The National Lottery Community Fund (Annual Report and Accounts) (2019-2020) (Large Print)

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Celebrating 25 years of

The National Lottery

To find out more about our funding and research:
The National Lottery
Visit our website: Community Fund
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Read our Insight reports:
ISBN 978-1-5286-2062-8
Big Lottery Fund *

Annual Report and

(operating as The National Lottery Community

For the financial year ended 31 March 2020
Presented to Parliament pursuant to section
23(3) of, and paragraph 21 of Schedule 4A
to, the National Lottery etc. Act 1993 (as
amended by the National Lottery Act 1998 and
the National Lottery Act 2006).
Laid before the Scottish Parliament by the
Scottish Ministers on 15 July.
Laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Ordered by the House of Commons to be
printed on 15 July.

HC 595

Part one:
Our year in review
© Crown copyright 2020
Introduction 08
We are Big Lottery Fund operating as The National
A message from the Chair and Chief Executive
Lottery Community Fund.
Our year in numbers 10
This publication is licensed under the terms of the
Our strategic framework and principles 12
Open Government
Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To Celebrating 25 years of The National Lottery 14
view this licence, visit An incredible year 16
open-government-licence/version/3. A view across our programmes and portfolios 20
Where we have identified any third party An overview of our work and sharing stories
copyright information you will need to obtain
permission from the copyright holders concerned. Part two:
Accountability report
This publication is available at:
 ur corporate governance report
O 44
Our corporate governance report,
Any enquiries regarding this publication should be Directors’ report; Sustainability report;
sent to us at The National Lottery Community Fund, 1 Statement of Accounting Officer’s
Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE. responsibilities; The governance statement
Our remuneration and staff report 127
ISBN 978-1-5286-2062-8 Executive directors; staff
Our parliamentary accountability 152
Printed on paper containing 75% recycled fibre and audit report
content minimum Report of Comptroller and Auditor General;
Printed in the UK by the APS Group on behalf of the Financial Statements
Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Our statutory background 244

4 5
Part one

Our year in review

Guinness World Records™ largest cream team party
A message The resilience and creativity of local communities was
brought home to me on a visit to Iona, Mull and Ulva
from in Scotland. These enterprising island communities
are taking responsibility for themselves, whether it be
the Chair building much needed meeting spaces and renewable
energy schemes or supporting community business. It
showed how in the right hands our funding can go a very
long way.
The National Lottery is a remarkable national asset. Our As this financial year ended so COVID-19 hit and
role in it is to help communities thrive by using National local communities across the UK responded as only
Lottery funding to enable people to be in the lead. This they can. Good neighbours became life savers and we
year we joined with fellow National Lottery distributors diverted our funding to those groups best able to support
to celebrate 25 years of National Lottery funding and their communities. We are also looking ahead to support
reflect on the difference it has made in providing over charities and others through difficult times and prepare
£40 billion to more than 565,000 projects across the UK. for the changed world to come. The value of strong,
The celebrations were a reminder of the important role independent and dynamic local community groups,
played by local community organisations in the fabric of networks and charities to the country has never been
our nation. more obvious and they are too fragile in too many areas.
We are committed to ensuring our funding is sustained
Over 83% of our grants go to these groups through and used in ways that best meet their needs.
grants of £10,000 or less. Finally, may I thank our Board and Country Committee
members, Chief Executive Dawn Austwick and the
For the 25th anniversary we ran a special
dedicated staff team. Each of them knows the critical
#CelebrateNationalLottery25 fund making grants of
importance of our funding to communities across the UK
up to £1,000. The strong take up was testimony to the
and I pay tribute to their hard work and commitment.
impact that relatively small amounts of funding can
We were also delighted that 57.3% of our grants during
Tony Burton CBE
the year went to groups we’ve never funded before.

A message This has also been a year when we accelerated our
commitment to the environment with the launch of our
from £100 million Climate Action Fund, which enables
communities to take action at a local level to address
the Chief the climate emergency and build community confidence
in making a difference and contributing to the bigger
Executive picture.
Elsewhere, we have continued to work closely with both
Writing this from my kitchen table in the midst of the the UK government on developing the next stage of the
COVID-19 lockdown, the successful and inspiring year distribution of Dormant Assets and with the Northern
that we had, seems a lifetime ago. We mustn’t forget Ireland administration to prepare for the release of
however that The National Lottery has had one of its Dormant Accounts funding to support civil society.
most successful years in our 25 year history in terms of
income and money generated for much needed good We have said farewell to our England and Scotland chairs,
causes work. Nat Sloane and Maureen McGinn, and to a number of
senior colleagues who have moved on to new roles. Our
We were delighted to play our part in the anniversary brilliant Chair, Peter Ainsworth, also stepped down after
celebrations that brought the entire National Lottery eight years. He has been wise, humorous, and engaging
family together with communities. My two highlights and we all thank him very much for his unstinting
were firstly, our successful Guinness World Records™ support.
breaking community Cream Tea, which saw over 1,000
people from across the UK marshalled together at The As ever, the success of any organisation is dependent
Sage in Gateshead by celebrity Scarlett Moffatt. It was on its staff and yet again, our people have stood us
a glorious moment and epitomised so much of what in good stead throughout the year, notably during the
matters to us at The National Lottery Community Fund. challenges of COVID-19. It is thanks to them that we
The second was The National Lotteryfamily celebration have been able to seamlessly keep our funding
at Tate Modern alongside stakeholders and grant flowing to those who make a difference to the lives of
holders. It brought together the beginning of my own others across the country. Take a bow, colleagues.
National Lottery journey, the creation of Tate Modern,
and the impact our funding has across the country.
Dawn Austwick
Our year in numbers Money awarded
in 2019-20
In total 30,204 projects In total
we funded were active last year, at least one in every
local authority bar the Isles of Scilly.
14,003 grants
Our funding goes to the heart of what matters to people
and communities

7,547 1,433 8,189 1,130 UK wide
projects projectss projects grants £59.9m
2,168 grants
supporting improving projects that
health and education and bring

Individual projects may be counted in more than one category.

wellbeing life skills communities Northern
together Ireland
700 grants

886 4,184 1,151 Wales

employment more active environmental
and enterprise communities projects £28.6m
667 grants

Often small amounts of money make the biggest England

difference to people and communities
83.3% = £10,000 9,338
of our new or less

12 13
Our strategic Our principles
framework What we do and how we act as an organisation is based
on our principles.
For everyone
1 Our funding is open to all communities whatever
their starting point and we understand that some will
need extra support.
The strengths people bring
2 We start with what people can contribute, and the
potential in their idea.
A catalyst for others
3 We listen to, learn from, act on and facilitate the
things that matter to people, communities and
our partners.
Shared direction, diverse approaches
4 We value the diversity of communities we work
with across the UK, are consistent in the quality
of opportunities we offer, and support people to
tackle inequalities.
When people are in the lead, Confidence, not control
communities thrive. 5 We trust in people’s ability to make great things
happen, believing that our funding should enable
People understand what’s needed in their rather than control.
communities better than anyone.
Simple processes, good judgements
We listen, collaborate and fund so that good things 6 We use simple, proportionate processes which
happen. enable us to make good judgements.
That’s why we’re proud to award money raised by
Using resources well
National Lottery players across the UK.
7 We make informed choices about the resources
given to us by National Lottery players: with
knowledge, with people and with money, and in an
The Crafty Gardener
environmentally sustainable way.
25 years of
The National Lottery

Northern Ireland

Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum (BBHF)

Wales Since 1999, National Lottery funding has helped
BBHF to deliver community health programmes
for local people in partnership with statutory
The Principality Stadium
partners, and they currently have grants to support
In 1997, £46.3 million was awarded through the older people and youth.
Millennium Commission to build the Millennium
Stadium in Cardiff, which is now known as the We funded them to establish a Healthy Living
Principality Stadium. The stadium, which was Centre (HLC) in 2001 and across Northern Ireland
developed to host the 1999 Rugby World Cup, is 19 HLCs have been created due to our support.
the largest single grant awarded by The National “I 100% feel supported by BBHF and I know if I
Lottery to a project in Wales and is now regarded ever need help or someone to talk to, they will
as one of the world’s finest sporting stadia and be there for me and everyone else. We really
performance arenas whilst also hostinga range of appreciate it a lot.”
community events throughout the year. Young participant, BBHF

16 17
The Centre for Ageing
Established with a £50
million endowment in
2015 and part of the
What Works Network,
The Centre for Ageing
Better is using National
Lottery funding to England
improve later life. They
create change in policy and practice, informed by
evidence and work with partners across England,
with specific focus on employment, housing, health
and communities.

Our Bright Future
Led by Wildlife Trust and
The Kelpies aimed specifically at the
Built as part of the Helix Park development in youth sector, Our Bright
Falkirk through the Living Landmarks programme, Future gives 11-24 year
The Kelpies sculptures sit at the heart of the olds across the UK new
eco-park. Connecting 16 communities through UK skills and gets them
pathways and waterways, the sculptures are a engaged with positive
gateway to the park and a tribute to the area’s environmental change
history. £25 million of National Lottery funding and activities in their local communities.
was used to create this meeting space for the The £33 million programme, which began in 2016,
communities in the area. has funded 31 projects to run for up to 5 years and
is reaching 100,000 young people.

18 19
An incredible year With more than 14,000 grants across the UK, we
have seen some incredible examples of creativity,
innovation and personal resilience. These have not only
shaped the last year but set an inspiring blueprint for
the future of our community and what this means in an
ever-changing world.
The numbers are amazing but so are the things that
happen. The statistics shared in this annual report can
sometimes mask the human story, connections and
experiences that change lives and outcomes every day.

“For more than 20 years we have been supported by

The National Lottery and we’re eternally grateful.”

Wendy Edge, CEO, BASIC

Today, that support means more than money alone.

We give a platform to voices all over the sector –
championing participatory experience through our
programmes such as Leaders with Lived Experience,
which made 20 grants. This year we brought in six
individuals that exemplify our commitment to diversify
the philanthropic sector by 2027. The 2027 Programme
provides year-long placements in grant-making
organisations so that the lived experience of people
from working class backgrounds is not only helping
to steer grant making decisions but is also helping to
challenge thinking across the funding sector, both
through valuable contributions to our operations but
also to our thinking. The UK Portfolio backed the
Micro Rainbow 21
development of one of the country’s first lived expe- Our commitment to collaboration took an unprecedented
rience bodies with The Centre for Knowledge Equity turn when we partnered with UK Government to
through a five-year grant co funded with Lankelly Chase distribute £200 million through the Coronavirus
and others. This brings us further along the journey of Community Support Fund as part of our broader
our equality, diversity and inclusion ambitions both as response to the crisis.
an employer and a funder. Over a third of our funding goes to the smallest of
We take our role seriously as a catalyst for change. grassroots groups right up to large UK-wide charities
The Healthy Communities Together programme in to ensure children and young people thrive. We have
partnership with The Kings Fund has kicked off six therefore developed a Youth Voice strategy to ensure
pilots, developing cross sector working between public young people’s voices are included in all our work,
health and community organisations to help people whether it’s through the grants we make, the people
and statutory services work together to shape patient we influence or the things we learn. To help us achieve
experience like never before. We had over 270 this we have recruited 12 dynamic young people
expressions of interest in the fund and partnerships from across the places and projects we currently fund
such as these have the power to set future direction and a bring a variety of expert lived experience and
in this space. One other example of partnership is the knowledge from homelessness to youth unemployment
#iwill Fund - a joint £50 million fund between DCMS to autism and mental health. All of this work will help us
and The National Lottery Community Fund, which has better understand the issues young people and their
helped to unlock £39 million through match funded communities are facing with the aim of steering
partnerships. significant and positive change in communities. Through
grant making and convening changemakers with young
people, we will ensure their voices are heard.
Listening and learning are bedrocks for organisational
and thought development. We have learnt lots from
our advisory groups, which include young people,
climate change experts, advisors, civil society leaders
and others that provide broader perspectives and a
regular support and challenge function, helping us find
answers to often complex and deep-seated issues,
#iwill Fund
22 23
Whether it is policy convenings, community Grants will be awarded in summer of 2020 and will
conversations, large-scale charity conferences or the demonstrate what is possible when people take the lead
one to one engagement that matters so much, we in tackling climate change. With National Lottery funding,
know the value of building and maintaining they will work together, share their learning and be
relationships with those we fund and those we work active participants in a broader movement of change.
with. Supporting charities and community groups to undertake
digital transformation has long been important for us
as a Fund and The Digital Fund was set-up to enable
established organisations to use digital tools to take a
major leap forward or to scale or increase their impact.

The Digital Fund completed its first round of

funding this year, awarding £11.6 million to 29
organisations across the UK, supporting them to
make better use of digital tools and technology
in their work and to share what they learn with

Climate Action Fund As the largest funder of communities, we recognise

that we have a duty to share our intelligence and
In 2019 the Fund launched our £100 million Climate learning. This year, we launched the Insights section
Action Fund across the UK with an ambition to build of our website, which houses expert reports and
a network of people and communities, well-placed information on key topics such as co-production, social
to drive change within, between and beyond their prescribing and youth employment, helping to inform
community. The types of activities funded will differ our work and the work of others. And our new online
from place to place, but will have one thing in Evidence Library, recognised in the prestigious Henley
common: place-based community-led partnerships Forum Awards, makes it easier to find information and
that reduce the carbon footprint of communities. insight about our funding and gives our grant holders

24 25
an accessible platform to share their evidence and
learning. Our insights and knowledge help us grow
and develop as a funder, learning from the people and
communities we fund to inform our grant making and
sharing what we have learned with the sector to enable
better decision making.
The National Lottery’s birthday celebrations helped to
provide a moment to reflect on the unparalleled impact
it has had on people and communities over the last 25
years. A microgrant fund #CelebrateNationalLottery25
helped to continue community creativity as part of the
celebrations, awarding £2 million to local organisations
and individuals, funding small awards of up to £1,000
for ideas that make a difference to local communities.
These microgrants were a great success, receiving an
incredible 9,048 applications, 55% of which were from
groups who had never had funding from us before.
Some of that community energy is shared throughout
this report. Ally Foyle

26 27
UK We bring The Big Lunch

£59.9 million people £8 million

awarded across together is fundraised annually
at Big Lunch events for
2,168 projects Over the last year the UK
Portfolio has continued to things that matter most
to the people taking part
test and grow bold ideas
where people are in the
lead and addressing In 2019
long-term social issues
across the UK.
6.5 million
people took part

3.8 million
people said they felt
less lonely after attending

While funding a diverse range of grants we have also

focused on supporting organisations to build capacity
and be fit for the future. Alongside this, we’ve continued
to create stronger connections between communities
and bring people together with events such as The
Big Lunch and this year’s partnership with ITV, The
People’s Projects.
£35.8 million of responsive funding was awarded from the
UK Portfolio in the last year. It shows our commitment to
supporting UK-wide projects, with over 50% of funding
spread across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Castlefields Yarn Bombing Trail 29

with so many inspirational applications, the funding
The People’s Projects
We achieved our goal highlighted what can be achieved with small amounts of
Our best performing money.
of funding new and bold
digital campaign ever
ideas with 27% of our We are supporting several UK-wide projects that are
grant holders this year rooted in local communities. One example is Fun
never having
received support from
350,000 Palaces, a UK-wide event that celebrates people
people on Facebook coming together from different backgrounds through
The National Lottery
+ community-led activities. People and venues collaborate
Community Fund before.
14 million to draw on the passions and skills of local communities
to create a series of arts, science, tech and heritage
people reached across activities over a free weekend in October. In 2019,
Unilad platforms the project reached over 110,000 participants,
= with 391 events nationwide created by 6,256 local people
28% known as “makers” running the events.

increase in online

We’re based in the

communities we serve
As part of celebrations for The National Lottery’s 25th
birthday, we ran a micro grants programme
The funding was accessible to everyone in the UK and
received almost 10,000 applications, with 55% of
applicants having never received National Lottery funding
before. Anyone who had an idea on how to bring their
community together could apply for up to £1,000 and Sand Palace Arts, ‘The Fish’
30 31
We’re a catalyst for others The Digital Fund completed its first round of funding this
year, awarding £11.6 million to 29 organisations across
The Climate Action Fund is part of our wider climate the UK, supporting them to make better use of digital
strategy, harnessing our role as a community funder to tools and technology in their work and to share what
support initiatives that combat climate change at a local they learn with others.
level. Our launch event at The Global Generation Skip In the context of the global data revolution and the need
Garden, a sustainable urban garden in London and one for ongoing change and development, we’ve been
of our funded projects, brought together environmental researching ways to help voluntary and community
organisations, charities and community groups to organisations to access and utilise data, evidence
discuss ways in which we can reduce environmental and insights. Fran, Chair, 360Giving, says: “What this
impact. generous support gives, is a greater chance for all
The programme will see us invest £100 million over the grant making organisations to be clearer about how
next decade, and is supported by an Advisory Panel, to use their money to benefit the causes they believe
which features a broad range of voices, including young in.”
climate activists, academics, funders, community groups Our Leaders with Lived Experience pilot fund was
and environmental groups. developed and co-produced through workshops across
Ummi, an 18 year old the UK involving more than 70 lived experience leaders.
student who received It aims to embed experts by experience in all aspects of
National Lottery funding an organisation’s operations, learning how people with
through Our Bright Future first-hand experience can become leaders and how
to drive climate action funders can support them.
in her local community,
“Young people must
be at the forefront of
the effort to resolve the
climate emergency –
it’s our planet and our
32 33
England We bring
£433.4 million together
awarded across We’ve supported 9,338
9,338 projects projects this year,
bringing people together
and reaching into
communities across the
country. Clinton from
Emmaus Bolton
“Without the funding, this
would never have happened.”
Tony, Manager, Emmaus Bolton

From supporting large-scale refurbishments of

community halls, to funding the expansion of vital
community services, our funding enables local
communities to implement the changes that matter to
them. In Bolton, Emmaus has created a self-sustaining
social supermarket through our Awards for All support,
providing affordable food and household essentials for
people facing challenges through debt, illness or low
income. Now run by a team of local volunteers, Lucie’s
Pantry supports over 60 families a week.

Coopers Wood, Bridport 35

for the Mayor’s Community Weekend in June 2019,
targeting small amounts of funding to communities
across the West Midlands for community events.
52% of successful applicants had never applied to
us before and we see this trend continuing as we
are embedded in more and more local communities.
Through our Reaching Communities funding, we
supported 1,152 projects, with funding totalling £227.9
million, enabling communities to take the lead in their
Claire House Children’s Hospice
In Gorran Haven in Cornwall, the community recently
A major occasion for us this year was The National received funding for the first time for their Memorial
Lottery’s 25th birthday. As part of our celebrations we Village Hall. This heart of the community now offers a
were able to support projects to make a difference in place for villagers to meet and socialise.
their local community. From art projects, bake sales
and community get-togethers, our one-off funding of up “As a small coastal village, we are often overlooked and
to £1,000 enabled thousands of people to take part in excluded from opportunities. It sometimes feels like we
local activities. Claire House Children’s Hospice joined are invisible. But now that we can extend the life and the
celebrations by hosting a pyjama party with guest size of the Memorial Hall we can bring the world to us
storyteller Sophie Ellis-Bextor, which meant terminally and be noticed!”
ill children and their families had an evening to remember. Sue, Committee Member.

We’re based in the

communities we serve
Our commitment to working regionally and locally over
the last two years has embedded us in local communities
in a new way, connecting with more grassroots
organisations. We worked in partnership with the West
Midlands Combined Authority to offer micro-grants
36 37
programme recently supported the Ministry of Housing
Communities and local Government with their £46
million plan to invest in multiple and complex needs
across Government departments. This plan marks
a major new way of working and one that would
significantly alter the landscape of services designed
for and the lives of many adults across England.
Meanwhile, Headstart, a five-year programme working
to improve the mental wellbeing of young people aged
10-16 has been sharing knowledge and learning through
Hardwick in Partnership in Stockton-on-Tees identified its Building Young People’s Resilience report and by
that a high proportion of their beneficiaries do not have holding a series of conferences. This sort of investment
access to the internet at home, putting them at a social allows us to work as conveners, bringing together
and financial disadvantage in an increasingly digital people across the sector to discuss effective ways to
world. They’ve used £65,736 of National Lottery help young people across the UK.
funding to provide an internet cafe and activities to
We work with organisations in partnership to share
increase inclusion in their local community.
expertise and insight and support others to work the
Peter, who uses the internet services, says: “Being able same way.
to get on the internet with help has made a really big
We also run national partnerships, such as the #iwill Fund.
difference to me, I couldn’t do it on my own”.
A joint investment from The National Lottery Community
Fund and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and
We’re a catalyst for others Sport (DCMS) supporting young people to access high
quality social action opportunities, we are in partnership
Our strategic approach to funding is recognised for its
with 25 match funders across England. The learning from
insight and influence across policies and what we have
the #iwill Fund is informing our ongoing commitment to
learnt is used by others to inform new ventures.
giving young people a voice in our funding, such as our
Through our five strategic programmes, A Better Start, newly instated Young People in the Lead team. Bringing
HeadStart, Talent Match, Ageing Better and Fulfilling together 12 young leaders aged 16-25, the team will be
Lives we are committed to long-term investment and considering important issues that will inform our future
creating lasting social change. Our Fulfilling Lives funding.
38 39
Scotland We bring people together
£38.9 million This year, our grants brought people together across
the country in towns, cities and rural areas.
awarded across We also brought grant holders together to celebrate The

1,130 projects National Lottery’s 25th birthday and all of the amazing
achievements made possible in the last 25 years. Our
funding is reflective of the diverse nature of Scottish
Civil Society, which is made up of over 45,000 voluntary
organisations - 78% of these Scottish charities work
locally and at least three quarters of them are
organisations with an income of under £100,000.
Having early conversations with customers has
ensured that people are in the lead and the applications
made to us have a better fit with our funding
programmes and approach to funding, which is
reflected in success rates.

Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company 41

We’re based in the
communities we serve
Our eight funding teams in Scotland are at the heart
of our place-based approach. We’ve made ourselves
more accessible and visible across the country than
ever before, with Funding Officers travelling all over
the country to support people applying for grants and
delivering projects.
We’re supporting our diverse communities to thrive
using our local knowledge and understanding.
Friendly Access (SCIO) Applications from areas that don’t usually receive our
funding are increasing and getting out and about means
Friendly Access (SCIO), Scotland’s only adaptive surf
that local stakeholder relationships feel stronger, with
school, was awarded £100,000 to run their specialised
teams better understanding local issues and priorities,
programme of surf and swim group sessions for young
allowing us to be more agile in our response to
people with hidden or physical disabilities. This funding
emerging issues around local public policy. Our team
means that this specialist group can increase the
in the south of Scotland has focused on ensuring that
locations they are able to work in across rural Moray
all communities feel able to access our National Lottery
and Aberdeenshire.
support. With a population of less than 10,000,
Annan is a prime example of a town dealing with the
Friendly Access (SCIO), Scotland’s only adaptive
challenges of rural isolation.
surf school, was awarded £100,000 to run their
specialised programme of surf and swim group
sessions for young people with hidden or physical
disabilities. This funding means that this specialist
group can increase the locations they are able to
work in across rural Moray and Aberdeenshire.
Glyn, Chief Executive

42 43
we worked with relevant organisations and people
Kate’s Kitchen with lived experience of homelessness to co-create a
In September 2019 an award of £100,000 meant bespoke funding initiative. We used a peer review
Kate’s Kitchen, a volunteer run cafe in rural Dumfries system that we then incorporated into our decision
and Galloway, could continue and expand its activities making.
from its drop-in centre in Annan.
“Being awarded this funding is absolutely brilliant
news. It gives us stability, takes the pressure off and
allows us to actively develop our services for people
living in poverty in Annandale and Eskdale.”
Hazel, Manager

Free Wheel North

An award of £53,000 means that Free Wheel North No Feart
will continue to run their woodworking therapy Amongst those benefitting from our funding is No Feart
project in Maryhill, Glasgow for people experiencing Community Interest Company who will use an award
loneliness and isolation. of £92,193 to support women to recognise the signs
“We are all absolutely ecstatic as this award allows of a controlling and abusive relationship whilst giving
us to reach out to many more people who need our them skills, self-esteem and positive strategies to move
help and, as a project user myself, I can’t overstate forward.
what this funding means to us.” “We cannot thank The National Lottery Community
Fiona, Volunteer Fund enough. In the last three years our previous
funding has allowed us to become a key organisation
We’re a catalyst for others in Glasgow, offering long-term recovery outcomes to
people who take part in our educational courses. These
Using our local intelligence, we brought together courses have empowered people with knowledge about
organisations to collaborate and help people facing abusive tactics and the abuser’s environment which
some of life’s most challenging circumstances. When have shaped their beliefs and how society enforces
our funding teams in Glasgow and Edinburgh noticed them. Lynn, Founder and
an increase in conversations around homelessness,
Managing Company Director
44 45
Wales We bring people together
£28.6 million This year, we celebrated The National Lottery’s 25th
Birthday and brought people together across the country
awarded across through our funding.

