三版本U2課文對話閱讀 teacher

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康軒版 Unit 2-teacher

Reading Part
1. I took the medicine and didn’t drink any cold drinks. I put on a heavy coat even on a hot summer day.
(1) 「吃藥」→ take the medicine
中翻英:(a.)醫生告訴我要準時吃藥。The doctor told me to take the medicine on time.
(2) 第一個 drink→喝(v.);第二個 drink→飲料(n.)
(3) 「穿上(衣物)」→ put on +衣物;put+衣物+on;put + it/them +on
* wear 強調「平常穿著喜好」;put on 強調「穿上的動作」
*如果衣物用代名詞,只能使用 put it/them on
(a.) 即使在寒冷的冬天,我也穿上一件裙子。I put on a skirt even on a cold winter day.
(b.) 你的長褲在這裡,穿上它們。Here are your pants. Put them on.
2. Now, because of that, I am healthy again and can jump around like a monkey.
(1) 因為 → because +句子;because of +名詞
(a.) 我幫助 Ken 因為我們是好朋友。I help Ken because we are good friends.
(b.) 因為那場大雨,我今天早上上學遲到。Because of the heavy rain, I was late for school this morning.
(2) 健康的(a.) healthy;健康(n.) health
(a.) Larry 是一個健康的孩子。Larry is a healthy child.
(b.) 水果對你的健康有好處。Fruits are good for your health.
3. As for Scott, he didn’t see a doctor or take any medicine. (至於 Scott,他沒有去看醫生或服用任何藥物。)
(1) 「至於…;說到…」→ as for +名詞
中翻英:(a.) Jenny 很友善。至於 Ivy,沒人喜歡她。Jenny is friendly. As for Ivy, nobody likes her.
(2) 在肯定句中提到 2 個字或片語用 and;在否定句句中提到 2 個字或片語用 or。
中翻英:(a.) Sherry 沒有發燒也沒有喉嚨痛。Sherry doesn’t have a fever or sore throat.
語法測驗 BACD
1. The students weren't paying attention in class _________ the loud noises outside.
(A) with (B) because of (C) because (D) so
2. Henry didn’t do his math homework _______ clean his room
(A) or (B) and (C) still (D) for
3. Choose the correct one.
(A) It’s getting cold. Don’t forget to put in your gloves before you go outside.
(B) Here are your ties. Remember to put on them before you go to work.
(C) My mom asks me to put my raincoat on because it is raining outside.
(D) Tiana usually wear a blue T-shirt and pants for work.
4. Matt had a terrible toothache so the doctor told him not to eat the sweets. ________, he still had a lot of
candies and chocolates.
(A) So (B) Because (C) But (D) However
翰林版 Unit 2-teacher

Dialog & Reading Part

1. So when I heard about the club, I thought of you. (所以當我聽到這個社團時,我就想到了妳。)
2. Can I think about it and call you back? (我可以考慮一下再回電給你嗎?)
(1) hear about →「聽說;聽到」;hear →「在偶然的情況下,不經意地聽見。」
中翻英:(a.)我聽到一個奇怪的聲音。I heard a strange sound.
(b.)你有聽說那個消息嗎? Did you hear about that news?
(2) think of →「想到,想起」;think about →「考慮」;think →「思考;認為」
中翻英:(a.)我想不起你的名字。I can’t think of your name.
(b.)你能考慮一下我的計劃嗎? Can you think about my plan?
(c.)我認為你應該參加魔術社。I think (that) you should join the magic club.
3. I signed up for the water sports club after Shin told me about it. (在信跟我提了水上運動社後,我就報名了。)
4. Sign up here or at Ms. Jobs’s office. (在此處或親自至賈伯斯老師的辦公室報名。)
(1) sign up →「報名參加」 ;sing up for +報名事項。
中翻英:(a.)你報名那個比賽了嗎? Did you sign up for the game?
(b.)請記得在星期五前報名。Please remember to sign up before Friday.
5. Our lessons are not difficult at all, and our teachers teach in a fun way. (我們的課程一點都不難,且我們
(1) not…at all →「一點也不…」;Not at all. →「不客氣」(口語用法)
中翻英:(a.)我一點也不喜歡這個科目。I don’t like the subject at all.
(2) in a(n) +形容詞 way →「以…的方式」
中翻英:(a.)學生以一種新的方式來學習。Students learn in a new way.
1. Did you hand in your homework ________ you went to school this morning?
(A) before (B) when (C) so (D) after
2. What TV shows do you usually watch ____ you’re free?
(A) when (B) before (C) after (D) because
3. I saw a bird by the window when I ________ up this morning.
(A) waking (B) woke (C) wake (D) was waking
4. Did you _________ the accident? The truck driver hit the tree while he was driving on Ivy Road last night.
(A) listen to (B) listen (C) hear about (D) hear
5. When you __________ a farm you probably __________ a large space out in the country.
(A) think of (B) thought of (C) think about (D) thought about
6. Denise: Hi, Bonnie. Did you _________ any clubs?
Bonnie: Yeah. I joined the robot design club, and we had our first class yesterday.
(A) in (B) joined (C) sign up for (D) hold on
7. My teacher said to me, “You will lose only when you don’t try ___34.____. You might fail if you do
something, but you will never be successful if you don’t even try.”
(A) each other (B) thanks to (C) no wonder (D) at all
8. Our school celebrates Christmas ________ a special way. We often have a lot of fun on that day.
(A) in (B) on (C) for (D) with
南一版 Unit 2-teacher

