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REE BSS ETHOPIAN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARD STANDARD coneiiting 3x StaDany conenitns wx. Pen Soke ud or crm 40 x 50 x Tene 40 x 50 x Bone tment Shumpr 49 s0nne Ry Heximin Binns Materials NOPES! 1+ ho volyno of water 40x50x20 uiven du for murface 405080 . os SELB TOs Ph actist vod itt bo emallor dep ding ox 3~40x50x 18 Crughid Ager | 3-4ox50x10 : tate! 31 | Ir ae aqox5ac16 | ‘© 20 Crushed zger | 3Jox50x16 Water ab & Subnitted wr Approved tyi titectural wid Bnyinen: ston of Quantities of Materials for Produ: nyt Dol pehtopinn Dutlding Construction Awtwor) ty, | nent \ aunts of Work te tw/m® or 0-004" /m® l typo of Work Quantities | ve Tf of mix 13:6 1-000 0+ 500? 0-850? Cumont/ n> sani? Gravel? 1 Gonorote C = 20 (11213) 36100. pr 0-500) ovis? Coneruta Co 30 (tb t+51 265) 3+ 82Q) 0+ 44 097 4a" Reinforing Bar 1-05k¢/ke o Moh ' 0 00607 a - ain” | detain on dky/in® I, Formwork (for suspended beam of i = Pxocao+ hoi ght above gx ound or | Hoos not oxceeding 2a) : | + foardn (2¢50x25anu-) 0+01309/ in / i | ‘ASS ERRRAR AMES SSS tien and boone (Se7+ So! yo B Bons evealyptsto) yk (forflat ourface of olaby jit not exceeding 3m-) a Poarde (2+5an thick) er Bettens (31008) ov Beans (7+ 5x12 Scns) . Prepa (8 Bom oventyptun) or Brucing Sen") f Baile (for edges of tho vlad fede not oxcoeding Aare: ) 1m? 2 0+ 30ke/m 001307 /m™ co Hc In? “oy rayon ge coke 0+ cokes /m o owe 0-0030°/m Or 05er/m fn® ox Or0080"/' Fan? ox 0+005n9/ m1 nae Ti of Work QuuntitLoo gor fucco of step and ' nb, hoitgite of odguo | wanes bat not cxoveding | i Formwork ( edges of the alt and Lacon ever # 25eme* | a) Boarde 0-003m/m v) Bettens 0+003n7/m 005k g/m c) Mosle 50an thick ato fall in cenont mo: sno mavonary fowndation 4 rior of 14 . 1390%/m> a) Stone iu) Korbar + 5603/0? c) Cement organ? a) Sand on 20403/ 0? Soens tick maponary vail above foundation | one olde rougily drovsod+ I. a) Stone ee ) Mortar, conont and onnd aro aimilar to | theso in 10 | yen brick wall in composmortar of Wad a) Bricks Sle Tpca/m™ y)-Nortar 0+0263m/n® c) Cement i 003 1@/a* a) Ling 040530" e) Sand \ on0an3/m® 25cm brick wall in conpo~mortar of 1129 i foth rides lof for plasterdngy a) bricks iiseapton/n® v) Mortar 0+ 06a0°/mn? Canont 0-07 a/n? Lime ovozayn® Sand . o-o5nr/o" . wef see so j l ! | ™ CE EP Pe. £Ete gf RESE , & 10cm, Hollow conckate bleck wall in compo-mortar of 1:2:9 both sides left for plastering. a. Blocks 12.30pes s/m? b. Mortar 0.0092m3 /m? ©. cement 0.0119L/m? a. Lime 0.02QL/m? ec. Sand 0.01m3 /m? Ditto as 14 but 15cm.H.C.B. Blocks 12.3pes/m? b. Mortar 0.6138m3/m? . c. Cement 0.016QL/m? a. Lime = O°3QL/m> - e.Sana’— 0. 01mg? /m? _— 20cm H.C.B. wall iin compo-mortar of 1:2:9 both sides left for plastering. a. Blocks 12.33pes/m? b. Mortar 0.1843 /m? c. Cement 0.0220L/m2 a. Lime ' 0.036QL/m? ce. Sand 0.013m3/m? 40cm.’ thick stone wall in cement tar of 1:4, both sides dreseed .% end left for pointing. ‘ a. Stone 1. 46m? /m? ; b. Mortar 0.274m9 /m? j . c. Cement 0.767 QL/m? d. Sand 0.219m3 /im? a _Ttem ' Type of Work b Quantities 18 Plastering 0.5cem thick in cement mortar of1:2:5 a. Mortar 0.005m3/ma >. Cement 0.03QL/ma c. Sana * 0.01m3/m> 19 bitto but 1.5em thick in compo-mortar of 1:2:6 Mortar 0.015m2 | bd. Cement + 0.03QL/m2 Lime 0.05QL/m2 Sand = 0.0Lm3/m2 i 20° Pitto but 0.5em thick in lime mortar of 1:2 " i a. Mortar 0..005m3/m2 4 bd. Lime 0.03QL/m2 c. Sand 0.01m3/m3 if 21 Pointing to brick wall in cement mortar of 1:3 a. Mortar . 0.003m3/m2 b. Cement 0.01QL/m2 Cc. Sand 0.002m3/m? | 22 Ditto but to hollow concrete block wall I a. Mortar 0,002m3/m? b Cement 0.010QL/m2 ¢. Sand 0..002m3 /m2 23° Ditto but to stone wall 2. Mortar 0..0055m3/ma i b. Cement 0.019QL/m? | c. Sand 0.004m3/m2 1 i a 24 Compo-mortar of 1:2:9 a. Cement 1. 48QL/m> b. Lime 2.529L/m? _.&. Sand 1.08m2/m2 23° Coment-mortar of 1:2 > a. _Cement b. Sand 5.88QL/m> -4- | Type of Work Qontitios Ditto ut 1-5an thlek 4n compo-nortar i | of 1:26 | o Hortar 0-0} 50/? ! b, Conent 0403 oY m2 | c Line 0105 0/m? | a Sand 001m /in® | Ditto but Ov on thick in Lime mortar | | of 1:2 es Bosbar 0» 005u7/in2 be Line 0+03 cty/in® Sand 001m? /m® | vting to brick wall to coment mortar | } of 13 | as Mortar 0+003m3/m2 | Cement 0-01G/m? c Sand 0+002n°/m? | Ditto but to hollow concrete block wall i a+ Mortar 0-00an/m* bs Cement 0-01 /m? e Sand 0+00303/m2 4 Ditto but to stone wall ! os . Mortar 0: 005503/n* be Cement o-0190/n? ce Sand 0.0043 /m2 ay Compo—nortar of 12:9 fe B} a Cenent 1648/0? q we Line 250q/n? E ce Sand 160803 /m> co} Cement Mortar of 1:2 | i 8" Cement 5-884 yn? 4 b+ Sand 0+ 960 Ym? 26 Ditto but of 1:3 } Ey a Conent garale? be Sand ype of Horie Quantitios vw Adhesive Ditto bat of 111 — J as Conent 8-02a/u° bv. Sand ov] an?/m? Roof cover in corrugated tron aleet as Iron shoot 16 2507 in? be Nails with mashor ov orka/ mn? ar Diagonal 0+ 35/m be Vertical 0+ 18n/m® ce Raster 0+ 50/0 a. Chord i 0+ asf n® e+ Purlin 4618 m? Ceiling = | i a Covering material aeo5n/m? Fillet (o/¢ 500m) 36 15 n® ct Nails Ov OT ky/ m® ds Cedling battens 36 15: m2 o: Bucalytpuo beam for guspenoion 4610 m? f+ Bracingy 46 100m? Wooden flooring (Boarding) i ar, Boarding 46 100°/mn® w Haile 0» beef m” ct Ploor joint (6/0 30cm) . 2+ 20w/n® a+ Naile for floor joint 0+ tke m® Yerrano tile (20x20x2cia) on 2c cement 4 screed of 1:3 fine bed sith coment growls : “ ar Tile 1202n%/in® bs Hortar | ov gzan3/m? + Cement grout 0+001m7/m? coring in plastio tiles of 2 20x0r02a"0" | stuck with odheciver i ar Tile 1-05n7/n? 0+ gorit/m® Rent mecrunm, aap cxoninenins DEPARTMENT 4 A“ S_OF_QUANTITIES_OF_MAT TYPE OF WORK - CEMENT / 2? QUANTITIES . GRAVEL/M? : “ : SAND/m? G.0050m? 0. 85m? T] concrete C-74, of mixi:3:3:6 1-800by 050m? 0.75m3 t af concrete.C-20(1:2:3)8 C-25 3. 18QL concrete, C-30( 25) 3.829. "| 0.44m? O.74m2 L| reinforcing bar 1.05kg/ko ) "30 x 30em) . Se Ss } a. Boarde (2.50em. thick) 0.012m) Bill b>. Battens (5x7.5cms) 1. 