Holistic Affirmations

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● Creative success
1. "I am a creative person, and my creativity flows effortlessly."
2. "I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me towards creative
3. "I am confident in my creative abilities and trust that my work will
be well received."
4. "I am constantly inspired and filled with new ideas for my creative
5. "I am committed to my creative pursuits and make time for them
every day."
6. "I am attracting opportunities that will help me achieve my
creative goals."
7. "I am surrounded by supportive and encouraging people who
believe in my creative abilities."
8. "I am fearless when it comes to taking creative risks."
9. "I am constantly learning and growing as a creative person."
10. "I can effortlessly turn my creative ideas into successful projects."
11. "My creativity is a valuable asset that I use to benefit myself and
12. "I find creative solutions to any challenge that comes my way."
13. "I am grateful for my ability to express myself creatively."
14. "I am worthy of creative success and recognition for my work."
15. "I am excited to see the amazing things I will create and achieve
through my creativity."

● Emotional mastery
1. "I am in control of my emotions, and I choose to feel positive and
2. "I acknowledge and accept my emotions without judgment."
3. "I am aware of my emotional triggers and can manage them
4. "I release any negative emotions that no longer serve me."
5. "I trust my intuition to guide me towards emotional balance and
6. "I practice self-compassion and treat myself with kindness and
7. "I am open to learning from my emotions and using them to
grow and evolve."
8. "I express my emotions healthily and constructively."
9. "I am responsible for my emotional reactions and responses to
10. "I am worthy of emotional peace, balance, and happiness."
11. "I trust myself to handle any emotional situation with grace and
12. "I am grateful for my emotional intelligence and ability to
navigate my feelings."
13. "I maintain emotional maturity even in challenging
14. "I am constantly improving my emotional well-being through
self-reflection and personal growth."
15. "I am confident in my ability to create a fulfilling and emotionally
balanced life for myself."

● Financial freedom
1. "I am worthy of financial abundance and prosperity."
2. "Money flows easily and effortlessly into my life."
3. "I attract wealth and financial opportunities with ease."
4. "I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me in all areas of
my life."
5. "I am open to receiving money and financial blessings from
unexpected sources."
6. "I am financially secure and free from worry."
7. "I am capable of creating a life of financial abundance and
8. "I am constantly improving my financial literacy and taking steps
to increase my wealth."
9. "I am worthy of charging my worth and receiving fair
compensation for my work."
10. "I attract abundance and wealth by being true to myself and
following my passions."
11. "I am grateful for the abundance that I have and am excited
about the abundance that is on its way to me."
12. "I trust the universe to provide me with all the financial resources I
need to live the life of my dreams."
13. "I am attracting financial freedom and am grateful for the peace
of mind that it brings."
14. "I am aligned with the energy of money and wealth and am open
to receiving it in abundance."
15. "I am capable of creating multiple streams of income and
financial stability."

● Confidence and social skills
1. "I am comfortable in social situations and enjoy meeting new
2. "I express myself with clarity and confidence."
3. "I trust my instincts and am confident in my decision-making
4. "I radiate positive energy and attract people who uplift and
support me."
5. "I am a great listener and able to connect with people on a deep
6. "I am able to handle any social situation with ease and grace."
7. "I am confident in my social skills and able to make a great first
8. "I communicate my thoughts and feelings effectively and
9. "I am worthy of love, respect, and positive attention from others."
10. "I am confident in my appearance and feel great about myself."
11. "I build meaningful and lasting relationships with others."
12. "I am worthy of success and recognition in my personal and
professional life."
13. "I set healthy boundaries and communicate them assertively."
14. "I am comfortable with who I am and embrace my unique
15. "I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to and am
confident in my ability to do so."

● Calmness and creativity

1. "I am calm and centered in every moment."

2. "I trust my creative instincts and allow them to guide me."
3. "I am open to inspiration and new creative ideas."
4. "I am free from stress and anxiety, and can focus on my creativity."
5. "I can create without judgment or self-criticism."
6. "I can access my creativity whenever I need it."
7. "I am at peace with myself and my creative process."
8. "I create from a place of calm and clarity."
9. "I find creative solutions to any challenge that arises."
10. "I am worthy of expressing myself creatively and sharing my gifts
with the world."
11. "I can tap into my inner creativity with ease and confidence."
12. "I express myself authentically and creatively."
13. "I am free to create without fear of failure or judgment."
14. "I find beauty and inspiration in every moment."
15. "I am capable of creating amazing things that bring joy and
positivity to the world."
16. "I find stillness and calmness within myself, even amid chaos."
17. "I can channel my creativity into any area of my life that I choose."
18. "I am open to new and exciting creative experiences."
19. "I can access my creativity on demand, whenever I need it."
20."I am grateful for the abundance of creative energy that flows
through me."
21. "I release all worries and doubts, and trust that everything is
working out for my highest good."
22. "I find peace and stillness in every moment."
23. "I am centered, grounded, and at ease."

