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APRIL 11, 2024



We plan on releasing the PLP Aeolus field-testing system to the public on Tuesday April 16, 2024.

This product (sold as a service in 2024) is much different than traditional PLP products, although it targets existing customers in the electrical
utility market.

The objective of this document is to provide PLP Sales, Marketing and Engineering teams with information on how to promote the solution and
respond to client inquiries.

We invite all subsidiaries to contact the Aeolus team (contact info on last page) to obtain further information.

If you are not familiar with the Aeolus system, please consult this brochure and video first.

1. Aeolus background
2. Roll-out timeline
3. Target customers / Customers to date
4. Recommended sales process
5. Margin sharing
6. Contact information
PLP has been conducting overhead line vibration studies since the 1960’s and over the course of the last 60 years has
completed over 1000 vibration studies worldwide. The equipment PLP has used has evolved through the years starting
with the Ontario Hydro recorder (Figure 1) right through to the Pavica (Figure 2) and Sefag (Figure 3) versions. All
typically accepted within the OHL industry.

With the advance in wireless sensor technologies, PLP started working on a new concept of field instrument in 2012
and opened an R&D project in January 2017 to develop a modular monitoring system for the study of wind-induced
conductor motion.

The intended functionality of PLP’s system includes collection of ambient weather data, accelerometer data either in
span or at the structure, and bending strain data either in span or at the suspension clamp.

During this period, existing manufacturer of vibration monitors – Roctest and SEFAG – stopped selling their devices.
Other manufacturers, notably Sicame, are known to be developing their own conductor motion monitoring systems but
haven’t done a commercial release yet.

PLP performed its first installation of Aeolus prototypes in February 2023 in Nebraska, USA and in Norway. These first
installations highlighted issues with the system’s connectivity to the cloud and its power supply. Upgrades to these
two installations were completed in November 2023 and March 2024. These two systems have generated remotely
accessible data that provide unprecedented insight on conductor dynamics under natural winds.

With a 3rd successful installation just completed in Norway, a fourth one planned in May and multiple other projects in
preparation, PLP is proceeding with a commercial launch of the system. The Aeolus team targets 20 installations this
year, including 9 already completed or at the planning stage.

Our goal with this release is to get an early feedback from the market, in order to right-size our scaling plan for 2025.
Two key differences of Aeolus with respect to traditional PLP products are : its technological content, incorporating electronics and software ;
and its temporary nature. These differences respectively require and allow the product to be evolutive.

In 2023, the hardware components of Aeolus evolved rapidly following lessons learned from proof-of-concept installations.

In 2024, software improvements will be rolled-out throughout the year, with continuous updates to the web-platform and firmware updates in the
installed electronics.

In 2025, the Aeolus field-testing solution will be mature enough to be sold as a product with associated software and technical services. In 2025
and beyond, additional IoT solutions for the electric grid will be released, leveraging the Aeolus technology.

2023 2024 2025 2025+


Prototype hardware Production hardware Permanent monitoring Connected hardware

Installation by PLP Installation by PLP/Client Installation by Client Drone installation

Basic software Web platform IoT platform IoT solutions for utilities

Local data storage Live data in the cloud Edge computing / Satellite com Sensor networks

No charge installation PLP sells monitoring service PLP sells devices + software $US15M revenues by 2030

• The line engineer who’s dealing with an issue related to wind-induced conductor motion

• A utility who’s going on tender to procure a motion control system (damper, spacer, airflow spoiler)

• A utility who wants to be proactive to improve the reliability of a transmission line

• A utility working on an innovation project


Statnett, Norway
The utility went on tender for a vibration monitoring system to improve the vibration damping systems it uses on long fjord crossings with span
lengths up to 5 km. Two installations completed, two more planned in 2024.
The use of Aeolus was proposed, free of charge, as part of a vibration damper supply agreement. One 5-month study completed.
Scottish Power, UK
The utility was in communication with PLP regarding motion-control issues on a line. PLP presented Aeolus. A field-study, as part of a research
project, is being planned.
Newfoundland Power, Canada
The utility was in communication with PLP regarding hardware failures. PLP presented Aeolus. A request for proposals was issued by the utility
for the supply of a monitoring system. RFP underway.
Following field issues, utility contacted PLP to know if they offered galloping monitoring solutions. Introductory meeting with PLP US and Aeolus
team. Planning on-going with possible install Q3/Q4 2024.
Dominion Energy, USA
Utility reached out to PLP regarding galloping concerns and hardware solutions. PLP presented the Aeolus system. A meeting is planned with the
Aeolus team and the utility in the coming weeks.