40m/n? i c. Struts (BS m. eucalyptus ~ Lm/m* ye nad o.3ka/a0- Formwork (£0: suspended bean ° of 25x2Sems. height above = fon vit eT ws ‘cround or floor not exceed~ ing 3m.) ‘ Boards (2.90x25ems) + 5 0-OL3m/ma, vm on 9 i b, Battens and: beams (Sx7.Scms)1.1m/m?. or 0,004m?/m2. cu Props (Beem. eucalyptus) — 1. 5a/m* d. Nails 0.30kg/m? e. Props(pm.eucalyptus) 1.5in/m> ” amjm? Form work (forflat surface of Slab, height not exceeding 3m) £. Bracing(#5m. a. Boards (2.5m.thick) .013m? /m 2m/m £ 0.006m3/m? . 0.50m/m3_ or ,0,.00Sm3/m* Nails 0.20ka/m? % ' } bd. ‘Battens |3x10ems) c. Beams (7.5x12.5cems) , Formwork (for edges of the slab, '*. . 1 height of edge not exceeding 20cms) . b. Battens 0.003n3/m + 0,05ka/m | c, Mails Formvork (for faces of steps and edges of the'slab, of edges and faces over 20cm. heights but not execeding 25cems) a. Boards ‘b. Battens ce. Nails S0cin a. Stone b, Mortar ©. Cement a. Sand soem. dreseed a. Stone b. Matar flement for plastering, 25cm for plastering. a: Bricks b. Mortar ce. Cement a. Lime thick stone masonary foundation wall 0..003m3/m 0.003m3/m “0.05kg/m in cement mortar 1..3Lm3zn ? 0.36m>/m> 1.01QL/m> 0.25m?/m? thick masonary wall above foundation one side roughly te tty Dat 1.4m? /ra> and sand are similar’to these in 10 brick wall in compo-mortar of 1:2:9 both sides’ left 57.7pcs/m3 0..0263m? /n? 0.0319L/m3 0.053QL/m? 0. 02m /m? ‘ brick wall in compo-mortar of 1:2:9 both sides left 115.4Pes/m2 0..062m3 /m2 0.07QL/m2 0.02QL/m? ©. 05m? /m? -3 . / od 14 10cm. Hollow concrate black wall in compo-mortar of 1:2:9 Wi both sides left for plastering. a. Blocks 12.30pces s/m? 1 b. Mortar 0.0092m3/m? ©. cement 0.011QL/m? @. Lime 0.020b/m? | ce. Sand 0.01m3 /m? 15 Ditto as 14 but 1Sem.H.C.B. | us Blocks 12.3pes/m? Mortar *0.6138m3/m2 . } c. Cement 0.016QL/m2 d. Lime eet 0°3QL/m2 | ce." Saha 0. 01m3g /m2 = 16 20cm H.C.B. wall in compo-mortar of 1:2:9 both sides left for plastering, ° + Blocks 12.33pes/m? Mortar 0.18 4m? /m2 Cement 0.0210L/m2 Lime * 0. 036QL/m2 - Sand 0.013m3/m? 1 17 40cm." thick stone wall in cement tar of 1:4, both sides dreseed nd left for pointing. | 2. Stone 1.46m?/m? b. Mortar 0.274m3/m3 c. Cement 0.7679L/m3 d@. Sand 0.219m3/m3 ERCP ttt--E-h-2-2 EB mB, a « all PEGS ¢ -4- s Item ' Type of Work & Quantities 1a Plastering 0,5cm thick in cement mortar of1:2:5 a. Mortar 0.005m3/m? b. Cement 0.03QL/m? c. Sand” 0. 01m3/in2 22 Ditto but 1.Scm thick in compo-morter of 1 a Mortar 0.015m> ) b. Cement» + 0.039L/m2 c. Lime 0.05QL/m? Sand _ 0.01m3/m3 20 Ditto but 0.5cm thiek in lime mortar of 1:2 * = a. Mortar, 0..005m3 /m2 Db, Lime 0.03QL/m2 ce. Sand 0.01m3 /m3 21 Pointing te brick wall in cement mortar of 1:3 a. Mortar 0.003m3/m? b. Cement 0.01QL/m3 sc. Sand 0.002m3/m2 22 Ditto but to hollow concrete block wall 4 a. Mortar 0,002m3 /m? b. Cement 0.019L/m? ce. Sand 0.002m3/m? 23° Ditto but to stone wall . a. Mortar 0..0055m: /ma b. Cement 0.0199L/m? cc. Sand + 0,004m3/m3 | ‘ 24 Compo-mortar of 1:2:9 a. Cement 1. 48QL/m? b. Lime 2.52QL/m> c. Sand 1.08m3/m? 25 Cement-mortar of 1:2 . | a, Cement 5.88QL/m> b. Sand Type of Work Quantities Ditto but of 1:3 vette a. Cemenc 4.41QL/m? Db. Sand 1.08m? /m? Ditto But of 1:1 a. Cement, 8.820QL/m> b. Sand 0.72m3/m3 Roof cover in corrugated iron sheet 5 a. Iron sheet 3.25m2/h2 b. Nails with mashere . 0.07kg/m? Trussing of 6m.—span in c/c zm : a. Diagonal 0.35:n/m? b. Vertical 0.18m/m2 c. Rafter 0.50m/m2 d. Chord 0. 44m/m? e. Purlin *1.18m/m3 ceiling : a. Covering material 2.05m3 /m? b. Fillet (c/¢ 50cm) 3.15m/m2 c., Nails 0. 07kg/m2 a. Ceiling Battens 3.15m/m2 e. Encalyptus beam for suspension 1.10m/m2 £. Bracinge + 1.20m/m? Wooden flooring (boarding) a. Boaring 1.10m?/m? bd. Nail 0.6kg/m3 c. Floor joint (c/c¢ 30cms) 2.20m/m2 a. Nails for floor jor 0.14kg/m? Terrazo tile (20x20x2cms) on 2cm cement screed of 1:3 fins bed with Genent frou. a. Tile ~ ' a 1.02m3/m2 * b. Mortar 0.022m3/m2 ©. Cement grout 0.001m3/m? C EREEL ERE EeerePreer 2 2 ee Item Type of work Quantities 33° Flooring in plastic tiles of 20x20x0.02cms stuck with adhesive. a. Tile 1.05m2/m2 b. Adbesive 0.401it/m3 34 Painting on plastered surface in 3 coats a. Priming coat O.101it/m? b. Under-coat 0.0813t/m? ce.” FiniShing coat O.0725t/m> 35° Haters of 1:2 for the joints of cement pipes &. 6 15cm 0.003m?/m b. 9 20cm 0.004m2/m c. 8 40cm 0,.008m3/m a. 6 50 0.010m2/m 2 NOTE: In preparing the above quantities, allowances for shrinkage and wastage of materials were provided. 30% for shrinkage of concrete was allowed. Wastage fur different materials ranged between 5-108 alien ce yeast punosd xoTea, (rtsay sovaepunes suoas eTAGTy Supzro> preH yoor e800T (9 yooe qos zo pasousean {3 ap 22300 uc o3dn syo0r UE VOTIZABOXE adap sostae q o3dn 9nq 03737 79 yadep sozzaw g oadn yng 0335p 74 ugdap asjem suo ondn *3 qyos reaxou ay” ry notzupunes 10 wotseNwoxe wopun 20g worzeanaxe Troe ok A ZHOU /SoIET WOTIONVOME OFC sero 2= 10 out 4 = aosey v= 1 xos-eqSy2 ay AFOn wrOg 27> 16 Sito 4270 ogo Lo- sosen 2 OTUs GOSZ TTEA yorE@ BuTows - 2 - 1 o¢ro ghro o3t0 Lo= woseq z I SOpys uaeq HOSUR BOZL TEA yOESE z2- ‘re oe*o oso onto Lo= essy o Sursazsetd sos 4z0T © SORTS URC AOTYS HOSS TTR yOTEE z2- 1d ze*0 0sr0 b= uosey Sursoqsetd « $03 338T S8PTS Y30q (OHXOZXOZ) TRA yoorg eyozotes AoTToH zero sero 2 ray -siu Sty oxdn (89935 309) ten oueas possorq n> tae ztto giro <2"0 z - sosey 348t94 +839 +1 ogdn . Teast punox® esoqe Azouosea 00035 sease seare sero novyreodue prey PUeTAOT pueT sty Tat 7 aruq Sotytatzo8 Fo sadky FROW/Soye! UOFFONPORE SraTsAy - oO - ny a, — Ss a a 39948 s0qseqs0 Sere oz ostz Le drag page@arzoo ut z8A02 pooy <2 _ Td oz ore on sdasg + yeays 23g ut zaaoo sooy ze ota st ve ore “ima S"E'9 G2-9 UE argos soy ve a | iL s30gi-g Sursues ~ Sep/urh fep/o°9 kap/org Le dig ok wp ounce “utpsdh 50 Sus 02 cep/o' fep/orz 40 /0S°Z od sau g uoszeoysqns sens snzditeong be Sez/ore kep/gry. kep/orz od ge £28 /98"9 00/970. Sep /oo'L aod on 2- ors 00"s cog ooror L -sapuaqieg 34 sivq seauoourjures geyoete pur Se 2 ou awa totdazotssy 8 0g70 cote. a Sqzts ses To yeews uy ysen gaog 6 mo reese uovstootzon ~ _— UE TAO" wors tsoda qua Saypayase so sadsy waa a PoETAoT