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Implementation of Baby Gym to Cognitive Development of Stunting Toddlers

Sarah Fitria1*, Nevi Susianty2

Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Health, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia
Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Health, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:
Sarah Fitria, 1Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Health,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Indonesia, E-mail: sarahfitria@umri.ac.id, Phone:

Introduction: Stunted toddlers cognitive development is a stunted caused by
malnutrition chronicles that are not handled properly and promptly. One therapy
that can improve the cognitive development of stunted toddlers is baby exercise.
Objective: This research aims to see the effect of baby exercise on the cognitive
development of stunted toddlers. Method: The research design used in this
research is Quasi-experimental with non-randomized pre and posttest approach
with control group design. Technique Sampling was taken using non-probability
sampling, namely purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study was 15
stunted toddlers aged 3-5 years of intervenstion group andn control group. The
statistical test data obtained was the Wilcoxon test with a significance value of α =
0.05. The research results where the value of ρ = 0.000, this shows that the value of
ρ < α which means there is The influence of baby exercise on the cognitive
development of stunted toddlers. Conclusion: Baby gym is a companion therapy in
seeking cognitive development in stunted toddlers that can be carried out by
therapists and parents stunting toddler at home.

Keywords: Gym, Baby, Stunted, cognitive

Introduction the number of children with stunting.