667 projects Through our responsive funding programmes; National

Lottery Awards for All and People and Places, we’re
enabling communities to build on their strengths and
achieve amazing things.
Cerrig Friends Social Car Scheme in Conwy was
awarded £10,000 to establish a volunteer-led
communitylift-sharing scheme, allowing isolated
individuals to access services, while Vale People First in
Barry created a series of short films and advice guides
to help improve understanding of learning disabilities.
We also made £1,940,190 in awards under the second
round of our Rural Programme, which offers longer term
funding and support.
Partneriaeth Ogwen was awarded £494,760 to bring
groups together, building on their strengths to overcome
rural isolation and identify community-led initiatives that
combat issues such as fuel poverty.
To celebrate 25 years of The National Lottery, we held a
photographic exhibition in the Senedd. We showcased
images of 25 National Lottery funded communities
from across Wales, featuring one for every year of
The National Lottery.

Bethesda Rugby Club 47

grant holders in each area and tailored to meet the
needs of each region.
Our funding advice sessions are supporting more
people than ever before to access National Lottery
funding through convening grant holders to co-design
ways of better demonstrating their impact, be that
through storytelling or sharing learning on key themes of
interest. One example is a new podcast series called
Third Sector Insights, which provides National Lottery
Bridges Centre funded projects with a platform to share information that
Bridges Centre based in Monmouthshire supports others can learn from.
young people with disabilities by offering accessible
activities for them and their families.
“The funding allows us to offer a truly accessible
activity to the young people with additional needs
on our project. Because we work with the whole
family, we are able to bring families together to
enjoy an active, fun and inclusive activity.”
Louise, Project Coordinator
Milford Youth Matters
We’re based in the Milford Youth Matters received £436,621 to provide
communities we serve advice, assistance and organise programmes
of educational, physical and other activities for
By working in three regional teams, we’ve embedded
young people between the ages of 14 and 25 living
our presence in communities across Wales and have
in Pembrokeshire.
a deeper understanding of local context to inform our
decision making. “Participating on the Routes to Opportunity Plus project
has changed my life, developing my confidence, helping
We brought grant holders together in each of our three me find employment and enjoy new opportunities.”
regions to help build connections, share good practise
India, Participant and Volunteer
and learning. These sessions were co-designed with
48 49
We’re a catalyst for others
We launched Supporting Great Ideas - a £2 million
flexible funding programme for strategic and
innovative ideas that support third sector resilience.
Working with the Funding Centre, we published ‘A
thriving third sector: Directory of support in Wales’ to
provide organisational development support for our
grant holders, as well as being of wider benefit to the
voluntary and community sector as a whole.
Wales is piloting Climate Action Fund Top-Up
grants, supporting environmental action with non-
environmental grant holders through small top-up
awards of up to £10,000. Through the scheme we’re
enabling grant holders to do things differently and
make a positive environmental difference. Siop Griffiths Cyf
Siop Griffiths Cyf in Gwynedd is one project in receipt
of a grant. They will be using £10,000 towards
installation of solar panels and an energy monitor
to improve the energy efficiency of their building.

“Not only will the grant help reduce the electricity

consumption of our Digital Centre by up to 90%, it
will be an opportunity for other organisations to see
the benefits of using batteries with PVs as a way of
reducing their environmental impact and act on the
climate crisis.
Ben, Secretary

50 51
Northern Ireland We bring people together
£27.4 million Our funding this year has continued to ensure people
are at the heart of our work.
awarded across We’ve been reaching even more organisations with
accessible and flexible funding. We’ve been celebrating
700 projects their work and ours through big and small moments,
like The National Lottery’s 25th birthday celebrations in
The projects we funded put the ideas of communities
into action through People and Communities;
Empowering Young People and National Lottery Awards
for All. For example, the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s
Mind My MS project in Mid and East Antrim is running
cafe style support groups, run by volunteers, for people
with MS to come together and share their experiences.

The Newtownabbey Senior Citizens Forum

The Newtownabbey Senior Citizens Forum runs the
+Five-0 And On The Go project, reducing social
isolation and improving health and wellbeing for people
over the age of 50.
“You think when you retire, that’s your life over, but I
feel like since joining my life has started again!”

Northern Ireland Hospice and The Rainbow Project 53

We’re based in the
communities we serve
We’re working hard to remove barriers that make it difficult
for some organisations to access funding. This year we
awarded microgrants to groups in Carrickfergus, which
helped us understand the impact that small amounts of
money can make.
“With a grant of £500 we were able to make sure children
were going to school with a backpack full of everything
they needed, showing just how far a small amount of
money can go”. Streetwise Community Circus
There was high attendance and a positive response to This community circus is using a £195,520 grant to
our Open Board meeting in Derry/Londonderry. The run their Age-ility Circus project over the next four
event was attended by leaders in the voluntary and com- years. The project will deliver an annual programme
munity sector as well as grassroots community groups, of circus workshops for older people across Mid and
other funders and government stakeholders. Together East Antrim, Newry and Mourne, Fermanagh and
we explored how we’ve enabled people and commu- Omagh, Ards and North Down. Workshops include a
nities to take the lead in the design of their community full range of circus skills as well as increasing social
projects and that we’re listening to what works, making interaction and self-esteem.
sure we’re a responsive and collaborative funder.
“Social benefits are important, as people can become
very isolated in later years. We work with people with
dementia and their carers as part of the project, and
they’re soon laughing and making friends.”
Jim, Manager

54 55
We’re a catalyst for others
As we developed our local working, we learned more
about challenges facing communities across Northern
Ireland, piloting new ways of delivering funding and
sharing insights with policy-makers, the voluntary and
community sector and other funders.
Our grant making empowered young people to take
centre stage on important issues such as mental health.
For example, a National Lottery Awards for All grant
enabled the Integrated Education Fund to run
Listening... A Mental Health Conference, bringing
together young people and policy-makers to develop
wellbeing and mental health support for pupils. Our Footprints Community Food Shop and Support
extensive consultation allowed us to hear first-hand Service Hub
about the challenges facing the sector and how we Based in west Belfast, this community service is helping
can support organisations to be more sustainable and local people experiencing food poverty to access
resilient. healthy food at low prices, and use advice services to
We received policy directions on Dormant Accounts for improve their lives.
the first time, from the Department of Finance, allowing
us to consult the voluntary and community sector on “Our funding has meant that 22 tonnes of surplus,
how the funding should be distributed. good food were diverted to 300 families in the Colin
area in 2019-2020. This service means that food
We also received strong support for our local grant
can become pleasurable, energising and healthy
making, illustrating our role as a catalyst and trusted
for families once again.”
grant maker. We’re using all of this insight and
feedback, as well as learning from all over the UK, to Eileen, Food Services Manager
help design and deliver the Dormant Accounts Fund,
ensuring it has maximum impact for communities all
across Northern Ireland.
56 57
Guinness World Records™ largest cream team party
Part two


2 3
Our corporate National Lottery, the
Fund is responsible for
the requirements of the
Department for Digital,
governance report the distribution of monies Culture, Media and Sport
Directors’ Report released from dormant (DCMS) as our sponsor
Our purpose and activities bank accounts and department who provide
related assets under the us with a Management
The National Lottery Community Fund is the operating provisions of the Dormant Agreement setting out
name of The Big Lottery Fund. Bankand Building Society our relationship with
The Big Lottery Fund is a statutory corporation Accounts Act 2008. government. DCMS also
established by the National Lottery Act We also work with issue Policy Directions
2006. The Fund adopted the new operating name in other organisations, which identify the priorities
January 2019 in order to better reflect the source of our principally public bodies, we must take into account
financial resources and the funding for good causes to manage and distribute in establishing our grant
raised through the games of the National Lottery funding through grant programmes for England
together with our role in supporting communities in programmes we run on and for the United
helping them achieve their ambitions. their behalf. Examples of Kingdom-wide grant
this type of activity include portfolio.
In November 2019 grant awards to support
The National Lottery projects of a community our distribution of money The respective
celebrated 25 years of or charitable nature. Since in partnership with the departments in each of
raising and distributing 2004 we have distributed Office for Civil Society in the devolved governments
funds to support good over £10 billion in awards. respect of the #iwill Fund issue Policy Directions
causes across five key We have a range of and the European Social for grant making activity
themes. In excess of £40 funding programmes Fund matched funding in Scotland, Wales and
billion has been raised in from small grants of programme, Building Northern Ireland. In
this period. The Fund is up to £10,000 to multi- Better Opportunities. following this guidance,
responsible for distributing million pound strategic In delivering our the Fund’s decisions
40 per cent of the total programmes. programme of work we on programmes and
sums raised by National act within the relevant grants are independent
In addition to our work of government. Our
Lottery players and we distributing good causes legislation, other public
distribute this through sector guidance and funding is required to
money raised by the
44 45
follow the additionality to officers of the Fund In response to the crisis support charities and
principle – that is, our or to specific panels for we have refocused our community organisations
funding must be distinct the various programmes funding plans for the through the crisis..
from government, it can in each portfolio. Our first half of 2020/21 to Similar schemes, but of
complement but must not grant awards budgets support the emergency. significantly lower scale,
substitute for government are apportioned between There has been some are in place for Scotland
spending programmes. each country on the initial negative impact on and Northern Ireland
The Fund operates in basis of agreed shares, National Lottery sales through their respective
the four countries of the determined largely on and we have exercised a devolved administrations.
United Kingdom with population and after degree of caution until a The demands placed
funding programmes deduction of a portion – clearer picture of income on the organisation to
specific to each country. up to 10 per cent of the emerges. achieve this are significant
In addition, we operate total - to be applied to the In early April 2020 we and we have adapted
a range of programmes UK portfolio. set out our approach to some of our processes to
which are United Along with all supporting charities and deliver this. We anticipate
organisations the Fund community organisations that all government
Kingdom-wide in scope. funding will have been
Each of the countries has been impacted by the through the immediate
effects of the Coronavirus. crisis and to achieve distributed by the end of
and the UK portfolio September.
award grants through a The Fund was well longer-term sustainability
portfolio committee, the prepared to enable its using our own National Key issues and risks
members of which are teams to work remotely Lottery resources along The majority of our
externally appointed. with all team members with funding announced income is dependent on
Their role is to set out and having technology by Treasury to support the revenue generated
agree grant programmes suitable for home working charities and community through The National
within the Fund’s and all key systems organisations provided Lottery; a portion of the
Strategic Framework and available remotely. We through DCMS as our sales value for each
consistent with the overall have continued to operate sponsor department. The game is allocated to
approach approved by and meet the demands of Fund has been asked good causes and passed
the Board. Approval of our applicants and grant to distribute £200m of to the National Lottery
most awards is delegated holders, albeit with some funding for England to Distribution Fund (NLDF)
changes to processes.
46 47
from where it is made programmes to meet the as the new system Brexit. Our programme
available to Lottery demands of our grant has been introduced. of risk management
distributors. We manage applicants in a manner This has enabled us provides us with the
our grant awards, budgets which is consistent with to have much more means of assessing our
and payment profiles over the principles set out in consistent and simpler key risk exposures and
a number of years in order our Strategic Framework. processes across all of establishing appropriate
to mitigate against the We continue to change our portfolios bringing controls to mitigate these.
risks arising from potential and adapt the way we significant benefits A fuller assessment of
variations in National work as we realise our for applicants through our risk management
Lottery revenue and to strategy - People in the improved approaches to is included in our
ensure we can meet our Lead. We have introduced applications. Introduction governance statement.
commitments as they fall a new grant management of the new system has Performance Summary
due. After the year end, system during the year enabled us to continue
to deliver all our services Each year we set out
sales of National Lottery which has brought our corporate objectives
products were impacted significant benefits during the Coronavirus
crisis as the system is and the key performance
as a result of the including the ability indicators (KPIs) through
Coronavirus crisis. The for all our small grants based on a cloud based
service available remotely which we assess how we
uncertainty on income programmes to receive have met our operational
for 2020/21 requires us online applications. to our teams.
aims. For 2019/20 we
to be more cautious than This has simplified the We always face financial set out five goals with six
anticipated on new grant process of applying risks in relation to supporting KPIs. We met
awards in order to ensure for awards as well and potential fraud arising all of the KPI targets.
we can fully meet our enabled us to much more from our grant making
existing liabilities while easily assess awards activities. We have also The Fund assesses its
maximising how much activity and to aggregate had to carefully manage performance throughout
cash we can provide to data connected with our engagement in the year using the
support the sector through applications and awards. European Social Fund KPIs along with other
the crisis. We provide a We have also updated matched funding grant performance metrics
balance of responsive our approach to all other programmes in response including key operational
and targeted funding grant awards activities to the challenges of measures, financial
indicators, management
48 49
accounting data and recorded a surplus of £82 and forecast future
forecasting techniques million following a surplus incomes. This assumes,
to ensure that, where of £25 million in 2018/19. as a matter of public
necessary, it is able to An assessment of our policy, that the National
take corrective action at performance appears Lottery will continue to
the earliest opportunity in greater detail in our operate.
to achieve its aims and performance analysis
to minimise risk to its and in our financial
operations and goals. statements.
We do not set any specific The financial statements
operating surplus or have been prepared
deficit as a key measure on a going concern
or target. We manage basis. Our statement
our financial performance of financial position
in order to maximise our records significant net
ability to make grants liabilities. This is a result
from the monies received of our grant award
and receivable from The recognition policy where
National Lottery. We the full value of awards is
recognise grant awards recorded at the point of
in full when they are approval and notification
approved irrespective of (except where there are
when the cash for those specific performance
awards falls due for criteria) although the
payment. Consequently, cash payments may not
our financial outturn, arise for some time. We
measured by way of a manage our liabilities
surplus or deficit, can vary based on our ability to
significantly year on year. meet cash demands from
For the financial year we current cash resources

50 51
Our corporate goals Strategy aimed to ensure
our funding is open to
they’re doing and come
together for the simple act
Our annual corporate plan sets out our budgets, goals everyone and that the of sharing a meal.
and targets for the year. Fund represents the Corporate goal three:
The 2019/20 corporate plan identified four goals designed communities it supports.
to shape our priorities and we set six key performance Our funding teams are Charities and community
indicators to measure success. We also set out a working more closely organisations across the
number of strategic focus areas and specific initiatives with the communities UK are thriving, diverse
as indicators of progress. Our performance has been they support with regional and fit for the future.
monitored against our targets and reported to the Board teams now embedded What have we done?
throughout the year. across all four countries of
We have developed our
the UK.
Corporate goal one: containing a library of Thriving Communities
thematic evidence on We have used innovative model which provides
The National Lottery approaches to funding
good practice, sector a solid foundation from
Community Fund supports including in support of
specific subject matter which to describe not
ideas and projects that the celebration of the
and other expertise only the difference that
matter to people and 25th birthday of The
available to applicants our funding makes but
communities National Lottery to seek
and grant holders as also the role of civil
What have we done? well as our own teams to to reach communities and society more broadly in
We have redesigned our share knowledge and aid organisations that have supporting communities to
funding programmes better decision making. not previously applied for thrive.
using service design funding from the Fund.
Corporate goal two: Corporate goal four:
principles enabling our This year working in
We use our funding and The National Lottery
applicants to more easily partnership with the Eden
relationships to help Community Fund is
apply for funding to Project the Big Lunch got
create stronger, more valued, trusted and
deliver the projects that even bigger and reached
connected communities. efficient.
meet their ambition for around 6.5 million people,
their communities. What have we done? supporting neighbours What have we done?
We have launched We have set out our and members of We have successfully
the Knowledge Bank Diversity and Inclusion communities to stop what implemented a new grant
52 53
management system
(GMS) significantly
Our key performance
improving our relationship
with applicants and grant
Alongside our goals our KPIs help assess our performance
holders and delivery
in a number of areas supporting successful achievement
operating efficiencies
of our plans. We met all the KPIs set for the year. Our
across the Fund including
goals also form the basis of managing our risk where
the ability work fully
our capacity to achieve corporate and local goals and
targets determines the risk appetite for the organisation.
Our Engagement Strategy From this we set the extent to which controls, mitigations
sets out how we reinforce and actions are required to limit risk while enabling us to
the value of the National remain ambitious in our approach and proportionate in
Lottery to communities our response. As such, progress on KPIs is a guide to
through good causes. both achieving objectives and guiding our approach to
The 25th birthday of risk management.
the National Lottery has
provided an opportunity KPI 1: Customer Satisfaction will be over 77%.
through funding and Key performance End of year report
promotional activities indicator met
to demonstrate the link
86 per cent of grant holder Our new grant
across the UK.
and applicants were management system is
We have launched the satisfied. enabling improvements
Climate Action Fund, a in customer engagement
£100m fund enabling and simpler application
people and communities processes.
to take the lead in tackling
the climate emergency.

54 55
KPI 2: Operating costs will be in line with our KPI 4: At least 65% of our colleagues will
agreed threshold of 8% of income over three years. recommend the Fund as a good place to work
Key performance End of year report Key performance End of year report
indicator met indicator met
Our actual operating costs National Lottery income Our staff survey conducted We continue to strive to
for our National Lottery was higher in the year during the first quarter of improve performance in
activities were 7.1 percent than we had budgeted the year indicated that this area and have set
of National Lottery income. and we also made savings 68 per cent of colleagues action plans to address
against the operating agreed that the Fund was matters that arise from the
budget we set. a good place to work staff survey.

KPI 3: Grant awards to be within 5% of budget. KPI 5: The proportion of people that recognise that
Key performance End of year report The National Lottery funds good causes is above
indicator met 45%.
Our total grant awards Although we have Key performance End of year report
were £580m which is 3.0 significantly changed our indicator met
per cent above the budget funding products during Our most recent survey We have made significant
we set. the year and introduced for this KPI indicated that strides in making this
a new grant management 46 per cent of people connection including the
system we maintained recognised the connection change in our name to
the level of grant awards between The National reflect the linkage and
anticipated. Lottery and good causes. the work in promoting the
25th birthday and the good
causes benefits over that
time. We will continue to
promote this linkage in

56 57
KPI 6: At least 80 per cent of our grants will be
awarded to charities and community organisations
Our performance analysis:
Key performance End of year report financial
indicator met
For the full year 92.3 Our key focus in our Our strategy seeks to ensure we maximise the amount
per cent of our awards People in the Lead of funding available to communities whilst ensuring
by volume were to strategy is to support we can meet our financial obligations as they fall due.
charities and community the projects which are We do not set a particular income or operating surplus
organisations while 89.5 led by people from key target.
per cent of the value of communities and their Our key measure of financial efficiency is the proportion
awards met this criteria. community organisations. of our National Lottery income that we spend on
distributing grants. We exclude from this measure costs
In addition to the KPIs noted above the Fund uses a that we recharge to other people, for example the costs
number of other measures to assess progress towards of distributing non-National Lottery funds including in
our goals and the health of the organisation. These relation to the dormant accounts scheme. We also
include financial measures – for example determining an exclude certain other costs, for example one-off costs
appropriate range within which our balance in the National that are investments or restructures to achieve future
Lottery Distribution Fund should lie; Customer measures efficiencies (see Note 6 to the financial statements).
including detailed analysis of customer satisfaction with Irrecoverable VAT costs are also excluded.
aspects of our processes across each of our portfolios; Government sets a target maximum for operating costs
and People related measures for example monitoring for all the Lottery distributors. For 2019/20 this was 8
absence levels with reasons. Other data related to certain per cent of our National Lottery income. The measure is
of these measures appears elsewhere in this report assessed over a three year rolling period.
including in the Remuneration and Staff Report.
What we achieved in qualifying operating
2019/20 expenditure for National
During the year we Lottery grant making
successfully delivered activities was £50.5
against the 8 per cent million, £3.6 million higher
total operating cost target than in 2018/19. National
set by government. Total Lottery income was
58 59
higher than our budget during 2019/20 with of revenues for 2020/21 enabling us to resource
assumption and we were a full time equivalent at the time of budget and deliver investment
able to operate within the (FTE) of 785 (2018/19: preparation and taking activities that will support
operating cost budget we 831). We have continued account of anticipated delivery of the Strategic
set. Our actual qualifying to reduce numbers changes in operations Framework.
operating expenditure through restructuring during the year. Our In March 2020 our total
was 7.1 per cent of action as we deliver budget was set before the FTE was 785 (a reduction
National Lottery income change in support of the Coronavirus crisis. The from 831 in March 2019).
during the year and 7.1 Strategic Framework. changes to ways of living We do not anticipate
per cent of Lottery income The introduction of the have impacted further significant changes
over the three year period new grant management National Lottery sales in staff numbers during
to March 2020. Our system has also helped particularly from retail the next year.
performance in each of to reduce FTE over the outlets and hence also
the 2 preceding years course of the year. Our surplus for the year
impacted the Fund’s
was 7.3 per cent and 6.9 What we are planning to income. We have not We recorded a surplus
per cent respectively. achieve in 2020/21 modified our budgets but for the year 2019/20 of
On this basis, the Fund it is likely that there will be £82 million (2018/19 £25
has incurred operating We have budgeted to million).
deliver total operating some shortfall for the year
costs over the three and we have adapted Our cumulative deficit at
years to March 2020 costs within the 8 per cent
cost threshold in 2020/21 our approach to grants 31 March 2020 was £620
£18.9 million lower than accordingly to maintain million (31 March 2019
would be permitted by the but with the capacity
for some additional appropriate balances £703 million).
efficiency measure and in the National Lottery
consequently this is made investment in service Our accounting policy
improvements based Distribution Fund. treats the full value
available for grant making
activities. on the three-year rolling The budget has been of grant awards as
measurement approach. based on developing expenditure as soon
Staff costs form a The target is based on activities in support of our as their approval is
significant proportion budgeted National Lottery corporate plan, continuing communicated to the
of our operating costs. income of £668 million, our programme of change recipient (subject to
Our staff numbers derived from our forecast and seeking efficiencies certain specific criteria).
have reduced further
60 61
We manage our cash small change in surplus funding that we can safely equivalent to about 13
flow over the longer for Lottery operations for commit to over a five- months of future National
term based on grant the year. year period considering Lottery income based on
cash commitments We recorded a small our anticipated income. our current projections.
and projected incomes surplus for Dormant Bank Since many of our grants Non-Lottery funding
rather than seeking to pay out over a number
and Building Society programmes
achieve any particular of years following the
Accounts operations of In addition to our core
annual surplus or deficit. initial award, this strategy
£7 million (2018/19 deficit business of distributing
Awards are paid over ensures that the projects
a number of years and £58 million). Income National Lottery good
was £3 million lower and activities our awards
we are confident that we support are able to deliver causes income we are
will be able to meet our while distribution through also responsible for the
awards and transfers to their benefits as early as
commitments from future possible while ensuring distribution of funding
income as they fall due. other organisations was received from Reclaim
significantly lower at £62 we remain protected from
We recorded a surplus any unexpected changes Fund Ltd under the
million (£2018/19 £129 arrangements in the
for the year of £76 million in income.
million). We recognised Dormant Bank and
from National Lottery
our distribution obligations At 31 March 2020 we had Building Society Accounts
operations (2018/19
£83 million). Income for due to the two new £1,052 million (2018/19 Act 2008. These activities
2019/20 was higher than organisations established £1,108 million) of are included within our
in 2018/19 and above to distribute sums for outstanding commitments consolidated financial
the budget we set as a the English portion of with respect to awards statements. We also set
result of improved sales of the dormant accounts made while we held £303 out a short form set of
National Lottery products. receipts under policy million (2018/19 £277 accounts for this activity in
Our awards total for directions provided to the million) in the NLDF with note 29 to the accounts.
2019/20 was £77 million Fund by DCMS. which to meet them.
higher than last year at This means we had The Dormant Bank and
Our funding strategy Building Society Accounts
£588 million (2018/19 made net commitments
£511 million) and was For our National Lottery of £749 million (2018/19 Act 2008 enables banks
higher than the budget funding programmes £831 million) above and building societies
we set. These factors our strategy is to award our currently available to transfer money held
primarily account for the the maximum amount of resources. This is in dormant accounts
62 63
to a central fund for recipient of the England available to the Fund activities as Third Party
investment in the portion of the available during the 2019/20 year Programmes. These
community. The scheme funds. The Fund has amounted to £68.5 million powers give us scope
provides for the Fund to worked with DCMS to (2018/19 £71.8 million). to distribute funds on
make grant awards in support the establishment These sums are held on behalf of, or alongside,
each of Scotland, Wales of two new, independent behalf of the Fund by other organisations
and Northern Ireland organisations to distribute Reclaim Fund Ltd for up where this falls within
under policy directions funding in the areas to twelve months after its the funding areas set
set out by each of the of youth and financial year end date, or until the by the National Lottery
devolved administrations. inclusion in addition to Fund draws down funds Act for our work and
For England, the original Access which had been to meet its obligations which is in accordance
policy directions required established from the under grant commitments with our own strategic
that funding was passed funding provided to Big or to pass to third party aims. During the year
in its entirety to Big Society organisations, whichever we distributed funding
Society Capital acting Capital. Youth Futures is sooner. Following totalling £124.7 million in
as a social investment Foundation and Fair drawdown we deposit this way for other funders.
wholesaler. Government, 4 All Finance became funds until these are Included within this sum
working with Reclaim operational during required to meet grant is £65.2 million distributed
Fund Ltd, have been the year and received commitments or transfer in matched funding
seeking to ensure that significant distributions obligations. programmes through the
the sums available for from the Fund. The Fund During the year we European Social Fund.
onward distribution are recognised as transfers received interest of We have extended the
maximised. or sums transferable the £650,034 (2018/19 programme of grants
In 2017 government amounts due to each £232,000) in relation to under the Building Better
announced that organisation under the these funds. The National Opportunities programme
approximately £330 programme based on their Lottery etc. Act 1993 also in England to support the
million would be released share of total receipts to sets out powers for the most successful project
over the following three date. Fund to work with other partners with further
years. Alongside this, Big organisations to distribute matched funds from the
The total sums identified European Union. This
Society Capital would by Reclaim Fund Ltd as funds. We refer to these
cease to be the sole funding forms part of
64 65
the multi-year European liabilities for commitments of receipt. The Fund down by National Lottery
Union programme made prior to the receipt has also worked with distributors. The Fund
commitment through of cash from the funder. the devolved Nations to receives investment
2020 and consequently Balances in respect of distribute similar schemes income in addition to
continues after Brexit. each programme are although these are much the Lottery proceeds
To the extent that the recorded in note 24 to the smaller in scale. This in the same shares as
funds awarded under accounts. programme of activity is for proceeds from the
these programmes are After the year end significant for the Fund National Lottery receipts
governed by the third Treasury announced and challenging for our (40 per cent). In 2019/20
party funder we act only funding of £370 million capacity but is essential this was £3.4 million
as the distributor. We do for small and medium- alongside our own (2018/19 £3.3 million).
not record the receipt of sized charities, including National Lottery funding
to support charities and OUR NLDF BALANCE
the funds themselves or through a grant to WAS £303 MILLION
the grants made in our the Fund for those in community organisations
to meet the demands AT 31 MARCH
own accounts. However, England. The Fund has 2020 (2019/20 £277
we recover the costs of an agreement to distribute place on them by the
crisis or to provide liquidity MILLION)
undertaking this activity £200m of this and the
from the relevant funders programme is underway. as a result of reductions in
Our balance in the
and record this as income. The remainder is retained their income.
NLDF has increased
Where we provide joint or by government to National Lottery during the year by £26
matched funding for these determine priorities as the Distribution Fund million. This is as a result
programmes we record needs become clearer. (NLDF) balances of improved incomes
our share of the grant The programme of activity The net good causes offsetting the extent to
awards made in National supported by the grant proceeds of the National which we continued to
Lottery programme agreement must be Lottery are held in the meet significantly higher
expenditure. We record committed by the end of NLDF, which is under award values from
cash held for distribution September 2020 with and the stewardship of the previous years. We take
in our cash balances in expectation that recipient Secretary of State for account of the anticipated
the Statement of financial organisations will spend Digital, Culture, Media change in the balance
position together with any the cash within six months and Sport, until drawn alongside projections

