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Contents Welcome! Review (Units 1-2) Unit 4 Review (Units 3-4) unit 5 Unit 6 Review (Units 5-6) Unit 7 Unit 8 Review (Units 7-8) Term 1 Test Family School Daily Activities Me and My Friend Time and Hobbies Places and Directions Pages 2-9 10-14 15-19 20-21 22-26 27-31 32 - 33 34-38 39 - 43 44-45 46 - 50 51-55 56 - 57 58 - 60 61-63 Welcome! Uessonil ET), |. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. engineer (n) /,end3z'n19/ dentist (n) /‘dentast/ engineer doctor (n) /‘dokta/ housewife (n) /‘hauswart/ teacher (n) /‘ti:tfe/ farmer (n) /‘fa:ma/ Il. Structure Unscramble the words to make sentences. OC is JC my J ( doctor -)( father J( a) My father is a doctor. ®@(_ cook )( is (mother J( a (mw i) @®(_ aunt )(housewife.)( my )( is J( a) ® (grandfather) ( an) ( is ) ( my }(_ engineer. } @({ my jf uncle } a ) ( dentist. } ( is | pm t”*S Met ay I. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. classroom (n) /‘kla:sru:m/ playground (n) /‘plergraund/ classroom canteen (n) /keen'ti:n/ library (n) /‘tanbrari/ IL Structure Look. Write. Where's Lan? She's in the classroom. Met oy |. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. lamp (n) /emp/ clock (n) /ktok/ lamp door (n) /da:/ rug (n) /rag/ window (n) /‘windao/ desk (n) /desk/ UL. Structure Look. Read. Write. Met I. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. cook (v) /kesk/ = watch TV (v phr) /wotf ,ti'vi:/ 4 cook n climb (v) /klazm/ read comics (v phr) /ri:d 'komiks/ {s 4 ny swim (V) /swim/ learn English (v phr) /ls:n ‘nghf/ IL. Structure Look. Write. What do you like doing? 7 Like swimming. Met oy |. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. ball (n) /bo:l/ ball ed yo-yo (n) /'jax jav/ j scooter (n) /'sku:te/ ze kite (n) /kant/ 2 4 g teddy (n) /'tedi/ Z doll (n) /dol/ ll. Structure Look. Write. How many cars are there? (10) There are ten cars. robot (n) /‘reubot/ bike (n) /oatk/ plane (n) /plein/ car (n) /ka:/ balloon (n) /bs'lu:n/ boat (n) /beot/ Bk ABER | Met ay Sson) I. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. football (n) /‘fotbo:/ ® football basketball (n) /'ba:skatbo:l/ ride a bike (v phr) /rard a bark/ sing a song (v phr) /sm 3 son/ badminton (n) /‘beedmintan/ make a cake (v phr) /merka keik/ ©, S play the piano (v phr) take a photo (v phr) [plex 6a pi'zenan/ [tetk a ‘favtav/ vat A L tennis (n) /'tenss/ fly kite (v phr) flare kert/ Ul. Structure Look. Write. Can you play the piano? A Yes, | can. oy 7] x) eed Brus x] v Vv} Met |. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. shirt (n) /fs:t/ sweater (n) /‘swete/ ¢ shirt Me trousers (n) /‘traozez/ scarf (n) /ska:f/ T-shirt (n) /'ti: fa:t/ long (adj) /lon/ shoes (n) /fu:z/ & short (adj) /fo:t/ a coat (n) /keut/ i big (adj) /org/ z dress (n) /dres/ i small (adj) /smo:l/ Il. Structure Look. Read. Write. ~ Tshirt, short, skirt, long ~~ «shirt old, shoes, new — 4 dress, old, shoes, big) ~ ~~ . My T-shirt is oy u short and my me nm | skirt is long. ‘i L J = et q T a Metta 1. Vocabulary Look. Point. Say. Write. milk (n) /malk/ | chicken (n) /‘tfrkin/ ie = milk a burger (n) /a ‘bs:ge/ @| Juice (rn) /dgu:s/ lemonade (n) /lema'nerd/ }@| a watermelon (n) /e ‘wotemelan/ I. Structure Look. Write. Bu i (7) Like a burger, a [x] but I don’t like chicken. N x x) v v | x |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) big brother (n) /,big 'brada/ big brother baby brother (n) / bexbi 'brado/ big sister (n) /,bg ‘sisto/ baby sister (n) /berbi‘ststa/ cousin (n) /‘kazen/ Il. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) Have you got any big sisters? Have you got any b. Look. Read. Write. Have you got any big sisters? [x] v No, | haven't. I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. 4% twenty-one (number) /,twenti'wan/ twenty-one @2) twenty-two (number) /,twenti’tu:/ @7 ‘twenty-seven (number) /,twenti'sevn/ @3) twenty-three (number) /,twenti'eri:/ twenty-eight (number) /twentiext/ twenty-four (number) /,twenti'fs:/ twenty-nine (number) /,twenti'namn/ @3) twenty-five (number) /,twenti'farv/ 60 (number) /'6s:ti/ Il. