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Project: Udayan Care

Name: Surbhi Nagar
Course: B.COM(H)
Year of Study: 1ST YEAR
Local Address: Sector-58, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

1. Please mention the names of your Project Heads.

 Aastha Verma
 Parthivi Guglani
2. What has been your contribution as a volunteer towards your project in particular and NSS in
general? ‘

The very first day, when I was selected as a volunteer in NSS, I was overwhelmed, excited,
and a bit scared too. As it was my first achievement in college, I was so determined about it. I
wanted to take part in everything and anything. I finally got to know that it was not about
completing this or that hour. It was about learning together. I taught math to the students of
classes 5th and 6th. In return, I got their smiles and laughs, and I learned quite a few things.
NSS provided me with a platform to grow, share my knowledge, and connect with people. I
also participated in the NOOR hashtag-making competition and won the competition with the
hashtag "Noor-e-Inayat”. I worked as a Volunteer in Offline publicity of NOOR. And
because of that, I know how to interact with people, and how to engage them when
everything is boring or not going according to the plan. I also participated in the project
semester event which was held on the 14th of February which was about affection and care for
animals. It was like celebrating your Valentine's Day with kids. I was also selected as a
volunteer in Online Publicity of Nexus. I always completed my assigned tasks on time and
with efficiency.

3. Examine the role of NSS - its structure and activities - underlining your experiences as well.
From my perspective, the role of NSS is to contribute something positive to society and also
develop leadership, teamwork, and empathy skills in yourself.
 I learned how to prioritize my responsibilities. When I was working as a Volunteer in the
publicity team of NOOR, I had to stay late in college for practice. There was a time when
I had to choose between my regular visits and practice. I talked with my team head and
was able to do my both responsibilities.
 I am skilled at organising various tasks and issues. I handled volunteer work for
my project semester event, departmental fest, and Nexus responsibilities. and
always finished the tasks I was given on schedule.
 I know how to handle on spot situations
4. What do you think is the requirement of the Core Team in the working of NSS?
The following are the requirements of the core team in the workings of NSS:
 LSR-NSS organizes various events throughout the year, like Kala, Nexus, etc., so I
think the first role of the team is to decide what will be the theme for these events.
 to coordinate with other teams and projects.
 to offer support and help to the union and other members.
 To help and assist the volunteers.

5. What is your Agenda for 2024-25 as a Core Team member? Provide one suggestion to expand the
scope of a Core Team Member.

Main agendas for 2024–25 as a core team member:

 To have maximum volunteer participation in college NSS events.

 The engagement between different projects of NSS should be greater. It
can be done when projects organize documentary sessions and meet-ups
in collaboration with each other.
 Launch more projects on current issues, like self-employment.

6. Provide us with a fair critique of the functioning of any one of the major NSS events that you
were actively involved in (like Kala, Noor, Nexus, Valentine’s Week for Animals) and alternate
solutions to the problems.
I worked for both publicity teams of NOOR’23 AND Nexus’24. While one was offline, and
another was online.
 Team NOOR'23: We had maybe six or seven pre-events. And every event was
a huge success. Everybody seemed to have something unique to offer the
group. I gained experience with unforeseen difficulties. One thing that
bothered me about it was how little time we had to get ready for all those
events. Additionally, there were moments when it was challenging to work
with Noor's other teams, such as the design or logistics teams.

 Team Nexus'24 had a large number of volunteers. Thus, there wasn't a lot of
work. I always turned in Tasks on time, no matter what. Our heads never gave
us any feedback after we completed the task at hand. The group wasn't very
effective. Even after a month of nexus, we were still asked to create a post or
reel. There was no teamwork. We had only one initial meeting regarding

7. Please mention the societies you are currently a part of (if any). Specify if you are planning to
apply for an executive position in any of them.
I am not part of any society as I am pursuing a Chartered Accountancy course. Though I am
planning to apply in my departmental core team.

NSS Union & AdCom 2023-24

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