66 67
of future revenues and at any one time will vary expectations of income as
the timing of outstanding according to the structure recovery continues.
commitments when and timing of our grant Auditors
setting future grant award programmes and the
budgets. Since we do not income generated through Under the National
control National Lottery the National Lottery for Lottery etc. Act 1993, our
income it is not possible the period concerned. annual accounts must be
for us to manage the examined and certified
We anticipate that the by the Comptroller and
balance in the NLDF balance we hold in
in the short-term and Auditor General. There
the NLDF will reduce is no relevant audit
so we do not set a substantially during
specific target for our information of which
2020/21 as a result of the Fund’s auditors are
balance. Our funding the challenges of the
strategy is to maximise unaware. There were no
Coronavirus crisis. fees for any non-audit
the value of new grant Income has reduced in
commitments that we services with external
the early part of the new auditors.
can safely make over a year due to the reduction
five-year period taking in retail options and is Public sector
into account existing unlikely to meet the totals information holder
commitments. We predict we have budgeted for. In common with all public
our future cash inflows Additionally, we seek to bodies, the Fund is a
and outflows to assess maximise the cash we public sector information
a safe minimum balance can provide to the sector holder. It has not charged
in the NLDF in order to to support organisations for specific re-use of
ensure that we can meet through the crisis. We information.
our commitments as will modify future grant
they fall due allowing for programmes to ensure we
risk-based assessments retain sufficient reserves
of possible variations to meet our commitments
in income. The actual based on revised
68 69
Our performance analysis: Lead strategy. This can be
seen through our recent
of the Welsh Language
Standards which came
equalities DEI statement which
sets out our corporate
into force on 25 January
2017. The implementation
The Fund seeks to ensure factors. We seek to attract plan commitment: of the Standards is
equality of access to its a diverse workforce with tnlcommunityfund. monitored and discussed
funding programmes. We local knowledge and lived at regular meetings
value cultural diversity experiences. This helps releases/2020-04-17/ between the Fund’s
and seek to ensure that make the Fund better able diversity-equity-and- Welsh Language Officer
our funding supports the to consider a wide range inclusion-in-a-global- and the Welsh Language
needs, beliefs, values of applications for funding pandemic Commissioner’s office.
and abilities in the with greater knowledge We have met all of
communities in which we and shared learning. Some of our funded
projects are targeted the Welsh Language
work. Transitioning to our Standards deadlines, the
at specific beneficiary
Our equalities principles new grant management groups, while many last of which was due in
and guidance for system during the year are not specifically July 2018.
applicants and grant has meant we do not targeted but benefit local As a result of the Welsh
holders is on our website: have one consistent communities as a whole. Language Standards and system through which With this in mind, we are our proactive approach as
about/customer-service/ to collect and extract looking at new methods to an organisation, a number
equalities monitoring data in relation understand and monitor of services offered by
The Fund seeks to be to equalities, diversity and the distribution and reach the Fund to its staff
a diverse and inclusive inclusion for our Funding, of our funding into under- are available in Welsh
employer. At the Fund and are therefore not represented communities. including HR services
we seek to reflect those able to present data as in and training courses. Our
previous years. We are Welsh Language
communities that we Standards customers are provided
support through our taking this opportunity to with an opportunity to
funding. This diversity review how we consider We are committed to
follow their journey with
encompasses ethnicity, and report on the reach delivering a bilingual
us in Welsh from the first
lifestyle, disability, mental of our Funding in order to service in Wales through
point of contact, whether
health and other relevant support our People in The the Fund’s application
by ‘phone, email, social
70 71
media or through written
application. Our presence
Our performance analysis:
at events and in funding sustainability report
surgeries in Wales is
provided in Welsh and In late 2018, the Fund’s Board approved a 3 point
English. We have offered environment strategy committing the Fund to:
bespoke training on Exploring and testing ways to support our grant
the Welsh Language holders to manage their environmental impact
requirements to our grant We developed and promoted web materials to inform
holders. During the year and inspire applicants to take environmental action.
we have made changes to These were promoted through social media posts and
our support team in Wales blogs.
to ensure our helplines In September, we launched a test and learn exercise
can support Welsh to consider how we can support existing grant holders
language support at all to take practical action to improve their environmental
times. impact. We worked with partners Renew Wales and
Sustainable Communities who provide expert advice
to a selection of 30 funded organisations on steps they
can take to improve their impact on the environment.
We made grant top ups of up to £10,000 available to
meet the cost of these changes. The pilot closed in
February and the learning will be used to inform our
next steps in 2020.
Committing a £100m from the UK portfolio over the
next 10 years to support communities to take action
to address climate change.
In July, we announced a £100m commitment over the
coming year to support our Climate Action Fund. The
Programme will support communities in the UK to take
local action on climate change, reduce their carbon
72 73
footprint and increase participation in community led emissions are skewed by a sum of 65 tonnes under
climate action. A fundamental part of the programme other scope 3 emissions associated with the disposal
will be to bring projects together to share learning of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
and inspire others like them to take action, building It should also be noted that following successive
a movement of active communities equipped to take reductions in the early years our travel emissions
action on climate change. have risen in recent years returning to 2011/12 levels
Continuing to manage The Funds own as we have increased our outreach work to support
environmental impact the communities we serve. To address this, we have
updated our travel guidance for all our teams seeking
The Fund is committed to minimising its impact on the
to: significantly reduce numbers of internal flights;
environment both through its own activities and in the
utilising technology to minimise unnecessary travel
projects we fund.
and requiring the use of public over private transport
Since 2011/12 we have achieved: where this is practicable. Any remaining emissions will
2019/20 Emissions, Waste and Consumption be offset through a voluntary scheme working with UK
based environmental organisations.
Travel General Waste produced has reduced again to some extent
Office emissions Waste to waste affected by reduced paper usage due to the introduction
emissions No change landfill production of digital working practices and implementation of a
Down 81% 0% Down 47% Down 55% modern printer estate to minimise over-printing and to
enhance data security.
Looking forward
Our 2020-23 Corporate Plan sets out how we will work
with our grant holders to improve their environmental
performance and commit 50% of our climate action
This year’s environmental performance measurements Fund by 2023.
show a very slight increase in our carbon footprint Within the Fund we will be seeking to further minimise
for the year increasing to 808 tCO2 emissions, an our environmental impact through further action to
increase across all scopes of 8 tonnes. Whilst we have reduce the impact of our property portfolio, reduce
continued to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions, and travel and improve environmental requirements into
scope 3 emissions associated with transport, this years procurement practice.
74 75
Greenhouse gas emissions 2019/20 2018/19 Waste 2019/20 2018/19
Total gross for Total waste 59 69
Scopes 1 and 373 377 Hazardous Waste - -
2 Landfill 25 28
Total net for Re-used/Recycled 29 37
Scopes 1 and 373 377 (t)
Incinerated energy
2 5 4
from waste
Non-financial reductions i.e. Total disposal cost 23 19
- -
indicators Green tariffs) Hazardous waste –
Financial - -
(tCO2E) Gross total disposal cost
emissions for Landfill 10 10
Scope 3 Re-used/Recycled 9 9
(business Incinerated energy
357 411 4 4
travel) from waste
Other Scope
3 emissions 78 12 Finite Resource –
measured 2019/20 2018/19
Electricity: Non-financial Water consumption 4,762 4,324
448,045 484,924
non-renewable indicators supplied
energy Electricity: (m3)
– –
consumption Financial Water supply costs 20 22
Gas 1,393,240 2,201,078
(kWh) indicators
LPG – –
Other – –
Expenditure on
Financial 97 340 Scope 1, 2 and 3 refer to the definitions set out in the
indicators Expenditure Greenhouse Gas Protocol by the World Resources
on official 1,496 1,170 Institute and the World Business Council on Sustainable
business travel Development.

76 77
Scope 1 refers to greenhouse gases produced directly
in order to heat and light our offices while scope 2
Statement of Accounting
refers to indirect production. We have continued to Officer’s Responsibilities
reduce our occupied office space and this has helped
contribute to our reduction in emissions under scope Under Section 36A of the National Lottery Act etc. 1993
1 and 2. Under scope 2 we do not have current data (as amended by the National Lottery Acts 1998 and
in every case where we are reliant on service charge 2006), the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media
data from landlords. Where this is the case we have and Sport has directed Big Lottery Fund to prepare for
used the most suitable available data which may refer each financial year a statement of accounts in the form
to the previous financial year or proxy data from similar and on the basis set out in the Accounts Direction. The
locations. accounts are prepared on an accruals basis and must
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Fund
Scope 3 refers to emissions from business travel. Our
and of its income and expenditure, statement of financial
emissions under this category have reduced during
position and cash flows for the financial year.
2019/20 as the changes to ways of working in 2018/19
have now been embedded. In preparing the accounts, • make judgments
the Accounting Officer is and estimates on a
required to comply with reasonable basis;
the requirements of the • state whether applicable
Government Financial accounting standards
Reporting Manual and in as set out in the
particular to: Government Financial
• observe the Accounts Reporting Manual have
Direction issued been followed, and
by the Secretary of disclose and explain
State, including the any material departures
relevant accounting in the financial
and disclosure statements;
requirements, and apply
suitable accounting • prepare the financial
policies on a consistent statements on a going
basis; concern basis;
78 79
• confirm that the Annual for safeguarding the Joint schemes agreed between the
Report and Accounts as Fund’s assets, are set The Fund has entered participating Lottery
a whole is fair, balanced out in ‘Managing Public into joint schemes, as distributors.
and understandable. Money’ published by HM defined in the National
Treasury. During 2019/20 the Fund
As Accounting Officer, Lottery Act 1998, to has participated in the
I take responsibility for As the Accounting Officer, provide funding alongside following joint schemes:
the annual report and I have taken all the steps other bodies to achieve
accounts and for the that I ought to have the outcomes defined by • Parks for People – a
judgements required taken to make myself the relevant Joint Scheme scheme administered
in determining that it aware of any relevant Order. In these schemes by the National Lottery
is fair, balanced and audit information and to the Accounting Officer is Heritage Fund, on
understandable. I confirm establish that the Fund’s responsible for ensuring: behalf of the National
that in my opinion this auditors are aware of that Lottery Heritage Fund
• Lottery funds allocated and The National
report as a whole meets information. So far as I by the Fund are applied
those requirements. am aware, there is no Lottery Community
in accordance with its Fund.
The Department relevant audit information legal powers
for Digital, Culture, of which the auditors are • Rethinking Parks - a
unaware. • the economic, efficient scheme administered
Media and Sport has and effective use
appointed the Fund’s Delegated by Nesta, on behalf
of Lottery funding of Nesta, the National
Chief Executive as responsibilities allocated by the Fund to
Accounting Officer. Lottery Heritage Fund
The Fund has, where the programme and The National
The responsibilities of appropriate, sought to use
an Accounting Officer, • that the systems used Lottery Community
the powers of delegation for operating the Fund.
including the responsibility provided by the National
for the propriety and programme are robust Award partners
Lottery Act 1998. As a and fit for purpose
regularity of the public result of this, other parties The Fund has used
finances for which the may be accountable • that the mechanism the powers provided
Accounting Officer is for specific elements of for allocating the by the National Lottery
answerable, for keeping award programmes. administrative costs Act 1998 to delegate to
proper records and of the programme is award partners the grant
80 81
schemes listed below. • UnLtd • Kent Community • Ormiston Trust
The delegation agreement Foundation • Paul Hamlyn
As part of the Social
between the Fund and the
Investment programme: • Somerset Community Foundation
award partner sets out the
• School for Social Foundation • UK Community
responsibility of the Chief
Executive of the award Entrepreneurs • Sporting Capital Ltd Foundations
partner to ensure that the • UnLtd • Spirit of 2012 Trust
As part of the International
systems implemented
Communities programme: • First Ark • Young Manchester
to administer National
Lottery applications and • Action Village India • Key Fund Investments • Ernest Cook Trust
to process and monitor Ltd
As part of the People and • Dunhill Medical Trust
National Lottery grants
Communities programme: • Resonance Health &
are acceptable and fit • Premier League
for purpose and that • Community Foundation Wellbeing Charitable Fund
National Lottery funds for Northern Ireland As part of the Accelerating
are distributed with due Ideas programme: As part of the Partnership
As part of the Growth programme:
regularity and propriety.
Fund: • Royal Botanic Gardens
The Fund’s Chief Kew • School for Social
• Forward Enterprise FM Entrepreneurs
Executive retains
Limited As part of the #iwill Fund
responsibility for the
• Community Impact programme: As part of the Reaching
overall safeguarding of
Partnership Communities programme:
the public funds derived • Virgin Money
from the National Lottery • BIG Issue Access Foundation • Cripplegate Foundation
and for ensuring that Limited • Buttle UK
• Sport England
award partners operate
• Cultural Impact Loans • Co-operative
within agreed terms and As part of the People and
in line with financial and • Devon Community Community Investment Places programme:
policy directions. Foundation Foundation
• Localgiving Foundation
Our award partners • GMCVO • Greater London
Authority As part of the Rural
As part of the Big Venture • Homeless Link Social
Poverty programme:
Challenge: Investment Ltd • Clarion Futures
82 83
• Severn Wye Energy
Agency Ltd
The governance statement
Additionality – the development of As Chief Executive and Accounting Officer this
programmes and funding governance statement is my responsibility.
In accordance with the of projects should
National Lottery Act 2006 It is my responsibility to ensure that there are robust
complement, add value governance, risk management, and internal control
all Lottery distributors and be distinct from the
are required to report on arrangements across the whole organisation which
work of other funders and support the achievement of the Fund’s purpose whilst
their additionality policy
parties working towards safeguarding the public funds and assets for which I am
and practice. Additionality
Big Lottery Fund’s goals.” responsible.
is an important principle
of our funding. The This statement sets out how I have discharged my
Fund uses the following responsibility to manage and control the Fund’s
definition: “Lottery resources during the year. It draws upon the work of
funding is distinct from
the Fund’s Board, its Audit and Risk, and Remuneration
Government funding and
committees as well as the Senior Management Team
adds value. Although it
(SMT) as its executive body. I have also reviewed and
does not substitute for
Exchequer expenditure, considered the annual assurance report prepared by
where appropriate it Internal Audit.
complements Government
and other programmes, The Fund’s the primary rules under
policies and funding.” accountability to which it operates. It also
Parliament, the has functions designated
All awards made in devolved legislatures to it under the Dormant
2019/20 were consistent
and government Bank and Building Society
with this definition of
The Fund operates across Accounts Act 2008.
additionality. In addition
to this definition the Fund the UK and was created The Fund is a non-
also takes account of the by the National Lottery departmental public
following provision on Act 2006, which amended body (NDPB) and I am
additionality set out in our the National Lottery etc. fully accountable for
policy directions. Act 1993 and sets out our funds to Parliament.
84 85
Certain orders relating is the Department for in central government end of their term. These
to National Lottery and Digital, Culture, Media departments in so far are reported in the table
dormant account money and Sport. The Minister of as it applies to non- at the end of this section.
are made by the UK or the sponsor department departmental public Each country has a
Scottish Parliaments, the issues policy directions bodies. I am satisfied committee responsible for
National Assembly for that must be taken into that the principles in the
the funding programmes
Wales or the Department account when distributing guidance, together with
in its country; the Board
of Communities Northern funds generally across other sources of guidance
has also appointed a
Ireland but the main the UK and specifically on good practice in
corporate governance, committee for UK-wide
government oversight in England, while the funding.
of the Fund is exercised devolved administrations are fully reflected in
through directions issued in Northern Ireland, the Fund’s governance The Board sets the Fund’s
arrangements. Strategic Framework, and
by ministers. Scotland and Wales issue
policy directions in relation Review of non-executive each committee, working
The Secretary of State within this framework,
to funds distributed in governance
for Digital, Culture, Media has delegated authority
and Sport is accountable those countries. These The Fund is governed
directions are included to determine the funding
for the National Lottery by a Board comprising
in section eight of this programmes in their
Distribution Fund and the Chair, the chairs of
report. each of the four country country (or for the UK-
also issues financial and wide funding portfolio).
accounts directions to Within the framework committees and up to
seven other members. They also make grant
the Fund in relation to of these directions the decisions, or agree the
The Board has appointed
its functions under the Fund makes independent delegated arrangements
one of its members
National Lottery Acts. The decisions on what for making them, within
as Vice Chair. During
Secretary of State issues programmes it should these programmes.
2019/20 a total of 12
similar directions relating run and on what grants it individuals served as
to dormant account funds. should make. The Board has appointed
Board members. There an Audit and Risk
These directions regulate The Fund applies the HM have been a number of
the systems and processes Committee which meets
Treasury and Cabinet changes to Board and quarterly to advise on
of the Fund. Office guidance in Committee roles during
financial reporting, audit
The Fund’s policy sponsor Corporate Governance the year as a result of
and assurance and risk
members reaching the
86 87
management matters. in the tables at the end of Chair has been appointed Executive management
It has also appointed this section. Acting Chair until August I lead the executive
a Remuneration All Board members 2020. An appointment management of the Fund
Committee to deal with are appointed by the has been made for supported by an SMT
the matters set out in the the replacement of the
Minister for the sponsor which meets regularly
remuneration report. The position of Vice Chair.
department. Members with formal meetings
Remuneration Committee
of country committees Data quality generally held at least
normally meets annually.
The Chair of Audit and are appointed by the The Board receives once each month. SMT
Risk Committee reports Fund. The Devolved relevant and regular considers key policy,
to each Board meeting Administrations are data from systems strategic and operational
on any matters the fully involved in the across the Fund to matters, provides advice
Committee considers appointments relating provide assurance on to the Board on matters
should be brought to its to their respective performance, controls and requiring its approval and
attention, and to provide countries and all Board risk. It is satisfied that the oversight and oversees
assurance to the Board. and committee members quality and accuracy of the operating and financial
Audit and Risk Committee are appointed following this data is appropriate performance and risk
provides a full report to an open process of to its needs in assessing management of the Fund
the Board on its work advertisement and the effectiveness of the as a whole. The members
once each year. selection. funding programmes, of SMT and their areas of
The Board receives The Chair’s term of the risk management responsibility are set out at
reports on the office came to an end in approach, the financial the end of this section.
programmes in each November 2019 along and operating During the year the size of
country portfolio, so that with the Chairs of the performance of the Fund the Senior Management
it can be assured that England and Scotland and the suitability of team was reduced as a
their grant making activity Committees. The Fund’s internal controls. The number of colleagues
aligns with the Strategic Chair also served as the systems which provide left to take up new
Framework and that Chair of its UK Funding this information are roles elsewhere. Six
learning is shared.
Portfolio. As yet no new assured by being included members of SMT left the
Membership of, and appointment for Chair has in the internal audit Fund during the year.
attendance at, Board and been made and the Vice programme. Responsibilities have
all committees is set out
88 89
been reassigned and of the Fund’s approach to there are no material across the Fund.
all new roles have been planning. In particular we omissions. The Board A key issue for the Fund
appointed through an open ran all-staff roadshows has also, with the advice is recognising that our aim
recruitment process. One in all of our major office and guidance of the Audit in supporting communities
role remained unfilled at locations which focused and Risk Committee across the UK sometimes
the year end. A termination on the achievements of and on recommendation requires us to fund in
payment was made in the National Lottery over from SMT, established challenging circumstances
respect of one of the the last 25 years and the seven risk themes within and for risks to be
members of SMT who left opportunities that the which to manage our risk taken with regard to
during the year as a result future will bring. I have approach and has agreed the success of some
of the structural change in also attended country the Fund’s risk tolerance projects. This requires
responsibilities. At the year committee meetings, levels for each of these. careful judgement on
end there were 8 members engaged with stakeholders Risk registers are the part of our grant
of SMT in addition to the across the UK and have maintained at directorate making colleagues and
role of Chief Executive. met with officials from the level as well as for all is reflected in the risk
There are appropriate Department for Digital, projects and programmes appetite we set in our
executive management Culture, Media and Sport, and are reviewed at funding risk theme.
structures across the and attended the Lottery senior level at least
Distributors’ Forum which I The risk themes have
organisation to oversee all every quarter. There is been set to help consider
activities and the projects currently chair. a process in place for the risks that arise as a
and programmes being Risk management escalating significant result of its activities and
operated across the Fund. The Fund operates a risk issues to SMT and if provide a focus to risk
During the year I visited comprehensive system of required to Audit and Risk management. The themes
the Fund’s offices across risk management, with an Committee. Additionally, with associated risks
the UK to talk with organisational risk register SMT considers on a considered are:
staff and managers on being reviewed quarterly regular basis which key
risks have the potential to Financial
progress in implementing by the Audit and Risk
the Strategic Framework Committee. The Board impact the organisation The Fund makes award
and other matters reviews the risk register at and ensures these are commitments on the
including the development least annually to ensure addressed in the risk basis of meeting the
management approach obligations in respect
90 91
of those awards from capacity to make future organisations through People
future receipts from awards and meet our the crisis. This is Risks considered for
the National Lottery. commitments in view of challenging within our
this theme include our
We manage the risk of this and the expected capacity constraints,
capacity to reward our
fluctuations in income time for full recovery to but good progress
teams appropriately in
through robust cash be achieved. has been made and
the programme is on increasingly competitive
forecasting. Income External Environment markets; ensuring
increased in 2019/20 track. Similar schemes
Risks considered here of significantly smaller that our teams are
but remains materially appropriately trained
below its peak in include the potential scale have been
reputational impact agreed with Scotland and skilled to deliver
2015/16. Managing our ambition and that
of failings in funded and Northern Ireland
future liabilities and we meet our diversity
organisations and in discussions with the
cash flow in the face of aims in matching
the impact in the respective devolved
variable income is an the diverse nature of
sector more widely of administrations.
area which is receiving the communities we
close attention. In this significant issues for Leadership and
charities and community Governance support.
theme we also consider
the controls in respect of organisations. We consider here the Operations
our operating costs and The impact of the potential impact of the Risks in this theme
in particularly ensuring Coronavirus has loss of key individuals include the potential
we operate within the been significant for including changes to exposure to Cyber
cost threshold set for all organisations. The the Board as a result Security issues,
us by government. Fund has responded appointment terms ensuring we have
Since the year end well with all our teams coming to an end. the appropriate IT
the Coronavirus able to fulfil all activities We also address the architecture and
crisis has impacted remotely. The Fund has risks that our strategic systems to support
sales of National plan does not match
also been tasked with our ways of working
Lottery products and the purpose of the
distributing £200m of and that our working
organisation and the
consequently impacted funding for England environments are
impact on our culture
the Fund’s income. to support charities appropriate for
and teams.
We have reviewed our and community our teams and our
92 93
circumstances. We data on our funding Funding develop our approach
have made significant activities. We face a number of ensuring that we take a
changes to our IT proportionate approach
Projects risks with respect to our
architecture over to risk management.
We consider the risk of grant making including
recent years and We seek to ensure that
failure in key projects the potential exposure
continue to develop our organisational risk
including those relating to fraudulent activity in register links closely to
our approach to meet applications or in award
our needs for sharing to business systems our strategic aims and
and infrastructure delivery as well as the ambitions.
information across the potential reputational
Fund. We have moved and that we have Our system of controls,
appropriate skills to risk from projects or
significantly to provision funded organisations together with the oversight
of services through the deliver on time and of an experienced
to budget. We have which fail or do not
cloud which has also management team, is
successfully replaced meet the high standards
required changes to our designed to manage risk
two key business expected of them.
in-house infrastructures. to an acceptable level. It
systems during the We have addressed cannot eliminate all risk
This connects closely to risks in relation to the
how we design and use year – our grant of failure in seeking to
management system provision of funding achieve our strategic aims
our own office facilities through the Dormant
to create flexible spaces (GMS) and our HR and objectives and it can
Management System Bank and Building therefore only provide
which enable our Society Accounts
(which we have called reasonable rather than
teams to collaborate scheme and have now
PeopleHub). absolute assurance of
effectively. In operations helped to establish effectiveness.
we also continue to Replacement of these two new independent
address our approach to systems together with Our controls on
organisations which will fraud include a clear
information governance renewal of key hardware deliver new funding
including appropriate has enabled the Fund to fraud policy; and a
streams across England whistleblowing policy
disposal of data to work remotely delivering
The Board and Audit and together with means for
ensure we comply all our services during
Risk Committee working the public to directly refer
with data protection the Coronavirus crisis.
with our executive team concerns to our audit and
legislation while meeting
continue to review and investigations team.
our needs for quality
94 95
A programme of internal considered by me, the sourced arrangement. identified any breaches
audit work is prepared managers concerned BDO supplied these or non-compliance with
annually by the Head of and the Audit and Risk services from April 2019. the Fund’s financial and
Internal Audit and agreed Committee. Greater The change has been accounts directions or
with SMT and the Audit scrutiny is given to any effective in bringing fresh other guidance issued by
and Risk Committee. This reports that give limited insights to our assurance HM Treasury or DCMS.
programme is designed assurance with respect activities. External audit of this
to give assurance that to either the design Each SMT director has Annual Report and
appropriate controls of controls or their provided me with an Accounts is carried out
have been designed and operational effectiveness. assurance statement on by the National Audit
are operating correctly Actions are agreed by the areas for which they Office. Findings and
in relation to all the management in response are responsible. Drawing recommendations arising
significant risks faced by to all recommendations on these and the results from the external audit
the Fund. Over the course made, and progress of internal audit reviews are dealt with in the same
of the year, Internal Audit against these is reported the Head of Internal Audit way as those from internal
reports have addressed to each Audit and Risk has provided me with an audit and fully considered
a significant number of Committee meeting. annual assurance report. by the Audit and Risk
risks including within From the range of Internal The report assesses Committee.
the following key risk Audit reports that were the Fund to have
areas; projects and in Corporate planning
completed over the ‘adequate assurance’ in and performance
particular delivery of our course of the year no relation to its framework
new Grant Management management
significant weaknesses of governance, risk
System, payroll in the that could cause the management and control, The Fund has a system
change to a new HR control framework to a position with which I of planning designed to
Management System, become inadequate or concur and it is pleasing identify corporate priorities
IT Architecture, counter ineffective were found. to see that no internal and plans in each period
fraud arrangements and audits indicated overall and to act as a guide in
financial controls. The Fund outsources delivering the strategy
the delivery of the limited assurance. The
The findings of internal report also indicated that approved by the Board.
majority of its internal Directorate plans are
audit reports are audit activity in a co- internal audit has not
developed throughout the
96 97
Fund, and feed into the services and other in this area and that engaged in decisions
overall corporate plan and financial data such as our they support the overall about third party work;
to the personal objectives balance in the NLDF. Dormant Bank Accounts considering, for each
for staff. Our approach to planning scheme appropriately. proposal, whether it is, or
The corporate plan for continues to evolve and During the course may be, appropriate for
2019/20 included one has supported our plans of the year two new the Fund to undertake and
financial and five non- and budget for the coming organisations have been is consistent with our third
financial key performance period. This includes established and have party funding strategy
indicators (KPIs). setting certain priorities begun operating to deliver and the principles in the
These were monitored for development against the benefits identified Strategic Framework.
regularly and reported to our four corporate goals. under the scheme for We apply a risks and
SMT and to the Board, Financial Inclusion and control framework to each
Dormant accounts Youth related projects. opportunity consistent
with corrective action
being agreed wherever The Fund has The work in delivering with the task set by the
necessary. established enhanced dormant accounts client, ensuring that
governance processes activities forms a part of there is no question of
Our performance against for the management our overall approach to National Lottery money
these KPIs is reported in of the Dormant Bank organisational governance being put at risk or cross-
the Performance Report and Building Society across the Fund and subsidising of non-lottery
section of this document. Accounts funding stream therefore the role of work from National Lottery
We met five of the six in response to increased the Board, Audit & Risk resources.
KPIs set for the year. levels of activity. We Committee, Internal Audit After the year end,
Additional key have worked with DCMS and that of the Accounting Treasury announced
management information to set in place reporting Officer extend to cover funding of £370 million
(KMI) is also collated structures to ensure all these activities alongside for small and medium-
and analysed for SMT aspects of the range of those connected with our sized charities, including
throughout the year grant making activities are National Lottery funded through a grant to
in various forms. This appropriately designed activities. the Fund for those in
presents data on such and delivered and that the Third party funding England. The Fund has
matters as employment governance arrangements an agreement to distribute
statistics, grant making for the Fund are effective The Board is actively