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) How old is How old is your uncle? your aunt? He's twenty-nine She's twenty-six years old. years old. y twenty-six (number) /,twenti'stks/ b. Look. Read. Write. How old is your father? E3) He's thirty years old. z 30 Uh |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) a worker (n) /2 'ws:ke/ a firefighter (n) /s 'farofarto/ a worker . > a police officer (n) an artist (n) /@ pa'li:s ofise/ /an'a:tst/ =) Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. &) What does your f races? | "She's an artist. What does your He's a police officer. ather do? b. Look. Read. Write. - eousin 9) = ----~ What does your cousin do? She's an artist. I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ©) curly hair (n phr) straight hair (n phr) /’ka:rli hee/ /‘strett heo/ es) 9) curly hair wavy hair (n phr) short hair (n phr) /'weri ,hea/ [fot hea/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. e) ‘Has your uncle got ary herd Yes, he has. Has your aunt got te ae No, she hasn't. b. Look. Read. Write. Has your aunt got wavy hair? No, she hasn't. &) aunt/ uncle/ wavy short mother/ cousin/ straight curly |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) good-looking (adj) slim (adj) 7,94 ‘lokin/ /slumn/ good-looking thin (adj) cute (adj) /8xn/ /kjut/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. i) What does your He's good-looking. Sacrey cok Ber He's got short hair, What does your baby sister look lke? She's cute. She's got wavy hain. b. Look. Read. Write. i baby brother cute_—short hair big sister slim curly hair What does your baby brother look like? He's cute. He’s got short hair. 4 aunt = thin = wavy hair A mother good-looking _ straight hair |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) pen (n) /pen/ crayon (n) /‘krexon/ pen ey ruler (/n) /‘ru:le/ - water bottle (n) /‘wa:ta ‘botl/ a>: ll. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. (7) b. Look. Write. This is Finn's schoolbag. < I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ) glue stick (n) /glu: strk/ pencil case (n) /"pensal_kers/ glue stick GPs notebook (n) /‘nectbok/ " sharpener (n) /‘fa:pana/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. (4) Whose glue stick is this? b. Look. Write. Whose glue stick is this? It's Bill’s. 2 I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. oF) music (n) /'mju:zrk/ geography (n) /d3i’ngrafi/ ay music ofa science (n) /'sarens/ history (n) /‘hrstari/ 4 of Il. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. 4) What subsects do youhave today? Ihave science and geography. sy @. eo @ 2 @- What subjects do you have today? i rt [have history, geography, and science. | | i it I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. iO Monday (n) /‘mandes/ Friday (n) /‘frardes/ ‘von Monda ‘a ohhh Tuesday (n) /'tfu:zder/ (or Saturday (Nn) /‘seetader/ rm Wednesday (n) /‘wenzdex/ aiataty Sunday (Nn) /‘sandexy Thursday (n) /'8s:2der/ TH IL. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) Rey When do you reer have maths ‘on Monday and Friday. b. Look. Read. Write. When do you have Vietnamese?__ | have Vietnamese on Monday and | Wednesday. ! ' ' I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ? have yoga class (v phr) [hav ‘javge ,kla:s/ have yoga class "go to the art club (v phr) | ['ge0 tu: 68 act kinb/ _ learn karate (v phr) /ls:n ka'ra:ti/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. © What do you do after school? ee 1g0 to the ee art club. b. Look. Write. What do you do after school? go to the art club. « iN I Vocabulary A. Look. Write. __baby sister _ sister B. Look. Do the crossword puzzle. Gas 7 Bown) fro Grammar yy al a firefighter have a yoga class water bottle iw] l@n. as > = ig Look. Circle the wrong option. Write the correct sentence. | Have you got any big brother? A 2 How does your father do? — He's an artist. A B B Have you got any big brothers? 