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1. What is global warming?

 “Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the
greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.“
Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due
to human activities, primarily the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere.
The Earth's climate has naturally fluctuated over geological time scales, but the current
warming trend is largely attributed to human activities that enhance the greenhouse effect.

Global warming is a central aspect of climate change, and addressing it is a key focus of
international efforts, such as those outlined in the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global
warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

2. What are Greenhouse gases (GHGs)?

 Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are a set of gases that accumulate in the lower layer of the
atmosphere, the troposphere, and absorb infrared radiation, which contributes to increasing
the average temperature of the Earth's surface. The best known greenhouse gases, carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide and CFC etc.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gases in the Earth's atmosphere that have the ability to trap
heat, leading to the greenhouse effect. This natural phenomenon is essential for maintaining
the Earth's temperature at levels suitable for life. However, human activities have significantly
increased the concentrations of certain greenhouse gases, enhancing the greenhouse effect
and contributing to global warming and climate change. Here are some key greenhouse gases:

3. What is adaptive capacity?

 Adaptive capacity refers to "the ability of a (human) system to adjust to climate change
(including climate variability and extremes), to moderate potential damages, to take
advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences". It involves the capacity to
anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of environmental stressors
and disturbances.

Key components of adaptive capacity include:

 Learning and Knowledge:

 Resource Access and Distribution:

 Social Networks and Collaboration:

 Governance and Institutions:

 Infrastructure and Technology:

 Economic Diversification:
4. What is Climate resilience?
Climate resilience refers to the capacity of a system—whether it's an individual, community,
ecosystem, or an entire society—to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, recover from, and adapt
to the impacts of climate change. A climate-resilient system is better able to withstand, recover
from, and even thrive in the face of climate-related disturbances, such as extreme weather
events, changing precipitation patterns, rising temperatures, and sea-level rise.
Key aspects of climate resilience include:

 Adaptation to Change:
 Reducing Vulnerability:
 Preparedness and Risk Reduction:
 Sustainable Practices:
 Community Engagement and Social Capital:
 Ecosystem Resilience:
Building climate resilience is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires collaboration between
individuals, communities, governments, and the private sector. It involves a combination of
effective policies, investments in infrastructure, social initiatives, and sustainable practices to
create a more resilient and adaptable society in the face of a changing climate.

5. What is sustainable Agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture is an approach to farming and food production that seeks to balance
the need for increased agricultural productivity with environmental stewardship, social
responsibility, and economic viability. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet the
current demands for food while preserving and enhancing the health of ecosystems,
supporting local communities, and ensuring the long-term viability of agricultural practices. It
involves integrating principles and practices that promote environmental health, economic
profitability, and social equity. Key elements of sustainable agriculture include:

Environmental Conservation:
 Resource Efficiency:
 Social Responsibility:
 Economic Viability:
 Long-Term Resilience:
1. What are the causes of climate change?
Climate change is primarily caused by the increase of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.
These gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, trap heat from the sun and prevent
it from escaping back into space. Human activities are the main source of these greenhouse gas
emissions, including burning fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, and agriculture. Industrial
processes, transportation, and land-use changes also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Natural factors such as volcanic eruptions, changes in solar radiation, and variations in Earth's orbit
can also affect the climate, but these are not significant causes of the current climate change. The
increase in greenhouse gases has led to a rise in global temperatures, melting of ice caps and glaciers,
rising sea levels, and changes in weather patterns.

 Burning of Fossil Fuels:

 Deforestation and Land Use Changes:
 Industrial Processes:
 Agricultural Practices:
 Waste Management:
 Use of Fluorinated Gases:
 Loss of Carbon Sinks:
 Black Carbon (Soot) Emissions:

2. Explain the impacts of climate change?

 Climate change impacts our health, environment, and economy. For example: Warmer
temperatures increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of heat waves, which can pose
health risks, particularly for young children and the elderly.
 Climate change can also impact human health by worsening air and water quality, increasing
the spread of certain diseases, and altering the frequency or intensity of extreme weather
 Rising sea level threatens coastal communities and ecosystems.
 Changes in the patterns and amount of rainfall, as well as changes in the timing and amount
of stream flow, can affect water supplies and water quality and the production of
 Changing ecosystems influence geographic ranges of many plant and animal species and the
timing of their lifecycle events, such as migration and reproduction.
 Increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heat waves,
droughts, and floods, can increase losses to property, cause costly disruptions to society, and
reduce the affordability of insurance.