Stunting is a stunted/short body The 2016 National Health Survey noted
condition caused by chronic malnutrition that the prevalence of stunting reached
that is not treated properly and 33.6%, this is an important health
immediately. Stunting is one of the problem because the stunting problem is
nutritional problems that occurs in the above the 20% threshold. (Ministry Of
world or in Indonesia. Globally, around Health , 2016) .
162 million children are stunted (short). Many factors can cause stunting.
The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia Stunting in children under five is caused
is higher than in other countries in by multifactors such as nutritional
Southeast Asia, such as Myanmar (35%), consumption during pregnancy, maternal
Vietnam (23%), and Thailand (16%). knowledge about nutrition, limited
Indonesia is ranked fifth in the world for access to services and access to
sanitation. Apart from that, society does significant difference in the increase in
not yet realize that short children are a babies who did exercise compared to
problem, because short children in those who didn't. (Apriluana & Fikawati,
society are seen as children with normal 2018) Baby gym is an effective
activities, not like skinny children who stimulation based on developmental
need to be dealt with immediately. The kinesiology and primitive reflexes
impact of stunting is a decrease in according to development stage. Baby
intelligence (cognitive), vulnerability to gyms have not been widely applied in
disease, inhibiting economic growth and society as a means of stimulating
work productivity and exacerbating children's growth and development.
inequality. (Health et al., 2020) Most (Febriyanti et al., 2020)
psychologists, especially cognitivists Providing stimulation in the form of
(cognitive psychologists), believe that a baby gym is one of the efforts to
the process of human cognitive optimize baby development, movement
development begins when a new child is stimulation which can stimulate the
born. (Hayati, Cholimah and Christianti, formation of nervous tissue systems
2013 ) The main provisions and capital between one another (synaptogenesis)
for human development are motor and and encourage the intelligence of
sensory capacities which apparently can complex nerve cells because movement
also be influenced to a certain extent by uses multimodal stimuli, namely
cognitive domain activities. (Azmita & vestibular kinesthetic. So it can
Mahyuddin, 2021) strengthen and stimulate all the motor
The phenomenon that occurs in and sensory systems. This stimulation
society today is that there are still many stimulates the mylinization process
children who experience delays in their (refinement of the brain and nervous
development. This is because many system). (Sgandurra et al., 2016) This
parents do not invite their babies to talk research aims to determine the effect of a
or do not give their babies foot and hand baby gym on the cognitive development
movement exercises. This period is very of stunted toddlers.
dependent on parents in terms of
fulfilling basic needs for growth and Method
development. Stimulation is needed to This type of research is a quasi
stimulate the growth and development of experiment with a control group pre test
babies. Baby gym is one of the activities and post test design. To determine the
that can be done to stimulate the growth sample size in research, the sample size
and development of babies. (Sgandurra formula is used. To determine the sample
et al., 2016) The results of another study size, the difference between the means of
conducted by Inal and Yildiz showed two groups:
that healthy babies born at term who
received infant exercise had more
significant mental motor development
compared to those who were not given Information :
action. (Febriyanti et al., 2020) Zα : Standard deviation of alpha
Meanwhile, research conducted by Zβ : Standard deviation of beta
Merineherta (2011) showed that there S : Combined standard deviation
was an effect of baby exercise on X 1 – X 2 : The minimum
increasing developmental delays in difference between the means
babies aged 3-6 months, there was a that is considered significant is 62
1. Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria
2 a. Inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria for this study:
1. Toddler stunting aged 3-5 years
2. Young women are willing to be
The variables in this research are
the baby gym and the development of
stunted toddlers aged 3-5 years. The
instruments used were the respondent's
identity sheet, a meter measuring body
2 length, weight scales and MEPQ
(Mental Emotional Problems
n1 = n2 = 2 (2.5425) 2 = Quesioner) questionnaire sheets for ages
12.9286125 = 13 3-5 years. Data is processed using
Based on the calculation results, a editing, coding, scoring and tabulating.
minimum sample size of 13 people was Next, univariate analysis was carried out,
obtained for each group. Drop out is then bivariate analysis was used to
estimated at 10% in each group as analyze the relationship between two
additional data with the formula: variables, namely 1 independent variable
and 2 dependent variables. In this study,
n '= t dependent and independent t tests were
used with parametric tests. Baby gym
equipment such as oil, mats, washcloths,
n '= baby gym leaflets.
Research procedure
n ' = 14.4 1. Data Source
Each group has a sample size of 15 a. Secondary data
people with a total sample size of 30 Secondary data was obtained through a
people. preliminary study at posyandu RW 24
The sample size was 30 West Sidomulyo Village regarding the
respondents . This research was carried highest prevalence of stunting in toddlers
out by looking at the development of b. Primary data
stunted toddlers before being treated Primary data was obtained directly by
(pre) aged 3 years to 5 years and after conducting research on research
being given treatment (post) for 30 days subjects. This research uses stunted
in the control group and intervention toddler subjects aged 3-5 years,
group and then looking at the results of researchers need to ask for approval as
the treatment obtained by the two permission to conduct research to
groups. consider ethical aspects of the research.
The sampling technique is by 2. Research flow
non-probability sampling , namely Data collection in this research was
purposive sampling , namely taking collected by researchers. Before
samples by determining special collecting data on research respondents,
characteristics that are in accordance researchers will conduct a baby gym trial
with the research objectives. and meet on the subjects before giving the
the inclusion criteria in the study. intervention to the actual subjects.
The research procedures to be carried
out are as follows: intervention to stunted toddlers 3
a. Preparation phase times/week with a duration of 10-15
1) Research permit procedures minutes for 4 weeks
2) Request a research permit from 5) Researchers provided an observation
Posyandu RW 24, West Sidomulyo sheet on the consumption of government
Village nutritional biscuits to the intervention
3) Selection of enumerators group to ensure that toddlers got the
a) To assist the researcher in this biscuits that had been announced by the
research process, the researcher chose to government. Observations were carried
be assisted by an enumerator who is out for 30 days.
certified in baby gym training 6) KMME questionnaire to assess the
b) The number of enumerators that cognitive development of stunted
researchers need is 2 people, to simplify toddlers
the research process because the 7) The intervention group is stunted
enumerators chosen are experts who toddlers aged 3-5 years who receive
have baby gym certificates baby gym 3 times/week with a duration
c) Enumerators who are selected and of 10 - 15 minutes for 4 weeks and 30
willing to help researchers are then government nutritional biscuits.
compared in their perceptions regarding 8) The control group is stunted toddlers
the research process. aged 3-5 years who only receive 30
d) Activities carried out by the government nutritional biscuits for 4
enumerator will be included in the weeks.
enumerator's attendance sheet. 9) After being given intervention for 4
4) After receiving permission from the weeks, a reassessment will be carried out
Head of Posyandu RW 24 West using the KMME questionnaire to assess
Sidomulyo Subdistrict to conduct the cognitive development of stunted
research, researchers first recorded and toddlers. The assessment of hemoglobin
recorded stunted toddlers aged 3-5 years levels and physical fitness was carried
and filled in personal data. out by the researchers themselves and
5) Prepare research instruments and assisted by 2 enumerators.
equipment needed for research. 10) After each treatment received the
b. Research stage final results of the assessment, the
1) If the parents/guardians of toddlers researchers carried out a comparison,
agree to be used as samples, they need to namely whether the intervention group
fill out an informed consent form. Height and the control group experienced an
and weight were measured using scales influence on the cognitive development
and a meter that met the predetermined of stunted toddlers.
inclusion and exclusion criteria. 11) Next, data processing and analysis
2) After finding stunted toddlers aged 3- are carried out.
5 years who meet the criteria to be used
as samples. Provide an explanation of
the objectives, benefits, risks and
research procedures first to
3) Researchers provide education about
stunting toddlers and alternative
treatments by doing a baby gym.
4) Researchers provide baby gym
Tabel 1. Distribution of Character Respondent
Characteristic Variable Intervension Group Control Group
3 12 (73,3) 6 (40)
4 1(6,6) 8 (53,3)
5 2 (13,3) 1 (6,6)
15 (100) 15 (100)
Height (cm)
72-76 5 (33,3) 4 (26,6)
77-81 6 (40) 4 (26,6)
82-86 1(6,66) 2 (13,3)
87-91 1 (6,66) 1 (6,66)
92-96 1 (6,66) 2 (13,3)
>97 1(6,66) 1 (6,66)
15(100) 15(100)
Heavy Body (kg)
9 6 (40) 5 (33,3)
10 3 (20) 5 (33,3)
11 2 (13,3) 3 (20)
12 3 (20) 1 (6,66)
13 1 (6,66) 2 (13,3)
>14 0 0
15(100) 15(100)
Tall Body/Age (TB/U)
Short 4 (26,6) 12
Very Short 11 3 (20)
15(100) 15(100)
Heavy Body/Age (BB/U)
BB Normal 12 (73,3) 13 (86,6)
Bb Lebih 3 (20) 2 (13,3)
15(100) 15(100)
Based on table 1, the highest age of
toddlers was 3 years old, in the intervention
group the height of toddlers with a height of
77-81 was 6 people in the intervention group
and 4 people in the control group. There were
6 people weighing 9 kg in the intervention
group and 5 people in the control group. Based
on the very short TB/U table, there were 11
people in the intervention group and 3 people
in the control group. Based on BB/U BB More
than 3 people in the intervention group and 2
people in the control group Total
2. The Effect of Baby Gym on the Cognitive Development of Stunted Toddlers