24."I am free from stress and anxiety, and am able to enjoy the
present moment."
25. "I am able to handle any challenge that comes my way with
calmness and grace."
26. "I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and am able to
stay calm in any situation."
27. "I am able to let go of the past and focus on the present moment
with peace and clarity."
28."I am able to find calmness and relaxation whenever I need it."
29. "I am worthy of peace and calmness in every aspect of my life."
30."I am surrounded by positive energy and am able to maintain a
sense of calmness and balance in my life."

● Self-love

1. "I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am."

2. "I love and accept myself unconditionally, flaws and all."
3. "I forgive myself for any mistakes I've made in the past and
release any guilt or shame."
4. "I am proud of myself and all that I have accomplished."
5. "I am deserving of respect, love, and kindness from myself and
6. "I let go of any negative self-talk and replace it with positive
7. "I embrace my unique qualities and celebrate what makes me
8. "I am enough, just as I am."
9. "I trust in my own worthiness and know that I am deserving of
happiness and success."
10. "I am grateful for all of my experiences, both positive and
negative, as they have helped shape me into who I am today."
11. "I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams, and I have faith
in my own abilities."
12. "I am at peace with myself and my past, and am able to move
forward with confidence and grace."
13. "I love myself enough to prioritize my own needs and self-care."
14. "I am confident in my own skin and proud of who I am."
15. "I accept myself fully and completely, without judgment or
16. "I trust in the journey of my own personal growth and evolution."
17. "I forgive myself for any self-doubt or negative beliefs, and replace
them with positive affirmations."

18. "I am worthy of the love and respect of others, and I give that
same love and respect to myself."
19. "I am grateful for my own inner strength and resilience, and for
the ability to overcome challenges."
20."I am filled with love and positivity, and that energy radiates
outwards to those around me."
21. "I acknowledge my own worth and treat myself with kindness
and compassion."
22. "I am gentle with myself during times of difficulty, knowing that
self-care and self-love are the keys to overcoming any obstacle."
23. "I embrace my imperfections and understand that they make me
unique and special."
24."I release any self-limiting beliefs and embrace my full potential."
25. "I am deserving of my own love and attention, and I prioritize
self-love and self-care in my life."
26. "I am grateful for the love and support of those around me, and I
am grateful for the love and support that I give myself."
27. "I forgive myself for any past mistakes and trust that I have
learned valuable lessons from those experiences."
28."I am confident in my own abilities and trust in my own intuition
and inner guidance."
29. "I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished, and I
celebrate my successes with joy and gratitude."
30."I am worthy of love and acceptance, and I give that same love
and acceptance to myself."

● Health

1. "I am healthy and vibrant in body, mind, and spirit."

2. "I am worthy of a healthy and vibrant life."
3. "I make healthy choices that support my overall well-being."
4. "I love and accept my body, and treat it with respect and care."
5. "I am grateful for my health and vitality, and I take care of my
body with love and appreciation."
6. "I trust my body's natural ability to heal and restore itself."
7. "I am full of energy and vitality, and my body is strong and
8. "I am capable of achieving my health goals and living a healthy
9. "I am committed to living a healthy, balanced life."
10. "I nourish my body with healthy foods, exercise, and self-care."
11. "I am worthy of rest and relaxation, and I prioritize my self-care."
12. "I am at peace with my body and appreciate it for all that it does
for me."
13. "I release any negative beliefs or patterns that may be affecting
my health."
14. "I am grateful for my body's resilience and ability to adapt to
15. "I am worthy of living a happy, healthy life filled with vitality and

● Wisdom and good judgment

1. "I trust in my own inner wisdom and intuition."

2. "I make sound decisions that benefit myself and those around
3. "I am constantly learning and growing."
4. "I am able to see situations from multiple perspectives and make
informed decisions."
5. "I am able to find solutions to challenges and obstacles, and I am
resilient in the face of adversity."
6. "I am guided by my own values and principles, and I stay true to
them in all situations."
7. "I am able to make wise choices based on both my own intuition
and external guidance."
8. "I am able to learn from my mistakes and use them as
opportunities for growth and learning."
9. "I am confident in my ability to make good decisions and trust in
the process."
10. "I am able to balance logic and intuition in my decision-making
11. "I am able to remain calm and centered when faced with difficult
12. "I am able to communicate my decisions and reasoning with
clarity and confidence."
13. "I am able to recognize and avoid situations that do not align with
my values and principles."
14. "I trust in my own judgment and am not easily swayed by the
opinions of others."
15. "I am able to make decisions with both my head and my heart,
leading to a balanced and fulfilling life."


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