3. What are the sources of greenhouse gases emissions?

 Electricity production – electricity comes from burning of fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural
 Transportation – Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning
fossil fuel for cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes.
 Industry – Greenhouse gas emissions from industry primarily come from burning fossil fuels
for energy, as well as greenhouse gas emissions from certain chemical reactions necessary to
produce goods from raw materials.
 Commercial and Residential – Greenhouse gas emissions from businesses and homes arise
primarily from fossil fuels burned for heat, the use of certain products that contain
greenhouse gases, and the handling of waste.
 Agriculture – Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture come from livestock such as cows,
agricultural soils, use nitrogen fertilizer and rice production.
 Land Use change and Forestry – Land areas can act as a sink (absorbing CO2 from the
atmosphere) or a source of greenhouse gas emissions. Managed forests and other lands have
absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere than they emit.

4. Explain Climate smart agriculture.

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach to sustainable farming that aims to address the
challenges posed by climate change while ensuring food security and promoting sustainable
development. It involves the integration of climate change considerations into agricultural planning,
practices, and policies to enhance resilience, adaptability, and mitigation.

Key components of climate-smart agriculture include:

 Adaptation: Implementing practices that help agriculture withstand the impacts of climate
change, such as changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and the increased frequency of
extreme weather events.
 Mitigation: Reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions produced by agricultural activities.
This can involve adopting more efficient and sustainable farming practices that minimize the
carbon footprint.
 Resilience: Enhancing the ability of agricultural systems to recover from and adapt to shocks and
stresses caused by climate change, including extreme weather events and changes in pest and
disease patterns.
 Sustainable intensification: Increasing agricultural productivity while minimizing negative
environmental impacts. This may involve optimizing the use of resources such as water, energy,
and nutrients to ensure long-term sustainability.

 Innovation and technology: Embracing new and advanced technologies, such as precision
agriculture, climate-resilient crop varieties, and improved water management systems, to
enhance productivity and reduce environmental impact.

 Capacity building: Providing farmers with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to
implement climate-smart practices effectively. This includes education on sustainable farming
techniques and the dissemination of climate information.

 Policy support: Developing and implementing policies that support climate-smart agriculture at
local, national, and international levels. This may involve creating incentives for farmers to adopt
sustainable practices or providing financial support for climate-resilient agricultural projects.

Overall, climate-smart agriculture is a holistic and integrated approach that considers the complex
interactions between agriculture, climate, and the environment. It seeks to create a more sustainable and
resilient agricultural sector in the face of a changing climate.
1. Elaborate the similarity and differences of human and natural causes of GHG
Both natural and human activities contribute to the emissions of common greenhouse gases, including
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and water vapor.
Greenhouse gases trap infrared radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a warming effect known
as radiative forcing. Both natural and human-induced emissions contribute to this warming effect.
Human Causes:

The burning of fossil fuels for energy is a primary human-induced source of GHGs, particularly carbon
Deforestation and changes in land use, often driven by human activities like agriculture and urbanization,
contribute to GHG emissions.
Industrial activities release GHGs directly or produce emissions as byproducts.
Natural Causes:
Volcanic eruptions release large amounts of gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide,
and methane.
Natural processes, such as decomposition and respiration by plants and animals, release GHGs.
The oceans absorb and release carbon dioxide as part of natural processes.
Anthropogenic (human-caused) GHG emissions have significantly increased since the industrial
revolution, leading to a rapid rise in atmospheric concentrations. This accelerated pace of change is a
distinguishing factor from natural variability.
In summary, while both natural and human activities contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, the current
era is marked by a significant and rapid increase in anthropogenic emissions, leading to unprecedented
changes in the Earth's climate system. Addressing human-induced sources is crucial for mitigating the
impacts of climate change.

2. Elaborate the similarity and differences of climate adaptation and mitigation?

Both adaptation and mitigation strategies are responses to the impacts of climate change. They seek to
address and reduce the negative consequences of a changing climate on ecosystems, human societies,
and economies.
Both adaptation and mitigation efforts aim to contribute to long-term sustainability and resilience. While
their specific objectives differ, the ultimate goal is to ensure the well-being of current and future
generations in the face of a changing climate.
Effective climate action often involves integrated approaches that consider both adaptation and
mitigation. Many strategies and projects incorporate elements of both to maximize effectiveness and
address multiple aspects of climate change.
The primary goal of climate adaptation is to adjust and prepare for the current and future impacts of
climate change. It involves strategies and measures to reduce vulnerability, enhance resilience, and cope
with the changing climate. Adaptation focuses on managing the risks associated with climate impacts
such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and shifts in precipitation patterns.
Actions for adaptation include building infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events,
implementing early warning systems, developing drought-resistant crops, and creating land-use plans
that consider future climate conditions.
Mitigation: Climate mitigation is geared towards addressing the root causes of climate change by
reducing or preventing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. The goal is to
stabilize or reduce the concentration of GHGs to limit global temperature rise and mitigate the overall
extent of climate change.
Mitigation actions involve transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency,
afforestation (planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide), implementing carbon capture and storage
technologies, and promoting sustainable land-use practices.
While adaptation and mitigation share the overarching goal of addressing climate change, they differ in
their specific objectives, timeframes, scopes, and the nature of the actions they entail. Both are critical
components of a comprehensive climate strategy, and their integration is key to building a sustainable
and resilient future.

