down at the dead male he whiped his
tears away. That was what he deserved, there was no such thing as forgiveness, Sunggyu had
killed the last sane piece of him, now all that was left of him was cold..just like the snow..his
friends body and...his memories of christmas.

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