CS-104 PF Course Outline

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Course Outline

Faculty of Computing & Information Technology

Department of Computer Science
Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat

Title & Code Programming Fundamentals (CS-104)

Credit Hours
Aims and The course is designed to familiarize students with the basic structured programming skills. It emphasizes
Objectives upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and program development and testing.

Learning The student will be able to understand basic designing techniques of programming,
Hands on experience of different c/c++ constructs, Basic syntax of of c/c++

Course Book and A: C++ How to program by Dietel & Dietel

Material B: Turbo C By Robert Lafore

C: Let us C by Yashwant Kantaker

Assessment/Grad a) course will be evaluated on the following basis’s:

ing Mid Term 25%
Criteria Sessional work 25%
Final term 50%
b) To pass a course, student must obtain at least ‘D’ grade (50% marks)
c) The final term examination will cover the entire course.
Assessment /
Grading Criteria
Marks in Letter Grade Numeric Value of Description
Percentage Grade

84.5 and A+ 4.00 Exceptional


79.5-84.4 A 3.70 Outstanding

74.5-79.4 B+ 3.40 Excellent

69.5-74.4 B 3.00 Very Good

64.5-69.4 B- 2.50 Good

59.5-64.4 C+ 2.00 Average

54.5-59.4 C 1.50 Satisfactory

49.5-54.4 D 1.00 Pass

Below 49.5 F 0.0 Fail

W Withdrawal

I Incomplete

Week # Topic Recommendation
s for
Introduction Activities
1 Computer components (software, hardware and utility), CPU structure and function, Course
introduction, Program, programmer, Programming, Programming Languages
2 Data Types, Operators
Introduction to C++, Basic data types, variables and constants, Expression, Type of operators,
Precedence of operator, Keywords
3 Assignment
Algorithm and flow chart, First Program
Algorithm and flow chart, conversion from pseudo code to source code (Examples), The First C
program, Different parts of a program, Control Instruction in C

4 Conditional Statement Quiz

Assignment Sequence, Program Control, If- Else Statements, Nested If Else, Switch Statement

Conditional Statement (Cont.)

5 Nested If Else, Switch Statement, examples and practical work

Repetition Structure
The loop control structure, while loop, Tips and traps, More operator, The for loop

Repetition Structure (Cont.)

Nesting of loops, Multiple initialization in the for loop, break statement, continue statement, do
7 while loop
What is function( prototype, calling, function body), User defined functions, system defined
8 functions, Why use functions, Parameters, arguments Quiz


Functions (Cont.)
Passing values between functions, Scope rule of functions, Advanced features of functions,
Function Declaration and prototypes, Call by value and call by reference, recursion
10 Arrays Quiz +
what are arrays, A simple program using array, Array initialization, Bounds checking, Passing array Assignment
elements to a functions, Passing an entire array to a function

11 Multidimensional Array
Initializing A 2-Dimensional array, Memory map of 2-Demensional array

12 String
What are string, More about string, standard library string functions

13 Pointers
Pointers overview, Return data from function, Pointer and array, Pointers and strings, Double Assignment
indirection, Pointers to pointers
Structures Quiz
14 Why use structures, Declaring a structures, Accessing structures elements, How structures
elements are stored, Additional features of structures, Uses of structures

File Handling
15 Reading, Writing, Randomly Accessing Data Structures
16 File Handling (Cont.)
Reading, Writing, Randomly Accessing Data Structures


NOTE: * Some Advanced Topics may be Discussed or Given as an Assignments
* There are some Advance topics which are optional means if we get time for those topics then we
will try our best to cover those topics too.
* Quiz can be announced or Surprise Quiz
*Last day to submit Final Term Project is 2 weeks before Last Day of Class
*There can be quiz or viva for Assignment evaluation *There
will be min 4 Assignments and 4 Quizzes
*No Retake of Quiz, Assignment, Mid etc.

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