3. Elaborate the similarity and differences of direct and indirect impacts of climate change on
Both direct and indirect impacts of climate change can lead to changes in agricultural productivity. These
changes may manifest as alterations in crop yields, livestock health, and the overall output of agricultural
Both direct and indirect impacts pose risks to food security. Changes in climate patterns can influence
crop growth, livestock productivity, and the availability of water resources, potentially leading to
disruptions in food production and distribution.
Farmers and agricultural systems must adapt to both direct and indirect impacts of climate change.
Adaptation strategies may include changes in crop varieties, land-use practices, irrigation methods, and
overall farming systems to cope with the changing climate conditions.
Direct Impacts:

Extreme Weather Events: Direct impacts include the immediate and observable effects of extreme
weather events, such as floods, droughts, heatwaves, and storms. These events can damage crops, erode
soil, and affect livestock health directly.
Temperature Changes: Direct impacts also result from changes in temperature, affecting the growth and
development of crops. For example, higher temperatures can accelerate evaporation, leading to
increased water demand and drought stress in plants.
Direct impacts on soil health include erosion due to extreme weather events and changes in soil structure
and composition. For example, increased rainfall intensity can lead to soil erosion and nutrient runoff.

Indirect Impacts:
Pest and Disease Dynamics: Indirect impacts involve changes in pest and disease dynamics. Warmer
temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can create more favorable conditions for the
proliferation of certain pests and diseases, affecting crop health and productivity.
Altered Growing Seasons: Changes in climate can lead to shifts in growing seasons, affecting the timing of
planting, flowering, and harvesting. Indirect impacts may result from altered phenological patterns,
disrupting the synchronization between crops and their environment.
Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can indirectly affect soil health by influencing
microbial activity, nutrient cycling, and soil moisture levels. These changes may have long-term
consequences for the fertility and structure of agricultural soils.
In summary, while both direct and indirect impacts of climate change affect agriculture, they differ in
their nature, timing, and the specific challenges they pose to farmers and food systems. Addressing these
impacts requires a multifaceted approach that considers both short-term responses and long-term
adaptation strategies.

1. Why agriculture does is very vulnerable to the climate change?

Agriculture is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to the sector's direct reliance on climate and
weather conditions for successful crop growth and livestock management. Several factors contribute to
the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change:

 Temperature Changes:
 Altered Precipitation Patterns:
 Extreme Weather Events:
 Shifts in Growing Seasons:
 Water Scarcity and Changes in Water Availability:
 Pest and Disease Dynamics:
 Sea Level Rise:
 Extreme Heat Events:
 Loss of Biodiversity:
 Economic and Social Vulnerabilities:
 Adaptation Constraints:
Overall, the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change underscores the need for proactive and
sustainable adaptation strategies, as well as global efforts to mitigate the underlying causes of climate
change. Adaptation measures may include the development of climate-resilient crop varieties, improved
water management practices, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
2. How does GHG affect climate change?
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) play a crucial role in regulating Earth's temperature. While they naturally exist
in the atmosphere and contribute to keeping the planet warm enough to support life, human activities
have significantly increased the concentrations of these gases. This heightened concentration enhances
the natural greenhouse effect, leading to changes in the Earth's climate.
The enhanced greenhouse effect, driven primarily by human-induced increases in GHG concentrations, is
a key driver of climate change. The resulting global warming and associated impacts pose significant
challenges for ecosystems, human societies, and the overall stability of the planet's climate system.
Mitigating the effects of climate change involves reducing GHG emissions and implementing strategies to
adapt to the changes already underway.

3. How does livestock production contribute to the GHG?

Livestock production contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through various mechanisms. The
primary GHGs associated with livestock production are methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of
which are more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of their warming potential.
It's important to note that different types of livestock and production systems have varying contributions
to GHG emissions. For example, ruminants like cattle emit more methane compared to monogastric
animals like pigs and poultry. Additionally, pasture-based systems may have different environmental
impacts compared to intensive, industrial systems.