4A; Who ruler is this? — B: It’s Harry's. c A 5 | have science and music in Tuesday and Friday. A B § 2 She's cute. She is got straight hair. A B c ( What do you do after school? — | have karate. A c Communication Read. Match. Write. Hi Dan: | Jake! og Jake: Hello, Dan. How are you today? HW Apotent | 2 Dan: I’m great. And you? }} ' i 2 Jake: I'm good. 2_______is your big brother? | Rare EO pan: Hes ‘twenty-eight years old. {ee | [4] | Jake: What does he 3 ? || D. wavy hair | . ; , \ S|] Pan: He's good-looking and slim. \\ & How ald Jake: Has he got short hair? | Dan: No, 4 . He’s got 5 __ Listening Listen and circle. @) | Has Jimmy got any cousins? a Yes, he has. —_b No, he hasn’t. 2. What does your big sister look like? a She's good-looking. b She's thin. 2 How old is your aunt? 213 years old. b 30 years old. Reading and Writing A. Read. Put a tick (Vv) or across (x). | Linh has got a baby brother. x 2 Linh’s big brother is 25 years old. ___ 3 He's a worker. 4. He's slim and has got short hair. 5 Linh and her brother play chess on Sunday. B. Write about yourself. 4 What subjects do you have today? a science, history, Vietnamese b science, geography, English 5 When do you have music? a Monday and Friday b Tuesday and Thursday My Big Brother (“2 Hi everyone. My name is Linh. This is a picture of my big brother. His name is Ding. He's 25 years old. He’s a firefighter. He's slim and good-looking. He’s got short hair. My brother and | play chess on Saturday. On Sunday, we learn karate. | love my big brother. What does your father do? ) [ What does your What subjects do you) {What do you do ae have on Monday? school? A mother look like? 7 |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. a quarter past (time exp) /2 ‘kwarta pa:st/ a quarter past @ half past (time exp) has pa:st/ / a quarter to (time exp) /2'kwotte tu/ o'clock (adv) J) /a'klok/ IL. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. #) , a It's eight o'clock. eae It'shale past eight. ee oe b. Look. Write. What time is it? It's seven o'clock. fi EM Cc mer a a re I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. #4) wake up (phr v) /,wetk ‘np/ get up (phr v) /,get ‘ap/ wake up wash my face (phr v) brush my teeth (phr v) /.wof max 'fers/ J bra mar 'ti:6/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) It's six o'clock. It's time to wake up. It's six o'clock. It's time to wake up. Ll |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. 4) go to school (v phr) do homework (v phr) /,g90 tu ‘sku:I/ / du: ‘haomws:k/ go to school Be go to bed (v phr) /,gavtu ‘bed/ Wy ge home (v phr) /,g2u heom/ 5 mr Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) What time do you €) go to school? i i) 1g to school at hale past six. What time do you go to school? [go to school at eight o'clock. I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) clean the house (v phr) water the plants (v phr) o /klin 62 'havs/ /,wo:te 62 ‘pla:nts/ clean the house cook meals (v phr) wash the dishes (v phr) /,kok ‘mral2/ /,wo 6a ‘daficz/ \ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) What can youdoto i Wes on 4 \ean dean yj b. Look. Write. What can you do to help your Oa family? - | can cook meals. EA) en sii |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) play ata friend's house (v phr) [plex at a ‘frendz haws/ play ata friend's house visit grandparents (v phr) / wiztt 'greenpearants/ go out with friends (v phr) | /,gau aut wid ‘frendz/ stay at home (v phr) B /'sterat 'haom/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @ What does your She goes out: sister do on with Priends. Saturdays? What does your y He stays brother do on at home. Sundays? b. Look. Read. Write. YS What does your aunt do on Sundays? She visits her grandparents. = PERE cs sme ac I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. #4 paint a picture (v phr) /pernt