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Table of Contents

Unit 1 Part A: Which shirt do you like? 4

Part B: He is wearing a black suit. 8

Unit 2 Part A: What are they wearing? 12

Part B: They are wearing swimsuits. 16

Unit 3 Part A: Where are you going? 20

Part B: Betty is going to the mall. 24

Unit 4 Part A: He is riding a bike. 28

Part B: They’re going to the bus stop. 32

Unit 5 Part A: Where were you yesterday? 36

Part B: He was on the Ferris wheel. 40

Unit 6 Part A: The caterpillar became a butterfly. 44

Part B: It was a lamb when it was little. 48

Unit 7 Part A: I found a sandal! 52

Part B: They went to the circus yesterday. 56

Unit 8 Part A: Did you see Buckingham Palace? 60

Part B: He went camping with his friends. 64
Unit 1 Part A - Which shirt do you like?

Listen and say

Mom, I don’t like my clothes. Which shirt do you like?
They are too old!

OK, let’s buy some new clothes.

I like the striped one.

Here are the skirts. Do you mean this one?

Which one do you like?
No, the purple one.

I like the short skirt.

Practice with your teacher - Ask and answer

Suzie, which dress do you like? I like the purple one.

4 Unit 1 • Part A
Which shirt do you like?

Point and say

Which hat do you like? I like the polka dotted one.

1 2 3

striped hat polka dotted hat long skirt short skirt loose pants tight pants

Play - Choose one

Which hat do you like?

We get three points!

I like the striped one.

Listen - Check the right picture

1. 2.

a b a b

••••• Look - Workbook p.2

Part A 5
Here are two caps. I got a ticket for a new shirt!
Tony, which one do you like?

I like the green one.

Play - Choose the path

Which hat do you like? I like the striped one.

6 Unit 1 • Part A
Which shirt do you like?

Match and say

Which dress do you like?

I like the striped one.

I like the polka dotted one.

I like the long one.

Look and write

1. 2.

I like the white shirt. I like the hat.

3. 4.

I like the pants. I like the skirt.

••••• Look - Workbook p.3

Part A 7
Unit 1 Part B - He is wearing a black suit.

Listen and say

This is Mike. He is playing the piano. This is Jane. She is singing.

He is wearing a black suit and a red tie. She is wearing a white dress.

Practice with your teacher - Ask and answer

This is Sue. She is wearing a white shirt.
Is anyone else wearing a white shirt?

Joe is wearing a white shirt, too.

8 Unit 1 • Part B
He is wearing a black suit.

Point and say

What is wearing?

1 2 3 4

a suit and a tie a sweater and a skirt a dress

Play - I’m thinking of a person

I’m thinking of a boy.
Can you guess who he is?

Yes, he is.
Is he wearing a red shirt?
Yes, he is.

Listen - Check the right picture

1. 2.

a b a b

••••• Look - Workbook p.4

Part B 9

I know! It’s Jessica!

Play - Describe the person’s clothes

Team A Team B

She is wearing .....

10 Unit 1 • Part B
He is wearing a black suit.

Find and circle


Look and write

1. 2.

He is wearing a and . She is wearing a and a .

3. 4.

He is a . She is .

••••• Look - Workbook p.5

Part B 11

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