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Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

Valley Campus, Pollachi Highway, Coimbatore – 641032

Year/ Semester: I/ II
Subject Code /Name: 22HE2071/ DESIGN THINKING
Answer all the Questions

1. Your company has recently developed a new smart band that monitors various health metrics
such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity. However, early feedback from a small
group of beta testers indicates that users find the interface confusing and the data presentation
overwhelming. The company is concerned about these usability issues and wants to ensure that
the product is user-friendly before the official launch.

Using the design thinking approach, outline a plan to address the usability issues of the smart
band. Your plan should include the following steps:

 Empathize
 Define
 Ideate
 Prototype
 Test

1. Describe specific actions you would take at each stage.
2. Mention any tools, techniques, or methods you would use.
3. Consider how you would involve the users throughout the process.

2. Explain in detail the tools and methods you would use at each stage of the design thinking
process to develop the online learning platform

3. What is meant by human centered design and elaborate with any two examples.

4. Define Empathy map and its use in design thinking? Discuss the process of empathy map.

5. Differentiate product innovation and process innovation.

6. Name the applications of design thinking and explain any two.

7. Explain any 3 design thinking tools with example.

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