Table 2. Effect of Baby Gym on Cognitive Development of Stunted Toddlers

Group n Mean SD p-value
Before 15 10.43 0.94 3.54 0.000
After 13.98 2.07
Before 15 10.36 1.12 1.90 0.001
After 12.26 1.77
From table 2, it can be seen that the p
The majority of respondents in this study
value is 0.000, which means <0.05, so it
were babies aged 3 years (73.3%). An
can be concluded that there is a
important early developmental stage in
significant influence between baby gym
babies is cognitive development.
treatment on motor development in
Because at the age of 3-5 years the
existing brain cells will strengthen the
connections between the nerves that
have been formed. So this brain
Based on the result of research on 15
development causes cognitive
respondents, so can it was conclude that development in babies to develop faster
than in the previous month (Wong
before doing baby gym fine cognitive
development instunted toddlers is in the The influence of Baby Gym on the
cognitive development of stunted
failed category and after being carried
toddlers using KMME. From the
out intervention Baby Gym obtained that research results, it was found that after
treatment by providing management for
fine cognitive development is to a large
30 days with a baby gym, babies
extent being in the pass category shows experienced increased cognitive
development. In the cognitive
that there is an influence of baby gym on
development of babies using
development cognitive on toddler measurements using the Chi Square test
with the results of an increase between babies aged 3-5 years, especially
baby gyms and cognitive development cognitive development, are almost the
abilities, an odds ratio (OR) value of 11 same as research conducted by Jin Jing,
was obtained. This figure shows that et al (2017) which states that giving
baby gyms are 11 times more likely to massage and movement exercises can
improve toddlers' cognitive development improve the physical development and
with KMME than who didn't get the intelligence of babies starting from birth
baby gym treatment. to babies aged 3-5 years with p=0.001
In the development of cognitive for body weight index. Babies who
development abilities using KMME, the receive regular and targeted stimulation,
results of measurements using the Chi such as with a baby gym, will develop
Square test showed that the increase in faster than babies who receive less
ability between baby gyms and the stimulation. Similar to exercise in adults,
ability to lift the neck obtained an odds a baby gym can increase blood
ratio (OR) value of 10. This value shows circulation so that oxygen supply
that baby gyms are 10 times more likely throughout the body is sufficient and
to improve cognitive development regular, apart from that, exercise also
abilities than those who do not. get the increases the stimulation of muscle
baby gym treatment. So it can be development and body cell growth.
concluded that the baby gym has an Baby gym has many benefits for
effect on increasing development, children, including optimizing
especially cognitive development in development, increasing endurance,
babies. increasing contrast, improving sleep
Cognitive development is physical quality, improving blood circulation,
movement that requires balance and increasing oxygen distribution in the
coordination between body parts, using body, stimulating muscle development
large muscles, some or all of the body and cell growth so that it can help
parts. In babies aged 3-5 years the body's cognitive development in children. child
skeletal muscles are strong enough so (Zaidah 2020)(Eka 2019). It is hoped
that the baby is ready to carry out these that parents will always pay attention to
cognitive development movements the growth and development of their
(Suhartini, 2017). The results of this children and provide stimulation to
research relate to the guideline increase growth and development in the
movements for baby gym for babies form of a baby gym for children under
aged 3-5 years, starting from finger and five to minimize the occurrence of
hand movements for hand strength, then developmental delays in children
the prone position which focuses on the
head, back and leg areas, these Conclusion
movements can stimulate babies to lift Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap
their heads with hand strength. Then lie 15 responden yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal
down in a half-sitting position by 1 Maret sampai dengan 30 Maret 2023 maka
holding both arms and bent legs, elbows dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan
and knees, gently pulling until the head baby gym perkembangan kognitif pada balita
is lifted from the base, so that the baby is stunting berada pada kategori gagal dan
in a half-sitting position, this movement setelah dilakukan intervensi baby gym
stimulates the baby to raise his head. didapatkan bahwa perkembangan kognitif
The results of research on the influence berada sebagian besar berada pada kategori
of baby gyms on the development of lulus hal menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh
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