98 99
£200m of this. This is not Delegated and trust and nurturing ideas to The percentage of
being treated as a third arrangements helping communities suppliers paid within
party programme and The Fund delegates scale up and expand their 10 days under the
the Fund will record this some of its functions to businesses. Government’s prompt
as income in its 2020/21 other organisations, as In establishing payment challenge
financial statements and set out in the Statement arrangements of this was 35 per cent during
account for the grants of Accounting Officer’s type the Fund conducts 2019/20 (64 per cent in
made. Governance Responsibilities. due diligence before the 2018/19).
arrangements are Proportionate due award and in most cases Our overall creditor days
agreed with DCMS as diligence work is carried appoints an independent (the total value of our
the sponsor department out on the governance protector who has creditors at 31 March
accountable to Treasury and systems of proposed powers to ensure that the 2020 divided by total
for the funds. We have partners before funding endowment is properly creditor payments during
agreed an appropriate is awarded. The applied in accordance 2019/20, expressed in
proportion of our costs arrangements are actively with the Fund’s intentions. days) was 25 days (15
associated with this managed and appropriate days in 2018/19).
activity as distinct from Our payment policy and
internal and external audit practice Data quality and data
our National Lottery arrangements are applied.
operating costs. Similar In accordance with the protection
schemes have been The Fund may also make Better Payment Practice We treat our information
agreed for significantly awards as endowments guide, we aim to pay security obligations
lower value for Scotland to trusts, normally all our creditors within extremely seriously,
and Northern Ireland, created specifically for 30 days of receiving an and under the scrutiny
although the Scotland the purpose of the award. invoice, unless other and advice of the Audit
scheme will take the Previous examples of terms and conditions and Risk Committee
form of a third party this include the Power have been negotiated. In we regularly assess
arrangement with the to Change trust which 2019/20, 82 per cent (88 the adequacy of our
devolved administration was set up in 2014/15 per cent in 2018/19) of all information security
retaining overall to support community creditors were paid within measures.
approval authority for the enterprises across 30 days of receiving an
programme.. England, from inspiring invoice.
100 101
The General Data During 2019/20 there EU entities. No material
Protection Regulation were no reportable losses impact on the Fund is
came into force in of personal data. predicted following the
May 2018 and set Impact of Brexit UK’s exit from the EU.
greater controls on Overall assessment of
organisations with regard The Fund is engaged
in two active funding governance and internal
to their responsibilities Dawn Austwick
programmes with control
for collecting and storing Chief Executive and
personal data. Much of matched funding from the In my opinion and
Accounting Officer
the Fund’s activity with European Social Fund supported by the Head of
regard to collection of (ESF). This funding is Internal Audit’s assurance
personal data is covered already in place through report, the Fund’s
by our statutory role the Department for Work systems of governance
but the regulation fully and Pensions (DWP) as and internal controls are
applies to the Fund. the Managing Agent to sufficient to enable me to
We have adapted our deliver these grants. The ensure compliance by the
processes and approach Fund’s costs for delivery Fund with the National
to ensure we meet of these programmes is Lottery Acts, the Dormant
the new requirements. guaranteed by Treasury Bank and Building
We have updated our and DWP for the duration Society Accounts Act
grant agreements and of the current programme and the policy, financial
considered carefully irrespective of the and accounts directions
arrangements with grant arrangements for any issued under them.
holders for the collection, future funding in a final
storage and sharing of the Brexit settlement.
personal data of individual The Fund’s remaining
beneficiaries including activities are not
where special categories dependent on cross
of personal data may be border sources of funding
stored. and nor does it depend on
significant services from
102 103
Board and committee membership, meeting


attendance and remuneration during the year

Board members








Chair 0/0

Peter Chair, Board 1/2 26,667 40,000 (from November
Ainsworth (until November 2019, previously
2019) Member)
Chair, 1/1 Chair UK Funding 4/4
Remuneration Committee
Committee (from December
(until November 2019, previously
2019) Member)
Chair, UK Funding 2/2 Natalie Member, Board 2/4 7,848 7,848
Committee Campbell
(until November Perdita Member, Board 4/4 7,848 7,848
2019) Fraser
Tony Chair, Board 4/4 28,201 15,696 Member, Audit and 4/4
Burton (from December Risk Committee
CBE 2019, previously Julie Chair, Northern 4/4 18,736 24,000
Vice Chair) Harrison Ireland Committee
Chair, Audit and 3/3 (until January
Risk Committee 2020)
(until November Member, Board 2/3
2019) (until January

104 105
Board members











Maureen Chair, Scotland 5/5 16,000 24,000 Sir Chair, Wales 4/4 24,000 24,000
McGinn Committee Adrian Committee
(until November Webb
2019) Member, Board 3/4
Member, Board 2/2 Member, 3/4
(until November Audit and Risk
2019) Committee
Elizabeth Member, Board 4/4 7,848 7,848 Emma Vice Chair, Board 4/4 9,278
Passey Boggis (from March
Member, 3/4 2020, previously
UK Funding member from
Committee February 2019)
Rachael Member, Board 4/4 7,848 7,848 Chair, Audit and 1/1
Robathan Risk Committe
Member, 0/0 (from January
Remuneration 2020)
Committee Danielle Member, Board 3/4 8,922
Nat Chair, England 3/4 16,000 24,000 Walker- (from February
Sloane Committee Palmour 2019)
CBE (until November
Member, Board 0/2
(until November

106 107
Board members












Maureen Chair, Scotland 5/5 16,000 24,000 Sir Chair, Wales 4/4 24,000 24,000
McGinn Committee Adrian Committee
(until November Webb
2019) Member, Board 3/4
Member, Board 2/2 Member, 3/4
(until November Audit and Risk
2019) Committee
Elizabeth Member, Board 4/4 7,848 7,848 Emma Vice Chair, Board 4/4 9,278
Passey Boggis (from March
Member, 3/4 2020, previously
UK Funding member from
Committee February 2019)
Rachael Member, Board 4/4 7,848 7,848 Chair, Audit and 1/1
Robathan Risk Committe
Member, 0/0 (from January
Remuneration 2020)
Danielle Member, Board 3/4 8,922
Walker- (from February
Nat Chair, England 3/4 16,000 24,000
Palmour 2019)
Sloane Committee
CBE (until November
Member, Board 0/2
(until November

108 109
Other members - England committee Other members - Scotland committee












Margaret Member, England 6/6 7,848 7,848 Grant Member, Scotland 7/7 5,232 5,232
Jones Committee Carson Committee
Tarn Lamb Member, England 3/4 7,701 10,160 Stella Member, Scotland 5/5 3,924 5,232
Committee Everingham Committee
Kevin Member, England 6/6 7,848 7,848 (until December
Bone Committee 2019)
Member, 4/4 Member, UK 3/3
UK Funding Funding Committee
Committee (until December
John Member, England 5/6 7,848 7,848 2019)
Mothersole Committee Lindsay Member, Scotland 7/7 5,232 5,513
Rosie Member, England 5/6 7,848 Graham Committee
Ginday Committee Aaliya Member, Scotland 7/7 5,232 5,513
(from April 2019) Seyal Committee
Ray Coyle Member, England 5/6 7,848 Member, UK 1/1
Committee Funding Committee
(from April 2019) (from January
Martin Member, Scotland 5/7 5,232 5,513
Johnstone Committee
Janet Miles Member, Scotland 7/7 5,242 3,450

110 111
Other members - Wales committee Other members - Northern Ireland committee












Rona Member, Wales 3/4 5,232 5,232 Dr Michael Member, Northern

5/6 5,232 5,232
Aldrich Committee Dobbins Ireland Committee
Sian Member, Wales 3/4 5,232 5,232 Member,
Callaghan Committee UK Funding 3/3
Member, Committee
UK Funding Tony Member, Northern
5/6 5,232 5,232
Committee Doherty Ireland Committee
Rob Member, Wales 3/3 3,924 5,232 Charles Member, Northern
4/6 5,232 5,232
Pickford Committee (until Mack Ireland Committee
OBE December 2019) Sandra Member, Northern
6/6 5,232 5,232
Helen Member, Wales 3/4 5,232 5,232 MacNamee Ireland Committee
Wilkinson Committee Eileen Member, Northern
5/6 5,232 5,232
Nicola 4/4 5,232 Mullan Ireland Committee
Member, Wales Member,
Committee UK Funding 1/1
Fadhili Member, Wales 1/1 1,139 Committee
Maghiya Committee (from
January 2020)

112 113
Audit and Risk committee Register of interests
Member, All our Board and committee members, assessors,
Ruth advisers and members of any advisory panel and our
Audit and Risk 4/4 1,744 1,744
Marchington staff must declare relevant interests under our code
Member, of ethics. This code complies with the Cabinet Office
Charlotte code of practice for Board members of public bodies.
Audit and Risk 4/4 1,744 1,744
Moar Interests declared by Board members are posted on our
website. Details of such interests for all decision-making
committee members are available by writing to the
Head of Governance.
If the Board or a committee considers any matters
which could reasonably be seen as giving rise to a
conflict of interest, principally over grant decisions to
organisations but also any commercial relationships,
the chair of the meeting ensures at the outset that
disclosure is made and that the member withdraws
while the relevant item is discussed.
The following table details awards made to
organisations where Board and country committee
members have declared an interest within the current
financial year or where other interests have been
disclosed with funded organisations.

114 115
Name Organisation Name Nature of relationship Awards made in Withdrew Outstanding
2019/20 from grant award
award at 31 March
2020 (£)
No £
Aaliya Seyal Parent Network Scotland Self Board 1 9,700 N/A 67,481
Adrian Webb Cardiff Business School Self Visiting - - N/A 579,109
RSPB Self Trustee - - N/A 195,527
Charlotte Moar Comic Relief Self Trustee and - - N/A 328,697
National Trust Self Member 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Danielle Palmour MySight York Self Trustee - - N/A 178,802
Eileen Mullan Age Northern Ireland Self Chair - 97,000 N/A 1,810,215
Elizabeth Passey Black Mountains College Self Board 1 - N/A 80,250
Kevin Bone Pilotlight Ltd Self Trustee - - N/A 142,650
Lindsay Graham Dundee Bairns Self Trustee 1 1,000 N/A -
Mayor’s Fund for London Self Advisor - - N/A 27,000
Maggie Jones Leeds City Council Self Member - - N/A 2,488,968
Community Board
YourConsortium Self Connected - - N/A 2,505,088
with related

116 117
Name Organisation Name Nature of relationship Awards made in Withdrew Outstanding
2019/20 from grant award
award at 31 March
2020 (£)
No £
Martin The Church of Scotland Self Employee 2 19,896 N/A -
Johnstone theGKexperience SCIO Self Chair 1 10,000 N/A -
Wevolution Self Advisor - - N/A 123,619
Home-Start Glasgow South Spouse/ Close relative - - N/A 203,211
Partner connected
Cyrenians Children Close relative 1 233,075 N/A 158,226
Maureen McGinn Clore Social Leadership Self Mentor - - N/A 45,282
Focus Charity Self Trustee 1 380,019 N/A 237,236
Paul Hamlyn Foundation Self Advisor - - N/A 67,500
Michael Dobbins Liberty Consortium Self Chair 1 1,000 N/A 37,606
Liberty Consortium CIC Self Director 1 1,000 N/A 37,606
Nicola Russell- Age Cymru Swansea Bay Self Employee 1 10,000 N/A -
Brooks NCVO Self Consultant 1 373,642 N/A 328,675
Comic Relief Self Consultant - - N/A 328,697
Perdita Fraser Ashoka UK Self Advisor - - N/A 20,000

118 119
Name Organisation Name Nature of relationship Awards made in Withdrew Outstanding
2019/20 from grant award
award at 31 March
2020 (£)
No £
Peter Ainsworth National Trust Self Subscribing 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Pallant House Gallery Family Close relative - - N/A 47,484
(other) connected
Plantlife Self Chair - - N/A 182,111
Rob Pickford The Bevan Foundation Self Advisor 1 9,876 N/A -
Royal Society for the Self Member - - N/A 195,527
Protection of Birds
National Trust Self Member 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Cardiff University Self Fellow - - N/A 579,109
Multiple Sclerosis Society Self Close relative 2 155,973 N/A 122,789
The Wildlife Trusts Self Vice Chair - - N/A 7,041,762
Ruth Ramblers Association Self Subscribing - - N/A 12,163
Marchington Member
National Trust Self Subscribing 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Sandra Antrim, Ballymena, Carrick, Self Consultant 1 10,000 N/A 150,634
McNamee Larne & N'Abbey Women's
NSPCC Self Consultant 1 389,284 N/A 28,584,138
Belfast and Lisburn Self Consultant 1 9,600 N/A -
Women's Aid

120 121
Name Organisation Name Nature of relationship Awards made in Withdrew Outstanding
2019/20 from grant award
award at 31 March
2020 (£)
No £
Sian Callaghan Royal Society for the Spouse/ Close relative - - N/A 195,527
Protection of Birds Partner connected
The National Trust Self Member 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Stella Scottish Borders Council Self Employee - - N/A 54,914
Everingham National Trust Self Member 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Children 1st Self Board 1 371,896 N/A 249,213
Tarn Lamb Cornwall Neighbourhoods Self Chief - - N/A 40,825
for Change Executive
The Learning Partnership for Self Director - - N/A 177,302
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Penhaligon's Friends Self Trustee 1 900 N/A -
Tony Burton National Trust Self Member 1 37,808 N/A 37,808
Renaisi Limited Self Consultant 1 9,775 N/A 741,224
The Conservation Volunteers Self Trustee - - N/A 34,547
Tony Doherty Bogside & Brandywell Self Director 1 8,940 N/A -
Initiative/Healthly Living Ctr
Alliance Ltd

122 123
Name Organisation Name Nature of relationship Awards made in Withdrew Outstanding
2019/20 from grant award
award at 31 March
2020 (£)
No £
Fadhili Maghiya Sub-Saharan Advisory Panel Self Director 1 10,000 N/A -
John Mothersole Sheffield Churches Council for Self Trustee - - N/A 77,032
Community Care

Notes: 1. Where recorded as not applicable (“N/A”)

the individual has declared a connection with the
organisation but was not party to any decisions
concerning related grants.

124 125
The senior management
Our remuneration and staff
Dawn Austwick Ben Harrison
Chief Executive Governance
Director of Engagement
(until January 2020) The Remuneration Committee of the Board has
Sarah Benioff responsibility to:
Director, England Ian Hughes
(until August 2019) Finance Director • agree the terms and conditions of employment of the
Chief Executive
Kate Beggs Faiza Khan • decide on the Chief Executive’s performance
Director, Northern Ireland Director of Engagement appraisal and related pay
and Insight • determine the remuneration policy for directors
Gemma Bull (from January 2020)
Funding Strategy Director • approve the performance appraisals and
(until February 2020) Neil Ritch performance-related pay for directors, and
Director, Scotland • decide on severance terms for the Chief Executive
Martin Cawley (from August 2019) and advise on severance terms of directors
Director, Scotland
(until June 2019) John Rose • to nominate proposed new members of the Board.
Director, Wales
Elly de Decker At the request of the the Cabinet Office/HM
Director, England Matthew Green Chair of the Committee Treasury applying to the
(from January 2020) Technology Director the Chief Executive, the remuneration of staff
(executive from April People Director, or other generally
Joe Ferns 2019) officers attend meetings • approval by DCMS
UK Knowledge and for selected agenda of the terms and
Portfolio Director Neil Harris items.
(until February 2020) People Director (executive conditions of
from April 2019) The decisions of the employment of the
James Harcourt Committee are subject to: Chief Executive
Director, England • compliance with the • approval by DCMS
(until September 2019) pay guidance issued by of any termination
126 127
payments to the Chief permanent contracts salary. Performance- payment was made in line
Executive. (except where necessarily related payments are with the arrangements
covered by temporary or unconsolidated (that is, under the civil service
Remuneration policy for
interim arrangements) they are not added to compensation scheme
executive directors
subject to three months’ basic salary, and must and amounted to £33,417.
Our policy is to offer notice. Any termination be earned again each Details of the basic salary,
remuneration that enables payments are paid in year). They are not performance-related
the Fund to attract, retain accordance with the civil included in pensionable payments and pension
and motivate high calibre service compensation pay. The Chief Executive benefits of directors are
individuals with the skills scheme. has decided to give the set out in the table on
and abilities to lead and performance related pages 87 to 90. Details
manage the organisation. Any annual increase to
elements of her of their expenses can be
In doing so, the policy the Chief Executive’s
remuneration to charity. found on the website:
seeks to remunerate fairly salary is determined
for individual responsibility by the Remuneration None of the directors about/our-people/senior-
and contribution, while Committee; for 2019/20 receive any taxable management-team
providing an element of this was 1.0 per cent. benefits in kind. Directors
Annual increases to the are reimbursed expenses Officials with significant
performance related pay. financial responsibility
other directors’ salaries incurred in the course
Directors including the are approved by the Chief of their duties on the The Fund engaged
Chief Executive receive Executive reflecting the same basis as all other 27 Board members or
a basic salary and a outcome of the overall employees of the Fund. members of the Senior
performance related staff pay award. Management Team during
payment. All other Six members of the
the course of the year
terms and conditions The Chief Executive is Senior Management who were deemed to
of employment are the entitled to a performance- Team left during the year. have significant financial
same as for other Fund related payment of up One leaver was paid responsibility. All of these
employees. They are to 12 per cent of her a termination payment engagements were
entitled to be members basic salary. The other following a restructure of paid through the Fund’s
of the Principal Civil directors are entitled to certain functions which payroll.
Service Pension Scheme. a payment of up to 8 ended the requirement for
per cent of their basic one role. The termination
All directors are on
128 129
Pay multiples (audited £26,542). In 2019/20, the ensure that we attract The table below sets out
information) ratio of the highest paid to a diverse range of our monitoring report for
We disclose the the median has changed applicants and we use equalities for 2019/20.
relationship between to 5.3:1 (2018/19 5.6:1). appropriate sources,
the remuneration of our In 2019/20, no (2018/19 contacts, agencies and
highest-paid director none) employees advertising approaches to
(which is the Chief received remuneration in support this.
Executive) and the excess of the highest‑paid We seek to ensure that
median remuneration of director. The range of we provide training and
the Fund’s employees. remuneration is from development opportunities
a range of £10,000 to to all staff to maximise
Total remuneration £15,000 to a range of
includes salary, their capacity to undertake
£145,000 to £150,000. their roles for the Fund.
performance related pay
and benefits in kind; it Staff We support a range of
excludes termination Details of staff numbers, training opportunities
payments. It does not their composition and any directly related to, and
include employer pension exit packages are shown distinct from, the skills
contributions and the cash in note 7 to the financial required to fulfil the role
equivalent transfer value statements. including leadership
of pensions. and management
Equality in employment development. Where
The banding of the total The Fund seeks to be staff acquire access
salary plus performance a diverse and inclusive issues during the course
award during the year employer. We aim to of their employment we
of the highest paid ensure that our staff seek to ensure they are
director was £145,000 appropriately reflect able to continue to meet
to £150,000 (2018/19 and represent the the demands of their
£145,000 to £150,000), communities which they role including providing
the median salary of support. Our approach additional support and
the Fund’s employees to recruitment seeks to training as necessary.
was £28,044 (2018/19
130 131
The Civil UK economically UK economically
The Fund
Fund Service active population active population
Disability % %
% % % Group
Asian 6.3 4.7
Staff with
9.3 11.7 13.4 Black 3.7 3.3
Staff without Chinese 0.2 0.4
90.7 88.3 86.6 Mixed 2.0 1.2
Other 0.2 2.8
The Civil UK economically White 84.9 87.6
Fund Service active population Not Known 2.7 -
Gender % % % Do not wish
- -
Female 66.6 53.9 47.2 to declare
Male 33.2 46.1 52.8