1. What is the significance of article 9 in the Paris agreement?

Article 9 of the Paris Agreement plays a crucial role in addressing the financial aspects of climate action
and supporting developing countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The Paris
Agreement, adopted in 2015, is an international treaty within the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Article 9 specifically focuses on the importance of providing financial
resources to developing countries and enhancing their capacity to respond to climate change.
Article 9 of the Paris Agreement is significant for ensuring that developing countries receive the necessary
financial resources, technology, and capacity-building support to effectively address climate change. It
reflects the principle of international cooperation and solidarity in the global response to climate

2. How is CCD (Climate Compatible Development) used interchangeably with other terms and why is
this problematic?
Climate Compatible Development often overlaps with the broader concept of sustainable development.
Sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs, and it encompasses economic, social, and environmental
dimensions. While CCD emphasizes the integration of climate change considerations, it is essential to
recognize that climate change is just one aspect of the broader sustainability agenda.
There are several terms related to sustainable development and climate change that may be used
interchangeably with CCD, such as Climate Smart Development, Climate-Resilient Development, and Low-
Carbon Development. While these terms share common goals and principles, they may have nuanced
differences in emphasis and focus. Using them interchangeably can lead to ambiguity and a lack of
precision in communication.
The interchangeable use of terms may lead to challenges in policy development and implementation.
Governments, organizations, and stakeholders may adopt different interpretations of the concepts,
potentially resulting in divergent strategies and actions. This can hinder coordination and collaboration in
addressing climate change within the development context.

3. How does government affect implementation of CCD?

Governance plays a critical role in the effective implementation of Climate Compatible Development
(CCD). The term "governance" refers to the way societies organize and manage themselves to achieve
common goals, and it involves the structures, processes, and decision-making mechanisms that influence
public policies. Here are several ways in which governance affects the implementation of CCD:
governance significantly influences the implementation of Climate Compatible Development. An effective
governance framework fosters policy coherence, stakeholder engagement, transparency, and the
integration of climate considerations into development processes. Through good governance practices,
countries can enhance their resilience to climate change while achieving sustainable and equitable
development goals.

4. What are the three major conceptual obstacles to adaptation?

Uncertainty and Ambiguity:
Complexity and Interconnectedness: Climate change impacts are often complex, interconnected, and
exhibit nonlinear dynamics. Uncertainties in the science of climate change, including regional and local
Timescale Mismatch:
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Planning: The urgency of addressing immediate development challenges
sometimes conflicts with the longer-term perspective needed for effective climate adaptation.
Time Lags: The time lag between implementing adaptation measures and observing their effects can
create challenges.
Equity and Justice Concerns:
Differential Vulnerability: Vulnerability to climate change is not evenly distributed, and marginalized
communities often bear a disproportionate burden.
Trade-offs and Conflicts: Adaptation measures may lead to trade-offs between different sectors,
interests, and communities.

5. What are some of the opportunities that emerged from CCD?

Climate Compatible Development (CCD) presents several opportunities that can contribute to sustainable
and resilient development while addressing the challenges posed by climate change. Some of the key
opportunities that have emerged from CCD include:
Green Jobs and Economic Growth:
Renewable Energy Deployment:
Technological Innovation:
Ecosystem-Based Adaptation:
Community Resilience Building:
Social and Environmental Co-Benefits:
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure:
These opportunities highlight the potential for aligning climate action with broader development goals,
promoting sustainability, and creating a more resilient and equitable future. By embracing these
opportunities, governments, businesses, and communities can work together to address climate
challenges while fostering inclusive and sustainable development.

6. How is triple win development approach related to CCD?

The triple-win development approach aligns closely with the principles and goals of Climate Compatible
Development (CCD). The triple-win approach seeks to achieve simultaneous benefits in three key
dimensions: economic development, social equity, and environmental sustainability. This approach
recognizes that solutions addressing climate change can generate positive outcomes across multiple
sectors, promoting a holistic and integrated approach to development.
Triple Win: Environmental sustainability is a core component of the triple-win approach. Solutions that
reduce environmental degradation, conserve biodiversity, and minimize resource depletion are
prioritized to ensure that development is in harmony with the natural environment.
CCD Connection: CCD shares the commitment to environmental sustainability. Adaptation and mitigation
measures under CCD focus on preserving ecosystems, promoting sustainable resource management, and
minimizing environmental impacts. Ecosystem-based adaptation and conservation practices align with
the environmental dimension of the triple-win approach.

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