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University of Southern Mindanao

College of Business, Development Economics and Management

Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

9th Local Marketing Wars

Cleverness, Adaptability, and Strategic Thinking


Local Marketing Wars is an annual flagship event organized by the University of

Southern Mindanao's Business Administration Department, designed to enhance the
competencies of marketing students within their field. The competition serves as a platform
for students to showcase their skills, creativity, and knowledge in various marketing-related
activities. The multifaceted nature of the event encompasses a range of competitions, each
uniquely contributing to the overall learning experience for participants.
The competitions of Local Marketing Wars include:
 Quizbowl
 Tri-Media Advertisement Competition
 Apprentice Pitch
 Carousel Advertisement
 Product Photography
 New Idea Wars
 Webpage Wars
 Product Demonstration

The winners of Local Marketing Wars earn the opportunity to advance to the Mindanao
Wide Marketing Wars, a higher-level competition hosted by the Federation of Junior
Marketing Association (FJMA). This progression not only adds prestige to the competition
but also provides a broader platform for participants to showcase their skills on a regional
Local Marketing Wars goes beyond traditional academic assessments by incorporating
practical, creative, and contemporary elements, preparing students for the dynamic and
multifaceted world of marketing. Through this event, the University of Southern Mindanao
aims to produce well-rounded and competent marketing professionals who can thrive in the
competitive industry landscape.
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

Local Marketing Wars Mechanics and Guidelines

General Mechanics for Marketing Wars

1. Only students from the University of Southern Mindanao, enrolled in Business
Administration are eligible to participate in the competitions.
2. Each competing teams/individuals should be affiliated with Junior Marketing
Executives Society (USM-JMES).
3. Participants or participating teams who fail to report within fifteen (15) minutes
after the final call shall be considered DISQUALIFIED for the said competition.
Such disqualification will likewise FORFEIT.
Violations – in the form of per event. An entry that violates:
a. Three (3) or more items in the event guidelines are automatically disqualified.
b. If One (1) or Two (2) violations, an entry will receive three (3) points deduction
from each of the judges' scores in that certain event.

4. Any form of cheating and fraud will be dealt with accordingly. Once caught the
entry will be disqualified.
In case of complaints, the complainant must write and address the concern to the
event head. Verbal complaints shall not be entertained by the organizing body.
Once addressed, the organizing body will call for Emergency Meeting and
resolve the said issue.
a. For follow-ups – the USM-JMES Vice President for Internal Affairs is the
officer duly designated to properly channel all queries and revert with the
5. Entries who failed to perform during their turn in the contest proper shall not be
allowed to perform / present except when technical errors occur.
6. Contestants are not allowed to bring any mobile phones, gadgets or any similar
items as such during the contest proper.
7. Official announcements / instructions made before and during the event should be
strictly followed.
8. The decision of the board of judges is final and irrevocable.


1. Quiz Bowl (5 representatives per section)
2. New Idea Wars (3 representatives per section)
3. Web Page Wars (3 representatives per section)
4. Tri media Ad Competition
a. Video Advertisement (3 representative per section)
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
b. Print Advertisement (3 representative per section)
c. Radio Advertisement (3 representative per section)
5. Apprentice Pitch (maximum of 3 representatives per section)
6. Product Photography (3 representatives per section)
7. Product Demonstration (3 representatives per section)
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society


1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section shall be represented by five (5) participants competing individually.
1. All participants must be at the venue Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
event proper. Late comers will be receiving a 0.5-point deduction for every One
(1) Minute from the total score.
2. The contest will be conducted in three (3) levels:
a. Easy, Moderate and Difficult round. A one-minute break will be observed in
between rounds for the student participants to recuperate.
3. Ten (10) questions will be asked per round.
4. Each correct answer in the:
a. Easy round shall be equivalent to one (1) point;
b. Moderate round shall be equivalent to three (3) points; and
c. Difficult round shall be equivalent to five (5) points.
5. Any student participant who is able to give the correct answer shall be given the
corresponding point.
6. Any student participant caught in any act of cheating such as looking over another
participant’s answer or any form of dishonesty shall automatically be disqualified.
7. In case of contestations, the answers of the student participant shall be recorded
and the score for the said question shall be suspended from being awarded until
resolved. All contests must be resolved before the round ends.
8. Easy and Moderate level will be in Multiple-choice format, while the difficult round
will be in Identification format.
9. Questions will be coming from Marketing Topics ONLY.
10. The JMES officers will be the one formulating the questions all based on the
reference book “Principles of Marketing” by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong.
11. USM-JMES will release the reference file 10 days before the event.