Board Directors Fund Senior Staff

Gender % % %
Female 59.5 40.0 63.2
Male 40.5 60.0 36.8

132 133
Staff sickness absence Health & Safety set to ensure that the routinely procure to
We are committed to the The Fund takes its appropriate tax and support our continuing
health and wellbeing of responsibilities for the National Insurance activities.
our staff. The Fund has a Health & Safety of its staff, obligations are met. Apprenticeship Levy
comprehensive sickness contractors and grant The total cost of these
The apprenticeship
absence policy and also holders seriously. We seek arrangements was
levy applies to all
undertakes employee- to adopt best practice £405,017 (2018/19
organisations with
led wellbeing activities. in the management and £250,240).
an annual paybill
During 2019/20, the reporting of risk. Changes All five of the off payroll greater than £3 million.
average number of days to the way we work, with contracts were new Contributions to the
of sickness absence was more of our colleagues contracts in the year or apprenticeship levy
8.0 days per employee working away from reached a period of six account amount to 0.5%
(8.0 days in 2018/19). fixed office bases, has months engagement of the total paybill after
Employee involvement caused us to address any during the year. deduction of a £15,000
additional risks that may Assurance with regard to allowance. Contributions
The Fund has a
arise. tax and national insurance to the account in respect
constructive relationship
Off Payroll deductions was sought of sums relating to
with our joint recognised
Engagements and and provided in all cases. England are topped up
unions, Prospect and
Consultancy None were directly by government by 10%.
Unite, and seeks to
engaged through the Employers are able to
find and encourage During the year the
Fund’s payroll and none use the account to pay
opportunities for Fund has engaged
were subject to change of for qualifying training
employee involvement five (2018/19 seven)
status. activities. Apprenticeship
and consultation. The individuals through off-
Fund regularly seeks payroll contracts. The The Fund has incurred arrangements with
the views and opinions Fund operates strict consultancy costs during respect to Scotland,
of its staff through tests to ensure that the the year of £330,178 Wales and Northern
informal dialogue and nature of all engagements (2018/19 £345,245) in Ireland are unchanged.
through formal employee is appropriately respect of the provision The Fund has made
engagement surveys. assessed and that in of advice and expertise total contributions to
all cases contracts are which we would not the scheme during

134 135
the year of £125,314 whole, we report a gender understand there’s more of people feeling they
(2018/19 £122,078) and pay gap of 5.5 per cent work to be done to fully can be themselves at the
in accordance with the (2018/19 6.1 per cent) understand how it feels Fund. We want everyone
government accounting for mean pay whilst for for everyone working to feel happy at work, to
guidance has written this median pay, the rate is 3.2 here, before setting out feel valued and we need
off as a staff cost under per cent (2018/19 2.4 per more ideas for positive different perspectives
taxes. cent). We recognise the change. Our ambition is to to have a truly inclusive
The Fund has reclaimed slight increase of less than have no less than 100% culture.
£58,308 (2018/19 1 per cent for our median
pay gap and are working Trade Union Facility Time
£17,467) in training
hard to continually Number of employees who were
costs from appropriate
improve our approach. relevant union officials during the 6
providers. These costs
financial year
would typically be shown BAME Pay Gap
Full time equivalent employee number 2.9
as training costs in Whilst we are not legally
operating costs with the required to report our Percentage of time spent on facility time
benefit of the drawdown BAME (black, Asian by relevant union officials:
from the apprenticeship and minority ethnic) pay 0% -
levy account shown in gap, we have taken the 1-50% 2
income as a government decision to publish our
grant. 51-99% 4
results alongside the
100% -
Gender Pay Gap gender pay gap. Across
The Fund is required to the Fund as a whole, we
Total cost of facility time £141,754
report its performance report a BAME pay gap
Total cost of paybill £36,375,003
under the Gender Pay of 0.9 per cent for mean
Percentage of paybill spent on facility
Gap regulations. Full pay whilst for median 0.40%
details are available on pay, the rate is minus gender pay gap 0.1 per cent. Whilst our Hours spent on paid trade union
portal and are published results compare well 180
on our own website. with other organisations, Hours spent on paid facility time 5,515
Across the Fund as a we’re not complacent and
Percentage 3.3%
136 137
Executives’ remuneration – single total figure for
remuneration (audited information)

related payments

related payments
pension benefits

pension benefits
2019/20 Value of

2018/19 Value of
2019/20 Salary

2018/19 Salary
2019/20 Single

2018/19 Single
total figure for

total figure for




Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
130-135 130-135
Dawn Austwick (Full time (Full time
10-15 52 200-205 10-15 52 195-200
(Chief Executive) equivalent 145- equivalent
150) 145-150)
Kate Beggs (Annual
75-80 0-5 57 130-135 0-5 13 25-30
(Director, Northern Ireland) equivalent
Sarah Benioff 35-40
(Director, England) until (Annual equivalent 0-5 20 55-60 0-5 35 60-65
August 2019 85-90)
Gemma Bull
80-85 (Annual
(Funding Strategy Director) 5-10 35 120-125 85-90 5-10 34 125-130
equivalent 85-90)
until February 2020
Martin Cawley 20-25
(Director, Scotland) until (Annual equivalent 0-5 9 35-40 85-90 0-5 34 120-125
June 2019 90-95)

138 139
related payments

related payments
pension benefits

pension benefits
2019/20 Value of

2018/19 Value of
2019/20 Salary

2018/19 Salary
2019/20 Single

2018/19 Single
total figure for

total figure for




Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Elly de Decker 20-25
(Director, England) from (Annual equivalent 0-5 30 50-55 - - - -
January 2020 85-90)
Joe Ferns 90-95
(Director, UK Knowledge and (Annual equivalent 0-5 - 90-95 90-95 0-5 13 100-105
Portfolio) until February 2020 100-105)
Matthew Green
(Director, Technology) from 75-80 0-5 - 75-80 - - - -
October 2018*
James Harcourt 35-40
(Director, England Grant (Annual equivalent 5-10 15 55-60 80-85 5-10 33 120-125
Making) until September 2019 80-85)
Neil Harris
(People Director) from May 75-80 0-5 - 75-80 - - - -
Ben Harrison 65-70
(Director of Engagement) (Annual equivalent 0-5 29 100-105 80-85 0-5 32 115-120
until January 2020 80-85)
Ian Hughes
105-110 5-10 43 155-160 105-110 5-10 42 155-160
(Finance Director)
Faiza Khan
15-20 (Annual
(Engagement & Insight 0-5 7 20-25 - - - -
equivalent 80-85)
Director) from January 2020
140 141
related payments

related payments
pension benefits

pension benefits
2019/20 Value of

2018/19 Value of
2019/20 Salary

2018/19 Salary
2019/20 Single

2018/19 Single
total figure for

total figure for




Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Joanne McDowell
(Director, Northern Ireland) - 0-5 - 0-5 0-5 31 85-90
until December 2018
Neil Ritch 50-55
(Director, Scotland) from (Annual equivalent 0-5 - 50-55 - - - -
August 2019 75-80)
John Rose
85-90 0-5 52 140-145 75-80 0-5 41 120-125
(Director, Wales)

142 143
Executives’ remuneration – pensions
(audited information)
Accrued pension Real increase Cash Equivalent Cash Equivalent Real increase
at pensionable age in pension and Transfer Values Transfer Values in CETV
as at 31/03/20 and lump sum at (CETV) at 31/03/20 (CETV) at 31/03/19
related lump sum pension
Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Dawn Austwick 20 – 25 plus 0 lump 2.5 – 5 plus 0
sum lump sum 338 279 36
(Chief Executive)
Kate Beggs
(Director, 15–20 plus lump sum 2.5–5 plus lump 281 233 33
35-40 sum 2.5-5
Northern Ireland)
Sarah Benioff
(Director, 25-30 plus 0 lump 0 – 2.5 plus 0
sum lump sum 419 401 13
England) until
August 2019
Gemma Bull
(Funding Strategy 10-15 plus 0 lump 0-2.5 plus 0
sum lump sum 105 84 12
Director) until
February 2020
Martin Cawley
(Director, 0-2.5 plus 0
5-10 plus 0 lump sum lump sum 76 69 5
Scotland) until
June 2019
Elly de Decker
(Director, 0-2.5 plus 0
5-10 plus 0 lump sum lump sum 69 47 14
England) from
January 2020

144 145
Accrued pension Real increase Cash Equivalent Cash Equivalent Real increase
at pensionable age in pension and Transfer Values Transfer Values in CETV
as at 31/03/20 and lump sum at (CETV) at 31/03/20 (CETV) at 31/03/19
related lump sum pension
Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Joe Ferns
(Director, UK
Knowledge and N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Portfolio) until
February 2020
Matthew Green
Technology) from
October 2018*
James Harcourt
(Director, England
0-2.5 plus 0
Grant Making) 5-10 plus 0 lump sum 67 58 6
lump sum
until September
Neil Harris
(People Director) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
from May 2018*
Ben Harrison
(Director of 0-2.5 plus 0
5-10 plus 0 lump sum 50 37 8
Engagement) until lump sum
February 2020
Ian Hughes 10-15 plus 0 lump 2.5-5 plus 0
208 161 33
(Finance Director) sum lump sum

146 147
Accrued pension Real increase Cash Equivalent Cash Equivalent Real increase
at pensionable age in pension and Transfer Values Transfer Values in CETV
as at 31/03/20 and lump sum at (CETV) at 31/03/20 (CETV) at 31/03/19
related lump sum pension
Executives £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Faiza Khan
0-2.5 plus 0
Engagement & 0-5 plus 0 lump sum 4 0 3
lump sum
Insight) from
January 2020
Joanne McDowell
Northern Ireland) N/A N/A N/A 496 N/A
until 31 December
Neil Ritch
Scotland) from
August 2019
John Rose 25-30 plus 0 lump 2.5-5 plus 0
415 358 36
(Director, Wales) sum lump sum

*Matthew Green and Neil Harris were recognised as

Executives from 1 April 2019.

148 149
Cash equivalent transfer values (CETV) Remuneration of Board
A cash equivalent transfer value (CETV) is the and Committee members
actuarially assessed capitalised value of the pension The remuneration of
scheme benefits accrued by a member at a particular Board and committee
point in time. The benefits valued are the member’s members of the Fund
accrued benefits and any contingent spouse’s pension is determined by the Dawn Austwick
payable from the scheme. The pension figures shown Secretary of State for the
Chief Executive and
relate to the benefits that the individual has accrued Department of Digital,
Accounting Officer
as a consequence of their lifetime membership of the Culture, Media and Sport.
scheme not just their service in a senior capacity to 3 July 2020
The Chairs of the
which disclosure applies. The figures include the value Board and the country
of any pension in another scheme or arrangement committees receive an
which the member has transferred to the Civil Service annual salary based on
pension arrangements. They also include any additional the number of days they
pension benefit accrued to the member as a result of are expected to devote
their buying additional pension benefits at their own to the work of the Fund.
cost. CETVs are worked out in accordance with The These were set out in
Occupational Pension Schemes (Transfer Values) their letter of appointment.
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 and do not take
The total amounts they
account of any actual or potential reduction to benefits
received are shown in the
resulting from Lifetime Allowance Tax which may be due
table on pages 71 to 75.
when pension benefits are taken.
Board and committee
Real increase in CETV
members do not receive
This reflects the increase in CETV that is funded any taxable benefits in
by the Fund. It does not include the increase in kind or pension benefits.
accrued pension due to inflation or contributions They are reimbursed
paid by the employee (including the value of any expenses incurred in the
benefits transferred from another pension scheme course of their duties on
or arrangement) and uses common market valuation the same basis as Fund
factors for the start and end of the period. employees.
150 151
Our parliamentary with the National
Lottery etc. Act 1993
My responsibilities under
those standards are
accountability and audit and the Dormant Bank further described in the
and Building Society Auditor’s responsibilities
report Accounts Act 2008 for the audit of the
and Secretary of State financial statements
THE AUDIT including the significant
directions issued section of my certificate.
REPORT OF THE accounting policies.
thereunder. Those standards require
COMPTROLLER AND These financial
AUDITOR GENERAL Opinion on regularity me and my staff to
statements have been
TO THE HOUSES OF In my opinion, in all comply with the Financial
prepared under the
PARLIAMENT material respects the Reporting Council’s
accounting policies set out
income and expenditure Revised Ethical Standard
Opinion on financial within them. I have also
recorded in the financial 2016. I am independent
statements audited the information in
statements have been of the Big Lottery Fund
I have audited the the Accountability Report
applied to the purposes in accordance with the
financial statements of that is described in that
intended by Parliament ethical requirements that
the Big Lottery Fund for report as having been
and the financial are relevant
the year ended 31 March audited.
transactions recorded in to my audit and the
2020 under the National In my opinion:
the financial statements financial statements in
Lottery etc. Act 1993 • the financial statements conform to the authorities the UK. My staff and I
and the Dormant Bank give a true and fair view which govern them. have fulfilled our other
and Building Society of the state of the Big
Basis of opinions ethical responsibilities in
Accounts Act 2008. The Lottery Fund’s affairs as accordance with these
financial statements at 31 March 2020 and I conducted my audit
requirements. I believe
comprise: the Statements of the net expenditure in accordance with
that the audit evidence I
of Comprehensive Net for the year then ended; International Standards on
have obtained is sufficient
Expenditure, Financial and Auditing (ISAs) (UK) and
and appropriate to provide
Position, Cash Flows, Practice Note 10 ‘Audit
• the financial statements a basis for my opinion.
Changes in Taxpayers’ of Financial Statements
have been properly Conclusions relating to
Equity; and of Public Sector Entities
prepared in accordance going concern
the related notes, in the United Kingdom’.
152 153
I have nothing to report Accounting Officer for to give reasonable • identify and assess
in respect of the following the financial statements assurance that the the risks of material
matters in relation to As explained more fully financial statements misstatement of the
which the ISAs (UK) in the Statement of the are free from material financial statements,
require me to report to Accounting Officer’s misstatement, whether whether due to fraud
you where: Responsibilities, the Chief caused by fraud or error. or error, design
• the Big Lottery Executive, as Accounting Reasonable assurance is and perform audit
Fund’s use of the Officer is responsible for a high level of assurance, procedures responsive
going concern basis the preparation of the but is not a guarantee to those risks, and
of accounting in the financial statements and that an audit conducted obtain audit evidence
preparation of the for being satisfied that in accordance with ISAs that is sufficient and
financial statements is they give a true and fair (UK) will always detect appropriate to provide
not appropriate; or view. a material misstatement a basis for my opinion.
when it exists. The risk of not detecting
• the Big Lottery Fund Auditor’s
Misstatements can arise a material misstatement
have not disclosed in responsibilities for the
from fraud or error and resulting from fraud
the financial statements audit of the financial
are considered material is higher than for one
any identified material statements
if, individually or in the resulting from error,
uncertainties that My responsibility is to aggregate, they could as fraud may involve
may cast significant audit and report on the reasonably be expected collusion, forgery,
doubt about the Big financial statements in to influence the economic intentional omissions,
Lottery Fund’s ability accordance with the decisions of users taken misrepresentations, or
to continue to adopt National Lottery etc. Act on the basis of these the override of internal
the going concern 1993 and the Dormant financial statements. control.
basis of accounting Bank and Building Society
for a period of at least As part of an audit • obtain an understanding
Accounts Act 2008.
twelve months from in accordance with of internal control
An audit involves ISAs (UK), I exercise relevant to the audit
the date when the
obtaining evidence professional judgment in order to design
financial statements are
about the amounts and and maintain professional audit procedures that
authorised for issue.
disclosures in the financial scepticism throughout the are appropriate in the
Responsibilities of the statements sufficient audit. I also: circumstances, but
154 155
not for the purpose of matters, the planned as having been audited, Opinion on other
expressing an opinion scope and timing of the the financial statements matters
on the effectiveness of audit and significant audit and my auditor’s report • the parts of the
the Big Lottery Fund’s findings, including any thereon. My opinion on Accountability Report
internal control. significant deficiencies the financial statements to be audited have
• evaluate the in internal control that I does not cover the other been properly prepared
appropriateness of identify during my audit. information and I do in accordance with
accounting policies In addition, I am required not express any form of Secretary of State
used and the to obtain evidence assurance conclusion directions made under
reasonableness of sufficient to give thereon. the National Lottery
accounting estimates reasonable assurance In connection with my etc. Act 1993 and
and related disclosures that the income and audit of the financial the Dormant Bank
made by management. expenditure reported in statements, my and Building Society
• evaluate the overall the financial statements responsibility is to read Accounts Act 2008;
presentation, have been applied to the other information and, • in the light of the
structure and content the purposes intended in doing so, consider knowledge and
of the financial by Parliament and the whether the other understanding of
statements, including financial transactions information is materially the Big Lottery Fund
the disclosures, conform to the authorities inconsistent with the and its environment
and whether the which govern them. financial statements or obtained in the course
consolidated financial Other Information my knowledge obtained of the audit, I have not
statements represent in the audit or otherwise identified any material
The Accounting Officer is
the underlying appears to be materially misstatements in the
responsible for the other
transactions and misstated. If, based on the Performance Report
information. The other
events in a manner work I have performed, or the Accountability
information comprises
that achieves fair I conclude that there is Report; and
information included in
presentation. a material misstatement
the annual report, other • the information given
of this other information,
I communicate with those than the parts of the in Performance Report
I am required to report
charged with governance Accountability Report and Accountability
that fact. I have nothing to
regarding, among other described in that report Report for the financial
report in this regard.
156 157
year for which the • the Governance Statement of comprehensive income
financial statements are Statement does not Year Year ended
prepared is consistent reflect compliance ended 31 31 March
with the financial with HM Treasury’s March 2019
statements. guidance. 2020
Matters on which I Report Note £000 £000
report by exception I have no observations to Income
I have nothing to report make on these financial Lottery income
in respect of the following statements. Proceeds from the
13 710,434 640,005
matters which I report to National Lottery
you if, in my opinion: Investment income from
the National Lottery 13 3,436 3,280
• adequate accounting
Distribution Fund
records have not Bank and other interest
been kept or returns 2 145 164
adequate for my audit Recoveries of grant 2 1,976 2,361
have not been received Gareth Davies 715,991 645,810
from branches not Comptroller and Auditor
visited by my staff; or General Dormant accounts
• the financial statements money income
and the parts of the Received/Receivable
Accountability Report National Audit Office 29a 68,530 71,771
from Reclaim Fund Ltd
to be audited are not 157-197 Buckingham Bank interest receivable 29a 650 232
in agreement with the Palace Road Recoveries of grant 29a 2 3
accounting records and Victoria, London, SW1W 69,182 72,006
returns; or 9SP
• I have not received all Other income 2 6,567 4,686
of the information and
explanations I require Total income 791,740 722,502
for my audit; or

158 159
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2020 2019 2020 2019
Note £000 £000 Note £000 £000
Expenditure Operating costs
National Lottery Operating costs for
programme distributing National 5 54,822 51,963
expenditure Lottery Income
Grant expenditure 3 584,255 504,684 Operating costs for
Less lapsed or distributing dormant 5 480 680
revoked grant 3 (4,682) (3,174) account money
expenditure Recharged
5 2,985 3,385
Direct expenditure operating costs
in support of 4 8,622 9,583 58,287 56,028
588,195 511,093 Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
Dormant 2020 2019
accounts money
Note £000 £000
expenditure Restructuring and
8 917 1,170
Transfers/ investment
transferable 59,204 57,198
29a 55,445 123,850
to designated
distributors Total expenditure 709,314 697,150
Grant expenditure 29a 6,822 5,063
Less lapsed or Surplus before 82,426 25,352
revoked grant 29a (352) (54) taxation
expenditure Taxation 9 (28) (30)
61,915 128,859 Total
comprehensive 82,398 25,322
net income
160 161
All income and expenditure relates to continuing
The notes on pages 170 to 243 form part of these
Statement of changes in equity
Year ended 31 March 2020 Year ended 31 March 2019

Lottery Dormant Lottery Dormant

Total Total
Accounts Accounts Accounts Accounts

Overall reserves £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000

Opening reserve position (746,238) 43,477 (702,761) (829,093) 101,010 (728,083)

Transferred from Statement

of Comprehensive Net 75,611 6,787 82,398 82,855 (57,533) 25,322

Closing reserve position (670,627) 50,264 (620,363) (746,238) 43,477 (702,761)

The notes on pages 170 to 243 form part of these


162 163
Statement of financial position As at 31 As at 31
As at 31 As at 31 March 2020 March 2019
March 2020 March 2019 Note £000 £000
Note £000 £000 Current
Non-current liabilities
assets Trade
Property, and other 14 (505,491) (548,619)
plant and 10 3,473 4,262 payables
equipment Lease
20 (4,710) -
Intangible liabilities
11 368 2,078 Total assets
Right-of-use less net
20 11,676 - 12,849 (40,189)
assets current
15,517 6,340 liabilities

and other 12 124,847 129,541
Cash at
bank and in 79,951 95,412
balance in
13 302,735 277,137
507,533 502,090
Total assets 523,050 508,430
164 165
As at 31 As at 31 Signed on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund Board on
March 2020 March 2019 3 July 2020
Note £000 £000
and other 14 (555,414) (568,278)
Lease Dawn Austwick Tony Burton
20 (6,636) -
Chief Executive and Chair
Provisions 15 (71,162) (94,294) Accounting Officer
Assets less The notes on pages 170 to 243 form part of these
(620,363) (702,761)
liabilities accounts.

Lottery funds
(670,627) (746,238)
50,264 43,477
(620,363) (702,761)

166 167
Statement of cash flows Year Year
Year Year ended 31 ended 31
ended 31 ended 31 March March
March March 2020 2019
2020 2019 Cashflows from financing
£000 £000 activities
Surplus for the period 82,398 25,322 Repayment of borrowings and
(4,683) -
Disposal of non-current assets 1,103 - leasing liabilities
Depreciation of property, plant
and equipment and amortisation 2,781 3,080 Cashflows from investing
of intangible assets activities
Amortisation of right-of-use Payments to acquire property,
4,335 - plant and equipment and (1,385) (917)
intangible assets
Interest expenses 313 -
Surplus adjusted for non-cash (Decrease)/Increase in cash (15,461) 49,766
90,930 28,402
Decrease in trade and other Net decrease in cash and
4,694 84,899 cash equivalents
Cash balances carried forward 79,951 95,412
(Increase)/Decrease in NLDF
(25,598) 33,768 Less cash balances brought
balance (95,412) (45,646)
(Decrease) in trade and other (Decrease)/Increase in cash (15,461) 49,766
(55,992) (128,725)
(Decrease)/Increase in
(23,132) 32,339
provisions The notes on pages 170 to 243 form part of these
Cumulative catch up from IFRS accounts.
(295) -
16 Leases
Net cash inflow from operating
(9,393) 50,683