Shower ayua : ayazaae so sadky t ; — Syren? ser Fe i up g 5 REE e Senza aaaaa Fy he Fs ee a # al “1a o6"t ore sere Lo- ‘drag w 8854 901 BuTZzFxS roquyy 2- cra ont ost core bo etry BuE00TF setts oFssuty 2 - 1a men £9°0 oor sete b= wosay 2 Suys00ts soTEa vETruszg Z- -ra autol xoysmadxo stro oz" ost Z - sasetg 2 anowriA ~ Sapsooty pening 7 ' = “Td ser oz ost2 bos tasty 2 Supsepuss urtosey, L oor oorz ‘ 2 a L onto 090 gto L 2 (#3800 cos43) [Tem 40 Supzeysatz sero 8sto “2Lt0 u 2 2022N8 a4ezou09 ue Supzommuy L . : * SS 2 stazzaq otto ghr0 “09°09 oo fdas Surpatouy Sastys9 qasys powara bor ta \ ~4svg+s0v oz"0 yero on*0 Lo- 0 Fdeag a weuang uItA Surtza— soqsaqsy Le Ta : L = dsag+seW ozo. on"0 sto b= dag Ps esang uata Sustto9 poodryg — seo suede say puvtaoq puvrnay wos: Fsoduo. F Teese cen? a3aq \ Seritariow ro sadéz ROW yey pono SEAT Aer 2s a etre te @ 8 © Ye -w-w-e esto oto oor re sy20T9 3 CHR ang) Sureetp oy Seto oz ose, bos zegutee 2 Sa3Tt99 oF qured oF9: tt oo" 09 ZF (S209 ¢) trom 63 om oro o i yerca bs oz" os: ore ot TIBA opmwses 3¢ oe ° cory u Sensis oreaq: | E oso og oor # 3500 PUP pag cues yesa ée sed au0as poscasp-yase of = 2918149 po ee Sursapys Sere core ose b= wcsay w 5933 (340uW99) uttyuery % “a0 sa80 side corsrseduey pry Brotiog PeeTUiry | SOFEEEOHHOg as SoTstATR08 Zo 5 usar Ta STR REINFORCEMENT HAR DIAMETERS, AREAS, CIRQUMFRANCE RRR RRS SIENEAR DIAMETERS, AREAS, CIRQUNFRANCE AND WEIGHS PER METE LINEAR vy tlt ; Oe - a 7 crrcunprance wercuT cm KG/ML REMARKS 0,222 0,395 0.617 GENERAL FORMULA Assumed concrete mix ratio = 1:2:4 Volume of concrete ~ : i a) Cement = % 3/7 x xm’ b), Sand = 2/7 x xm® x 1.30 shrinkage x 1.18 wastage. ©) Gravel = 4/7, x xm x1,a0 shrinkage x 1.5 westage. | i Mix retio a aes = yn Volume of lime mortar 1400kg/m*x1.30 chrinkuge x 1.05 wastege. I 4) Lime = 1/3 x ym*x 1.20 shninkuge x 1400/m°x1.05 wastage. b) Send = 2/3 x ym® x1.20 shrinkage x 1.20 wastage. i Mix ratio = 12:9 Molume of cement lime mortar = zn? ~ a) Cement = 1/12 x 24° x 1.20 shirnkaye x 1400KE/mPx1:,05 wastage. % 1.20 shrinkage x 7U0kg/n x1.05 wastage. b) Lime «2/12 x 21 @) Sand + 9/12 x 2M" x 1,20 shrinkage i 1.20 wastage. Mix ratio = tra Volume of coment mortar = vM# ’ | 8) Cement = 1/4 x Yu" x 1220 Bhrinkage-x 1400ke/m® x 1.05 wastage. | b) Sand = 3/4 x yu? x 1,20 shrinkage x 1.20 wastage. : | @ vate wEX ’ ~ Mengured Unit Wefght of Fresh Concrete « 2300kg/m# ~ Meusured Untt Weight Of R.C. Concrete = 2400k¢/m® f 1400kg/1 - Measured Untt Weipht of Cement Lime 700Kg/m* - Measured Unit Weight or Measured Unit Weight of sand 1950K¢/0° “Measured Unit Weight of Gravel ™ 1200ke/m* = Measured Unit Weight of steel = 7e50kg/m° = Measured Unit weight Of Pumise Average © sookg/n® STANDARD_CONCRETE MIX PER 50kG_BAG OF CEMENT Stendord Box Sizes : 40 x 50 x 18em internal Dimension 4u x $0 x 18em 40 x $0 x 20cm 30mm Minimum Slump Maximum 601m — CONCRETE NUMBER & SIZE OF s MATERIALS BES 1. The Volume of water given is fe SAND 4=40x50x20 for surface dry gare: 6 aggregates. The ice Ana aOnsex20 actual volume WATER 85 LTS with be smaller depending on the water content of ‘the aggregates. Adjustment shoul be made based on the slump. SAND 2-40x50x20 C.AGGRE. 4-40x50x20 WATER 38 LTS { SAND 2-40x50x20 C.AGGRE. 4=40x50x20 2*. Concrete grude 625 & C30 requir ed class II work man ship, $,¢ mix ers vibrators anc quiified superv!- sors. WATER 30 LPs. | | ‘SAND 2-40x50x10 C.AGGRE. 3-40x50x18 WATER 28 LTS SAND 2-h0x5Ox16 C.AGGRE. 3-40x50x16 WATER 29 LTS : i | } TYPE OF WORK CONCRETE Co7 Mechanical Mix Mix ratio = 1:2:5:6 CONGRETE C-15_ Mechanical Mix Mix ratio’ © 1:2:8: SGHORETE Cx 20 Mechanical Mix Mix ratio = 12:3 CONCRETE m3 Mechanical Mix Mix ratio = 1:2:3.5 CONCRETE C= 25 Max: matte] 911:115:2.5 bysias CONCRETE 6-15 Totel ayy. Lebukg, CONCRETE 0-20 Total Age. 1800kp CONCRETE C-30 * Total Agg. 1700ky CONCRETE C-25 Total Age. = 1740ky Steel reinforcement (With 5% wastege) Light Weipht Concrete Nominal Nix 12473 Cement Pumice Sand Quantity = coment = 1.82qts/m* sand = 0.50n°/n? Gravel = 0.85m°/m* cement = 2.75qte/m? sand = 0.83n°/n? 2 yn3 Gravel = 0,75n°/m cement = 3.18qts/m> sand = 0.50n°/m® Gravel = 0. 75«' fm? Cement = 2.94qts/m? Bq Sand = 0.46m°/m Gravel = 0.80m°/n* Cement = 3.47qts/n* ~ = Sand = 0.41m9/m4 v Grovel = 0,02n9/a% Cement = 9.82qte/m> ¥ Sand = 0.45m9/m9 Gravel = 0.75m%/a* Cement = 2.40gts/m* Sand = 35.50% Gravel = Cement « 3.20qts/n® Sund = 30.40% Gravel : cement + 4.00qts/ Sand = 30.40% Genent © 3.6qts/m> = 1, 05kg/kes Cement = 2.40qts/n" Pumice * 6.86m°/n° Sand = &. 74m aah ss. FORM woRK Form work for idee of the walls Quanrisy (sage for boards) 2.80m thick board (with 5% wastege) + 0.83m?/m? SUx75um battens (with 5% wastage (Susaze) = 0.84m/m? bean $0x125mm (with 5% wastage(10 usage) = —0,10/m* ih Strut (p60nm eucalyptus) (10 usage) = 0,10kg/m? | Nails Clip& ete... = 0.30kg/m? i Mould 041 = 0,061te/m 5 Sofrit form work for slabs props heipht not exceeding/ 300m thick boards (with 9% wastage (duszpe)= 7 t 3Gx100mm batten (10 usapye) 4.0n/m™ 7 if 78x126nm beam (10 usages) 1.0m/m? = 0.15m/m® 1 20x10Umm bracing (20 usage) @ 2n/m? = 0.10m/a2 i Nails ~ = 0,20ke/m* h Nould 042 = 0,0618/n? Fora Work for edpes of the sleb with not exceeding 200mm ' 2.8mm thick boarde ( 4 usages) = 0,083:/m? 4 50x50um batten ( 8 Usuzes) 2n/m = 0.25m/m? } Nutla = 0.08m/m Form Work for face of the steps and edges of the slab with over 200mm not exceeding |25Gmm_ 25x250mm boards ( 5 usege) - CG. 21m/m i 5OxS0an batten (10 usages) 1.00n/m = O.tim/m Nutis 0. 08ke/r (i Mould of2 = 0,0181t8/i Form Work for sides of the footing depth not exceeding 250gm_ 26unm thick boards (4 usagee) = 0.07m/m® 50xS0m= batten (10 usapes) = 0.32m/n" Natta = 0,08ke/ im } Mould 042 = 0,0181ts/m Ditto, but depth over 250mm not exceedirg 350mm ?onm thick boards (4 usage) = 0.10m?/m Sux50cm battens ( 10 useges ) 3.Em/m = 0,38m/m Natia = 0,07ke/m Mould 012 = 0,0211te/m 7) a) b) z ) Fo y ii: tl 3 a e) hi ng? Form work for side of the ground bens & footing width over 4S0am 25mm thick boards (4 usapes) 7 SUx1U0mm battens (10 usages) 3. 