Event Proper:
1. The questions will be read twice and the participants are given 10 seconds to
answer for easy and moderate and 15 seconds for the difficult round.
2. The contestants can only answer the question after the Quiz Master says “GO” at
the end of the second reading.
3. Student participant will raise his/her answers when the timer stops.
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. The contest will be following a standard point-system.
a. Easy Round - 1 point
b. Moderate Round - 3 points
c. Difficult Round - 5 points
2. At the end of each round, scores will be added in total.
3. At the end of the contest, the participant with the highest cumulative score shall be
declared the Champion.
a. The next two highest scoring particupants shall be declared First and
Second Runners up respectively.
Tie Breaking System:
1. In case of a tie, a tie breaker question will be asked. The first team to render the
correct answer will be declared as the winner.
1. Participants should wear executive attire.
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section shall be represented by a maximum of 3 representatives.
3. The Official Product for this year’s Apprentice Pitch will be announced on the
event date and time.
1. All presenters must be at the venue Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
event proper. Late comers will be receiving a 0.5 deduction for every ten (10)
minutes late from the total score.
2. Participants will be provided time to prepare for his/her pitch.
3. Everyone will follow Philippine Standard Time.
Event Proper:

1. The Speaker shall proceed to the Center Stage. The speaker will be given
Three (3) Minutes to pitch.
2. After 2 minutes & 30 seconds, the YELLOW FLAG will be raised to signify that
he/she has to summarize his/her pitch.
3. Then a RED FLAG will be raised if the time is over
1. Participants should strictly wear a Business Attire.

Criteria for Judging:

