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Arising Out of PS. Case No.-689 Year-2022 Thana- KADAMKUAN District- Patna
Neha Kumari W/o Anuranjan Kumar, D/o Janardhan Prasad R/o Flat No. 202,
2nd Floor, Krishna Enclave, Road No. 3, Maurya Vihar Colony, Near BMP-
16, Phulwarishariff, Khagaul, Patna-801105

... ... Petitioner/s

1. The State of Bihar
2. Anuranjan Kumar S/o Rooplal Singh Presently residing at INCC (Deptt.),
Rajendra Nagar Terminal, P.S.- Kadamkuan, Dist.- Patna

... ... Opposite Party/s

Appearance :
For the Petitioner/s : Mr. Abhishek Singh, Adv.
For the Opposite Party/s : Mr. Shyameshwar Dayal, APP.

2 23-04-2024 1. Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned

APP for the State.

2. The petitioner apprehends her arrest in a case

registered for the offences punishable under Sections 494, 497,

498(A), 384, 386, 379, 341, 342, 504, 506 of the I.P.C

3. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that

petitioner is the second wife of the informant. It is further

submitted that the informant concealing his earlier marriage had

performed his second marriage with the petitioner and when the

petitioner came to know about the said fact, she instituted a

Matrimonial Case No. 1472 of 2021 seeking to declare the

marriage as null and void which is pending adjudication in the

Patna High Court CR. MISC. No.19898 of 2024(2) dt.23-04-2024

court of learned Principal Judge, Family Court, Patna. It is

further submitted that the petitioner also instituted D.V. Case

No. 104 of 2021 in the Court of learned C.J.M., Patna against

the informant which is also pending at adjudication. It is next

submitted that the informant in order to coerce the petitioner

into submission instituted the instant false case alleging that

informant and Bipin Kumar Bimal were friends from before and

when the informant came to Patna, it was Bipin Kumar Bimal,

who had got him a house on rent, after some times the informant

started suspecting that petitioner was having an illicit

relationship with Bipin Kumar Bimal and the suspicion became

grave when the informant met with an accident while going to

the office on his motorcycle causing fracture of his leg on

account of which, a steel rod was inserted, further the informant

has purchased the house in the name of the petitioner but since

Bipin Kumar Vimal was in illicit relationship with the petitioner

as such he intended to get the said house transferred in his name

and accordingly he got an amount of Rs. 3 Lakhs transferred

from the account of the petitioner in the account of his brother.

Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that from perusal of

the allegation as alleged in the FIR it would manifest that the

same is vague, cryptic and does not inspire confidence. It is next

Patna High Court CR. MISC. No.19898 of 2024(2) dt.23-04-2024

submitted that apart from suspicion, there is nothing on record

to suggest even remotely that petitioner was in illicit

relationship with Bipin Kumar Bimal. It is next submitted that

since the petitioner has instituted the aforesaid cases as such in

order to coerce her into submission, the instant FIR came to be


4. Learned APP for the State opposes the prayer for

anticipatory bail of the petitioner.

5. Considering the submissions made by the learned

counsel for the petitioner, the petitioner above-named, in the

event of her arrest or surrender before the learned trial court

within a period of six weeks from today, be released on

anticipatory bail on furnishing bail bonds of Rs. 10,000/-

(Rupees Ten Thousand) with two sureties of the like amount

each to the satisfaction of the learned trial court where the case

is pending/successor court in connection with Kadamkuan P.S.

Case No. 689 of 2022, subject to the conditions as laid down

under Section 438(2) of the Cr.P.C.

(Satyavrat Verma, J)


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