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Assignment 2 (Group of 2 students)

Due Date : 24 Oct 2023

Using 8-connectivity, write code in MatLab/Python to label each object and get the resulting image as
shown on the right side. The input image is provided sep. Refer to the lecture notes for the algorithm. Do
not use the built in commands.
NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
A center of Excellence for quality education and research

Digital Image Processing EE-433 Quiz Instructor : Asad Khan

Student Name: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 56
Reg ID:
5 6 8 9 4 7 45 14

0 7 32
Q: Find minimum number of pixels between highlighted
pixels using 6 1 23 23

a) 4 connectivity. 6 4 23 23
b) 8 connectivity.
5 75 6 23 6 6
c) Euclidean distance.
68 2 1 8 23 77 6

68 23 32 23 23 23 77 7

6 45 5 68 86 56 6 8 9

75 45 66 6 67 68 68 7 67 7

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