168 169
Notes to the accounts meet the accounting and disclosure requirements of
the Companies Act, FReM and International Financial
1. Statement of accounting policies Reporting Standards, where appropriate.
These financial statements have been prepared in 1.2 Going concern
accordance with the 2019/20 Government Financial The annual accounts have been prepared on a going
Reporting Manual (FReM) issued by HM Treasury, concern basis. The grant commitments for future years
and the Accounts Directions issued by the Secretary have been entered into after consideration of the cash
of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in requirements of grant recipients (these can extend up
accordance with Section 36A (2) of the National Lottery to seven years) and after taking account of income
etc Act 1993 (as amended by the National Lottery projections prepared as part of the business planning
Acts 1998 and 2006) and the Dormant Accounts and process. In taking this view of future income the Board
Building Society Act 2008. The accounting policies assumes as a matter of public policy the continued
contained in the FReM apply International Financial operation of the National Lottery.
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adapted or interpreted 1.3 National Lottery Distribution Fund
for the public sector context. Where the FReM permits
Balances held in the National Lottery Distribution Fund
a choice of accounting policy, the accounting policy
(NLDF) remain under the stewardship of the Secretary
which is judged to be most appropriate to the particular
of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. However,
circumstances of the Fund for the purpose of giving
the share of these balances attributable to the Fund is as
a true and fair view has been selected. The particular
shown in the accounts and, at 31 March 2020, has been
policies adopted by the Fund for 2019/20 are described
certified by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture,
below. They have been applied consistently in dealing
Media and Sport as being available for distribution by
with items that are considered material to the accounts.
the Fund in respect of current and future commitments.
We have not adopted any IFRS that have been issued
but are not yet effective. 1.4 Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment is recognised in the Statement
1.1 Accounting convention
of Financial Position at cost except for items costing less
These accounts have been prepared under the historic than £2,000, which are written off to the Statement of
cost convention modified where appropriate for fair value. Comprehensive Income in the year of acquisition.
With the exception of certain revalued assets, we believe Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write off the
that the historic cost is not materially different to fair value. valuation of the assets on a straight-line basis over their
Without limiting the information given, the accounts estimated useful lives as follows:
170 171
Leasehold improvements Over the life of the lease 1.7 Leases over the period to the
IT equipment 3 years Lessee earlier of the rent break
Office equipment, furniture point or the expiry date of
3 years The Fund has adopted
and fittings the lease on a straight line
IFRS 16 Leases for the
1.5 Intangible assets first time in the 2019/20
financial year. Right-of- 1.8 Expenditure on
In accordance with IAS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’, development
costs that are directly attributable to the design and testing use assets are identified programmes
of identifiable and unique software are recognised as an in the statement of The National Lottery etc.
intangible asset. Directly attributable costs include external financial position at cost Act 1993 provides for
contractors’ fees and employee costs. Following initial determined by the present the Fund to make grants
recognition of the assets we amortise on a straight-line basis value of payments due to fund or assist in the
over the estimated useful life as follows: under each lease. The funding of projects and
4 years or remaining costs are amortised over to make or enter into
Grant Management
useful economic life where the minimum period arrangements which
revised of the lease including are designed to meet
Website 5 years optional periods where expenditure that is
We do not amortise the costs associated with assets under the Fund is certain or charitable or connected
construction. reasonably certain to with health, education
Intangible assets have been subject to impairment review exercise the option to or the environment as
under IAS36 (note 11). extend. The finance costs directed by the Secretary
1.6 Pension fund of servicing the leased of State.
Employees are covered by the provisions of the Principal
assets is charged as Grant awards
Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) which is an interest in the statement
Grant awards are
unfunded multi-employer defined benefit scheme. They of comprehensive income.
accounted for as
may alternatively join the Civil Service Partnership Pension Lessor expenditure in
Scheme - a stakeholder pension. Pension benefits are paid
Where we have the Statement of
by the PCSPS. Our liabilities are limited to a charge, which is
set by the Chief Government Actuary, related to salaries paid provided a rent free or Comprehensive Income
in each year. The scheme was last valued on 31 March 2012. other inducement to a and, until paid, as
An updated interim valuation was applied with effect from April tenant the cost of this liabilities in the Statement
2019 and a further review is currently in progress. inducement is apportioned of Financial Position if
172 173
they meet the definition relating to either specific as a liability until the Grants repaid and
of liabilities in IAS37 conditions or award condition is met. recovered
Provisions, Contingent types (see below) are not Multi-stage awards Our conditions of grant
Liabilities and Contingent included in expenditure permit the recovery and
Where an award is made
Assets, whether arising in the Statement of repayment of grants paid.
payable over multiple
from legal or constructive Comprehensive Income This can arise when
stages and continuation
obligations. Grant or as liabilities in the the grant holder fails to
of the award is conditional
awards are recognised Statement of Financial comply with the terms and
upon the outcome of
as expenditure and Position but are disclosed conditions or where the
formal reviews by the
commitments are as contingent liabilities in actual expenditure by a
Fund, the later stages of
accounted for when: Note 17. recipient falls below the
the award will be treated
1. the award has been Development awards as a liability if either the grant that has been paid
formally decided on by nature of the review based on estimated costs.
Where the Fund retains
the Fund; and is merely to confirm Recoveries of grants are
discretion whether to
2. the award has been make subsequent awards progress, or the outcome recognised as income on
notified to the intended following a funded of the review is that receipt of the repayment.
recipient; and development phase, the the Fund continues the Direct expenditure on
3. the award is free from potential subsequent award. programmes
any conditions under award is not treated as Classification of We record as ‘direct
the control of the Fund. a liability until the Fund liabilities expenditure on
Grant awards which have has taken a further formal Grant liabilities at the programmes’ those
been formally decided decision to proceed with it. date of the Statement costs incurred in
upon by the Fund, but Performance based of Financial Position are delivering services
which do not meet the awards classified as accruals directly to beneficiaries
technical definition of Where payment of all unless they meet the or grant recipients as
liabilities, either due to or part of an award is recognition criteria arrangements under s36B
their not having been subject to a performance in IAS37 Provisions, of the National Lottery etc.
communicated to the condition, the part of Contingent Liabilities and Act 1993. For example,
recipient, or due to their the award subject to the Contingent Assets. provision of applicant
not meeting strict criteria condition is not treated and recipient support
174 175
structures and quality valued added tax (VAT). 3. the amount can be commitments have been
assurance for the direct VAT is charged and reliably estimated. met.
benefit of grant recipients. recovered on our activities Currently we have Trusts
Lapsed or revoked grant that comply with the provisions for The Fund has made
expenditure definition of business restructuring costs, awards to new companies
activities as set out in VAT onerous lease
We record as ‘lapsed limited by guarantee,
legislation. This includes transactions and dormant
or revoked grant which act as the sole
much of our Third Party accounts transfer of
expenditure’ any trustee of new charitable
activities. monies.
instances where the trusts. Funds awarded to
grant holder has chosen Irrecoverable VAT is 1.12 Grant management these trusts are recorded
to return unused grant charged to expenditure or as a liability until we make
Delegated partners
monies to the Fund or capitalised in the cost of payments to the trusts.
fixed assets. We have entered into
where we have chosen agreements whereby Amounts held by the trust
to withdraw unused grant 1.10 Cash and cash a number of delegated are not shown as assets.
monies from the grant equivalents bodies are to act as Joint schemes
holder. In all cases this Cash includes cash in lead organisations in Where we have entered
relates to amounts that hand and deposits held the delivery of grant into a joint scheme, as
were previously recorded at call with commercial schemes. In doing this defined in the National
as commitments. banks. we have delegated the Lottery Act 1998, grant
1.9 Taxation 1.11 Provisions statutory grant decision- commitments made
making function to other through the joint scheme
Corporation tax is The Fund recognises a organisations. Funds
charged on the basis provision where: are accounted for on the
advanced to delegated
of tax law enacted at basis of our share in the
1. there is a legal partners for the purpose
the financial position scheme. Funds advanced
obligation as a result of of payment of grant
date. This taxation is commitments where to the joint scheme for
a past decision
on interest received conditions have not been the purpose of payment
on cash balances held 2. it is probable that of grant commitments
met at the year end are
in commercial bank resources will be are recorded as a current
recorded as a current
accounts. required to settle the asset until we receive
asset until we receive
obligation, and confirmation that the
We are registered for confirmation that grant
176 177
payments in respect expected credit losses 1.16 Dormant accounts Adoption has led to an
of those commitments where applicable. The funds immaterial increase in
have been made. assets and liabilities Dormant accounts funds the value of right-of-use
Administration costs are which are considered to have been accounted for assets s but has not had
included in the Statement be financial in nature are under the same policies a material impact on the
of Comprehensive Income set out in note 19. We as National Lottery income and expenditure
at the amount charged to do not hold any complex funds, with the amounts statement.
the Fund. financial instruments. forming a part of these 1.18 Accounting
1.13 Third party assets 1.15 Segmental financial statements and estimates and
The Fund holds as reporting being subject to audit judgements
custodian certain assets In line with IFRS 8, the opinion. For reasons of The preparation of
belonging to third parties. Fund’s Board as ‘Chief transparency and clarity, financial statements
These are not recognised Operating Decision short form financial requires management
in the accounts since we Maker’ has determined statements relating only to to make judgements,
have no direct beneficial that we operate in five dormant account money estimates and
interest in them. The bank material geographical are included in note 29. assumptions that affect
balances held on behalf of segments – the UK, 1.17 Accounting the reported amounts of
third parties are shown in England, Wales, Scotland Standards that have assets, liabilities, income
note 25. and Northern Ireland. been issued but not yet and expenses. Estimates
We have a single adopted and judgements are
1.14 Financial significant source of
instruments There are no new regularly evaluated and
income from National
accounting standards that updated and any changes
The Fund adopted IFRS Lottery income, and the
have been issued but not are reflected in the
9 - Financial Instruments segmental reporting
format reflects our yet adopted by the Fund period in which these are
- with effect from
management and internal in 2019/20. revised.
financial year 2018/19.
We have reviewed our reporting structure. Some The Fund has adopted The accounting policies
financial instruments in programmes are UK- IFRS 16 Leases with set out areas involving
respect of classification, wide and this is reported effect from 2019/20 using a higher degree of
measurement and separately from the four the cumulative approach judgement, assumptions
impairment, applying the countries. as required under FReM. or estimation techniques,

178 179
such as note 1.5 • Provisions – We have 2. Income
(Intangible assets), note estimated dormant The impact of the application of IFRS 15 Revenue from
1.8 (Expenditure on accounts funds Contracts with Customers has been assessed, with a
programmes) and note payable based on review and analysis of each revenue contract. For the
1.11 (Provisions). announcements made current and prior year, we conclude that we do not have any
The most significant by DCMS in relation
material revenue from contracts with customers. Where
judgements are: to the Dormant Bank
the Fund has entered into a contract with third parties who
and Building Society
• Intangible asset are government departments for direct funding services
Accounts Act 2008.
impairment – The Fund or for joint funding partnerships, the contracts specify or
impaired the intangible • Intangible asset imply that the revenue is to be treated as a government
asset relating to its useful economic life grant. Therefore, we continue to apply IAS 20 Accounting
Funding Management – We estimated the
for Government Grants where income and expenses are
System in 2015/16. remaining life of our
matched in the same period.
The system has now Funding Management
System which could Set out below is an analysis of other income not separately
been replaced and the
impaired value fully lead to variations in identified in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.
amortised. amortisation costs. We
previously estimated Year ended Year ended
• Expenditure on
that the useful life 31 March 31 March
programmes – The
would be to the end 2020 2019
Fund recognises the
of 2019/20. The £000 £000
value of awards that are
system has now been Bank and other interest
subject to performance
decommissioned and receivable
conditions as contingent
replaced by an updated Bank interest receivable 145 164
liabilities rather than
solution. Therefore, 145 164
grant accruals. This
no further estimation Greenwich Peninsula
judgement is based
change is necessary. land sale
on the terms and
conditions of the award Greenwich Peninsula land
47 79
contracts. sale
The most significant 47 79
estimates are:

180 181
Year ended Year ended 3. National Lottery programme expenditure
31 March 31 March IFRS 8 requires disclosure of financial data by reportable
2020 2019 segment. The Fund manages and reports grant making
£000 £000 activity based on geographical segments. Operating costs
Other income however are not managed and reported on a segmental
Income from delivering basis.
3,254 1,389
non-Lottery funding We do not allocate income to geographical segment,
Income from delivering
but we do determine medium-term award budgets for
Lottery Funding on behalf 82 58
each geographical segment based on medium-term
of other distributors
expectations of overall net incomes. As set out in the
Rental income 2,786 2,829
financial performance section of the annual report, grant
Sundry income 398 331 budgets are set based on available cash resources. The
6,520 4,607 Board has determined available funding for the period
Recoveries of grant from 2020-2023 for each country after a share of budget, up
grant holders (Note 1.8) to 10 per cent, is allocated for UK programmes. Shares
Recoveries of grant 1,976 2,361 between each country portfolio are determined by a
1,976 2,361 Budget Allocation Formula. This is based on population
adjusted by a number of factors relating to relative
deprivation and relative resource availability. The shares
were adjusted in 2017 to take account of the population
data in the 2011 Census and updated assessments of
relative deprivation and relative resource availability.
Over the plan period each country committee has
discretion, within certain constraints, over the phasing
of grant awards. The table below sets out grant
expenditure, for each portfolio, charged to the Statement
of Comprehensive Income in the year.

182 183
UK England Scotland Wales Northern Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Grant expenditure made 58,717 432,212 37,330 28,504 27,492 584,255
Less lapsed and revoked grant
(1,076) (3,094) (218) (10) (284) (4,682)
Net grant expenditure made 2019/20 57,641 429,118 37,112 28,494 27,208 579,573
Net grant expenditure made 2018/19
48,168 362,813 41,720 30,948 17,861 501,510

4. Direct expenditure in support of programmes

Costs relating to expenditure for the direct benefit of
grant holders and their beneficiaries made under contract
rather than a grant award.
Year Year
ended 31 ended 31
March March
2020 2019
£000 £000
Support provided directly to grant
8,622 9,583
recipients and beneficiaries

184 185
5. Operating Costs
Operating costs Recharged Operating Year ended Year ended
for distributing operating costs for 31 March 31 March
Lottery income costs distributing 2020 2019
dormant Total Total
accounts operating operating
money costs costs
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Employee remuneration 34,011 2,602 325 36,938 34,785
Travel & Expenses
- Staff 1,828 152 7 1,987 1,904
- Board and Committee 96 - - 96 106
Payments under short-term/low value
operating leases:
- Property 107 - 2 109 3,774
- Other 70 - - 70 145
Other Accommodation costs 913 - - 913 2,487
Communication costs 946 12 10 968 1,271
Externally provided support for grant
400 100 6 506 537
Programme Evaluation 244 18 - 262 238
Staff recruitment and training 1,189 5 6 1,200 1,179
Professional fees 870 1 - 871 441
Auditors remuneration for audit work 116 - - 116 112
IT infrastructure costs 3,590 - - 3,590 3,086
Other costs 807 70 121 998 916

186 187
Operating Recharged Operating Year ended Year ended
costs for operating costs for 31 March 31 March
distributing costs distributing 2020 2019
Lottery dormant Total Total
income accounts operating operating
money costs costs
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Write down of property, plant and equipment 1,103 - - 1,103 -
VAT 1,103 25 3 1,131 1,965
Non-cash items
- Depreciation (excluding right-of-use assets) 2,781 - - 2,781 3,082
- Amortisation on right-of-use assets 4,335 - - 4,335 -
- Interest expense on lease liabilities 313 - - 313 -
54,822 2,985 480 58,287 56,028

There were no fees for any non-audit services with

external auditors.

188 189
6. Financial performance indicator Year ended Year ended Year ended
Our financial performance indicator is the proportion 31 March 31 March 31 March
of our National Lottery income that we spend on 2020 2019 2018
distributing it, assessed over a three-year period. We £000 £000 £000
exclude from this measure costs that we recharge to Operating costs
other organisations, including the costs of distributing for distributing
54,822 51,963 50,891
non-lottery money for other organisations, sub-let Lottery income
property and non-qualifying expenditure. We also (as per Note 5)
exclude the one-off costs of investment to achieve Less rental
income (as per (2,786) (2,829) (2,656)
future efficiencies. Irrecoverable VAT is also excluded
Note 2)
from qualifying expenditure.
Less sundry
As successor to the Millennium Commission, the Fund income (as per (398) (331) (125)
is entitled to a share of the proceeds of land sales on Note 2)
the Greenwich Peninsula made by the Greater London Less
(1,131) (1,921) (1,800)
Authority once certain costs have been covered. A irrecoverable VAT
payment of £47,000 has been received in 2019/20 Total qualifying
50,507 46,882 46,310
(£79,000 2018/19) which is recognised as income for expenditure
performance measurement purposes.
Proceeds from
On this basis, the cost of distributing our share of National Lottery 710,434 640,005 654,033
Lottery income was 7.1 per cent of National Lottery (as per Note 13)
income in the year (2018/19 7.3 per cent). Assessed Investment
over the three-year rolling period the proportion was 7.1 Income (as per 3,436 3,280 1,890
per cent. Note 13)
Plus Greenwich
Peninsula land
47 79 3,832
sale (as per Note

190 191
Year ended Year ended Year ended 7. Staff numbers and costs
31 March 31 March 31 March Total staff costs, which includes the remuneration of
2020 2019 2018 Board members, were as follows:
£000 £000 £000 Year ended Year ended
Plus rephased 31 March 31 March
income from 2020 2019
- - 15,000
Olympic Lottery £000 £000
Total qualifying Wages and salaries 26,731 25,944
713,917 643,364 674,755
income Social security costs 2,755 2,641
Other pension costs 6,884 5,191
Percentage 7.1% 7.3% 6.9%
Apprenticeship levy costs 125 122
Three-year position Agency staff costs 443 887
Total qualifying expenditure 143,698 36,938 34,785
Total qualifying income 2,032,037
Percentage 7.1% A number of staff included above were seconded out to
other organisations, for whom recoveries of £257,422
are included in other income. The salary and pension
entitlement of the Fund’s senior management and
Board Members are included above, details of which
are disclosed in the Remuneration and Staff Report.
It is not possible to identify the number and cost of
members of staff within the total who are not employed
on a permanent basis with the exception of those
employed through agencies.
The number of full-time equivalent employees and
temporary staff working for the Fund during the year
was as follows:

192 193
Number of Number of Total Total Exit packages
temporary employees number number Although the Fund’s employees are not civil servants,
staff at at 31 of staff of staff their terms of employment provide for any termination
31 March March at 31 at 31 payments or early retirement pensions calculated in
2020 2020 March March the same way as for the Civil Service Compensation
2020 2019 Scheme. The costs of these benefits are paid by the
(FTE) (FTE) (FTE) (FTE) Fund and are not met by the Civil Service or Exchequer
Grant-making - 437 437 493 funds.
Support to
- 190 190 138
and 4 154 158 200
4 781 785 831

At 31 March 2020, the Fund employed 785 full-time

equivalent employees (31 March 2019 831). This
included 4 full-time equivalent temporary employees (31
March 2019).

194 195
Number of Number of Total Number of
compulsory voluntary number of redundancies
redundancies redundancies redundancies Year ended 31
Year ended 31 Year ended 31 Year ended 31 March 2019
Exit package cost band March 2020 March 2020 March 2020
<£10,000 - 36 36 3
£10,000 - £25,000 1 11 12 10
£25,001 - £50,000 - 6 6 9
£50,001 - £100,000 - 1 1 -
Total number of exit
1 54 55 22
Total cost £000 12 630 642 555

8. Restructuring costs
We regularly review the way we are structured and
make changes to deliver fit for purpose, efficient
and effective services. During 2019/20 we made
some changes to the structure of our funding teams
in England as a result of the introduction of new
technology in our new Grant Management System
which automated a number of processes. The costs of
restructuring include termination payments and property
transactions, including changes to the provision of
onerous leases.

196 197
Year Year 10. Property, plant and equipment
ended 31 ended 31 Leasehold IT Office Total
March March improvement equipment,
2020 2019 furniture
£000 £000 and fittings
Termination payments 1,059 931 £000 £000 £000 £000
Property rationalisation 160 21 Cost
Unavoidable lease payments (302) 218 At 1 April
9,860 991 787 11,638
917 1,170
Additions 61 888 9 958
Disposals - (480) - (480)
9. Taxation At 31 March
9,921 1,399 796 12,116
The Fund pays corporation tax only on bank and
any other interest received. There is a net tax cost of
£27,524 (2018/19 £30,355) for the year. At 1 April
Investment income generated on balances held 6,522 476 378 7,376
in the National Lottery Distribution Fund under the Charge for the
stewardship of the Secretary of State is not subject to 1,044 79 226 1,349
UK Corporation tax. Disposals - (82) - (82)
At 31 March
7,566 473 604 8,643

Net book
At 31 March
2,355 926 192 3,473

At 1 April
9,357 1,626 579 11,562
Additions 503 105 309 917
198 199
Leasehold IT Office Total
improvement equipment,
and fittings
Disposals - (740) (101) (841)
At 31 March
9,860 991 787 11,638

At 1 April
5,551 1,166 321 7,038
Charge for
971 50 158 1,179
the year

Leasehold IT Office Total

improvement equipment,
and fittings
£000 £000 £000 £000
Disposals - (740) (101) (841)
At 31 March 2019 6,522 476 378 7,376

Net book value

At 31 March 2019 3,338 515 409 4,262

All leasehold improvements are on short leasehold

properties where the leases expire in less than 20

200 201
11. Intangible assets
Grant Funding Website Total
management system
system software
£000 £000 £000 £000
At 1 April 2019 - 9,900 358 10,258
Additions 427 - - 427
Disposal - (9,900) - (9,900)
At 31 March 2020 427 - 358 785

At 1 April 2019 - 7,822 358 8,180
Charge for the year 59 1,373 - 1,432
Disposal - (9,195) - (9,195)
At 31 March 2020 59 - 358 417

Net book value

At 31 March 2020 368 - - 368

At 1 April 2018 - 9,900 358 10,258
Additions - - - -
Disposal - - - -
At 31 March 2019 - 9,900 358 10,258

202 203
Grant Funding Website Total
management system
system software
£000 £000 £000 £000
At 1 April 2018 - 5,991 288 6,279
Charge for the year - 1,831 70 1,901
Disposal - - - -
At 31 March 2019 - 7,822 358 8,180

Net book value

At 31 March 2019 - 2,078 - 2,078

In January 2020 we disposed of the Funding

Management System asset having fully replaced it with
a new Grant Management System. The net book value
remaining on disposal was £0.7m, the asset having
been close to reaching full amortisation on replacement.

204 205
12. Trade and other receivables
Year ended 31 March Year ended 31 March
2020 2019
£000 £000
Amounts falling due within one
Held by delegated partners for
6,199 4,365
payment of grant commitments
Trade receivables 1,000 1,329
Prepayments and accrued income 3,309 4,717
European match funding 41,697 44,033
Reclaim Fund 68,500 71,771
Other receivables 4,142 3,326
124,847 129,541

206 207
13. National Lottery Distribution Fund 14. Trade and other payables
Year Year Year
ended 31 ended 31 ended 31
March March March
2020 2020 2019
£000 £000 £000
Balance as at 1 April 2019 277,137 Amounts falling due within
Proceeds from the National one year
710,434 VAT 337 185
Investment income from the Other taxation and social
3,436 705 891
NLDF security
Funds drawn down from NLDF (688,272) Trade payables 22 70
Net increase in balance 25,598 Owed to joint partner/delegated
Market value at 31 March 2020 302,735 partner for payment of grant 3,913 2,808
Accruals and deferred income 2,921 3,622
The Fund receives a share of the monies paid by Other payables 1,174 848
Camelot Group plc to the NLDF after deduction for Grant accruals (Note 16) 496,419 540,195
the costs of the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture,
505,491 548,619
Media and Sport in exercising his functions under the
Amounts falling due in more
National Lottery etc. Act 1993, the costs of the regulator
than one year
(the Gambling Commission), the costs of the investment Grant accruals (Note 16) 555,414 568,278
manager (the National Debt Commissioners) and the 555,414 568,278
costs of the National Lottery Promotions Unit.

Grant Liabilities
Grant liabilities at the date of the Statement of Financial
Position are classified as provisions if they meet the
recognition criteria in IAS37 Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets, or, if not, as accruals.

208 209
15. Provisions for liabilities and charges

Unavoidable lease Redundancy Transferable to

payments provisions designated dormant Total
accounts distributors
£000 £000 £000 £000
Brought forward at 1 April 2019 967 27 93,300 94,294
New provisions created - 62 71,100 71,162
Provisions used (46) (27) (93,300) (93,373)
Provisions released (921) - - (921)
Carried forward at 31 March
- 62 71,100 71,162

Unavoidable lease payments

During 2018/19, we refurbished our Newcastle
premises and reduced our occupation from three floors
to two. We created a provision for the costs of the
unused space to the end of the current lease. We have
since surrendered the lease for this floor and so the
provision has been released.
All other onerous lease provisions have been released
and the equivalent balance has been transferred to
the new IFRS 16 right-of-use asset, as under the
cumulative catch-up retrospective approach to transition
a lessee may rely on its assessment of whether leases
are onerous applying IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets immediately before the
date of initial application as an alternative to performing
an impairment review.

210 211
Restructuring: programmes. Awards for 16. Grant accruals
redundancy and Scotland and Wales are At 31
associated support being made under existing March
As a result of restructuring programmes while for 2019
in the current and Northern Ireland policy £000
previous years, certain directions have recently Movement of grant accruals
posts have been identified been provided and grant
Grant commitments brought forward at 1
as no longer required. As programmes will now be 1,108,473
April 2019
a result, staff have been established to distribute
Grant commitments made 591,077
made redundant. the available funds. For
the England portion two Lapsed and revoked commitments (5,036)
Redundancy payments Grant commitments met (642,681)
new organisations have
are made in accordance Accrual carried forward at 31 March
now been established 1,051,833
with contractual 2020
to distribute funds
arrangements and terms
relating to Youth and
set out in the Principal
Financial Inclusion.
Civil Service Pension
A total of £77m has
Scheme arrangements.
been transferred to the
Dormant accounts organisations during the
transfer year ending March 2020.
Reclaim Fund Ltd has The total commitment
identified £68.5 million as to these organisations
available for distribution from the current round
to the Fund in its financial of distribution under
year to December 2019 directions from DCMS
and recorded this as a is £145m. We have
creditor. The Fund has made a provision for the
therefore recorded this anticipated distribution
as income receivable and obligations to the extent
will draw down the cash that the funding has
as required to support been made available by
the related distribution Reclaim Fund limited.