0m/m' Struts @6Umm (10 usipes) 2.0m/m? Nails Hould 41 Form Work for sides sof the foundation wall 251m thick board ( 4 usages) Sux75nm batten ( 1U usapes) 4. 5n/m? 80x125mm beams ( Lu usupes) 1.08m/m* Struts $60mm eucalyptus ( 10 usuges)1.0m/m* Nails ould 04 Form Work for sidés of the foundation columns ASmn thick boards ( 4 usage) S0x10Umm beams ( 10 usages) 4.6m/m@ Struts #60nm eucelyptus ( 10 usages) Nats Mould 041 Form Work For sides of the columns 26mm thick boards ( 4 usages) 50x75mm battens ( 10: usages) 4.6m/m* Struts #60mm eucalyptus ( 10 usages) 2m/m@ Halls Mould o41 Form Work for sides 4¢ the beam 26mm thick boards ( 1 usave ) S50 = 75 battens (10 usayes) 4.2m/m* Beam 50 x 100mm (10vsuges) 2.1m/n? Natis Mould 11 Form Work for sides of the walls 25mm thick boards ( 4 usages) S0x75nm battens (10 usages) 4.2m/m? 50x125mm beams ( 10usages) 1.05m/m* Struts ¢60eucalyptus (10 usages) 1m/m® Matis Mould 011 0. 27m/m® 0.32m/m2 0. 21m/m* oO. 20kg/m? 0,081 ts/m* 0. 27/10" 2 0.47m/m G1 am/n® 0.10n/m® 0. 25k y/in® 0.061 ts/mn® 0.2?m/m® Spe 0.270/m 0.10kg/m® | | 0. 20kg/in® 0.061 ts/m? 0,273 /m™ 0. 662/n? 0. 20n/m® 0. 30k9/n? 0.062 t8/m? U 27m*/m 0.46m/m? 0. 20m/m® 0. 30ke/m? 0.602 s/n 0. 2707/9? 0.42m/n? 0.108m/m* 0.10m/m? 0, 30kp,/m? 0, 061 te/m™ Fr Ee a) b) e) a) a) b) ro) a) Natural Stone Masonry Foundation :- Natural Stone Masonry Foundation 400mm thick hard basultic Stone masonry foundation A00mm thick hard basultte Stone masonry foundation Well bedded in cement morter 1:4 in full joints Basaltic stone 2,25m9/m® x 0.40 x 1.05 waste Mortar ‘ 0, 24n°/m?x0.40m x 1.05 waste Cement Sand Ditto but one side rourhly dressed & left for pointing Basaltic stone 1494m9/m9x0.40m x 1.05 waate Mortar ~ 0348 ym9 x 0.40a x 1,05 waste cement Sand Burnt brick walls for uuper structure 120mm thick burnt brick wall bedded in cement lime mortar 1:2:9 both sides left for plastering Brick Mortar (with 15% wasve) Cement, Lime Sana Ditto, but 250mm thick Brick’ Mortar (with 15% waste) 0.5am9/m? 0.14m9/92 0. 292qts/m? 0.112m9/m? 0. 56m°/m? { 0.14m?/m? Q. do2qte/m> 0. 112mm? 87. 7pes/m= 0.026m9/m? 0.03tqts/m® 0.048qte/m* q 4g. 02m9/m2 118, 4pe3/m? 0.06209 /m® e eEoce ee a) b) e) a) e) ft) e) Type oF works Quant conor: E_1LOCK FOR FOUNDATION 150mm thick concrete hollow block foundation wall bedded {n cement mortar 1:4 Conerete hollow block = 12.$pea/m? Hortar ( 10m Joints + 5% wastage) = 0,0138m9/m? cemenc - 1/9? sand = o.01m8/n? Notte filed with concrete mortur_1is, = 0,08m°/m? Cement ~ = 0.199ts/m? sand = 0.0% ym? Ditto, but 200mm thick Conerete hollow biuck = 12. Spes/m* Mortar © 0.0184m/n? Cement * O,0Sqts/m? Sand = O.u1m/n? Hollows £111 with concrete mortar 1:3 = 011m? /m Cement © 0, 26ate/m* Sand = 0.0909 /m? Ditto, but 25umm thick Concrete Hollow block = 12.Spen/m™ Norter + 0,02310°/m? Coment + 0.06qte/n? Sand = 0.02m7/m? Hollow Filled With Concrete Mortar 1:5 = 014m 9/m? Cement = 0, 33qts/m? Sand = 0.1203 /n® .07qts/m? ©) Cement - €) Lime = O.11g¢8/m? e) Sand = 0,05m"/m® 9) Ditto, but 150mm vntore 4) Hollow concrete block . 12. 5pcee/m> b) Mortar (with 15% waste) = 0.0138m9/m® ©) Cement © 0.02qte/m* 4) Lime = 0,028qte/m? ©) Sand = o,01m?ym? 10) Ditto, but 200nm thick i 8) Hollow conerete block = 12.5pes/m? >) Mortar (with 15% weste) = 0,0184m9/m q ce) Cement = 0.027qta/m? 6) Lime = 0,027¢ts/m® f e) Suna ~ > 0.029 7m? 11) Ditto, but 250mm thick . #) Nollow conerete block = 12. 5pea/m® >) Mortar (with 15% waste) = 0,023m9/m? e) Cement = 0,042qt6/m? 4) Line = 0.042q¢t8/m* e) Sang = 0602709 /m?x0, 02 12. Natural stone Masonary for super structure 350mm thick trehytic stone wall bedded in cement mortar 1:4 one side loft for plunctering & one side dressed and left for pointings: Tractytic stone 0. 90m" fm 1.920 /m? x 4. 45x1. 08m waste ment_mortar 3 j 3 pq? mx 0.35x1.08 waste = 0,10m9/m ~ . 0. 28qts/m? = 0.60m9/m4 _for pointing Ditto, but dressed ¢ Trachytic stone 1.33m9/m? x O.3qm x1.10 waote = 0.529 /m* Cement Mortar = 0.1003 /m? c. e64nb/_2 3? | G.264n°/m? x 38 x 1.05 waste = 0.10m9/n' cement = 0,28qts/m? Sand rr 0.08m3/m? Line Mortar 112 = 4,26qts/m* Lime = 0.90m°/m? Sand Cenent Lime Mortar 1:1:6 = 2,21@ts/n? coment Lime = 1.73qte/m? Sund = 1,08m9/m? Cement LimeMorter 1:4:9 = 1.47 qts/m> cement Line = 2.3tqts/n® Send = 1.08m%/n* ement Mortar 1 ement b) Sand = 8.82qts/m® = 0.72m°/m 5. Cement Mortar } a) Cement = S.88qts/m? bd) Sand = 0.96m2/m* 6. Cement Mortur a) Cement = 4.41gts/m? H ~ bv) Sand = 1,08m8/m> 7. Cement Mortar | 3.83qts/m* a) Cement: b) Send = 1ism?/n? 9 8 Cement Mortar 1:5 a) Cement = 2.94qt6/m? = 1.20n9/m? b) Sane 9%. Cement Mortar 1:6 a) Cement = 2.S2qute/n® - bd) Sand 2 1. 23m8/i0% 10. Cement Pumice Light weipht screed 1:6 a) Cement = 2.82qte/m® b) Pumice © 1,2am9/m> 11, Ditto but 1:8 ad Cement | 1,96ate/m> bd) Pumtee 8ym> ee eee i ae a) b) eo) a) 13, «) bd) ©) two _coate of plaster in cement 14m mortar 1:2:9 (13mm plaster 1:2:9) 6mm thickness for irregukation in wal] wall 10% weste) morter (with 10% warce) +e 0.021m4/m* cenent = 0,03qta/m? Lime = 0.1027 /n? Sund = 0.02m"/m? Tyo coats of pluster First cout in cement morter 1:9 1Gmm thiek:- 6mm irrepulatitions in wall + 10% waste 0. 01609 /m® = 0,08¢t8/m* = 002m /n® hortar (with 10% waste) Coment Send Second coat cement lime mortar 1 ortar = 0.006697? Cement, = O.0tats/m® Lime = 0.0tgts/m® Sand = 0.01m?/m? aro three couts of plaster cement Uae mortar J 19mm thick plaster 1:2:9 x 6mm thickness for irregularities in wall x 10% waste Mortar = 6,.0033m°/m® Lime = 0,02qts/m? Bm? Sand = 0,003m"/m and _sereed 1:3:- Gian thickness ynm_thieck cement for irregularities Sx waste - Morter = 0,038m°/m* Cement = 0,168qts/m* rl sana + 0,041m8/n? | = 1.Sits/m* Cement grout Ditro, but 40am thick = 0,048a°/m? Horta Cement = O.2L2qte/e Sand . 0. 