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Date 14/6/2021

Time allowed :2 hrs

Final exam for first year students


Please answer the following questions: (25 marks)

(1) Choose the correct answer of the following
(1) The arterial pulse: -

a- Equals to pulse pressure

Indicates elasticity of arterial wall
b- Gives information's about heart rate -Both b and c are correct
(2) In the cardiac muscle excitability:
a) ARP is very short. b)ARP is very long.
c)RRP occupies systole. d)ARP occupied part of systole.
(3) The third heart sound is heard in the followings
a) Horse. b)Man. c) Cow. dSheep.
(4) All the following are true about ventricular fibrillation except:
a) Is an advanced case of atrial flutter? b)Fatal condition.
cVentricular muscle fibers contacts separate. d) ECG is irregular.
(5) All the following hormones inereases the heart rate except:
a) Adrenaline. b)Thyroxin. c)Norepinephrine. d)Histamine.
(6) All the following substance produces vasodilatation of coronary arteries
a)Histamine. b)T4. c)Vasopressin. d)Nitrites.
(7 The normal pulse pressure in man is:
a) 120 mmHg. b40 mmHg c)80 mmHg. d)70 mmHg.
(8) Mc Dwell's reflex:
a) ABP is increased due to increases right atrial pressure.
b) ABP is increased due to increases left atrial pressure.
c) ABP is decreased due to increases nght atrial pressure.
d) ABP is decreased due to increases left atrial pressure.
(9) Vagus tone is increases in:
a) Women more than men. b)Adults more than infants.
c)None athletes more than athletes. d)All of the above.
(10) Central chemoreceptors are stimulated by:
a) Excess Co2 in blood. b)Excess H+ ion concentration in blood.
c)High 02 tension in blood d)All of the above
is incorrect:-
(11) About baroreceptors, which of the following
a) Stimulated by low blood pressure.
b) Located in aortic arch.
c) Stimulated by hypertension.
d) Could stimulated by local outside pressure .

heart sound which is heard during cardiac cycle in the horse is

(12) The second
due to:
Sudden closure of both mitral and tricuspid valves.
b) Sudden opening of mitral and tricuspid valves
c) Sudden opening of aortic& pulmonary valves.
d) Sudden closure of semilunar valves.
membrane of neuron is about:
(13) Resting d.-90mV
b. -7 OmV C. -8 OmV
a. -50mV
All the following is the characters of air conducting part except:
A-Gas exchange. b)Has no gas exchange. c)Smell. d)Cough.
Respiratory part consists of all of the following except:
B-Alveolar ducts. C-Trachea. d-Air sac &alveoli.
A- Bronchioles.
16- The respiratory rate in horse is:
A-12. B-30. C-90. D-39.
17- All of the following mechanisms occurs in the chest during expiration except:
A- Relaxation of intercostal muscle. B-Collapse of the lungs.
c-Decreases of intrapulmonary pressure. d- Decreases intra-pleural pressure.
18-During expiration there is:
A- Decreases intrapulmonary pressure.
B- Increases of intrapulmonary pressure.
C- Increases of intra-pleural pressure. D- None of the above.
19- The negative intra-pleural pressure during normal inspiration equals:
D-(-30 mmHg).
20- All of the following factors decreases lung surfactant except:
A-Hyaline membrane disease.
B- Smoking.
C- After cardiac surgery.
D- Normal alveolar Type lI secretion.

Page 12
21-Functional residual capacity means:
A-Volume of air remaining in the lungs after normal expiration.
B-Volumeof air inspired after normal expiration.
C-Volume of air remain in the lung after opening the thoracic cavity.
after maximal inspiration.
D- Maximal volume of air expired by forced expiration
22 The Co2 tension in venous blood equals:
A- 100 mmHg
B-40 mmHg.
C- 46 mmHg.
D-80 mmHg.
23- The ventilation -perfusion is:
A- Normal one to minute.
between of the alveoli and pulmonary blood flow per
B- Ratio
C-It is about O.8 in
D- All of the above. the following cells except:
carbonic anhydrase enzyme present in all
24. The
A- Erythrocytes.
C-Oxyntic cells.
D- Renal tubules.
Anemic hypoxia is due to:
A- Pneumonia.
B- High altitude.
. Carbon monoxide poising.
D- Decreases blood flow.
26 The stimulus is
around the excitable tissue.
A Any change in the internal environment
B: Any change that induces response.

in the internal external environment around an excitable

C Any changes or

D None of the above.
27 Reobase is
A- Minimal response.
B- Minimal time below which no response takes place.
C Minimal strength below which no response takes place.
D-Maximal strength of current.
28 The ARP of the skeletal muscle is
A- Moderate time. B-Very short occupy latent period.
CVery long occupy contraction period. D None of the above.

Page I 3
29 All or None law is obeyed by:
A Single nerve fiber.
B-Single skeletal muscle fiber.
C-Cardiac muscle.
D-All of the above.
30 The dark bands is:
A A bands.
B-I bands.
CCentral region of Aband is H zone.

