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Whatever the long-term effects, Al Gore's core argument is still

valid, urgent action is required to cut greenhouse gas emissions. He
claims that this can be done affordably and with existing technology,
yet he offers few concrete examples in the movie. This statement by
Al Gore prompted me to add a comment regarding technology
because, while it can be used as a tool to achieve goals like
environmental cleanup and impact reduction, it can also exacerbate
the climate change that was originally our issue.
We are capable of doing this. Although each of us contributes to
global warming, we can all affect it by the decisions we make. We
can choose to reduce our personal carbon emissions to zero by
making decisions about the products we buy, the power we use, and
the vehicles we drive. We hold the answers in our hands. All we need
is the willpower to make them a reality. Today, even seemingly
insignificant things can have a significant effect or transform the
world. If we do not act now, the next generation won't have a
beautiful world to live in.
As citizens of this community, we should not always be dependent on
our government, authorities, or other organizations that deal with
global climate change. Instead, we should take the initiative and have
the courage to think for ourselves, to speak up, to make suggestions,
and to act as a single social unit. Every little thing a person does to
protect the environment makes a difference, no matter how modest.
Make a commitment to protect the environment and raise awareness
of global warming We shall all have a much brighter future tomorrow
if we all take action today. Our existence is plagued by global
warming, which has been combated through a number of international
regulations, but they are insufficient. When we combat it individually,
we actually make a difference.
in places and
in changing world

Submitted by: Marielle S. Aquilod

Submitted to: Dr. James Oyando

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