• PLP receives an inquiry about Aeolus and/or monitoring capabilities

• PLP presents Aeolus sell sheet
• Use talking points
• New solution offered as a service ; pilot phase in 2024, full roll-out in 2025
• Customized solution based on customer need
• Ballpark cost $US15k to $US100k depending on scope
• Plan meeting with Aeolus team, local PLP and client
• Questionnaire from Aeolus team to clarify needs
• Aeolus team and local PLP prepare proposal. Margin sharing as per following slide. Local PLP sends proposal.

• PLP receives inquiry about motion control hardware (dampers, airflow spoilers, interphase spacers, etc.)
• PLP presents Aeolus sell sheet in addition to hardware solution proposal

• PLP is working on a tender including motion control products

• PLP offers Aeolus monitoring post-installation, possibly free-of-charge
• PLP contacts Aeolus team to confirm scope and costing
• Aeolus team transfer price to PLP subsidiary is cost + minimal margin (for financial compliance)

With all installations to date, the focus has been on validation of the system, without consideration to revenue generation.

As we start generating revenues in 2024, our proposed approach is to work with the subsidiary on establishing the sales price for the service,
based on our evolving understanding of the market value, and split the profit margin 50-50, with the understanding that in this pilot phase, costs
for the Aeolus team will be harder to predict than for traditional products.

We expect that with the market feedback collected in 2024, we will be in a position in 2025 to define a solid cost and pricing structure for the
Aeolus service (including recurring revenues generated with software and technical services).

We believe that this service can support other PLP sales, for example, if included as a low-cost or free-of-charge option as part of a large
hardware tender. The Aeolus team will support this use of the service by transfer-pricing near cost in those situations.

1 or more weather

*In most region, 1 weather

1 or more solar panels station is adequate. The ues
of multiple units will allow
generate additional
*In most region, 1 solar
information, such as wind
panel per system is
turbulence profiles.
sufficient. The photo shows
an installation in Norway,
with very low daily hours of
solar irradiation. In such 1 antennas array
regions, the use of a wind
turbine combined with solar
panels may be required.
1 data gateway

1 or more battery

*In most cases, 1 is enough

TYPICAL CONFIGURATIONS Accelerometer sensors

To measure aeolian
vibrations, a group of 2 or 3
tri-axial accelerometer
nodes will typically be
installed just outside the
damper (or group of
dampers) installed at one of
the span extremities.

Using a proven analytical

model, measurements from
this group of sensors can be
processed to establish the
antinode vibration amplitude
(i.e, fymax) and the damping
ratio of the span-end
damping arrangement.

In addition to
accelerometers, a
“traditional” bending
amplitude sensor is uses at
the suspension clamp (or at
damper / spacer clamps).

The bending amplitude

measurement at 3.5 in from
the clamp is a IEEE-
standardized indicator of
aeolian vibration severity.
Accelerometer sensors for high-amplitude


To monitor high-amplitude oscillations such as galloping of

wake-induced oscillations, accelerometer sensors nodes are
deployed at specific locations on the span. Sensors are
capable of transmitting data to the data gateway at distances
up to 500 m.


Jean-Philippe Paradis –
Contact point for Aeolus product presentations and project planning

Elhacene Matene –
Elhacene is responsible for the development of the Aeolus technology and is the primary point of contact for technical support related to
hardware and software

Martin Spayes –
Martin’s role is to facilitate communications between the Aeolus team, EMEA subsidiaries and clients. Martin is also involved in defining our
commercial strategy as we move forward.

Ken Akiki –
Ken plays the same role as Martin in the USA.

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