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Unit 1:

1. Are you married or single?

o I’m single. Because I want to have stable life before getting married. And I’m still
2. What’s your surname?
o My surname is Doan
3. What’s your best friend’s surname?
o My best friend’s surname is Huynh
4. Where are you from?
o I am from TN city, GD district. It is 60 km from HCM city
5. Where is your best friend from?
o My best friend is also from TN city. He lives in Trang Bang district, whose speciatly
is salt and rice cake
6. How old are you?
o I am 20 years old. There fore, I’m a second year student at HUIT
7. How old is your brother / sister / best friend?
o My best friend is 20 years old
8. What’s your job?
o Currently, I am a university student and I used to work part time at café near my
9. Where do you live?
o I live in Tan Phu district, it takes me about 6 minutes to walk from home to school
10. Tell me about your family
o My family has 4 people , my father, my motherm my mother and me, we usually eat

Unit 2:
1. What furniture is there in your bedroom at home?
o In my bedroom, there is a bed, a desk, a chair and pc in the room. I like going back
home to sleep in my bed everyday
2. What colour are the things in your bedroom?
o The bed is blue, pc set is a mix of color, a desk and a chair is brown
3. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
o I live in a motel, it is near school and there are many stores surrounded. I can go to
big c supermarket to buy food at weekends
4. Is there a TV in your living room?
o If at home, I have a tv, I often watch tv in my free time. I love watching horror films
5. Are there rugs or carpets on the floor where you live?
o No, because the weather is very hot and it is quite easy to get dirty
6. Do you have blinds or curtains at the windows?
o No, because I need sunlight to lighten to room and save electricity
7. Describe an object in your home.
o One interesting object in my home is a tv. It is an a 18 inch black and white
8. What useful objects are there in your bag?
o In my bag, I have a pen, my wallet my phone and a notebook which help me take
note what I need. I can study well with these objects
9. Describe an object in your bag.
o I have a laptop in may bag, it helps me self learn information on the internet .
10. Describe the things in the classroom. Say where they are.
In the classroom, there are desks and chairs arranged in rows . the white board at the front,
there is one projector to show slides

Unit 3
1. Where is your favorite restaurant?
o My favorite Cồn Sơn restaurant because it luxury large space, the food is delicious, it
located in district 3 HCM city
2. What time do you get up?
o I usually get up at 5.30 am and will brush teeth, change clothes and eat breakfast.
After that, I go to school by motorbike
3. Do you like quiet places or noisy ones?
o I like quiet places where I can relax and focuse on work easily. I often go to the
library because it is a quiet place
4. Do you like shopping? What things do you like to buy?
o Yes, I like shopping. I like to buy clothes, tachnologycal devices such as laptop, and
mobile phone
5. What do you do?
o Currently, I am a university student at HUIT, my major is information security. In the
future, I will get on engineerring degree
6. Do you have a car?
o No, I don’t have a car. But I have a motor bike. It helps me to move to many place
and hang out with my friends
7. Do you travel very often?
o Not very often, because it’s difficult for me to adapt new and I don’t like long trips
because enviroment they make me feel tired
8. What’s your first language?
o My first language is Vietnamese, it’s language which mty parents taught me. I feel
Vnmese deverse and rich, because one word has many meanings
9. How many languages do people speak in your country?
o In Vietnam, people primarily speak Vietnamese, but there are also some ethnic
minority languages such as ê đe, hmông, bana
10. How many languages do you speak?
o I speak Vietnamese and English, but my english is not good enough and I need to
improve it a lot to communicate

Unit 4

1. Do you know any identical twins? Do they like the same things?
o Yes, I know identical twins. They are opposite, one likes playing volleyball
remaining person is very studying well
2. What do you like doing in the evening?
o In the evening, I enjoy reading, watching tiktok video, chatting with my friends or
studying because I can concentrate more in the evening
3. Do you like seeing friends at the weekend?
o Yes, we often play badminton, sometimes go for drink and chat together with my
4. What sports do you like playing or watching?
o I enjoy playing volleyball, badminton because it’s good for health and it helps to
increase my height
5. Who do you spend your free time with?
o I usually spend my free time with family and close friends, sometimes I go for walk
or spend time out doors if the weather is nice
6. What don’t you like doing in your free time?
o I don’t like doing chores or cleaning during my free time. Because it is boring
7. How often do you work late?
o Yes, but only coincidentally, I always try to finish work early because staying up all
night is not good for my health
8. How often do you go on holiday?
o I don't, usually I stay home and enjoy the holidays with my family
9. Can you play a musical instrument?
o No, I can not play any musical instrument, but I like playing the piano, if I have the
chance I will learn to play the piano music I like
10. Do people in your country usually do volunteer work?
o Yes, many people in my country participate in voluntary work such as planting trees,
cleaning up trash to help to protect the enviroment

Unit 5

1. What’s your favorite food?

o My favorite food is hu tiu , it is easy to pick up to dip in sauce and has a very
delicious flavor, a traditinonal Vnmese noodles soup
2. Can you cook?
o Yes, I can cook simple dishes like fried riceand stir-fried vegetables. It is convenient
and delicous
3. Who usually does the cooking in your house?
o In my house, my mom usually does the cooking, my mother cooks very well and she
can cook many dishes
4. Do you like shopping for food?
o Yes, I like to buy thing like sasages, vegetables and fast food, sometimes I buy
5. Do you like supermarkets or food markets?
o I prefer food markets because there are many types of fresh products and the prices
are cheaper than supermarkets
6. Tell us about the food in your country.
o Vietnamese cuisine is diverse and flavorful. Each region will have special dishes like
bún chả and gỏi cuốn
7. Do you like eating in restaurants?
o Yes, I like to eat at the restaurant, because it has many delicious dishes and a
luxurious space to enjoy food
8. Do you have a favorite restaurant?
o Yes, that is the Cồn Sơn restaurant, it is located in district 3 in HCM city. The
customer service there is very enthusiatic, the food is delicious, the space is luxurious
and there is large parking
9. Would you like to be a chef?
o II don’t think I’d like to be a chef. Because it is a job that requires a love of cooking
and being smart with hands
10. What’s your favorite kind of dessert?
o My favorite dessert is Flan, it has the soft, sweet of milk sugar and the bitter of coffee
and it is very delicious. I can eat it everyday

Unit 6

1. Where were you born?

o I was born in Ho Chi Minh City. It is located in the south of VN. It is a noisy,
crowded, big city where many people are living
2. What did you do yesterday?
o Yesterday, I attended my class then went home to eat dinner . affter that, I watched
movies and finally prepared for lessons for the next day
3. Tell us about somebody in your family.
o My mom is a hardworking person, she takes care of me and my younger
brother .Besides, she always supports me when I need it
4. Who were some famous people in the 20th century?
o That is Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso with great inventions and products that have
brought great development to humans
5. What kinds of photos do you take to remember the things you do?
o I take photos with my family, friends and relatives to remember every moment when
we are together
6. Are you for or against social media?
o I am for social media because it helps me connect with people around me, even those
who are far away
7. When did you last visit a museum?
o It was about 1 week ago, I visited the HCM city museum, the place was very large
and beautiful
8. How was your last holiday?
o It was great, I had a great time with my family and saw a lot of beautiful scenery
9. Did you have a good weekend last weekend?
o Yes, it was a trip with my friends, experence many games at Dam Sen park
10. Tell us about an object from the past that is important to you.
o It is a camera I was given by a grandmother it has a lot of features and take beautiful

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