052mm? Cenent grout i:t = 1,81to/m? A SARE tet a a a mh. 17. Ditto, but 30mm thick 1:4 PLEO, but 30mm thick 1:4 2 a) Mortar = 0,036m3/m 2 b) Cement = 0.134gts/m’ ©) Sena + 0,044m9/in® @) Cement grout 4:1 = 1.81ts/m? 7 18. tto_ bub a) Morter * 0,059m9/m? ©) cement = 0,208qt8/m? ©) Sand = 0,068m°/m? Cement grout = 1,82t8/m? 38. Average S0nm thick light weight sereeding in cement pumice Sareed 1:6 to poor slab | saree 1:6 to roof slab ‘Snm thick cement pumice screed 1:6 « 6nm thickness for irregularities in slab + 5% waste, Mortar = 0.084m9/m? Cement 260Kg/m? = 0,138qta/m™ Pumtee 918kg/m° = 0,067m8/m? | (Snm thick cement screed for smooth in surface « 5% weete) yortar = 0,0083m°/m® Cement » 0.001aqts/m? i | Sona = e.0007m a? Cement grout 1:1 = 1.502t8/m? | Ditto put 100mm( thick 9Smm thick) 1:6 t hortar = 0.1068°/n? if Cement = 0.267qts/m* j | Furtce = O.121m*/m? | Sma thick cement screeds:0 | Nortar = 0,0083m9/m? comeny = 0.0139te/m? | Pumtee = 0,007m9/m? | Cenent grout 1: = Les2ts/m? k it One coat of Tylorean Type Rendéring in cement Ling Hortar iii: 6-with cement soipen e oee Morter = 0.008m°/m? i | Cement = 0,01 8qt8/m? | Lime = 0,014gte/m® ' Suna = 0,009m3/m? 4 | . fin bi BN Jha, on Freer y oo 3 a) ry) ce) 23. a) a) b) °) a) ° 2 a) b) Pointing Of Burns Bricks Well with Cement Mortor 1:3 Senent Mortar 1:9 with 15% Woste Joints 10mm nortar = 0,008m° in? Cement = Ve0Ldqute/m? Sand = 0,00am5/m? Fointing Of Fair Fuced Concrete Block Wall With Cement Morter 1:3 Mith Cement Norter 1:3 ; Cement mortar 1:3 = 18% waste = 0,002m°/ i? cement = 0.0iqts/n® Send = 0.002 fn? Pointing Of Uressed Stone Masonry Wall with Cement Mortur 1:2 : a) 2 Cement Mortar « 15% waste = 0,0085m Ym Cement = 0.024qts/m? Sand = 6.00697 /m? 15x75mm_ cement cond 1:3 skirting Finished,snooth with steel trouver Cement sand screed 1:5 + 6m thickness for irregulortcier in beds + 5% waste - 1: Linear Cement = 0,001 77m Sand = 0,007 qt9/mt 20nn thick terraxo flooring in cement mortur chipoinga Screed 1:3 sees Sane Screee 128 + Gm thickness for irrepulargeige n floor beds + 5% waste = 0.002709 /m Cement + 0.0119qts/m? Sand = 6.290% /m §x180x150nm yluzed ceramic wall tiles bedded in cement SAIS: ites bedded tn cenent Mortar 1:3 —— Ceramic ties (with 2% waste) = 45.apes/in? Mortar For bedding (with 10% waste) = 0,021m9/m? Cement, 0.049qte/m® i Sand = 6.01209 /m* i Cement grout for potnting with 20% waste = 0,00123/m? Disto, but 7 x 73 x 1459 Qeramte Wall Thien ; Cerende wall tile (with 2% waste) =, 06.4pee/m® Mortar for bedding (with 10X waste) = Gon rn? 4) Sand €) Sand On Above 3. Ditto, vut 7x50x10umm cement wall tiles TSR ESh DUE 2ZxSOx1 Uunm cement wall tiles #) Cement Tiles (with ox waste) >» 204.0pca/m® >} Sume as above = 0.0123 /m2 ~ 012m 3 /m? = 0.012m%/m? ‘+ Geramte Tle Skirting In 7e73x145nm thes bedded = 7. 24p0/m2 4) Ceraunde Tiles (with $% waste) ») Mortar 1:3 for bedding + 10% was ©) Cement ®) Sana = 7.24pee/m) 3 = 0.001m°/m = U.04qts/mi = 0.001m7/mi 20x209x200 terror tLe (cement tie) Flooring Nedded In Cement creed 1:3 ®) Terrezo Tile (cement TL1e) flooring 2% waotes 28. 5pes/n* ») 20mm thick bedding screed (with 10% weste) = O.022M°/m2 ~ ©) Cenent = 0,097qt6/m@ 4) Sand = 0.024m3/in? ©) Cement. grovt for pointing (with 20% waste) = 0.001m/m? 1) Polish + 0.04ke/m? | 20x100x200mm Terrazo Tile (cement Screed 1:3 tile) skirting bedding coment a) Terrazo Tile (cement tile) skirting (with 5% wate) + 5. 3pee/q1 = 01001 me /n? * O.01kg/n® = 9. C05qte/mi = 0.001m8/m 7. 20nm thick morbie stote flooriny bedded in cement: Morble step nw aS Siete flooriny bedded in cement a) ») Mortar for bedding (with 10% waste) @ ©) Polish 4) venient €) send Marble slate with waste = 1.02m?/n? ») 200m thick bedding screed 1:2 410% waste = 1.002m9/m? ©) Cenent 2 = 0,097qt8/m 4) Sang = 0,024m°/m? ©) Cenent grout for pointing with 20% waste 0.001m%/m? 1) perssk * 0.04k¢/m? S L827nm mare) skirting pedded tn coment mortas 1:3 4) Marble Slate (with 5x waste) = 1,05m/m1 >) Mortur for bedding (with 10x wante) “= 0.001m9/me ©) Cement + 0,004qt6/m2 Sand = 0.001m9/m2 2 ®) b) ec) 10. b) ade a) b) 12. a) b) ec) 13, a) >) 2x200x200mm plastic tiles Plastic(with, 2% wastage) = 28.5pes/m™ Adhesive including waste = 0.4011 te/m® Polishing : = 0.40k¢/m? Sno thick pennel_wolra yood parquet: Wotra wood (with 3¥ waste) = 1.03m7/m® Mastic Including waste = 2.66kg/m* mm thick Debre Berhen Cospet Flooring Woolen carpet (with 3% waste) = 1,030? /m? Adhesive Including waste = 0.401 t8/m* 1Sx100nm Terrazo Skirting In white Cement Merble Chipping Sereed 1:3 Terrazo Screed +-6mm thickness for irregularities = 0,002m°/m1 inbase + 5% waste. . Cment grout 1:2 = 0.111ts/ml - Polish = O.01ke/ml + Wooden Skirting In tid Wood Fiexed On To Walls:— 15x60nm Tid Wood fixed ‘on th walls = 1,100/m2 Fixed + 5% waste = O.1pee/a2 Wooden Flooring Boarding = 110m? /m? Nadis = 0.6ke/n® Floor Joint (e/¢ vem) = 2.20m/n* Nails For Floor Joint = 0.14 g/10? 2 Coats Of Plastic Compuleion To Plasterer Surface Priming coat = 0.101¢68/m? Finishing coat = 0,081 ts/in® Ditto, but 3 couts:- Priming coat = 0.101ts/m* Under coat = 0.081ts/m? Finishing coat = 0,071t8/m? 2_coats of plastic Envision Paint To Wooden Wal) Surfece:- Priming coat = 0.101te/m? Finishing Coat = 0,081te/m? Ditto, byt 3 coats:~ ne Priming coat = 0,081ts/m = 0,081 te/m? Under coat > = 0,071 t5/m Finishing Priming coat i * 0.101 ts/m? Finishing coat = 0.081 ts/m? 2 Costs 0 Varnish Pi = 0.082 t8/n® © U.08Lts/m* = 0.071 ta/m® = 0,0061ts/m* inst coat Second coat Finishing coat knotting One coat Of Cement Paint To Smooth Plastered Surtace:~ One coat of cement paint to smooth plastered surface cement paint with fine sund = 6.0kg/m? * ‘coats Of Plantie emvtation Paint To Vooden(chtp Wood}ete Surface: Priming coat = 0.081te8/m Under coat = 0,081t8/n" Finsihing coat = 0,071 te/m 2 Gora Of O41 Paint To Wooden Skirting Girth Not Exceeding 100mm Priming end finishing coat = 0.0921 ts/m? 2 coats Of Varnish Paint wooden floor surtuce:- Priming coat 7 = 0,081 ts/m? Finiening coat = 0,081t8/m? knotting = 0.0061 ta/m® 2 coats Of Varnish Paint To Wooden Skirting Girth Not Exceeding 100n: knotting = 0.00141ts/m> Priming coat = 0.0121 to/m® Finishing Coat = O,012ite/m? 2. Coat of Plustic Enullsion Paints To Plustere Ceiling Surfec, Priming coat = 0.101¢8/m? Under coat = 0,081ts/m? Finishing coat = 0,071 t8/m* 13. ®) b) e) a) e) 14, a) d) e) 2 coats Of Hard Glass 01) Paint (Enamel To Wooden Door Surtace:~ Priming coat Under coat Finishing coat knotting Putey = 0.181ts/m? = O.1a1te/m? = O.121ts/m® = 0.1181 ts/m* = 0.00031 ts/m* A. coats Of Hard Glass O11 Peint (Enamel To Wooden Pro Ports Of The Windows Priming Coat Under coat Finishing Coat = 0.152t8/m* = 0.191 ta/a = 0.121 te/mé a ASck sire. 3 IYPR OF work VANTTET: TYPE OF woRK QuaNnTtrEs FENCE WORK 100x100mm over #11 length 2400mm fence post wood sank in to concrete base + 5% vaste 4)> Strut to 2400mm fence post >) Barbed wite fencing +2% waste ce) Fixing clips +5%'waste HARD CORING, 20cm thick basaltic stones hard coreing:~ 2) Basaltic Stone 0.20m x 1.15 decrease and waste 0,28m x 1,15 0 4 woo * 1.05pes/No.3 * 1,02m/m1 = O.S2pes/mi 0.239 /m% = 0. 