212 213
At 31 At 31 17. Contingent Liabilities
March March At 31 At 31
2020 2019 March March
£000 £000 2020 2019
Classification of grant £000 £000
accruals at the year-end Grant awards made by the fund
Amounts falling due which do not satisfy the criteria (14,807) (39,521)
within one year to be treated as liabilities
Accruals (Note 14) 496,419 540,195 Total grant contingent
(14,807) (39,521)
Amounts falling due in
more than one year
Accruals (Note 14) 555,414 568,278 18. Joint schemes
Total grant accruals 1,051,833 1,108,473 Parks for People
This scheme is administered by the National Heritage
Ageing of grant accruals Memorial Fund on behalf of all parties to the agreement.
Due within one year 496,419 540,195 We have agreed to contribute up to £153 million to
Due within more than one the total expected funding of £384 million. Included
300,920 303,851
year but less than two years within grant liabilities are £5.7 million of new grant
Due within more than two commitments and contingent liabilities of £1.9 million
years but less than three 145,156 141,352 representing our contribution to the Parks for People
years joint scheme. The creditors figure includes £3.7 million
Due within more than three which is due to National Heritage Memorial Fund in
years but less than four 61,458 56,309 respect of our contribution to payment they have made
years to our grant recipients.
Due within more than four Rethinking Parks
years but less than five 43,380 31,166
years This scheme is administered by Nesta on behalf of all
Due after more than five parties to the agreement. We have agreed to contribute
4,500 35,600 up to £1.67 million to the total expected funding of £2
1,051,833 1,108,473 million. There are no grant liabilities and no contingent

214 215
liabilities in relation to the joint scheme for the year. The In 2019/20, £714 million (90.2 per cent) of the Fund’s
debtors figure includes £0.5 million which is due to be income was derived from the National Lottery, including
distributed to grant recipients by Nesta in respect of our income of £3.4 million derived from investment returns
contribution to the scheme. from the balance held with the NLDF. Income from
19. Financial risks dormant account money was £69 million (8.7 per
cent). The remaining income is a small amount of bank
Financial Instruments
interest and sundry income.
The Fund adopted International Financial Reporting
Year Year
Standard 9 for the financial year 2018/19 using the
ended 31 ended 31
cumulative approach. As the Fund does not have
March March
powers to borrow, financial instruments play a much
2020 2019
more limited role in creating or changing risk than is
£000 £000
typical of the listed companies to which the standard
Liquid assets
mainly applies. Financial assets and liabilities are
Market value of NLDF
generated by day-to-day operational activities rather 302,735 277,137
than being held to manage the risks facing the
Cash 79,951 95,412
Total 382,686 372,549
This means that the Fund is exposed to little immediate
liquidity, market, or credit risk.
Market and interest rate risks
Liquidity risks
The financial assets of the Fund are principally held in
Cash requirements for Lottery expenditure are met by the NLDF, which invests in a narrow band of low-risk
drawing down against weekly forecasts of need from assets such as government bonds and cash. The Board
the balances held on behalf of the Fund in the NLDF. At has no control over the investment of these funds. At
March 2019 the fund balance was £277 million, this had the date of the Statement of Financial Position, the
increased to £303 million by 31st March 2020, at which market value of our investments in the NLDF was £303
point there were £1,052 million of grant commitments million. Funds at the NLDF earned on average 0.72 per
yet to be paid out. In budgeting for current expenditure cent in the year. Cash balances, which are drawn down
the Fund balances the outflow of cash payments from the NLDF to pay grant commitments and operating
against grant commitments along with forward forecasts costs, are held in instant-access variable rate bank
of National Lottery income. accounts, which carried an interest rate of 0.05 per cent
216 217
below base rate in the year. The cash balance held by The Fund does not hold any assets not denominated
the Fund at the year end was £80 million predominantly in sterling and is not exposed to any foreign exchange
with respect to Dormant Account funds received not yet risks.
distributed. The Board considers that the Fund is not Financial assets by category
exposed to significant interest rate risks. Assets as per Statement of
2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19
financial position
£000 £000 £000 £000
Sterling at floating interest rates Non-current assets 3,842 6,340
16,012 18,297
– Lottery money Investment balance in National
Sterling at floating interest rates 302,735 277,137
63,939 77,115 Lottery Distribution Fund
- dormant account money Cash and cash equivalents –
Sterling at mixture of fixed rates 302,735 277,137 16,012 18,297
National Lottery money
382,686 372,549 Cash and cash equivalents -
63,939 77,115
dormant account money
Credit risks Loans and receivables 123,752 126,907
The Fund’s receivables include intra-government 510,280 505,796
balances. The intra-government balances are mostly
with fellow National Lottery distributors and all had Fair Valuation
been either repaid or agreed by the time of signing the The Board expect the book value to equal the fair value
accounts. for all financial assets and liabilities. On the basis that:
At the year end the Fund recorded a debtor of £68.5 1. All cash deposits are with commercial banks.
million with Reclaim Fund Limited. This represents the 2. Whilst we disclose £555 million of grant liabilities as
sums identified as available to the Fund to distribute not being due for payment until after one year, we
under the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts have not made a fair value adjustment. The Fund
Act 2008 but which are yet to be drawn down from has a contractual obligation to pay these amounts
Reclaim Fund Limited. These are held by Reclaim Fund on demand, subject to contract, and so the amounts
in low risk cash accounts including with the Bank of could be paid within the next 12 months. Terms and
England. The Board does not consider that the Fund is conditions of grant also provide for payments to
exposed to significant credit risk. cease should insufficient funds be available to meet
Foreign Currency risks
218 219
3. All payables are due within normal contractual terms, 20. Leases
and so no difference exists between book value and Right-of-use assets
fair value.
Property leases are the only right-of-use asset that the
4. An expected credit loss of £334k has been Fund holds.
recognised in light of COVID-19. The loss is based
on our opinion of the likelihood of non-Government
Opening balance as at 1 April 2019 16,011
debtors being unable to fully pay amounts due to the
Amortisation (4,335)
Fund. In the main, this applies to the Fund’s sub-
Closing balance as at 31 March 2020 11,676
Maturity of financial liabilities Lease liability
2019/20 2018/19
Opening balance as at 1 April 2019 (15,716)
£000 £000 Finance cost (313)
In less than one year 505,491 548,620 Rent cost 4,683
In more than one year, but less Closing balance as at 31 March 2020 (11,346)
300,920 303,850
than two
In two to five years 249,994 228,827 Maturing of lease liability
In more than five years 4,500 35,600 £000
1,060,905 1,116,897 Not later than 1 year (4,710)
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years (5,500)
Later than 5 years (1,136)
The Statement of financial position discloses the above (11,346)
figure separated between amounts due in one year and
in more than one year. That split is based upon past Lessors
experience of amounts drawn down by grantees as our £000
contracts with grantees contain no such split. Not later than 1 year 2,784
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 1,129
Later than 5 years 446

220 221
21. Pension scheme is a hybrid with benefits for service before 1 October
Pension benefits are provided through the Civil Service 2002 calculated broadly as per classic and benefits
pension arrangements. Employees may either be in for service from October 2002 worked out as in
a career average defined benefit scheme (alpha) or a premium. In alpha, members build up pensions based
stakeholder pension (partnership account). Previous on pensionable earnings during their period of scheme
final salary schemes (classic, classic plus or premium) membership. At the end of the scheme year (31 March)
and the career average scheme – nuvos – were the earned pension account is credited with 2.32 per
transferred into alpha in 2015. Members retained the cent of their pensionable earnings in that scheme year
benefits of previous final salary schemes for service and the accrued pension is uprated in line with CPI.
up to the point of transfer. The statutory defined In all cases members may opt to give up (commute)
benefit arrangements are unfunded with the cost of pension for a lump sum up to the limits permitted by tax
benefits met by monies voted by Parliament each year. legislation.
Pensions payable under classic, premium, classic The partnership pension account is a stakeholder
plus and nuvos and their successor scheme alpha pension arrangement. From 1 October 2015, the
are increased annually in line with changes in the employer makes a basic contribution of between 8 per
Consumer Price Index (CPI). The partnership account cent and 14.75 per cent (depending on the age of the
pension is a ‘money purchase’ stakeholder pension with member) into a stakeholder pension product chosen
an employer contribution. by the employee from a panel of three providers. The
For the alpha scheme employee contributions are employee does not have to contribute, but where they
set at a minimum rate for members with pensionable do make contributions, the employer will match these
salaries under £21,636 of 4.6 per cent of pensionable up to a limit of 3 per cent of pensionable salary (in
earnings. This increases in bands up to a maximum of addition to the employer’s basic contribution).
8.05 per cent for members with a pensionable salary Employers also contribute a further 0.5 per cent of
over £150,001. Benefits in classic accrued at the rate pensionable salary to cover the cost of centrally-
of 1/80th of final pensionable earnings for each year provided risk benefit cover (death in service and ill
of service. In addition, a lump sum equivalent to three health retirement).
years initial pension is payable on retirement. For For 2019/20, employers’ contributions of £100,662 were
premium, benefits accrued at the rate of 1/60th of final payable to the partnership pension account (2018/19
pensionable earnings for each year of service. Unlike £174,211).
classic, there is no automatic lump sum. Classic plus
Further details about the Civil Service pension
222 223
arrangements can be found at the website Bands Year Bands Year ended ended 31 March
For 2019/20, employers’ contributions of £7,929,388 31 March 2019
were payable to the PCSPS (2018/19: £5,055,895) at 2020
one of four rates in the ranges set out below. Employer £23,000
£23,000 and
contributions are due to be reviewed at every full 26.6% and 20.0%
scheme valuation. The latest valuation, carried out under
by Hewitt Bacon and Woodrow, was on 31 March £23,001 - £23,001 -
27.1% 20.9%
2012. The contribution rates reflect benefits as they £45,500 £45,500
are accrued, not when the costs are actually incurred, £45,501 - £45,501 -
27.9% 22.1%
and reflect past experience of the scheme. Rates for £77,000 £77,000
2019/20 are in line with recommendations from the £77,001 and £77,001
30.3% 24.5%
Actuary and represent in interim valuation. A further over and over
valuation is currently underway and rates are expected The number of staff for whom pension contributions
to be further adjusted for 2020/21. were made in 2019/20 was 9 classic, 21 premium,
2 nuvos, 836 alpha, 28 partnership. The total of 896
Currently, employers pay an average of 27.1 per cent of
represents the majority of the total number of individual
their employees’ salary as a pension contribution. The
members of staff employed over the course of the year.
exact figure depends upon the salaries of the individual
employees. The forecast level of employer’s contributions to the
PCSPS for 2020/21, based on a 1.7 per cent pay award
on 2019/20 pay levels and revised contribution rates
from April 2020 is £9,277,384.
As a multi-employer unfunded scheme operating
principally in the public sector, the PCSPS holds
discussions with Government, Trade Unions and
members in relation to its financial standing, its
actuarial position, and likely levels of both employee
and employer contributions. In common with all other
major public service pension schemes, the likelihood
of increased contribution levels are part of these
224 225
The PCSPS is multi-employer defined benefit scheme, Transactions with DCMS reflect income received
so we cannot identify our share of the assets or through the NLDF and the inward secondment of staff.
liabilities of the scheme. Transactions with other Lottery distributors include
22. Losses and special payments income received for management of awards and for the
provision of professional services.
Losses occur where there is no evidence that a
funded project’s objectives were met. In the financial Payments are made to the National Lottery Heritage
year to 31 March 2020 we have written off losses of Fund for their services in running grant programmes.
£893,620 representing 105 awards (2018/19 £568,385 In addition, we have a number of material transactions
representing 70 awards). There were no write-offs that with Government departments and bodies that regard
exceeded £100,000 (2018/19 zero). other Government departments as their sponsor
Special payments arise where: department:
• a grant has been made inadvertently to an • HM Revenue and Customs relating to PAYE and NI
organisation that is ineligible under the law but where transactions
the grant is within the broad intention of statutory • The European Social Fund has, through DWP as
legislation. All these awards were spent on project managing authority, contracted to the Fund the
objectives in accordance with the grant terms and management of the Building Better Opportunities
conditions. Fund
• ex-gratia payments are approved. • The Department for Communities and Local
In the financial year to 31 March 2020, no special Government has contracted to the Fund the
payments were made (2018/19 zero). management of the Coastal Communities Fund.
Under these arrangements, each of the devolved
23. Related party transactions
administrations for Scotland, Wales and Northern
The Fund is a non-departmental public body. Its Ireland determines the approach to funding with the
sponsor department is DCMS. Accordingly, DCMS has relevant portfolio for the Fund
been treated as a related party throughout the year.
• The Office for Civil Society has contracted to the
During the year, we have had various material Fund the management of the Social Incubator Fund,
transactions with DCMS and other bodies for which Life Chances Fund, Youth Investment Fund, Place
DCMS is regarded as the sponsor department: National Based Social Action, #iwill Fund, Safeguarding
Lottery Heritage Fund, Sport England and Arts Council Training Fund and the Building Connections Fund.
226 227
Both the Youth Investment Fund and #iwill Fund 24. Third party assets
are matched funding programmes where the Fund These assets represent bank balances held on behalf
contributes its lottery funding resources and also is of third parties on whose behalf we manage grant
responsible for making grant award decisions programmes and the National Lottery Promotions Unit
Board members to meet payments processed by the Fund under service
The Fund abides by the Cabinet Office code of practice level contracts. Timing difference amounts in relation to
for Board members of public bodies. As a matter of these balances are included in receivables or payables
policy and procedure, Board members maintain publicly in the statement of financial position as appropriate.
available registers of interests and declare any direct At 31 March 2020 the following bank balances were
interests in grant applications made to the Fund and held on behalf of third parties:
commercial interests where organisations have or may


have a relationship with us.

Where any committee decisions are taken which
would reasonably be seen as giving rise to a conflict
of interest, principally over grants to voluntary
bodies, the chair of the meeting ensures at the £000 £000 £000 £000
outset that disclosure is made and the committee DCMS: Social
member withdraws for the duration of any discussion Incubator Fund, Local
of the relevant item. Colleagues across the Fund Sustainability Fund,
are also required to disclose any relevant interests Life Chances Fund,
in organisations we fund or from who we receive Youth Investment
applications. Our procedures ensure that staff are not Fund, #iwill Fund, 1,309 18,347 16,823 2,833
engaged in processing applications or managing grants Place Based Social
in which they would have an interest. Action, Building
A number of Board members have declared interests Connections Fund,
with public, voluntary and charitable bodies with which Safeguarding Training
we have business interests. These are disclosed on Fund
pages 76 to 79. Arts Council England;
7 - 7 -
Awards for All England

228 229




£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Heritage Lottery Scottish Government;
Fund; Awards for Communities and
All; England, Wales, 3 - 3 - Family Fund, Scottish 5,562 10,220 9,388 6,394
Scotland, Northern Land Fund, Delivering
Ireland Financial Inclusion
Sport England; Awards HM Treasury; Coastal
9 - 9 - 1,112 5,771 5,025 1,858
for All England Communities Fund
Creative Scotland; European Funding –
46 56,631 56,675 2
Awards for All (62) 543 541 (60) Cabinet Office
Scotland 25. Joint Venture – National Lottery Promotions Unit
National Lottery The National Lottery Promotions Unit (NLPU) is a joint
1,141 3,424 4,533 32
Promotions Unit venture between Camelot Group plc, Lottery distributors
Welsh Assembly and DCMS. The NLPU has been set up to raise positive
Government; public awareness of and support for the benefits of the
2 - - 2
Community Assets distribution of Lottery funding across the UK, thereby
Transfer contributing to the broad health of the National Lottery
Scottish Celebrate 83 - 83 - and promoting loyalty and participation. The NLPU is
funded one third by Camelot and two-thirds directly
Sports Scotland; from the NLDF. Total expenditure is limited to £3 million.
Awards for All (714) 545 586 (755) It is accountable to a Management Board comprising
Scotland representatives from the three key stakeholders:
Camelot, National Lottery distributors and DCMS, with
the Gambling Commission attending as an observer.

230 231
The proportion of the joint venture which relates to received by the end of 2019/20. £47k was forecast to
the Fund has not been consolidated within the annual be received in 2019/20, which has been accrued for at
accounts in view of its immateriality. 31 March 2020 as it had not yet been received.
More information and the accounts of the NLPU is 28. Post balance sheet review
available at Along with all other organisations the Fund has been
26. Capital commitments impacted by the Coronavirus crisis. The Fund’s
At 31 March 2020, the Fund did not have any capital technology and business systems are capable of
commitments. (2018/19 £0.1 million) remote operations and the Fund has been able to
maintain the full range of its services.
27. Contingent assets
The crisis led to additional risks of income reduction
The National Lottery Distributors are entitled to receive
through lower sales of National Lottery products. This
a share of receipts from the sale of land on Queen
has since largely recovered but we expect some income
Elizabeth Olympic Park in return for their contribution
reduction in 2020/21 as a result. We have adapted our
of an additional £675 million to the funding of the
grant making plans as a result to ensure we can meet
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The
our existing obligations and make new grants.
arrangements are set out in a legal agreement between
the Secretary of State and the Greater London Authority After the year end the government, through HM
(GLA) dated 29 March 2012 which sets out the Treasury and DCMS as our sponsor body, charged the
distribution of funds between the GLA and the National Fund with distributing £200m of funding in England to
Lottery Distributors. Land sales are likely to take place support organisations through the crisis. The Fund has
over a lengthy period, estimated to be from 2017-18 to agreed priorities for the programme with DCMS and
2036-37. The department estimates the first payments established appropriate governance for a programme of
to the National Lottery Distributors will be received in this scale. The Fund is on track to meet the objectives
the early to mid-2020s. of the scheme. Similar schemes of significantly lower
value are agreed for Scotland and Northern Ireland are
As successor to the Millennium Commission, the Fund
also on track.
is entitled to a share of the proceeds of land sales on
the Greenwich Peninsula made by the Greater London At the time of signing the accounts, none of these
Authority once certain costs have been covered. events or other events after the balance sheet date
Payments of £32 million are forecast to be received would adjust the figures reported in the financial
between 2016 and 2037, of which £7.9 million had been statements or require disclosure. The accounts were
authorised for issue on the date the Comptroller and
232 233
Auditor General signed the audit certificate. to be up to £330 million over four years. A portion
29. Dormant accounts of these funds, up to £135 million, would continue
to be made available to Big Society Trust to enable
Under the provisions of the Dormant Bank and Building
Big Society Capital in its role as a social investment
Society Accounts Act 2008 banks and building societies
wholesaler to fund stable and long-term accommodation
may pass funds from dormant accounts to Reclaim
for vulnerable groups. The remainder of the portion of
Fund Ltd, a not-for-profit entity authorised to act as the
the total available funds for England would be awarded
reclaim fund.
through two programmes one of which relates to Youth
Reclaim Fund Ltd transfers funds which it is satisfied Employment and one to Financial Inclusion. These
are not required to meet future claims from the owners programmes will be delivered by two new organisations,
of the dormant account money to Big Lottery Fund. The independent of government which have now been
Fund distributes those funds in accordance with the Act established for this purpose – Fair4All Finance and
and directions issued to it by the Secretary of State for Youth Futures Foundation. Having now demonstrated
the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport with to the Fund’s satisfaction that they are fit and proper
regard to expenditure in England and by the devolved organisations to distribute the funding made available
administrations with regard to expenditure in each of the first tranche of monies have been paid to enable
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. both organisations to establish and operate their
Funds are apportioned between the four countries funding schemes.
of the UK in accordance with a statutory instrument Reclaim Fund Ltd has identified £68.5 million as
approved by Parliament. available for distribution to the Fund in its financial year
Costs incurred by the Fund, and by the Minister in to December 2019 (to December 2018 £71.8 million)
relation to the operation of the scheme as a whole, are and recorded this as a creditor. The Fund has therefore
deducted before apportionment between the countries. recorded this as income receivable and will draw
Costs incurred by the Minister and the devolved down the cash as required to support grant distribution
administrations in relation to the individual countries are programmes. Awards for Scotland and Wales are
deducted from the apportioned funds. being made under existing programmes and awards
for Northern Ireland are expected to begin in 2020/21
DCMS announced in January 2018 a further release of
following finalisation of policy directions. Awards made
funds arising from Dormant Bank Accounts anticipated
under these programmes will be treated in the same
way as for awards made with respect to National
Lottery incomes and in accordance with the accounting
234 235
policies set out in this report. The Fund has recognised Year Year
as a provision the proportion of the income available ended 31 ended 31
that is anticipated to be transferred to Big Society Trust, March March
Fair4All Finance and Youth Futures Foundation but 2020 2019
which has not yet been transferred. £000 £000
In relation to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Expenditure
the Fund makes grant awards in a similar manner to Programme expenditure
National Lottery funds, so that there are outstanding Transfers/transferable to
55,445 123,850
commitments from grant awards made that have not yet designated distributors
been drawn down by grant recipients. Grant expenditure 6,822 5,063
The Fund holds funds drawn down from Reclaim Fund Less lapsed or revoked grant
(352) (54)
Limited but not yet paid on deposit at commercial expenditure
banks. 61,915 128,859
29a. Dormant accounts - Statement of Operating costs
comprehensive income Operating costs 480 680
Year Year Total expenditure 62,395 129,539
ended 31 ended 31
Surplus/(Deficit) before
March March 6,787 (57,533)
2020 2019
Taxation - -
£000 £000
Change to Surplus/(Deficit)
Income 6,787 (57,533)
after taxation
Received/Receivable from
68,530 71,771 Total comprehensive net
Reclaim Fund Ltd 6,787 (57,533)
Bank interest receivable 650 232
Recoveries of grant 2 3
Total income 69,182 72,006

236 237
Year Year 29b. Statement of financial position as at 31 March
ended 31 ended 31 2020
March March Year Year
2020 2019 ended 31 ended 31
£000 £000 March March
Reserves 2020 2019
Brought forward at 1 April 2019 43,477 101,010 £000 £000
Total comprehensive net Current assets
income/(expenditure) for the 6,787 (57,533) Trade and other receivables 68,995 71,771
year. Cash at bank and in hand 63,939 77,115
Carried forward at 31 March Total assets 132,934 148,886
50,264 43,477
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (56) (125)
Provisions (71,100) (93,300)
Grant commitments (11,514) (11,984)
Total liabilities (82,670) (105,409)

Assets less liabilities 50,264 43,477

Retained surplus 50,264 43,477

238 239
29c. Detailed Income and Expenditure Account with Country apportionment
Year ended 31 March 2020
31 March
England Scotland Wales Total Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Income - - - - 69,180 72,003
Less operating costs - - - - (480) (680)
Net Income available for distribution - - - - 68,700 71,323
Available to each country 57,639 5,771 3,366 1,924 - -
Recoveries of grant - 2 - - 2 3
Transfers/transferable to designated distributors (55,445) - - - (55,445) (123,850)
Grant Commitments made (234) (5,927) (309) - (6,470) (5,009)
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year 1,960 (154) 3,057 1,924 6,787 (57,533)
Balance of funds brought forward 3,540 14,841 8,737 16,359 43,477 101,010
Balance of funds carried forward at 31 March
5,500 14,687 11,794 18,283 50,264 43,477

Movement of grant accruals

Grant commitments brought forward at 1 April
644 4,085 7,255 - 11,984 12,893
Grant commitments made 234 6,117 472 - 6,823 5,061
Lapsed and revoked commitments - (190) (162) - (352) (51)
Recoveries of grant - (2) - - (2) (3)
Grant commitments met (878) (3,917) (2,144) - (6,939) (5,916)
Accrual carried forward at 31 March 2020 - 6,093 5,421 - 11,514 11,984

240 241
Year ended 31 March 2020
31 March
England Scotland Wales Total Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Ageing of grant accruals
Due within one year - 4,105 3,744 - 7,849 6,390
Due within more than one year but less than two
1,777 1,150 - 2,927 4,303
Due within more than two years but less than three
- 211 300 - 511 831
Due within more than three years but less than four
- - 204 - 204
years 229
Due within more than four years but less than five
- - 23 - 23
years 206
Due after more than five years - - - - -
- 6,093 5,421 - 11,514 11,984

242 243
Our statutory background The Minister for the Cabinet Office in exercise of the
powers conferred on him by section 36E(1)(b) and
Policy Directions having consulted Big Lottery Fund (“ the Fund”),
National Assembly of Wales, Scottish Ministers and
Our sponsor department and the devolved
Northern Ireland Department of Culture, Arts and
administrations are given power under the National
Leisure pursuant to section 36E (5), hereby gives
Lottery etc. Act 1993 to give Directions as to matters to
the following directions to the Fund:
be taken into account in grant making.
England, Isle of Man and United Kingdom
The current policy directions with regard to England, the
Isle of Man and UK funding are set out below. These General Directions
were issued by the Cabinet Office and took effect from 1. In exercising any of its functions in relation to United
1 April 2012. Responsibility for future policy directions Kingdom expenditure, the Fund shall take into account
will be the responsibility of the Secretary of State for the following matters in determining the persons to
the Department of Culture, Media and Sport following a whom, the purposes for which and the conditions
transfer of functions from the Cabinet Office during the subject to which the Fund distributes its money under
year. section 25(1).
The Fund has complied with these Directions A. The need to ensure over time that the distribution
throughout the financial year 2019/20 in every material of money:
aspect. (i) Ensures people are engaged and involved in
The current policy directions with regard to Scotland, using the Fund’s funding to provide solutions to the
Wales and Northern Ireland, issued by the respective issues that matter to them in their communities;
devolved administrations, are set out later in this (ii) Helps identify and enable those who are ready
section. to lead the process of providing these solutions and
England and UK removes barriers for those that may need help in
UNDER SECTION 36E(1)(b) OF THE NATIONAL (iii) Supports new and innovative solutions
LOTTERY ETC ACT 1993 (as amended) alongside tried and tested models, and generates
In these Directions any reference to a section is a learning to help the development of policy and
reference to a section of the National Lottery etc. practice beyond the Fund’s funding.
Act 1993 (as amended). B. The need to ensure that the Fund achieves the
244 245
distribution of funds to a reasonably wide spread of in need by targeting inequality and improving the
projects, primarily those delivered by the voluntary capability of people and communities to contribute
and community sector and social enterprises, to, participate in and benefit from outcomes funded
including small organisations, those organisations through the Fund’s programmes.
operating at a purely local level, newly constituted 3. SUSTAINABILITY – a programme’s ability to
organisations, organisations operating as social improve the environment today and for future
enterprises and organisations with a base in the generations and reduce the impact on the
United Kingdom and working overseas. environment.
C. The need to ensure that money is distributed for 4. LONGER TERM BENEFIT – that projects
projects which promote the public and social benefit can achieve longer-term financial viability and
and are not intended primarily for private gain. resilience.
D. The need to involve the public in making policies, 5. ADDITIONALITY AND COMPLEMENTARITY
setting priorities and making grants and which may – the development of programmes and funding
involve partnerships with broadcasting, electronic, of projects should complement, add value and be
print, digital and other media. distinct from the work of other funders and parties
E. The need to ensure funds are distributed on the working towards the Fund’s goals.
basis of need, delivering measurable outcomes and 6. COLLABORATIVE WORKING – where this
broader impact for communities and individuals. produces better results, the development of
F. The need to include a condition in all grants for programmes and funding of projects should support
recipients to acknowledge Lottery funding using the collaborative action between funded organisations
common Lottery branding. and public, private and civil society partners.
G. The Fund, in distributing money under section 25 England and Isle of Man devolved expenditure
(1), shall take into account the following principles: 2. In exercising any of its functions in relation to English
1. ENGAGEMENT – the development of and Isle of Man devolved expenditure, the Fund shall
programmes should be based on the active take into account the following matters in determining
engagement of public, private and voluntary and the persons to whom, the purposes for which and
community sector and social enterprise partners. the conditions subject to which the Fund distributes
2. REPRESENTATION – the development of money:-
programmes should take account of those most

