222-Assignment-Group A01-06

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Course: Physical Chemistry 2 (CH2109) – 222

Group No: 222- CC01 -06

Report requirements:
- File name: Group No.
- File type: pdf
- No. of pages of the report (all) <= 10
- Font: Arial , 12 ; Alignment: Justify; Line spacing: 1.5 line
- Must consist of:
o Cover (including member info.)
o Content of questions
o Solutions
o Conclusions, comments about the group assignment
and the course
o Evidences of team-work activity (Plan, meeting

- Deadline of Submission: Sunday (30/04/2023) via BKel.

Report submitted after 23:59 of 30/04/2023 will not be
Question 1:
Using the following data of the adsorption of N 2 on solid X at -196 oC,
in which: x= P/P0: relative pressure, V: volume adsorbed cc (STP)/g:
- Plot the adsorption isotherm
- Calculate the specific surface area of the solid X.
- Comment on the SSA of solid X (in comparison to other common

X= P/P0 V (cc (STP)/g)

0.078 13.17
0.102 13.69
0.149 14.70
0.198 15.75
0.248 16.87
Question 2:

Search data from the Internet for the above battery and:

- Describe the composition of the battery

- Write half-reaction at the negative electrode of a cell in the battery
- Write half-reaction at the positive electrode of a cell in the battery
- Calculate the standard emf of a cell in the battery
- What can be the reason for the battery combustion?
Question 3:
Your company has two liquid streams available containing solutes that are
not profitably marketable at the present time. One stream contains an
aqueous solution of A. The second stream contains an aqueous solution of
species B. Species A can react either with species B or with itself according
to the following stoichiometric equations and rate expressions:

(a) At a specific temperature (T): k1= 0.01 (M-1.min-1), k2= 0.01 (M-1.min-1),
k3= 0.002 (M-0.5). When a 1L aqueous solution containing 1M of A
mixed quickly with a 1L aqueous solution containing 1M of B:
- Plot the concentration of V as a function of reaction time (up to 90%
A reacted)
- Plot the concentration of W as a function of reaction time (up to
90% A reacted)
(b)You have two beakers containing samples of the two streams and
desire to carry out a small-scale laboratory experiment in which you
maximize the formation of species V. In what manner should you
carry out this experiment; that is, in what order and at what rate would
you add each beaker of the reactants to an empty container?
(c) If the activation energies for the rate constants k1, k2, and k3 are 90,
40, and 50 kJ/mol, respectively, what additional statements can you
make regarding the operating temperature recommended for
maximizing production of species V?
Assume k 1=3 k 1=0.03
From Arrhenius equation:
k −E a 1
( )
ln = −
k R T2 T1

⟹ ( 1 1

T2 T1 )
=−1.015 ×10−4


( )
k1 −90 ×10 1 1 ' −1 −1
With k 1 :ln = − ⟹ k 1 =0.03 M min
0.01 8.314 T2 T1

8.314 ( T T )
k −40 ×10 1 1
2 ' −1 −1
With k : ln
2 = − ⟹ k =0.0163 M min 2
0.01 2 1


( T T )
k −50× 10 1
1 1 ' −0.5
With k : ln
3 = − ⟹ k =0.00368 M 3
0.002 8.314 2 1

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