26m8/m? Coarse gravel filling for hard core to a fintshea thickness of i5em. “) Coarse gravél 0.15 decrease andwuste 0.1 7m? /m? ROOF_woRk 8 = 1.25m? 2 = 4.2p08/m = 0.46m7/m) = 4&.30pes/m) 28 guage rooting sheet bd) Fixers with plastic washere + 5% vaste 400mm wide 28 guage roof ridge bd) Fixers +5% waste £00nm wide roof valley covers in 28 guage eheet + 5% waste bd) Fixers + 5% waste eaves gutter 100x100mm! (Girth 4) 0.5mm gar. fase: = 0.57m?/m2 = 4.30pes/m1 not exceeding 400mm) steel sheet +5% waste (0. 42m?/mi x 4.12k¢/m2) b) 3 x 20mm 1-400mm steel e) Fixers Sarr aste = 0. 20k¢/m} 0. 02kg/mi brackers + 5% w, 28mm band tron of 7 meter Jen, /Soint take 1.20 meter/foint 0 744 xa ath wetght/ke O.17ke/ Joint 26mm bend tron wetght/kg/15m1 Take 1.20 neter/Joine 1:20m2_x 2 0,08kg/Joint 15m. tan thick steel sheet weight 7.85kg/n2 Inm Aluminum sheet weight 2.75kg/m2 inn thick galvanized tron sheet whight,0.381/kg/m? Angle tron 7.09kg/m) of enn thick ~ MBAR ARSE. 2eSEk Edm PFolBobBA Mo ints Agta RAINS. Re eh HY b) Ceiling work t= - Battens = em nati ~ i6pes/n* = Chipwood « 4em nails - 80pes per PC of ehipwood of 25 pen per 2 mi c) Beans (Pim works) 6cm nails 60pes IML izem nails 6-8pes LML (Stiffending) 1) Gazlon of paint #4 kilograms neers band tron 1 " = | liter = 0.2200 gallon 16pes for band tron (6cm nails) 2YPE OF _worK Supply & instull #100mm concrete pipe layed on a leyeled buso and joints covered in 100mm wide bitumentes folt stripe. 4) P1U0mm C.P 48% waste b) Bituminous felt strip 100mm wide 8% waste 100mm concrete ring ispection pit on a levelled ground with joints filled in cement mortar 1:2 including R.C cover ond connections for inst. 4) $300mm concrete ring (1-1000nm) +5% waste ») Concrete for cover 1:4 c) Kortur for joints d) Reinforcement Ditto, but f4oumm a) Same as above v) Concrete fin civer 1:4 c) Same a6 above 4) Same as ubove Supply and {nstall #100mm conerete pipe in Trenohes layed on a sand bed with Jointe Filled in cement mortar 1:2 9) $100mm C.P +5% waste b) Mortar 1.2 of Joint HAtto, but 150mm a) #150ma C.P +5% waste b) Morter 1:2 for joints Ditto, but p15Umm ©) #150mm C.P +5% b) Mortar 1:2 for joints Ditto, but ps2vume 8) 9300nm C.P 45% waste >) Mortar 1:2 for joints Ditto, but g4vomm 0) #400mm C.P 45% waste ») Mortar 1:2 for joints Ditto, but 450cnm 4) 500mm CP. +5% b) Mortur 1:2 for joints QUANITITES 1.05m/m O.13a/m 1, 08pes/no 0.020m/No. 6.005m°/Ko 1kg/ tne 0.am9/2 1.03n/m 3 0. 002m°/m 1.05ni/m 0..003n9/m 1.03n/m 0.004n°/m 1,.05m/m 0. 006n°/m 1.05m/m a 0, 008m°/m 1.05a/n 0..010n9/m ITEM TYPE OF work QuanrrrrEs 10. Ditto, but gsm a) $600mm C.P + 5% weste = 1.05m/m b) Mortar for Joint = 0,013m9/a 11, Ditto, bus $900mm a) 800mm C.P +5% waste = 1,08m/m b) Mortar 1:2 for joint = 0,017m°/m 12. Ditto, dut_ $1000mn a) $1000mm C.P +5% waste = 1505n/m b) Mortar 1:2 for joints = 0.18n°/m 33. Supply and install 6100mm conerete pipe surounded with send layer under ground Slab with Joints Cilled in coment mortar i Es] a) $100mm C.P 45% waste - 1.050/m b) Mortar 1:2 for joint = 0.002m’ fm ¢) Sand surroundings = 0,14m9/m | 14, Ditto, but $150mm . | a) P150mm C.P +5% waste = 1.05m/m \ b) Mortar 1:2 for joints + 0,003m/m | ¢) Sand surroundings = 0.14m9/m 18. Ditto, put g200me @) $200mn C.P 45% waste «= 1.05m9/n b) Mortar 112 for Jointa = 0,004m°/m ¢) Send surroundings = 0618mn9/in | fe ‘ K Roofing Nails « ike = 105pex Rooting Nails = pkts = akes = 315 _ Plastic wusher = ipkt « 20Qpe8 ASump tion 8) Roof works:- ~ Roofing Nails « l4pes per C.I.8 ~ Purline = Bem Natls (8pc/m1) = Truss = 10 or 120m Natle=20<35 pes per truss. an cl ot TYPE OF work TYPE OF WORK QUANTTIESES for screeded bases :~ Bituminious water ~ for floors:= Bituminous Water = Prootin, 8) One coat of bitument emulaion for d) One ply of gluse tibdr memberean 1 ©) Bstument emulsion tor memdedding (2x.78ke/m® + 8% waste) 4) Sealing couts + 5% waste Ditto, promer + 5% waste = 0. 32ky/m? 8% overlap waste « 1.15m3/q2 = 1.58ke/n? = O.79kg/n? but two plies of glass fiber mémbreena:- 2) Same as above >) Two plies glass fibdr membrane + 15% over lap and waste = 2.30m?/m? ©) Bitunent emulation tor embeddin & (4x0. 78ke/m®) + S¥ waste = 316k /m? = 0.79k e702 d) Sealing coata+ 5% waste Bi tuntnous Rooftn, Eituuinous Roofing: 4) One coat of bit vment emulsion promer +5% waste * ») One ply of glass river membrane + § lapping and waste = 0.32kg/m? % for over © 118m? /m? c) Bitument emulsion for embedding (4 layers x 0.75Ky/m* + 5% vaste @ Rofelecting fintah (2 coats x 0.15ke/m2)a5y waste Ditto But two plies of glass fibre membrane:- nee ino _pites of glass fibre membrane a) Same as above 1 Skg/m> = 0.32k¢/m? 8) Two plies glase ribme membrane + 5% for over lapping end wes and waste +s 2.307 /m? «75kx/m®) © 4.75kg/07 | = O.92ke/m* c) Bitument emulation for embedding (651ayersxo, +5% waste Reflecting flutsh ( 2 coatsx0.1sKg/m?)x6% waste sophale batumen tor 2.5kg/m* ant 2.00kg/m? 2nd | 1.00ke/m? Pd 5.5 TYPE OF worx Bitumtous water proofing for walla:- Bituutous water profing for plastered wal) #) One caat for bitumen emulsion for promer QUANTITIES +5% wante = 0.32kp/m2 b) One ply of ¥lass fiber memberane + 5% waste « ©) Sealing cocte + 5% waste 9) Attument eguision ror embedding AU. 78ku/n") 450% waste PAtte, dus two plies of phags fiber membrean + #) See an edove b) Two plies Blass fibre membereane +1E® overlap + waste c) Bitument emulasion for embedding (4x0. 