a ‘prktfa/ paint a picture ~ | check emails (v phr) Afek ‘i:mertz/ study English (v phr) /'stadi ‘mnghif/ | read messages (v phr) Of Mid ‘mesidsro/ as call IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. & What are you doing? b. Look. Write. ' What are you doing? | 'mstudying English. |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @* do the housework (v phr) /du: 83 ‘havsws:k/ do the housework vr , | play the guitar (v phr) a Aplet 3 gr'ta:/ walk the dog (v phr) ‘/wa:k 8a dog/ go shopping (v phr) | [920 ‘Jopmy/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) 1s Wendy doing Yes, she is. ‘the housework? ST No, he isn't. the guitar? b. Look. Write. Js Lucy going shopping? Yes, she is. x. @ Bryan | Susan i I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. #4 talkon the phone (vphr) drink hot chocolate (v phr) /to:k on 6a faun/ /drink hot 'tfoklat/ talk on the phone surf the Internet (v phr) eat seafood (v phr) /ss:f 6a ‘intanet/ Jit 'sicfurd/ IL. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) What is He's surfing Oscar doing? ‘the Internet, What is She's eatin, Gindy doing? aces b. Look. Write. What is Luke doing? B® He is eating seafood. a luke John S a) Tina Jenny |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) go skateboarding (vphr) play ball games (v phr) /gau ‘skertbo:dm/ /plet bo:| gexmz/ go skateboarding f ‘e go roller skating (v phr) watch television (v phr) Jax ‘raule skertrn/ /wotf ‘tebvrgn/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ¢) Are Tom and Extra going No, they roller skating? aren't. ‘Are they playing Nes trey, ball games? a b. Look. Read. Write. F ke Are Oscar and Chris playing ball games? Yes, they are. fom G4 a. rag) Wy Gitta I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. «) work in groups (v phr) take notes (v phr) Juekean grups/ /tetk navts/ 4a work in groups listen to the teacher (v phr) practise English (v phr) Pid (/'tsn ta 68 'ti:tfo/ £ 3 /preektas 'mngbtl/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. i) What ane they doing? g kai ~ “ ‘t Theyre working in groups. b. Look. Write. What are they doing? They're taking notes. : : Vocabulary A. Look and match. Get up ap ©4 ~©,. Clean the house @D pa in’? Go roller skating @D @D Read messages A quarter to Eat seafood @® B. Look. Write. © ® A ® ix ® (Water the plants») (walk ) Catt ) Ceeok © © : @ C surf ) Cray » fe (Work Grammar Circle the correct words and write. | __What time ___is__ it? What When does /(s) 2What you is / are doing / do 3 He to school . go | goes in / at a quarter to seven / a quarter past seven 4A What your uncle do do | does on /at Wednesday / Wednesdays are groups. She / They working / works — with / in & Extra and Oscar ? | : Do | Are going / go roller skating / skateboarding Communication Read. Match. Write. 1|D]| Cindy: 1 Good morning , Wendy! Wendy: Hi, Cindy! Cindy: What are you doing? 2\ | Wendy: 2 ?'m 2| | Cindy: Where's Tom? 3 4] cindy: 4 Wendy: At 8 o'clock. 5| | Cindy: Oh! It’s half past seven. 5 Wendy: Ok. Goodbye, Cindy. @ | Lucy goes to bed at half past nine. Listening Listen. Tick (v) Yes or No. 2 It’s a quarter past six, now. 3 Jenny is washing dishes. 4 Ben is working in groups with Jack in the classroom. 5 Sue studies English in her room on Sundays at nine o’clock. Reading and Writing A. Read. Put a tick (v) or across (x). | Phong gets up at six in the morning. 2 Phong goes to school at half past seven. He helps his mum wash the dishes after lunch. 4 Phong wakes up late on Saturdays. 5 On Sundays, he goes shopping with his parents. B. Write about yourself. What do you do on Sundays? I OW Oo (What can you do to | help your family? eA 0 ( \ / ____________ going shopping? Wendy: No, he’s practising English in his room. JE A. Is he B. It’s time to go C. brushing my teeth D, Geod-moring today? E, What time do you go to school Wendy! YES ) NO) Hello. I'm Phong. I'm 10 years old. I'm a student. | get up at 6 o'clock in the morning. | brush my teeth and wash my face. I oo to school at a quarter to seven. | finish school at a quarter past four. In the evening, help my mum wash the dishes after dinner. On Saturdays, | wake up late at nine o'clock. I visit grandparents and help my mum do the housework. On Sundays, | go shopping with my parents and watch television. | go to bed at half past ten. hat time do you get| ( What time do you | up in the morning? 