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Name: Shierine Kate Roy

MAJOR TOPIC: Math - Addition

Big Idea: Understanding addition as combining quantities to find a total.

At the end of the activity, the children will be able to:
1. Identify and represent addition problems.
2. Solve simple addition equations.
3. Apply addition skills in everyday situations.

Story: "Monster Math Picnic" by Grace Maccarone, Illustrated by Lynne Avril

Video Link:

Summary of the story: In "The Great Cookie Jar Mystery," Sammy the Squirrel discovers that his cookie jar is
missing cookies. He embarks on an adventure around the forest, encountering different animals who have
taken some cookies. As he gathers the cookies back, he counts them to find the total.


- Storybook: "The Great Cookie Jar Mystery"
- Counting manipulatives (e.g., beads, buttons)
- Whiteboard and markers

1. Read "The Great Cookie Jar Mystery" aloud, emphasizing the addition process as Sammy counts the
2. Use counting manipulatives to recreate scenes from the story. Have children count the cookies Sammy
collects as he travels through the forest.
3. Divide children into small groups and provide each group with a set of addition problems related to the
4. Will present everyday situations where addition is needed, such as sharing snacks or counting toys. Ask
children to solve these problems using addition.

1. Assess children's engagement and participation during the activity.
2. Evaluate children's ability to solve addition problems individually and in groups.
3. Assess how well children apply addition skills to real-life scenarios presented during the activity.

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