78ke/m) + 59 a) Scaling coats . 5% waste BLtuninoud emp-protriny floorar- Pune proofing for proune sixb (sereedec base) 8) One coat or bitument emulsion for Proner cont + 5% wuste bE One coat of not bktument in to ground sla +8% waste c) Heating wes Ditto, but two conts of hot bituments:= 4) Bame as above D) Hot bitumen (20 coats x/m? waste ©) Heating gos Dump proofing on screeded bane:- #) One coat of bitunent-omuleson for trimer +58 waste b)One coat of the Nitument emulation layer ¢ +5% waste HARto, Bus two core of pttument enutpton:= 4) Sune as above >) Pitument emutston (2 couty x 6. 75ke/m? 15% waste 161802 /m? 2 0. 79ke/m 4. 50K¢/n? 2.30m7/m? Re 15kg/m? O.79ke/m2 O.42kp/m? 1. 50ky/n? 0.03 0.42ke/m7 0.A1 kg/m? 061 0kg/m? Ov42katn® 0.79k¢/n? TYPE _OF WORK QUANTITIES Bituminious damp proofing walls: Dituminious damp proofing to plastered well surface #) One coat bituminous emulaston for promer = 0.42kg/m? +5% waste b) One coat of hot bitumen + 5% waste = 1,58kg/m? c) Heating gas Ditto, but 2 ceats of hot bitumen:~ 4) Same as above = 0,42kg/m? = 3.15kg/m? ~ 0.10Kg/m? b) Two coats of hot bitumen + waste c) Heating gas Damp proofing course under walls, widthnot exégeding 25cm a) One oat of bitument em ulston for promer = Owtlkg/ml = 0.40kg/m1 * 0,013ke/m1 Dump=proofdng: for plastered wall surtace:- razr a) Oneioat of bitumen emulaion for promer eh 50% waste = 0.42kg/m? b) One cot of bitument emulsion + waste = 0,79ke/n® Ditto, but two coats of bitunent emulnion:- TR MO coats of pitument emulsion a) Same:as above ») Two coats of bitument emulsion + waste = 1.88kg/m? TYPE OF WORK QUANTITIES 1, 50x1S0mm 2igbe wood ground floor Joint on peates + 10% waste = 1.10m/ind 2. a) Naile ~ 0,07ke/m1 2, S0x1U0mm zigbe wood stud (poles) + 10% waste = 1, 10m/m2 26x150mm zivba wood lower & upper coard s in trusses +108 waste = 1.10mn/m b) Netis = 0.10K¢/m2 S0x10Umm zigba wood dingonal & vertical trusses +1U% waste = 1. 20m/m2 b) Natis = O.10ke/m) 5. S0x10Umm ziyba wood referas 10x waste = 1.10m/m2 b) Matis >» 1,10n/m 6. $0x1UGmm ziyba wood purline = 1210m/mr bd) Nails = O.07kg/m1 7,/°80 eucalyptus woou lower & upper cord in trusees +15% woste bd Nails = 1.15m/m1 ¢) Fixing bands = 0.12ke/m2 #60ma.cucalyptus wood diagonals & vertical in trusses +15% waste 2 1.18m/m2 b) Natis = 0. 04K 52/1 ) Fixing bands = 0.1 2k g/mL b) Ketls = G.07Ks:/m1 &) Fixing bends © 0,06ke/m1 10. 87Umm eucalypcus wood purline +15¥ waste = 0.15n/#L b) Notas _ = 0.40k¢/m1 a c) Fixing bend = 0,06k4/m1 11, 30x70mm zigbu wood battens for wooden wall frames +10% waste = 1610n/m2 b) Nats 0. 7Uke/m1 12, Plened 1 sawn TLd wood fascta board, barge board +10% waste = O1,10m/m1 b) Cal, Natle = 0,03kg/molar Spea/ml 19, 50xSOmm zigbe wood buttens for chipwood ceiling +10% waste = 1,10m/m1 b) Nets = 0,08/m we 0/ 23 14, 18x4Omm planed wood fillets +10% waste - b) Gal. Nate . . with 10m open joints 7 conceris: i 16. 9 coate of hurd gluss ofl paint to steel parts of the window (window rea measured one side) a) Priming coat b) Under coat ¢) Finishing cout 17. SB coats of varnish paint to wooden door surface a) Kontting b) Priminy, coat c) Under cout d) Finishing coat 18. 3 coats of varnish paint to wooden parts of the windovs:+ (window oreu measured in one side) a) Knotting b) Priming coat c) Under coat 4) ‘Finishing coat . 197% 2 cout of plastic emulsion paint to wooden barbe board and soffit boarding:~ a) Priming coat b) Finishing coat 20<_3 coats of paint (cmamel)to galvanized steel sheet eaves putter size 150x150 (girth 400nm) = a) Priming coat ” b) Under coat . c) Finishing coat 7 eut down pipe size 100x100mm (girth) 400:~ a) Priming sh bd) Under cout = c) Finishing coat = 25,7 Flat agpestos aneet chip wood, and on +5% wasteye per m®_area for wall covering. Chip wood, hard board, soft board flat asbestos sheet & so on +5% wastage per m® area for ceiling covering. a) mm thick gloss + 10% wastage per m® area. b) Putty 0.50ke/m* area. , sutabietoonlaietoase: ©.10m1/m1 0, 01kg/m) 1, 20m1/m2 G,071ts/m? 6.061 ta/m® 0.061 ts/m™ o.o1aits/m? 0.191 ts/n® o.12Le8/m? 2 i212) t0/m o.a8a.ts/m* 0.011 ts/m® 0. 4a1t0/n? o.121ts/n® 0.121 t6/m? c.0111ts/m* 0.092 ts/m™ 0,0381ts/ml 0.0a1ts /ad 0,041 ts/m1 0,031 ts/m. coats of of) paint (enamel) to galvanized steel 0,032 ts/ind 0,041 ts/m1 0,031 ts/ml = eT ~p Saesnoget e(0 suewstsey 1(¢ uose 1(8 oq Aed | —- saeancqet ¢ 200¥t se up uosex C2 vorua 2 arora | oz Tt | sueanoae vio aosor | vt set aueqstssy 2(q POTTTAS ete uswoouezuyey svesnoany 62 (4 ease 1% use POTTINS He azasouog | +s st ! sxonogs7 2(0 | a ue 62 we soausdawo/sey 1(q seatadiea(e wzon-usos | +p t — saeanogey ¥(9 guce ez wr usseu/assy T(a uose cauliy ”, roe Asuosen | +e gwoor | sesoa - za voreenons |e | 9 3ue;sTssv(p vr teanoge1(o 9 snogeT POTTERS(G a 1 | - Pry Surssouseuace | vorapsttraod | *t — i t elloot avafanca | aqvotua eae | ava/anog | au a7oNIe ¥ | 4a0R Aae3 08 ott wuon | az aaaagn unoav1 stuvacy }—— bss i al ALIATLOV dO FdAL wzLT AGVOIUE UFd FNOT XEOM 40 UeidOwY | MAYO Yad NOILONGOUd JO ZLvE een Aine I. 2 0) t e sod dane tel po polfieeerecrae sasmnoge] 2(> 5 usrorasosta/ssy Tq wepozesootz tte | tworasoetg | sgt uot 6% 2 sesnoaey 2(q . soauediey T(e sez00u | +pr t Tp — 200% t tow seznoaet 2(4 | ie setz8T9 te sorzet | er —~ + semnoce7 1¢4 or guise seruyeg tee sozureg | +21 Tle fava uedayg { | Sueanoqet 2(o 1 3 > | sede sequntd/esy 1(G s| sequatg 1(8 Aaegzuss | ‘or +— — Paaanoget z(2 woe oe ae "38eTd/sev Tq Seaeaserd t(e seasetg fo sava/anod zavores usd sava/auoa agua atogns | siuvagy [08 4 Mau ox on 80m NT azaReN wage a ie haar jsuyoiea usd aNod xuON so Lino | mauO UIE NOTLOVACONd 4O aLvE Rite 5 tc Standard Box Sizes + ETHIOPIAN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY STANDARD CONCRETE MIX PER SOKG_ CEMENT 40 x 50x 18cm 40 x 50x 20cm Sand. 0. 