0. L. . go to school? / Timetand, 1. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) January (n) /‘d3zenjueri/ April (n) /‘expral/ januaiy -s 3 : February (n) /‘februsri/ March (n) /ma:tf/ _ May (n) /mer/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. #4) It's Sanuary. b. Look. Write. What month is it now? MAY t's May. I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ©) July (n) /dgu'tax/ October (n) /ok'tavbe/ July. November (n) /new'vemba/ December (n) /dr'semba/ b. Look. Read. Write. When's your birthday? “ It’s in July. & July September December & August —— Timetand, |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) @ havea party (v phr) play board games (v phr) / heev a ‘pa:ti/ / ple 'bo:d germz/ — Ca get presents (v phr) dance (v) Pt /,get ‘prezants/ . [do:ns/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. would like to have a party. b. Look. Write. * pe i. po Co What would you like to do on your birthday? ~ | would like to dance. TD a0UG) I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) sunny (adj) /'sani/ sunny Ses WX Ss rainy (adj) /'resni/ snowy (adj) /'snevi/ NOY ae IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) cloudy (adj) /‘klasdi b. Look. Write. It's rainy. Timetand, |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ) play computer games (v phr) go fishing (v phr) = » /,pler kam'pju:te germz/ ¢ /,gav ‘fifin/ B23 play computer games go for a walk (v phr) play with toys (v phr) 1,990 fo: 9 ‘works /,plex w16 'tor2/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) Ws rainy today. — Let's play computer games, b. Look. Write. a Let's go for a walk. = it's sunny today. | | ‘Onnbl BlacesyAnd 1. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ®&) IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. Where do you live? & a’ b. Look. Read. Write. ' Where do you live? | Llive in Ha Nam Province. |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) noisy (adj) /nozi/ crowded (adj) /‘krasdid/ Il. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) Is your __/s your city crowded? Yes, it is. quiet beautiful BlacesyAnd I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) hospital (n) /‘hosprtal/ bus stop (n) /‘bas stop/ hotel (n) /hav'tel/ bank (n) /baenk/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) Excuse me! Excuse me! Is there a bus stop Is there a bank near here? near here? ‘Yes, there is. No, there isn't. b. Look. Write. 7 fi x Excuse me! Is there a hotel near here? Yes, it is. a. ———— N & PEAS LNG) |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) go straight (vphr) /,gau ‘strent/ l tur right (v phr) /tsin ‘rart/ go straight turn left (v phr) /ta:n ‘left/ I Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) How dol get to the hospital? Go straight and turn left. It’s next to the bus stop. b. Look. Write. How do | get to the hotel? — Go straight BlacesyAnd I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) stop (vn) /stop/ turn left (v phr) /,ts:n ‘left / stop do not turn right (v phr) do not enter (v phr) /du: not ts:n ‘rart/ /du: not 'entar/ IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) What does this sign mean? s g 16 means “stop”. b. Look. Write. What does this sign © ‘ | Itmeans “stop”. i ql Vocabulary A. Write letters (A, E, |, 0, U) to complete the words. 1 APR_L 2 B_NK 3T_WN 4 s_NNY 5 CL__DY © CR_WD_D- 7 J_N_ B V_LL_GE 4 F_BR__RY |0B__UTIF_L !| H_SP_T_L I2PR_V_NC_ B. Look. Cross out. Write. © ° ~ have play Grammar Unscramble the words to make the sentences. | today? / What's / like / weather / the What’s the weather like today? 