Content 40%
Craftmanship 30%
Originality and Creativity 20%
Delivery 10%
Total 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration Program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section must only have One (1) Official Entry.
3. Each section shall be represented by a group composed of three (3) participants.
1. All participants must be at the venue Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
event proper. Late comers will be receiving a 0.5-point deduction for every One
(1) Minute from the total score.
2. Each group must create their own Media advertisement based on this year’s
company partner. (The company partner will be announced 10 days before the
3. Each section must submit only one (1) entry.
4. The entry will prepare a 30 – 40 seconds video advertisement. English language
will be used in their entry.
5. The video must not use / show explicit language and no disclaimers.
6. All entries (concept and execution) must be original and not copied from existing
7. Contestants must not use any existing video clips from other entries and insert it in
their 30 - 40 seconds material. Once the judges will notice that this is copied, the
entry will automatically be disqualified.
8. Elements of the video ad should be used for the final output.
9. All entries that will be submitted by the participants will be automatically the
property of the partnered company.
10. Video entries must not contain the logo or name of the school of the class section
and must remain completely anonymous.
11. The video format should be on .MP4 FORMAT
12. Everyone will follow Philippine Standard Time.
Event Proper:
1. The video will be shown on stage during the Video Advertising Competition. One
(1) representative will be given Thirty (30) seconds to discuss or explain the
concept of their entry.
Creativity 40%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
Content 30%
Technical Execution 30%
Total 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section must only have One (1) Official Entry.
3. Each section shall be represented by a group composed of Three (3) participants.
1. All participants must be at the venue Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
event proper. Late comers will be receiving a 0.5-point deduction for every One
(1) Minute from the total score.
2. Each group must create their own print advertisement based on this year’s
company partner.
3. Participants will be given Three (3) hours to create their output.
4. The print ad will be created manually on site / on the spot.
5. All materials will be provided except Laptop, Chargers, Adaptors, and Extension
6. Each section must submit only one (1) entry.
7. The layout will depend upon the participants. This will test the creativity of the
participants on how they will capture their market.
8. The layout should be in a poster size (18” x 24”).
9. Use of Internet connection is not allowed. Phones must be in airplane mode
10. Other gadgets such as computer drawing pads are not allowed.
11. The participant should also provide his/her own offline editing software.
12. The Ad should not contain negative messages.
13. Text or slogans used in the advertisement must be in English.
14. The submitted output must be an original / unpublished work.
15. The final output should not contain any school logo or name and must entirely be
16. Late submission of the final output and non-compliance of the art materials
indicated will be subjected to a 0.5-point deduction.
17. Each entry is required to bring or provide their own flash drive. Upon submitting
their final entry and flash drive, it would be the property of USM-JMES
18. The finished output should be in a .PNG FORMAT.
19. All entries that will be submitted by the participants will be automatically the
property of the partnered company.
20. Everyone will follow JMES Standard Time.
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
Event Proper:
1. The finished output will be submitted to the Event Coordinator through a flash
drive with the format: File Name: PrintAd-Name of SECTION
2. The finished output will be shown on stage during the Print Advertising. Judging will
be based on the output presented.
3. One (1) representative will be given One (1) minute to discuss or explain the
concept of their entry.
Attire: Business Attire
Creativity and Innovativeness 50%
Print Presentation 40%
Clarity ` 10%
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section must only have One (1) Official Entry.
3. Each section shall be represented by a group composed of Three (3) participants.
1. All participants must be at the venue Fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled
event proper. Late comers will be receiving a 0.5-point deduction for every One
(1) Minute from the total score.
2. Each group must create their own radio ad based on this year’s company
partner. (The company partner will be announced 10 days before the event.)
3. Each section must submit only one (1) entry.
4. The entry will prepare a 30 – 40 seconds radio advertisement. English
language will be used in their entry.
5. The audio must not use explicit language and no disclaimers.
6. All entries (concept and execution) must be original and not copied from
existing works.
7. Contestants must not use any existing audio clips from other entries and insert
it in their 30 - 40 seconds material. Once the judges will notice that this is
copied, the entry will automatically be disqualified.
8. Elements of the radio ad should be used for the final output.
9. ALL entries must not mention the name of the class section of the participants
and must remain completely anonymous
10. All entries that will be submitted by the participants will be automatically the
property of the partnered company.
11. Everyone will follow Philippine Standard Time.
Event Proper:
1. The audio will be played thrice (3) during the Radio Advertising Competition. It
will be played once (1) to the judges.
2. One (1) representative will be given Thirty (30) seconds to discuss or explain the
concept of their entry.


Creativity 40%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
Content 30%
Technical Execution 30%
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society

1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section must only have One (1) Official Entry.
3. Each section shall be represented by a group composed of Three (3) participants.
1. Number of participants per team – 3
2. The teams will be allowed to use the internet to create the Facebook page
3. The teams will be providing their own internet connection (pocket wifi or
4. The teams will be bringing their own gadgets (laptop, phone, ipad, tablet) and
extension cords.
Competition Details
1. Teams must create an FB page for the product assigned by the Organizers
2. The Page must only contain tools in Facebook.
3. The Page must have Visual/Illustrations and Written Content. Both aspects must
complement each other to deliver the objectives of the competition.
4. Teams will be given three (3) hour to compose and execute their concept. Judges
will check the Pages and rate the participating teams based on the criteria for
Criteria for Judging

Illustration/Visual Content 20%

Written/Verbal Content 20%
Synergy 30%
Technique and Grammar 20%
Overall Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society


Event Summary/Description
The Idea War is a battle of concepts presenting a multi-phase marketing
campaign. Each phase should be presented with logical flow and progressive in the
development of the campaign theme. The objective of this idea war is to challenge the
conceptualization process of marketing students/participants to plan and present a
concept or idea with the complexity of a multi-phase marketing campaign.
1. Participants must be 1st – 3rd Year taking up Business Administration program.
They should be Bona fide students of the University or College – Higher
Education Unit.
2. Each section must only have One (1) Official Entry.
3. Each section shall be represented by a group composed of Three (3) participants.
1. The team will be creating a new idea campaign.
2. The theme of the campaign will be announced 10 days before the event.
3. The campaign should focus on a target population.
4. The team must create a PowerPoint presentation to present their new idea
5. The presentation must include the 3 phases:
a. 1st Phase – Introduction, problem statements
b. 2nd Phase – Concept, planning the new idea campaign
c. 3rd Phase - Actualization, and proposed budget for the whole campaign
6. The conceptualization should be done prior to the event.
7. The participants will be defending their idea in front of the adjudicators
8. The presentation must be done in 10 minutes per team
9. Adjudicators are given up to 1 minute each to make inquiries (only the asking of
questions will be timed)


