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Try again summary in easy words

Summary of try again poem. Write a summary of the poem try again. Summary of try again.

The little poem gives us a big lesson. It says that little steady steps secure superb success.

“Try again” is the message of the poem. We must always keep this message in mind. If by some unlucky chance, we fail in our first attempt, we should not be sad. Rather we should make better efforts. We must prove that working is not a shameful act. We should make good efforts without any fear or worry. If we do so, we will succeed. Thus we
should never ignore the lesson and try again. If you feel you cannot do your job in one effort, make another one then. There will be a time when you will succeed. What you need to do is to keep on working. You must know that if all people can do their jobs, you can also do yours. You just need to continue working till you succeed FOR MORE
SUMMARIES LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND FOLLOW ON GOOGLE + ON GADGET ON SIDE AND BELOW THE BLOG Are you looking for try again summary pdf, quotes try again summary 10th class easy, try again summary 10th class easy pdf, visit learning ki dunya The main idea of the poem is that no matter whatever problem you never despair.
Always try to solve the problem by trying again and again, until you finally succeed.Short Summary of Poem Try AgainThe poem 'Try Again' has been written by William Edward Hickson. The poet says if at first, you do not succeed try again. Don't give up too easily, persistence pays off in the end. Instead of quitting after your failure, you should learn
from it. It takes time to learn, to experiment, and to succeed. We should not be frustrated because of failure. Failure is a good teacher. It will lead you to success. Try again is the gateway to success.This encouraging poem has been composed by the poet W.E. Hickson. In this poem, he advises us to try again and again. He tries to reinvigorate us by
making us realize that failure is not the only end.

After every failure we have a chance of success; we just need to try again. It is a universal fact that continuous efforts always bear fruit.

In fact, the poet tells us not to lose hope when in life things go wrong.He advises us not to give up, instead, we should try again. Actually, the poet says that failure in life is no disgrace, with patience and steady effort we can achieve our goal. So one should keep on trying. It is a lesson that all should need, try try again.

You will conquer, never fear. If we face any difficulty, we should observe patience and courage. We should always keep this rule in mind that hard work is a key to success and hard work requires a constant struggle to achieve the goal. This rhythmic poem has a didactic element in it which boosts our morale.(For Extraordinary Students)This short
poem 'Try Again' has been written by William Edward Hickson. He has quoted this poem with three tries in his moral songs. The poet says if at first, you don't succeed, try again. Don't give up too easily, persistence pays off in the end. Failure is a good lesson for people to learn how to succeed. Failure is the teacher. It is common that you may fail
because at first, you have no experience of how to do a particular thing. Instead of quitting after you fail, you should learn from your failure. Failure means you get something wrong. We cannot always be successful the first time around. It takes a while to learn, to experiment, and to succeed.
We often get frustrated, we may even give up because of the fear of failing.
It is certain that we will have to go through great difficulties before we reach our goals in our lives. Nobody knows only success.
"Try again' is the only way to be successful. If you don't give up, one day you will be successful.10th Class Summary Here I am going to write a summary of the poem TRY AGAIN by William Edward Hickson. Try again Summary 10th class easy and outstanding. This poem has been written by William Edward Hickson. This poem conveys to us a
universal message of continuous struggle. The poet says that we should keep on trying again and again till succeed. If we act upon this principle, we would become hardworking, brave, courageous, successful and respectable. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. So we should keep up trying again and again to cross this
road and get a brilliant success.
Try again is an immensely encouraging poem, written by W.E.Hickson. It is a constant reminder to always work hard. It gives a lesson that success matters and that failure does not matter.
All the importance is on struggle only. It guides the students to keep working hard.
It shows that no matter how much the world discourages us, our inner and hope encourage us to give it one more try. Poet stresses to work hard and do not give up just because the lesson is difficult. A hint at the need to carry in every failure is to keep trying with full spirit. Failing one time must not be the cause of losing heart. We should try again
and again till we get what we want. Spider of King Bruce failed countless times but kept trying and in the end, got what it wanted. Poet guides us that repeated tries are not shameful. It is rather a credit. Our focus in life should not be on the people who failed but we should look on those who are successful. The key to success is not losing heart even
in unfavorable conditions too. In this way, the failure will be changed into success indeed. No matter the road to success is filled with many difficulties. Still, our courage must be bigger than our fear. It is said very well ‘Try try, you can fly.”

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