246 247
A. The need to operate within the distinctive context Signed by the Minister for the Cabinet Office
of policy, government and civil society action adding 28 March 2012.
value in appropriate ways to the aim of creating a
fairer, freer and more responsible society where
everyone has a part to play in improving their DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO BIG LOTTERY FUND
community and helping one another. UNDER SECTION 36E(4)(b) OF THE NATIONAL
B. The need to ensure that money is distributed
Scottish Ministers, in exercise of the powers
to projects that benefit local people and local
conferred on them by section 36E(4)(b) of the
communities served by the voluntary and community
National Lottery etc. Act 1993 and having consulted
sector. Big Lottery Fund (‘the Fund’) and obtained the
C. The need to ensure over time that the distribution consent of the Minister for the Cabinet Office
of money addresses one or more of the following pursuant to section 36E(8) of that Act, hereby give
priorities: the following directions to the Fund:
(i) Encouraging social involvement in communities 1. In these directions any reference to a section is a
and removing barriers; reference to a section of the National Lottery etc. Act
(ii) Strengthening the capacity of voluntary and 1993.
community organisations and social enterprises; General Directions
and 2. In exercising any of its functions in relation to
(iii) Strengthening and increasing the capacity of Scottish devolved expenditure the Fund shall take
the social investment market for supporting public into account the following matters in determining the
benefit and social action. persons to whom, the purposes for which and the
conditions subject to which the Fund distributes money:
D. The need to have regard for:
A. The need to ensure that money is distributed under
(i) The interests of and scope for taking effective section 25(1) for projects which promote the public
action for England or the Isle of Man as a whole good and which are not intended primarily for private
and for different parts of England or the Isle of Man; gain.
B. The need to ensure that money is distributed
(ii) The relative population sizes and levels of under section 25(1) to projects which make real and
economic and social deprivation in different parts of sustainable improvements to the quality of life of local
England and the Isle of Man. communities.
248 249
C. The need to encourage innovation balanced with G. The desirability of working with other
the need to manage risk in a manner commensurate organisations, including other distributors, where this
with type of project and applicant. is an effective means of delivering elements of the
D. The need to further the objectives of sustainable Fund’s strategy.
development. H. The need to ensure that the Fund has such
E. The need to set specific time limits on the periods information as it considers necessary to make
in respect of which grants are payable, whether for decisions on each application, including independent
capital or revenue expenditure. expert advice where required.
F. The need: I. The need to require an element of partnership
funding and/or contributions in kind from other
(i) in all cases, for applicants to demonstrate the
sources commensurate with the reasonable ability of
financial viability of the project for the period of the
different kinds of applicants, or applicants in particular
areas, to obtain such support.
(ii) where capital funding is sought:
J. The need to include a condition in all grants to
a) for a clear business plan incorporating the acknowledge Lottery funding using the common
need for resources to be available to meet any Lottery branding.
running and maintenance costs associated with
K. The need to involve the public in making policies,
each project for a reasonable period, having
setting priorities and making grants.
regard to the size and nature of the project; and
Scottish Devolved Expenditure
b) to ensure that project evaluation and
management process for major projects match 3. In exercising any of its functions in relation to Scottish
those of the Office of Government Commerce’s devolved expenditure, the Fund shall take into account
Gateway Reviews. the following matters in determining the persons to
whom, the purposes for which and the conditions
(iii) in other cases, for consideration to be given
subject to which the Fund distributes money:
to the likely availability of other funding to meet
any continuing costs for a reasonable period after A. The need to operate within the distinctive policy
completion of the Lottery award, taking into account context in Scotland, adding value where appropriate
the size and nature of the project, and for Lottery to Scottish Ministers’ strategy; working within the
funding to be used to assist progress towards context of the national performance framework to
viability wherever possible. build a fairer Scotland and tackle inequalities.

250 251
B. The need to ensure that the Fund, achieves money under section 25(1) to work which is intended
over time the distribution of money to address to achieve ‘one or more of the following objectives.
the priority of reducing inequality; while ensuring (i) Reducing inequalities through tackling
a reasonably wide spread of recipients, including disadvantage and discrimination
small organisations, those organisations operating
(ii) Empowering people, through enabling people’s
at a purely local level, social enterprises and
engagement and influence,
organisations with a base in ‘Scotland and working
overseas. 5. In relation to Scottish devolved expenditure the
Fund, in distributing money under section 25(1) shall
C. The need to have regard to the interests of
take into account the principles of:
Scotland as a whole, the interests of different parts of
Scotland and the relative population sizes of, and the (i) Achieving the most effective use of resources by
scope for reducing economic and social deprivation selecting the most appropriate approach in specific
in, the different parts of Scotland. policy areas in order to add value to the overall
public effort
D. The need to ensure that the Fund contributes
to sustainability by supporting activity that helps (ii) Leveraging the highest potential value for
to embed change and influences long-term people and communities from resources through
development, support for volunteering, fair work and sustainable
E. Finally, the need to ensure that the Fund achieves
over time, the distribution of money reasonably Signed on behalf of Scottish Ministers February 2016.
equally between the expenditure on or connected
with: Wales
(i) The promotion of community learning and DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO BIG LOTTERY FUND
(ii) The promotion of community safety and cohesion; ETC. ACT 1993
(iii) The promotion of community empowerment and In these Directions any reference to a section is a
inclusive opportunities for participation and reference to a section of the National Lottery etc.
(iv) The promotion of physical and mental well-being. Act 1993 (as amended).
4. In relation to Scottish devolved expenditure the Welsh Ministers/The National Assembly for Wales, in
Fund shall take into account the need to distribute exercise of the powers conferred on them/it by Section

252 253
36E(4)(a) of the National Lottery etc. Act 1993 and which have a lasting impact beyond the duration of
having consulted Big Lottery Fund (“the Fund”) and the Fund’s funding, and which support collaborative
obtained the consent of the Minister for the Cabinet approaches across the public, third and private
Office pursuant to Section 36E(8)(b) of that Act, hereby sectors in conjunction with and complimentary to the
give/gives the following directions to the Fund. Welsh Government’s central organising principle of
sustainable development.
D. The need to have regard to the interests of Wales
In exercising any of its functions in relation to Welsh
as a whole and of the different parts of Wales, the
devolved expenditure, the Fund shall take into account
relative population sizes and the levels of economic
the following matters in determining the persons to and social deprivation in the different parts of Wales.
whom, the purposes for which and the conditions
E. The need to ensure that money is distributed for
subject to which the Fund distributes the money under
projects which promote the public and social benefit
Section 25(1).
and are not intended primarily for private gain.
A. The need to ensure that the Fund achieves the
F. The need to involve the public in setting priorities
distribution of funds to a reasonably wide spread of and distributing funds.
projects, primarily those delivered by the third sector,
including small organisations, as well as regional G. The need to promote and support the Welsh
language and to reflect the bilingual nature of
and national organisations, those organisations
Wales, and to ensure that grant recipients adopt the
operating at a purely local level, newly constituted
principle of equality between the English and Welsh
organisations, organisations operating as social
enterprises and organisations with a base in the
United Kingdom and working overseas. H. The need to ensure that money is distributed
which improves Wales’s environment today and
B. The need to operate within the distinctive for future generations whilst promoting its potential
Welsh policy, governmental, social, economic, to improve the quality of life for communities and
environmental and cultural context, ensuring funds individuals.
complement and add value to, whilst remaining
I. The need to provide support for those applying to
distinct from, the work of Government. the Fund, and to organisations receiving funding, in
C. The need to ensure that funds are distributed order to improve the delivery of project outcomes and
on the basis of need, targeting disadvantage to enable them to provide effective solutions to the
and inequality to deliver real and sustainable issues that matter to them and to their communities.
improvements for communities and individuals
254 255
J. The need to support new and innovative solutions of that Act, hereby give the following directions to
alongside tried and tested models, generating learning to the Fund:
help the development of policy and practice beyond the 1. In these Directions any reference to a section is a
Fund’s funding. reference to a section of the National Lottery etc. Act
K. The need to include a condition in all awards for 1993.
recipients to acknowledge Lottery funding using General Directions
common Lottery branding. 2. In exercising any of its functions in relation to
L. Finally, the need to ensure that the Fund focuses Northern Ireland devolved expenditure, the Fund shall
expenditure on the achievement of the following take into account the following matters in determining
outcomes over time: the persons to whom, the purposes for which and the
- People are healthy and living productive lives in a conditions subject to which the Fund distributes money:
prosperous and innovative society A. The need to ensure that money is distributed under
- A resilient rural and urban environment with more section 25(1) for projects which promote the public
sustainable use of Wales’s natural resources good and which are not intended primarily for private
- Conditions are strengthened for stronger, safer
B. The need to ensure that money is distributed
and more cohesive communities, enhancing social
under section 25(1) to projects which make real and
justice whilst mitigating the effect of poverty as well
sustainable improvements to the quality of life of local
as encouraging sustainable economic growth. communities.
C. The need to encourage innovation balanced with
Northern Ireland the need to manage risk in a manner commensurate
DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO BE BIG LOTTERY FUND with type of project and applicant.
UNDER SECTION 36E (4)(b) OF THE NATIONAL D. The need to further the objectives of sustainable
LOTTERY ETC. ACT 1993 development.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, in exercise E. The need to set specific time limits on the periods
of the powers conferred on them by section 36E(4) in respect of which grants are payable, whether for
(b) of the National Lottery etc. Act 1993 and having capital or revenue expenditure.
consulted Big Lottery Fund (“the Fund”) and F. The need: in all cases, for applicants to
obtained the consent of the Secretary of State for demonstrate the financial viability of the project for
Culture, Media and Sport pursuant to section 36E(8) the period of the grant;
256 257
(ii) where capital funding is sought: J. The need to include a condition in all grants to
(a) for a clear business plan incorporating the acknowledge Lottery funding using the common
need for resources to be available to meet any Lottery branding.
running and maintenance costs associated with K. The need to involve the public in making policies,
each project for a reasonable period, having setting priorities and making grants.
regard to the size and nature of the project; and Northern Ireland Devolved Expenditure
(b) to ensure that project evaluation and 3. In exercising any of its functions in relation to
management process for major projects match Northern Ireland devolved expenditure, the Fund shall
those of the Office of Government Commerce’s take into account the following matters in determining
Gateway Reviews.
the persons to whom, the purposes for which and the
(iii) in other cases, for consideration to be given conditions subject to which the Fund distributes money:
to the likely availability of other funding to meet
A. The need to ensure that the Fund, taking into
any continuing costs for a reasonable period after
account its assessment of needs and any priorities
completion of the Lottery award, taking into account
it has identified in its strategy, achieves over time
the size and nature of the project, and for Lottery
the distribution of money to a reasonably wide
funding to be used to assist progress towards
spread of recipients, including small organisations,
viability wherever possible.
those organisations operating at a purely local level,
G. The desirability of working with other social enterprises, and organisations with a base in
organisations, including other distributors, where this Northern Ireland and working overseas.
is an effective means of delivering elements of the
Fund’s strategy. B. The need to ensure that the Fund achieves over
time the distribution of money reasonably equally
H. The need to ensure that the Fund has such
between the expenditure on or connected with:
information as it considers necessary to make
decisions on each application, including independent (i) the promotion of community learning;
expert advice where required. (ii) the promotion of community safety and
I. The need to require an element of partnership cohesion; and
funding and/or contributions in kind from other (iii) the promotion of physical and mental well-being.
sources commensurate with the reasonable ability of C. The need to have regard to the interests of
different kinds of applicants, or applicants in particular Northern Ireland as a whole, the interests of all the
areas to obtain such support. different parts of Northern Ireland and the relative
258 259
population sizes of, and the scope for reducing G. Increase community involvement in protecting,
economic and social deprivation in, the different parts restoring and sustaining the urban and rural
of Northern Ireland. environment.
4. In relation to Northern Ireland devolved expenditure H. Help individuals and communities to develop skills
the Fund shall take into account the need to distribute to make healthier lifestyle choices.
money under section 25(1) to projects which are
I. Promote mental health and emotional well-being at
intended to achieve one or more of the following
individual and community level.
Signed on behalf of Secretary of State NI
A. People have the opportunity to achieve their full
B. People can actively participate in their
communities to bring about positive change
C. Community ownership of better and safer rural and
urban environments.
D. Improved physical and mental health for all people.
5. In relation to Northern Ireland devolved expenditure
the Fund, in distributing money under section 25(1),
shall take into account the need to ensure one or more
of the following priorities are met:
A. Improve essential skills to meet social and
economic needs.
B. Increase opportunity for community-based
C. Build community capacity.
D. Increase opportunity for volunteering and
engagement within and between communities.
E. Build community and voluntary/statutory
F. Improve community facilities, access and services.
260 261
Accounts Direction 3. The Fund will, subject to sufficient assurances
DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO THE BIG LOTTERY being in place, also continue to distribute up to Elm to
FUND (OPERATING AS THE NATIONAL LOTTERY support the effective organisational development of
COMMUNITY FUND) UNDER SECTION 22(3) OF Youth Futures Foundation Limited, whose purpose is
THE DORMANT BANK AND BUILDING SOCIETY to meet expenditure on or connected to the provision
ACCOUNTS ACT 2008 AS AMENDED of services, facilities or opportunities to meet the
needs of young people, in line with section 18(1a) of
The Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media
the Act.
and Sport in exercise of the powers conferred on her
by section 22(3) of the Dormant Bank and Building 4. The Fund will, subject to sufficient assurances
Society Accounts Act 2008 (“the Act”) (c.31) and being in place, also continue to distribute up to Elm to
having consulted the National Lottery Community support the effective organisational development of
Fund (“the Fund”) pursuant to section 22(7) of that Act, Fair4All Finance Limited, whose purpose is to meet
hereby gives the following directions to the Fund. expenditure on or connected to (i) the development of
individuals’ ability to manage their finances, or (ii) the
1. As of 30 October 2019, the Secretary of State for
improvement of access to personal financial services,
DCMS has issued eight Spending Directions under
in line with section 18(1b) of the Act.
section 22(3) of the Act. This Spending Direction
updates and consolidates these into a single 5. The Fund will also distribute an allocation of £145m
Direction. Accordingly, all Spending Directions to date as follows (exclusive of the money to be distributed
are withdrawn with immediate effect and are replaced pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Spending Direction,
with this Spending Direction. but inclusive of the money to be distributed pursuant
to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Spending Direction).
2. Under the terms of a Memorandum of
This may be distributed in tranches phased over
Understanding between DCMS and the Fund
a period of time, or in a single endowment, as
agreed on 17 October 2018, the Fund will continue
agreed by the Fund and DCMS. The Fund will only
to distribute up to £1.2m in total from the English
allocate this funding to each organisation once each
portion of dormant account money in the form of
organisation has demonstrated sufficient governance
non-repayable grants to youth-focussed voluntary
and operational readiness. The allocation of E145m
organisations in targeted locations through the Youth
will be split as follows:
Capacity Fund, such grants having been agreed
by the Fund and DCMS. The Fund will continue to - £90m to meet expenditure on or connected to
manage these grants until their completion. the provision of services, facilities or opportunities

262 263
to meet the needs of young people, in line with dormant account money in the performance of their
s18(1)(a) of the Act, delivered by Youth Futures functions which:
Foundation Limited; and i. meet expenditure on or are connected with the
- £55m to meet expenditure on or connected to (i) provision of services, facilities or opportunities to
the development of individuals’ ability to manage meet the needs of young people; or
their finances, or (ii) the improvement of access to
ii. meet expenditure on or are connected with (a)
personal financial services, in line with s18(1)(b) of
the development of individuals’ ability to manage
the Act, delivered by Fair4All Finance Limited.
their finances, or (b) the improvement of access
6. The Fund will continue to distribute, up to a total to personal financial services.
sum of £435m (of which £300m was distributed by
December 2017), from the English portion of dormant 9. The Fund is directed to make no other payments
account money in the form of non-repayable grants to of the English portion of dormant account money until
the Big Society Trust to invest in Big Society Capital further Directions are issued by the Secretary of State
and to contribute to the funding of Access — the under the Act.
Foundation for Social Investment, acting as social Signed by Authority of the Secretary of State for Digital,
investment wholesalers in accordance with section 18 Culture, Media and Sport
of the Act.
7. The Fund will also distribute up to £500k per
annum from the English portion of dormant account
money, and in the form of a grant, to The Big Society
Trust (BST) on an ongoing basis (unless and until
further directions are issued by the Secretary of
State for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport to amend or
supersede this direction).
8. BST will only use this funding to assist other
bodies which are within the sole or majority legal
Control of BST, and which distribute dormant account
money for meeting expenditure that has a social or
environmental purpose.
- Such other bodies must, in addition, either (i)
be a social investment wholesaler; or (ii) use the
264 265
ANNEX A should be disclosed separately under the heading
Additional Accounting and Disclosure “Current Liabilities”.
Requirements (effective December 2006) c. Grant falling due for payment after more than
The following paragraphs detail the additional one year should be separately disclosed under the
requirements as agreed by the Treasury, the heading “Non-current liabilities”
Department and Big Lottery Fund, over and above 3. The Cash Flow Statement shall use the indirect
those disclosures required in the FReM. method when presenting “Cash flow from Operating
1. The Statement of Net Comprehensive Income/ Activities”;
Expenditure shall include as separate items, where 4. The Notes to the Accounts should meet the
material: requirements of the FReM and include:
a. the share of Lottery proceeds attributable to Big a. A statement that the Accounts have been prepared
Lottery Fund in a form directed by the Secretary of State with the
b. the share of investment income of the National consent of Treasury in accordance with Section 35(3)
Lottery Distribution Fund attributable to Big Lottery of the National Lottery etc. Act 1993
Fund b. A statement of the accounting policies. This must
c. interest receivable on lottery funds include a statement explaining the nature of the
balances held on Big Lottery Fund’s behalf in the
d. repayment of grants
National Lottery Distribution Fund as follows:
e. any other income
“Balances held in the National Lottery Distribution
f. grant made from Lottery funds Fund remain under the stewardship of the Secretary
g. lapsed or revoked grant previously recorded as of State for Culture, Media and Sport. However,
commitments from Lottery funds the share of these balances attributable to Big
h. the total operating costs incurred in respect of Lottery Fund is as shown in the Accounts and, at
National Lottery distribution activities the Statement of Financial Position date, has been
certified by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media
2. The Statement of Financial Position shall include:
and Sport as being available for distribution by
a. under the heading “Current assets”: shown as an Big Lottery Fund in respect of current and future
investment, the balance held on behalf of Big Lottery commitments.”
Fund at the National Lottery Distribution Fund;
c. the value of grant commitments at the year- end
b. Grant falling due for payment within one year
266 267
which Big Lottery Fund has made but which have comply with directions given to it under that section.
not been included as liabilities in the Statement of The Scottish Ministers intend to instruct the Big Lottery
Financial Position because they did not meet the Fund to prepare and adopt a strategic plan for Scotland,
criteria for being treated as liabilities at that date exercising their powers under paragraph 3(1) of
d. Where grants exceed available resources as Schedule 3 to the Act.
shown in the Statement of Financial Position, a note DIRECTION TO THE BIG LOTTERY FUND UNDER
explaining the rationale for the over-commitment SECTION 22(5)(b)
taking into account any advice received from the Distribution of money for meeting Scottish expenditure -
Department as appropriate. matters to be taken into account
e. A note reconciling the opening and closing balance 1. The Big Lottery Fund shall have regard to the four
of investments held at the NLDF. This should themes in paragraph 2 for determining the persons
disclose proceeds received from the National Lottery, to whom and the purposes for which the Fund
investment income, unrealised gains and losses on distributes money, the payments to be made and
investment, and cash drawn down from the NLDF in consulting other bodies to identify the needs in
f. A breakdown of the total grant liabilities (current and Scotland the
non-current) in the SoFP to show: Fund has power to deal with and formulate the
Liability brought forward policies to be adopted for these needs in preparing
Commitments in the year its strategic plan for Scotland in accordance with
paragraph 3 of Schedule 3 to the 2008 Act.
2. The four themes are:
Commitments paid
1. Opportunities for children and young people
Liability carried forward
2. Addressing health inequalities through increased
A breakdown of the liability for each year up to and
including 5 years and over 5 years
3. Strengthening inter-generational activities; and
ACCOUNTS ACT 2008 4. Creating community-based employment
Under section 22 of the Dormant Bank and Building
Society Accounts Act 2008, in exercising any of its
functions under the Act, the Big Lottery Fund shall

268 269
DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO BIG LOTTERY FUND money may be distributed to local authorities or
UNDER SECTION 22 OF THE DORMANT BANK other statutory bodies where a project involves a
AND BUILDING SOCIETY ACCOUNTS ACT 2008 IN partnership or consortium, and the statutory body is
RELATION TO WELSH EXPENDITURE acting in a coordinating capacity.
The Welsh Ministers, in exercise of the powers D. The distribution of dormant account money must
conferred on them by section 22 of the Dormant Bank balance the need to encourage innovation with the
and Building Society Accounts Act 2008 and having need to manage risk in a manner commensurate with
consulted Big Lottery Fund (“the Fund”), hereby give the type of project and applicant.
the following directions to the Fund: E. The distribution of dormant account money must
General Directions promote and support the Welsh language and reflect
1. In exercising any of its functions in distributing the bilingual nature of Wales, including giving effect
dormant account money in relation to Welsh to the principle of equality between the English and
expenditure the Fund must comply with the following Welsh languages.
general directions in determining the persons to whom F. The distribution of dormant account money must
the Fund makes grants, the purposes for which the further the objectives of sustainable development.
Fund makes grants, the process used to determine G. The distribution of dormant account money must
what payments to make and the terms and conditions set specific time limits on the periods in respect of
on which the Fund makes grants: which grants are payable, whether for capital or
A. Dormant account money must be distributed to revenue expenditure.
projects which promote the public good and which H. In distributing dormant account money the Fund
are not intended primarily for private gain. must ensure that:
B. Dormant account money must be distributed i). in all cases, applicants demonstrate the financial
to projects which make real and sustainable viability of the project for the period of the grant;
improvements to the quality of life of local
ii). where capital funding is sought:
a). applicants demonstrate a clear business plan
C. Dormant account money must be distributed
incorporating any running and maintenance costs
primarily to ‘third sector’ organisations, i.e.
associated with each project for a reasonable
organisations that exist wholly or mainly to provide
period, having regard to the size and nature of
benefits for society or the environment. Exceptionally,
the project; and
270 271
b). applicants demonstrate, for major projects, M. In distributing dormant account money the Fund
that project evaluation and management must take into account the assessment of needs
processes match those of the Office of and priorities it has identified in its strategic plan
Government Commerce’s Gateway Reviews. and achieve over time a distribution of money to a
iii). where capital funding is not sought applicants reasonably wide spread of recipients, including small
demonstrate the likely availability of other funding organisations, those organisations operating at a
to meet any continuing costs for a reasonable purely local level, and social enterprises.
period after dormant account funding ceases, N. In distributing dormant account money the Fund
taking into account the size and nature of the must have regard to the interests of Wales as a
project, and for the dormant account funding to be whole, the interests of different parts of Wales, the
used to assist progress towards viability wherever relative population sizes and the scope for reducing
economic and social deprivation in the different parts
I. In distributing dormant account money the Fund of Wales.
must work with other organisations where this is an
Specific Directions
effective means of delivering elements of its strategic
plan (see para’ 4). 2. In exercising any of its functions in distributing
J. In distributing dormant account money the Fund dormant account money in relation to Welsh
must ensure that it has such information as it expenditure the Fund must comply with the following
considers necessary to make decisions on each specific directions in determining the persons to whom
application, including independent expert advice the Fund makes grants and the purposes for which the
where required. Fund makes grants
K. In distributing dormant account money the Fund A. In distributing dormant account money the
must include a condition in all grants that grantees Fund must act in accordance with the prescribed
acknowledge the use of Dormant Accounts funding, restrictions laid down in the Dormant Bank and
using the agreed branding for the Dormant Accounts Building Society Accounts Act 2008 (Prescribed
Scheme for Wales. Restrictions) (Wales) Order 2010 and in accordance
L. In distributing dormant account money the Fund with the following themes:
must adopt an outcome focussed approach, working ‘Supporting children and young people to achieve
closely with appropriate partners to achieve the best their full potential working through the third sector to
pattern of investment for the benefit of communities promote social inclusion’; and
across Wales.
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