21] friends. | would | dance | like / my / to / with 3 My/1/a/live/in/ and / village. / brother / small 4. My / October. / in / birthday / is 5 What / mean? / sign / does / that there / bus stop / Excuse me! / Is / near / a / here? Communication Read. Match. Write. | De] tise: 1 Hi, Hannah, How are you? | ~~ Hannah: Hello, Lisa. I’m fine. And you? A. cloudy [2D] tise: = 2 ___. You look so happy today. B. half past one | Hannah: Today is my 10" birthday. é [EL] bisa: Happy birthday, Lisa, —___ an ? D. I'm fine, too Hannah: | would like to go fishing. Lisa: 4 Look! It’s | Let’s go fishing. Lisa: | Hannah: Cool! What time do we go? 5 At Listening Listen. Match. {e A. go for a walk ® play board games © play w E. What would you like to do on your | birthday today. toys D goto dance class © have a party 1 January © 2 February OQ? May O 4 August CO 5 November Reading and Writing —— op A. Read. Put a tick (V) or a cross (x). | Nam lives in a city with his parents and grandparents. 2.Nam’s family lives in a small house. The city is noisy and crowded. 4 You can go to different kind of places in the city. 5 Nam and his friends play football at the park near Nam’s house. B. Write about yourself. When is your birthday? > v| My City Hi. 'm Nam. I'm 12 years old. | live with my parents and grandparents in a big house in a city. It is a crowded and busy place where everyone lives and works. In my city, you can go shopping and see different buildings like hospitals, schools, hotels and banks. On Saturdays, my friends and | play ball games at the park near my house. | like my city. What would you like to do on your birthday? -> Where do you live? -» How do you get to your school? -> |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @ fish (n) /Al/ duck (n) /dak/ fish sheep (n) /fi:p/ bear (n) /beo/ Ea : chicken (n) /'tftkin/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) What's your favourite ° ey b. Look. Write. Mike fish, What's your favourite animal? like sheep. |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) horses (n) /ho:siz/ monkeys (n) /‘mankiz/ f "= ff ‘SS parrots (n) /‘perats/ snails (rn) /snetlz/ ae ie dolphins (n) /‘dolfanz/ 3 ¢ e es 7 IL. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©) What can horses do? os t eM can run. ag b. Look. Read. Write. What can dolphins do? x They can swim. S “= »¢ —— |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) strong (adj) /stron/ fast (adj) /fa:st/ strong . f __ playful (adi) /‘plerfal/ colourful (adj) /'kalafal/ f “of slow (adj) /slao/ Ul. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) Why do you like bears? Because theyre b. Look. Read. Write. Why do you like snails? Because they're slow. aie fast |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) wt loud (adj) /lawd/ furry (adi) /‘fs:ri/ = loud « )) % so scary (adj) /'skeari/ lazy (adj) /‘lexzi/ + Sa messy (adj) /‘mesi/ s a I Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ) Qe Why don't you “3 like ducks? b. Look. Read. Write. Why don't you like snails? i Because they're lazy. aS lazy messy |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ”) yy tail (n) fen? x nose (n) /newe/ Ly tail ji 2 ear (rn) /a/ 4 wing (n) /win/ leg (n) Aeg/ * ¢ rr IL Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) My pet is a dog, It has got black ears Tell me about ‘and along tai your pet. b. Look. Write. Tell me about your pet. My pet is a cat. It has got a white nose, brown legs and a long tail. |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ¢) : this morning (time exp) last night (time exp) la) /,ots'moinin/ /,Ja:st 'naxt/ this morning aml cmp yesterday (adv) last weekend (time exp) /‘jestader/ / last wick'end/ L ssson J yesterday morning (time exp) /jestader ‘ma:nin/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ® How was the weather yesterday? 