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1.) What did you accomplish this week?

I sold 1 bedroom condominium

2.) Who did you serve?
I served my clients.
3.) What are you grateful for?
I’m thankful for waking up everyday
4.) Who’s grateful for you?
My clients, family and my boss.
5.) What’s stopping you?
Limited time.
6.) Are you focus on what’s wrong or what’s right?
I’m focused on the wrong.
7.) Is that a story or the truth?
It’s the truth.
8.) Do you want this for its own sake or are you trying to avoid something else?
I want this for its own sake.
9.) Is this giving your energy or draining your energy?
This is giving me energy.
10.)What will really make the biggest difference here?
This will motivate me to focus on my goals.
11.)Is this a limitation or is it a strength?
This is a strength.
12.)What problem/s have you encountered?
Having no sale.
13.)Have you solve this problem before?
14.)What’s the benefit of this problem?
I strive even harder to make a sale.
15.)What rules do you have that are getting in your way?
One word is enough for a wise man.
16.)If you change your belief about this, what would be possible?
There would be possibilities of getting more sales and I would become flexible.
17.)If you don’t change this, what will it cost you in the long run?
I won’t be able to reach my goal.
18.)Will the choice move you forward or keep you stuck?
It will surely move me forward
19.)What’s your goal?
My goal is to reach my quota in selling real estate
20.)What’s the first step you need to take to reach your goal?
Make a Plan.
21.)Is this goal pulling you forward or are you struggling to reach it?
This goal is pulling me forward
22.)What’s the worst that can happen, and can you handle that?
The worst that could happen is if one of my colleagues steals my client.
23.)What’s the downside of your dream?
Less time for my family and friends.
24.)Are you standing in your power or pleasing someone else?
I’m standing in my power.
25.)What are you pretending not to know?
I’m pretending that I don’t know a lot of things.
26.)Are you procrastinating or is there a reason to delay?
There’s always a reason for delays.
27.)How would you describe the difference between a need and a value?
For example a diamond has high value but in the dessert it has no value. On the other hand,
the water which has lesser value but in the dessert it cost more than a diamond.
28.)How can you create more value with less effort?
Give value to yourself and your client.
29.)What are you willing to commit here?
My time, effort and loyalty.
30.)Do you need to work harder or delegate this?
I need to delegate this because I believe in teamwork.

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