D-Both A & C.
( 2) Mark true o r false on the following: normal respiration
1- The diaphragm is responsible for expiration
broncho-constriction of air passage
2- Prostaglandins induce muscle
3- Potassium ions increase contractility ofcardiac
induced by sudden open of
4- The first heart sound rate
blood pressure is directly proportional to respiratory
5- Arterial
center is found in pons
6- Pneumotaxic alveoli
increase surface tension of
7- Surfactant could
acid during fatigue recovery
Skeletal muscle could metabolize lactic
8- m o v e m e n t of body parts

of skeletal muscle o c c u r during

9- Isotonic contraction muscle by active
could be stored in smooth endoplasmic reticulum of skeletal
10- Ca ions

pump on hear.
I1- The Beta I adrenergic receptor is present
ventricular systole.
12- In ECG QRS complex represents the
faster part in conduction in the heart.
13- Atrioventricular node is the
14- In repolarization there is potassium
ions influx.
increases in venous retum accelerates heart
15- In Bainbridge reflex,
16- P- wave in ECG is indicative for ventricular depolarization
heart rate of 75 beat/minute is 0.8 sec
17- The duration of cardiac cycle with a
18- Thrombosis in pulmonary artery manifested by local cyanosis
condition resulted from energy depletion from muscle
Rigor mortise is a
20- Ca ion share in depolarization of cardiac muscle
Best wishes
Prof. Dr. Nabil heakal
Prof. Dr. Y. ELSeady
Prof. of physiology
T me Allow ed: 2 1ours
Course Code (109 F)
1- Choose the correct answer of the following: (33 Marks )


muscle Chronaxie is:


a- The as cardiac muscle

same |b- The same as skeletal muscle
Longer than skeletal muscle d- All the above
3- m cardiac muscle excitability:

a- ARP is very short

ARP is very long
d- ARP occupies
part ofdiastole
c- RRP occupies systole

5- The arterial pulse: wall


of arterial
b- Indicates elasticity

a- Equals to pulse pressure Both b and c are

about heart rate results in:
c-Gives information's


6 ww. - anemia


T is essential for:

7- Troponin
b- Inhibits myosin
a- InhibitsF- actin
Binds to calcium d- Binds to tropomyosin & other 2 troponins

8- Regarding acetylcholine:
vesicles b- Itis synthesized in
cell body ofcholinergic
a-It is stored in granular cholinergic
nerve fiber in

mentioned are correct

destroyed by acetylcholine
c-It is means:
isoelectric line it
is above or below the
9 - W h e n the S-T segment
b- Vasodilatation
Coronary thrombosis

a- Hypertension
c- Atrial flutter pressure
there is: -

10-During expiration

in the

Decrease in the intrapulmonary above
None of the
Increase in the intra-pleural increased by:
The firing
a c t i o n potential of H' ion
c o n c e n t r a t i o n


a- Excess Co2 d- Hypotension


TUII| Except:
all the following
13- Vagus nerve produces Coronary Vasodilatation

d- Bile &
c- Pulmonary artery -

surfactant is composed
of all the following
14- The lung
a- Phospholipids
d- Proteins
15- The vagal tone iss -
a- Stimulatory impulses from CAC b- Inhibitory impulses from CAC
c-Stimulatory impulses from CIC Inhibitory impulses from CIC

D- O c *
I-which one of the following ehemical substances incereases contractity or cardiac

a- Potassium ions b-Acids

d- Acetylcholine
Cacum ons nlaronta t o

human equals
20-The volume of cardiac output in
b-70 ml of blood
a- 50 ml of blood
d- 120 ml of blood
-5000 ml ofblood

2-The Tidal volume means: -

Volume ofairinspired in each respiratory b- Maximum volume of air inspired in

cycle respiratory cycle
daximum volume of air expired in each | d- Volume of air
piratory cycle inspired or expir-
normal respiration
oumHW In case of cardiac muscle: -

a- The threshold stimulus

induces minimal b The minimal stimulus induces maximal
c- The sub minimal response
stimulus induces no
responseat all PBoth b &c are correct

25-The cerebral cortex effect of heart rate is:.

Conditioned reflex induces tachycardia b Unconditioned reflex inducestachycardia
c- Unconditioned reflex inducesbradycardia onditioned reflex induces either
or brady cardia

. 1e

ood.cali cali


28-Regarding acetylcholine:
a- It is stored in granular cholinergic vesicles b-It is synthesized in cell body of chou
nerve fiber in

c- It is destroyed by acetylcholine esterase mentioned are correct

10 1
32-The receptors that essential for regulation ofrespiration are present in:

Carotid bodies b-Carotid sinus

c-Medulla oblongata d- Hypothalamus

34- Blockers of muscarinic receptors
Parasympatholytic dru
b- Atropine &
Parasympathomimetic drug
a- Atropine & Nicotine
d- Atropine
ropine & Curare

35- The stroke
volume is:

blood plumbed by
Volume of
Volume of blood plumbed by ventricle/beat

ventricle/minute ml of blood
to 5000
d- Equals
4500 ml of
c- Equals to

bind about:
37-One gram of hemoglobin

b- 10 ml of oxygen
a- 5 ml ofoxygen

1.33 ml of oxygen d-14 ml of oxygen
9-The ventricular muscle beats at a rate of-

20 beats/ minute b- 100 beats/ minute

P5.40 bats minute d- 70 beats/ minute


(17 Marks)
I1- Mark the following statements True or False: -

2-The velocity of conduction in ty pe A nerve fibers is 50-100 meter/sec:


+In Bain bridge reflex, increases in venous return accelerates heart rate.
9- The Beta 1
adrenergic receptor is present on
10- In EcG QRS complex represents the ventricular systole

12-The total equal to 42 liters.

lung capacity in horse
in the
faster part in conduction
Atrioventricular node is the
14 * * * * ' * a n F o r

artorial hlood

surfactant leads to increases
the lung
17- Absence of the lung

18-Cortisol treatar
MAU IS the'enayu

20- In repolarization there is potassium ions influx.


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