9 Q Lye b. Look. Read. Write. How was the weather last night? — It was rainy. x “aie Mets “Ge Ceo "| toy shop (n) /‘tor Jop/ swimming pool (n) /'swammn pu:l/ ll. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. *) was at the park last weekend. b. Look. Read. Write. we yesterday last night | was at the zoo yesterday. I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. i) café (1) /‘keefer/ __ restaurant (n) /‘restaront/ x bookshop (n) /‘bokfop/ s =. gym (n) /aszm/ supermarket (n) /'su:pamaciat/ Il. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. ©” Were you at. ‘the cate this morning? Yes, | was. No, | wasn't. b. Look. Read. Write. Were you at the supermarket fem yesterday? - Yes, | was. & v x [x] v in |. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. @) f airport (n) /‘espot/ girport, beach (n) /bitl/ museum (n) /mju:'zi:am/ circus (Nn) /'ss:kes/ stadium (n) /'stexdiom/ ll. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. €) Where were you yesterday? 1was at the stadium, = = b. Look. Read. Write. Where were you last weekend?, Iwas at the beach. im this morning I. Vocabulary Listen. Point. Say. Write. ®&) happy (adj) /‘heepi/ happy cers excited (adj) /rk'sartrd/ sad (adj) /seed/ angry (adj) /‘zenari/ z bored (adj) /bo:d/ I. Structure a. Listen and practise the structure. @) He de How were you yesterday? | was happy. b. Look. Read. Write. How were you last night? : ' es | was bored. | fg t SS Vocabulary A. Unscramble the letters and write the words. ® s|sie ae ae © olrit olriali tl) sie : a: B. Find the words in the wordsearch. fA Ri WTWBSYGJYEGCME J cinema FRSMBHYKDOTFYTRKV MO sae ouHMFSETALLZEEVOSE LuRoOKQCFrNRNS DUCK IF snails TewRoezectinNneEMANLMWEKO yesterday pxwxysRSFOZFSAKXEC duck coc LN H OK Xs C1 DIF Bt xo cotLouRFULZFENLUA excited 21 es yesTeERDAY TGS H 5 tail ceY 1REHX DDRWVLCCDB HDNXDODVMOHGPADLSAX colourful zoUuUleBMPXBKLNACHV NH furry Grammar Read and circle. 1 your favourite animal? 2 What parrots do? a What are b What = (©)What is a does b can ¢ would 3 ___ you at the stadium this morning? 4 My cat a white tail and two black ears. a Were b Was c Are ahave got b got ¢ has got 51 monkeys because they're furry. G My sister and I at the park yesterday a doesn’t like b don't like © am not morning. ais D were ¢ was Communication Read. Match. Write. [JB] Barry: 1 And, here __We are _at the zoo. Kelly: I’m so excited. Hey, look at the monkeys. Barry: Aren’t they loud? [21] ketty: 2 Yes, they are. and see the A. Why do you horses. ; like bears Barry: Can we see the bears first? They're my favourite rm animals at the zoo. “werare: V | Kelly: 3 C. because Barry: Because they’re strong like me. What's your D. for inviting me favourite animal, Kelly? E Let. [4 Kelly: 4 | like dolphins they're playful. 2 BEES 9 Barry: Oh look, Kelly! Those parrots are very colourful. [5 Kelly: 5 Yes, I’m so happy. Thank you to the zoo today. Listening Listen. Write. @) CHARLIE’S HORSE | The horse has got a brown tail ‘2 Horse’s name 3 Favourite food 4 Charlie likes horses 5 Charlie and his horse were at because they are yesterday morning Reading and Writing A. Read. Put a tick (V) or a cross (x). | Bella lives in a small village with her family. [¥ ‘2 She takes photos of trees and animals. 3 The camera was a present from her mum. 4 Bella was at the park last week to take photos. 5 She was quiet and excited. B. Write about yourself. What's your favourite animal? > Where were you last weekend? > Write about your favourite animal. > Bella goes bird watching My name is Bella. | live in a big village with my family. In my free time, | like to go for a long walk in the village and take photos of trees and animals. | like my camera because it’s a birthday present from my dad. Last weekend, | was at the park and took photos of colourful parrots. | was so excited and quiet when taking the photos. That was a great weekend. I. Listening Part 1: 4 questions (1 pt) Listen and draw lines to the correct pictures. There is one example. © Monday © Tuesday @ > Wednesday @ Thursday ® Friday Part 2: 4 questions (1 pt) Listen and tick (Y) the box. There is one example. © ge PART 3: 4 questions (1 pt) Read. Listen. Write no more than TWO WORDS and / or A NUMBER. There is one example. O What's his name? George | How old is he? a 2 What time does he wake up for school? 