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a. Today, the main directors of the company ……………… (argue) about the new position of the firm.
b. Steven ……………… (try) to lose weight every summer but he never …………………………
(achieve) his goal because he ……………………………… (not have) constancy.
c. Look! Those children ……………………… (fight) among themselves in the park. They
……………………… (insult) a poor child and the adults ……………………… (look) at them.
d. How often …………. you ………………….. (visit) your granny during the week? I
………………………… (go) to her house twice a week.
e. The theme of the Independence War ……………(be) one of the most difficult and we ………………
(study) it this week at school. ……………. you ………………… (understand) it well?
f. Dogs and cats …………………… (not live) together in this house. Dogs …………………… (sleep)
where the cats ………………………… (eat) but they ……………………… (not mix).
g. Why …………… your brother …………………….. (write) all those letters? Because he
…………………… (have) a job interview and he …………………… (need) to show his curriculum.
h. In this moment, the doctor ………………… (operate) my little sister and we ………………… (wait) in
the waiting-room.
i. ………. she …………………………. (remember) his birthday? I ……………………. (not know) it.
j. In Spain, people ………………………… (drive) on the right.
k. All the students of the high school ……………………… (organise) the school games and they
……………… (print) the rules.
l. Hello, Patty, what…….. you ………………….. (do)? Hi! I ……………… (think) about John. He
…………………… (go) to a very important exam in this moment and he…………………… (be) very
nervous because he ……………………… (not know) all the themes.
m. That little dog ……………………… (run) and ………………… (jump) in the park when his owner
…………………… (walk) with him every night.
n. Right now, Peter ………………… (not cook) because he ……………………… (tidy up) his room.
o. That TV programme …………… (start) at nine o’clock and it…………………… (finish) two hours
later. It ………… (be) about famous people who ……………… (not live) in their country.
p. Where ………… you …………………..(sleep) next weekend? I …………………… (phone) my aunt
to sleep in her house. ………. you ………………………… (want) to come with me?
q. Andrew ………………………… (usually / not smoke) but he …………………… (smoke) a cigar in
this moment because he …………………… (celebrate) his birthday.
r. ……… your sister ……………. (like) her new school? No, she ………………… (prefer) the old one.
s. In this moment, the nurse …………… (serve) the food and the patients ……………………… (eat).
t. We …………… (not correct) the exercise because we ………..…… (not pay) attention to the teacher

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