The IDEA: Its substantive content 40%
Delivery and answers to queries 30%
Logical progression of phases to the theme 20%
Organization and creativity of the PPT Presentation 10%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society


The Product Photography Competition is a vital platform where creativity

converges with marketing acumen. This competition not only celebrates the artistic
prowess of photography but also highlights the crucial role of effective marketing
through visually compelling imagery. Participants are challenged to extend the
boundaries of traditional product photography by capturing products in ways that
resonate with consumers. The focus includes individual and lifestyle shots of products
exclusively provided by the event's major sponsor.
1. A team must comprise three (3) members inclusive of all genders in the spectrum
Mechanics and Guidelines
1. Contestants should be at the contest venue thirty (30) minutes before the product
2. Contestants must bring their own camera and laptop (to process the images for post-
3. Contestants are challenged to submit two (2) individual shots and three (3) lifestyle
shots. Examples are shown in Table 1.
4. Each team will be provided with products by the event's major sponsor, to be
revealed during the event day.
5. There must be a total of five (5) image submissions, and the image ratio per image
category should be 9:16 and 1:1 ratio. To understand further, please refer to Table 1.2.
6. Submissions must not exceed 5 MB in file size or exceed an aspect ratio of
7. Contestants are given five (5) hours to take pictures and post-produce their shots.
8. Contestants are limited to shooting on the premises of University of Southern
Mindanao-Main Campus only. Failure to observe this guideline will automatically
disqualify the entry.
9. Contestants are allowed to take unlimited shots but will only need to submit five (5)
10. Thirty (30) minutes before the five-hour mark ends, the committee members may
begin collecting the entries.
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
11. Entries containing vulgar, obscene, and inappropriate language are strictly
prohibited. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
12. Entries that promote hate towards gender, race, religion, and political movements
are strictly prohibited. Doing so will automatically disqualify the entry.
13. Failure to follow the rules mentioned above will result in the deduction of points
earned by the participants.


Individual 1 9:16
1 1:1
Lifestyle 1 9:16
1 1:1


Creativity 30%
Product Representation 30%
Technical Excellence 20%
Overall Visual Impact 20%
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society


The Product Demonstration Contest aims to provide business and marketing

students with the opportunity to demonstrate their aptitude for innovation, creativity, and
effective presentation by selecting a commercially available, tangible product. The
teams shall showcase their chosen products, focusing on their market applicability while
striving to achieve the highest level of communication and product comprehension.
1. Each section can submit one team, comprised of 2-3 students.
Mechanics and Guidelines
1. Preparation Time: Teams will have 5 minutes to set up their demonstration area.
2. Demonstration Time: Each team will be given up to 5 minutes to present their product
demonstration. Teams exceeding the allotted time will incur a penalty of 1 point
deducted for every additional minute beyond the 5-minute limit.
3. Q&A Session: Judges will have 5 minutes to ask each team follow-up questions.
4. Product Selection: The USM-JMES organizers will give the product on April 12, 2024.
5. Teams must develop and prepare a demonstration for the chosen real product. The
product should be relevant to the business and marketing industry.
6. Teams are encouraged to bring visual aids, prototypes, and any materials necessary
for an effective demonstration.
Innovation & Creativity 30%
Market Relevance 25%
Presentation Skills 20%
Demonstrability 15%
Q&A Session
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society
TOTAL 100%
University of Southern Mindanao
College of Business, Development Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
Junior Marketing Executives Society


Marketing Excellence Award - will be awarded to the top performing section of Business
Administration who garnered a highest cumulative total
points from various competitions.

Rank Equivalent Points

Champion 10
First Runner-up 7
Second Runner-Up 5
Participation 3

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