9 qs % What does George’s baby brother look like? — hair 4. What can George do to help family? wash Ul. Reading and Writing Part 1: 4 questions (1 pt) Look, read and circle A or B. There is one example. Example: 0 a firefighter 1a crayon 2 a notebook A ~ . = A & e Ga igneadmenases eB. Part 2: 4 questions (1 pt) Look, read and write Yes or No. There is one example. Example: 0 It’s a quarter to nine on Christmas night. —Yes__ | The man is watching television. —— 2 The woman is playing the piano. —— % Grandparents are playing board games. ee 4 The boy and girl are playing ball games. Part 3: 4 questions (2 pts) Read and match. There is one example. a ene ee f \ 0 What time is it? d Hea Non Rayer || Have you got any big sisters? ee | b It’s Lynda’s. ‘2 Has your mother got straight hair? a | cYes, she is. | 3 Whose sharpener is this? a | d ltstwelve-o'clock- 4 Is she walking the dog? —_ Wervestchelael — SSq_=_[3S Part 4: 3 questions (1.5 pts) Look. Write the words. There is one example. Olgo tothe a r t club. ag ( oe This is Barry's =. 4 _ | Sogo 30 (? My big brother is years old, _ SBOE 3 I learn __ __ on Sunday morning. _Geoge Part 5: 3 questions (1.5 pts) Look. Underline. Write the sentence. There is one example. O My big sister is twenty-five year old. My big sister is twenty-five years old. | Thave geography and history in Wednesday. 21s Chris and Noah practising English? 3 We visits our grandparents on Sundays. 1. Listening Part 1: 4 questions (1 pt) EE Listen and draw lines to the correct pictures. There is one example. © his © Oa ® ® Billy Part 2: 4 questions (1 pt) Listen and tick (/) the box. There is one example. PART 3: 4 questions (1 pt) Read. Listen. Write no more than TWO WORDS and / or A NUMBER. There is one example. 0 How old is Jimmy? eleven/11 | Where does Jimmy live? abig 2 What's Jimmy's favourite animal? Why doesn’t the woman like dolphins? —_because theyre 4 What does Jimmy's dog look like? big ears and a ll. Reading and Writing Part 1: 4 questions (1 pt) Look, read and circle A or B. There is one example. Example: 0 snowy Row ° 3 scary ee e aide. Part 2: 4 questions (1 pt) Look, read and write Yes or No. There is one example. Example: 0 There is a big red house in the farm. —Yes _ | Its a cloudy day. a ‘2 There are two horses next to the boy. _ 3 There are some parrots on the tree. —— 4 The chickens are flying. —_ Part 3: 4 questions (2 pts) Read and match. There is one example. | | | aG t the lt t Cwfennanna new Bf | eee rarer || What can snails do? ee) ierrecnena ‘2. Is there a bus stop near here? —_ (ence very happy. _ 2 How do | get to the hospital? —— | \ dre, itis. 4 How were you last night? —— | | e They can climb. \ —— = Part 4: 3 questions (1.5 pts) Look. Write the words. There is one example. | | woud like toget_o§ = - 85990505 J 2 Iwas at the yesterday. or ( 0 Do not tun le f t. OS thefch is . _B@5G0050G Part 5: 3 questions (1.5 pts) Look. Underline. Write the sentence. There is one example. O My birthday is at November. My birthday is in November. | I would like to do computer games on my birthday. 2 My uncle and my aunt was very excited this morning. 3 | live in Province Lam Déng with my family. Word class notes (n) danh tir a worker, February, sheep Ww verb dong tir swim, climb, cook (adj) adjective tinh tir thin, snowy, cute (adv) adverb trang tir yesterday (phrv) phrasal verb cum déng tir wake up, get up (vphr) verb phrase cumdéng tir go to bed, wash the dishes (time exp) time expression cum tif chi thi gian this morning , a quarter to number number 6 dém twenty-two, twenty-three noun phrase cum danh tit curly hair, short hair

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