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C ertificate N o: I nitial c ertification date: V alid:

2 4 6 195-2017-AQ -PO L-FINAS 2 5 September 2 005 2 8 J anuary 2 019 - 2 5 September 2 020

This is to certify that the management system of

SONOMED Sp. z o.o.

ul. Pruszkowska 4d, 02-118 Warszawa, Poland

has been found to conform to the Quality Management System standard:

ISO 13485:2016

This certificate is valid for the following scope:

Development, production and servicing of non-invasive ultrasonic diagnostic
equipment- including Doppler for blood flow measurements (diagnosis of
disorders of blood circulation), for monitoring pregnancies, and ultrasound
transducers and probes components for medical applications.

P lac e and date: For the is s uing offic e:

Espoo, 28 January 2019 DNV GL – Business A ssurance Finland
Keilasatama 5, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Kimmo Haarala
M anagement Representative

Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid .
ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE FINLAND OY AB, Keilasatama 5, 02150 Espoo, Finland. TEL:+358 10 292 4200.

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