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NTVQF Management System

Sector Occupation Level wise Unit List

Sector Name Tourism and Hospitality

Occupation Name Cooking

Level Name National Skill Certificate-I

S.L Unit Code Unit Name

1 GN1001A2 Apply Basic Mathematics for Measurement and Calculation

2 GN1002A2 Practice Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Procedures

3 GN2004A2 Use English in the Workplace

4 TOHCOK1001A2 Clean and Maintain Premises

5 TOHCOK1002A2 Organize and Prepare for Cooking

6 TOHCOK1003A2 Use Basic Methods of Cooking

7 TOHSS1001A1 Work in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector

8 TOHSS1002A1 Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures

9 TOHSS1003A1 Provide Effective Guest Service

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