48m c-7 = 150ke/m* 3 Gravel = 0,72n° Submitted BY:= Minimum S2ump 30mm Muxtmum Slump 60mm CONCRETE NUMBER & SIZE : ONCRETE | MATERIALS aren Nores Li L. c.8 Sand 4-10x50x20 216 < Crushed Ager: | 6-40x50x20 124 Water 6oL 5A Sand S-40x50x18 211.53" cio:2:40 | Crushed Ager. | 6-10-50x18 222"1. 0610 Water 50L Sand 2-40x50x20 208.45 15.280 |Water 40L 3 Crushed. Ager. | 4-40x50x20 +16,.90m Send 2-40x50x20 +08, 52m3 20-320 |Crushed Ager. | 3-40x50x20 112.778 ’ Water a4. Sand 3-40x50x16 c28~260 |crushed Ager. | s-4ox50x18 voter wiL uy rer 3 Sand 2-40x50x16 +08.56n9 cs0-4v0 |crusned Ager. | 3-40x50x16 $10. 80m" ater 291 aan ee a Pe tenes Approved By The volume of wat given {s for surf. ace dry aggregate: actual volume will be smaller The depending on water conter of ti aggregates. A ment should based on su Concrete gra: & C30 requires pict the djuet- be mac mp de C2 class II work man- ship, i.e mix vibrators & fied super v: ond, queli- sore oe: % Celling batten - 1pc/n* = C1 pes in? = 8en naile 12pes/m* = poyjeded tron-covers = 28m* ~ Animal glue -tkg-tor sm* = Cofling #f11lets Ipes ~4mi cover/n* IUSA gallon-4ml.0.8 3254 in gallon =" Timp gation-1+2 USA gatton = Putty 0.25ke/m* L/M/M thick gdass-1. tu) including 10% wastage as Manm thick glass-1.10n" int motuding Lox waeteus @) ona thick chipwood 1,08n7/n® tnciuding $# wastene = H.c.8 production = Cenent + 0.02qts/m® of UCL = Sand = 0 oad /n? = Fine = 0.14m8/m™ Bicuminiovs denp-prooting for floor = U.42ks/a" HOB bituninious on top of ground elad 15% 1.58ke/n* 1 pes if tron work Nails for from wor! Ben nails een For purlin © Som naiis-pes/mt us. “For euceaptus this! 10cm nails 20. 25pes/truss one Log of 1.5mm tron wire inx50m1 = "J" nooks for asbestos sheet 9-10pes shect =) 16mm band iron-15mi/ké - P/reservative ofl= 0.P yallon truss = omn iron wire 60en/stérrup or 0.Skg/m® of concrete = Roofing nails per zig: - Wire mesh 1 rool = 2&mi - Barbed wire 1 rool, 2UvmL - Unalls Sky yu" nalis weight 1B - 480pes - ipkt of "U" nails 5x480= 2400pcs gum thick clear glass 130x120cem a truss of 15cm double braced 126pcs/truss 1 case Gps 2 1 case 36m peem thick iteht wetght concrete ' mortar « 0.16m°/m cement = 0.40aqute/s Sand purie ~O.18m wi 4e8 ACTUAL WOR) DESCRIPTION TO BE EXECU: Excavation 0.75-1m° Ov5-0.75m>| Back £111 (loose volume " wf 1am? 1.5<3m? Curtaway o 7 15-3m° ae5m> . Hard Coring lmas+2L " 6-10m 12-15m? Nasonry (B.G.L) " "J os-im? [2.2152 | Masonry (A.G.L) | " "1 0.5-0.75 [1.00-2,an? Form Work 1. Boum B.G.L leep-2b "Tse? 10-20m? 2. Footing * . " 10-20m? i 3. Beam A.G.L » " “ 10-25m? | C\ 9 | netntorcenene 1. Bending & cutting | a1 - ar | | rgteasat firqteage 2. Erecting at -1or | "| roge-20qt |rsqe-2sqt 9 | Concrete work Beam B.G.L Slab (Ground Floor) Tie beam above om Slab above 2m Column up to 2m Column above 2in to | Befeke Double Wall im + 2b " Single Wall in Hollow Block i Dovuble Wall 1m + aL « | eas 2 = an? {! Size Wall i al 3- 6m? S- Bm? q 12 | Pinstentng i 18e Coat IP + 2L 1 -15sm? 16 = 24m? anda Coat IP + 2b r 2 ~4m? Be 6n? ghd Coat IP + 2b ” 5 ~7m? 8 -10m? L tL | | Node ts NON AN Ml = any pesonzrrron| cace [orm | MOR. | ActuAL von Booting 1, Truss (Ground) ieape2L | iday | 2.9 truss} 4-6 trusses 2. Truse erecting 2eup+8t "| a-0teuss} 15-20 * a. Purline ceape4l |" | s0-100m1 | 200-300m1 4. Corr-1ron. Sheet supren |" | 10-18shea] 20-35 eneds 5. asbestos leap+2L |" 1U=18 sheds Fusele Board aeapezL | «| 1o-15m. | 20-35m2 Gutser a ground work Aplumb+ " 26-301 Gutter (Ficing) * r £0-70m1. GFlvoring Cement screed dmas+2L «| stom? 18+20n? Plastic Tiles “ » { 15e20n? | 26-30n? Ceramte Tiles parque ” "| serom® — | 15-25m? Wall ‘Tiling tmasezt |” | 7.5-9m® ‘f 10-20n7 window O12 Precast Window ¢i11 (marble ete) 1mas+2L La § -1001 8-15m) Un precast window ci11 | imassen | | 3 ~5m. 2-35m1 Door & Window Hevel door astiieds2L "| 1 -pes2 Metal Wéndow " « [a -2pe8 " | wood Door " « | 2-apes | -5pee Wood Window " " 1 -3pce ‘| 2 -4pes Door List teareit «| 15-39m1 | 40-85m2 Window Handle teare2L |" | 6-13pc8 -15 Door keys icerett " | S-1opes | e@ -15 20 | ciwzing cucting Peapr2l 50-100? Fixing leaperL | 18 -20m? = wal + tren | pesertparro0N | cace [rime | ,,¥OR) [actuaL vor 4 ax. | porurmna H.C.B. painting ipse2t | ta day} 10-15? 15-350" Brick painting tptea | 5-8n? 10-20m° Masonary painting " " 3-6n? 9-15m* 22. { POINTING Plastic painting ApterL 10-15 10-20 1. Cetiing (abujats) aptin} of 10-18 16-20 ceiling (concrete) ” " 10-20 15-20 : Wall " «| 15-20 25-40 , 041 Painting wall " "| 15-20 20-20 HI : S. O11 Painting wall " ” 10-15 10-20 G.I pipe around Lpe + 2b 1o-15m1 + |) 20-30 a Fixtures (W.C wash basin bidie " " 1 -2pte 1 -4ats, ! os | ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Fixing conduites necean| | 40-75m2 50-10m1 Purling wires ” "| 30-50m1 50-75) Fixing Sockets,Switch fiz sib 1 " | iope-aope} aspes-65pc Distribution board te 42L{ | cement Coping (40-S0wide) " " a= Smi 5-10n1 ee; curb stone is ean] 5 -10mY g-2081 Pevement anven} 3 -5m? 5 -10n Fie ae al bi | ITEN a 2. 3. 4 € 6 a 8 9 10. ale 12. 13. 14, 15. 16 UNIT_PRICES DESCRIPTION EXCAVATION Excavation over site average 20cm Deep inordinary «++ Ditto but.on wat cluy and wet Black S041 - Excavation. for basement to depth not exceeding 150cm (ordinary) BOLL venseeeees Ditto but wet clay and wet black Soll. Ubxevation for foundation trench not exceeding 150cm depth(orinindary soil) Ditto but on wel cley wet black soft Exevation for foundation trench to a depth of 150cm byt not exceeding 300 (ordinary O11)).+e++ Ditto but on wet clay end wet black soil Exevation for foundation pits not exceeding 15Umm (ordinary) SOL] seeeeeee Ditto but wet clay and wet black BOLL eeeeeeee oo ndution pits to 2 depth of 150m but not exceeding sxeavation for fo 300em. (ordinary 50110... Ditto but on wet clay wet black soil ... Eveding excavated material . Exevation for basement in soft rock to a depth not exceeding 150cm Ditto bu t in hard crock. N_HOURS USED FOR CALCULATION MAN_ HOUR 1.12h/m?(Leboures) 1.9n/n? 4.8n/n" 6.6n/0° 10.5h/m° 3 10. 8h/m 14.7h/ a? 6.95h/m° 10. 8sh/m® 12h/n® 15. 9h/ 10? 1.9h/m? 15. 59nyn° 50.5h/n°

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