Dialog & Reading Part

1. She was only 12 years old, but she got married to a 65-year-old man.(她年僅 12 歲,卻嫁給一個 65 歲的老人)
2. Millions of children under the age of eighteen get married without a choice.
(數百萬年紀低於 18 歲的孩童在毫無選擇的情況下結婚。)
(1) get/be married to +人→「娶/嫁某人」;married→(adj.)已婚的
翻:(a.) 我表哥 Peter 是一個已婚男子。My cousin, Peter, is a married man.
(b.) Debby 三年前嫁給一位工程師。Debby got/was married to an engineer three years ago.
(2) a 65-year-old man→「一位 65 歲的老人」,這種由一個字以上組成的形容詞叫「複合形容詞」
翻:四次的優勝者 a four-time winner 十頁的書 a ten-page book
(3) millions/thousands/hundreds of +複數名詞→「數以百萬/千/百計的」 eg. hundreds of people
數字+ million/thousand/hundred+複數名詞 →「幾百萬/千/百的」 eg. five hundred cars
 「數字」和「-s 與 of」是宿敵,二者無法同時出現,一次使用一種。
翻:世界上有數百萬的兒童無法上學。Millions of children around the world can’t go to school.
(4) under the age of →「幾歲以下的」;under the age of eighteen = under 18/eighteen
(5) without →「沒有」 翻:魚沒有水不能活。Fish can’t live without water.
3. I’m really curious about the ending of this story.(我真的很好奇這個故事的結局。)
(1) be curious about →「對…感到好奇」
翻:孩童對每一件事感到好奇。Children are curious about everything.
(2) the ending of the story →「這個故事的結局」 所有物 所有者
無生命的所有格:所有物+of+所有者 What are the seasons of the year?
1. Terry can't see anything _______ glasses. (A) under (B) over (C) with (D) without
2. Who did Melissa _______ married _______? (A) got; with (B) get; with (C) be; to (D) been; to
3. The news said that a _______ old woman was hit by a taxi last night.
(A) sixty-years-old (B) sixtieth-year-old (C) sixty-year-old (D) sixtieth-years-old
4. Covid-19 has made _______ people sick since 2019.
(A) million of (B) millions of (C) ten millions (D) ten millions of
5. Helen will invite ________ to her wedding.
(A) five hundred guests (B) four hundreds guests (C) two hundreds of guests (D) hundred of guests
6. In Taiwan, it is illegal(非法的) for children ______ the age of 18 to drive the car.
(A) with (B) under (C) for (D) at
1. Mandy is curious about the reason of their fight.(依底線造原問句) What is Mandy curious about?
2. 數百萬低於 18 歲的小女孩在無意願的情形下結婚。
___________ of little girls _____________eighteen years old ___________ married ___________ a will.
字彙測驗 CDA
1. David worked in a hotel at the __________ of twenty. (A) animal (B) actress (C) age (D) artwork
2. Ken: Bubble milk tea or black tea? What's your _____? Ella: Bubble milk tea, of course.
(A) corner (B) circle (C) carpet (D) choice
3. It’s too hot here. I can’t _______ it. I need to turn on the air conditioner.
(A) stand (B) guess (C) pick (D) share

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