Tourism Management

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Table of Contents


Concept of Sustainable Tourism and its Principles......................................................3

Discussion of the Role of Stakeholders in Decision Making of Sustainable

Tourism Development........................................................................................................4

Macro Factors Influencing the Development of Sustainable Tourism.......................5

Micro Factors Influencing the Demand for Tourism.....................................................6


Tourism industry is a broad industry, and in the current world of rapid advancement, this
industry is too rapidly developing. As the world is moving towards sustainable practices
in every business industry, tourism industry is also making moves to undertake the
sustainability aspect into every operation. But before that, understanding what
sustainability in the tourism industry means is crucial. Moreover, there are many
principles around the concept of sustainable tourism, too. However, what the
stakeholders of the industry can do to bring about the changes is quite important, too.
Besides the stakeholders, there can be both macro and micro factors influencing the
demand for tourism in different host countries. By thoroughly analyzing those factors,
the underlying influence of those factors can be assessed properly, and take proper
actions to overcome any adversaries. This report will be mainly focused on the
sustainability of tourism industry. For that, firstly the concept of sustainable tourism and
the related principles will be elaborated. After that, the role of stakeholders in decision
making of sustainable tourism will be discussed. Then, the macro factors and micro
factors influencing the development and demand, respectively, for sustainable tourism
will be described. Finally, a befitting conclusion will be provided.

Concept of Sustainable Tourism and its Principles

In simple words, sustainable tourism is the practice of adopting sustainable measures in
the tourism industry. The practices are mainly concentrated in acknowledgement with all
the impacts that the industry renders on a continuous basis currently. By acknowledging
that, the concept then identifies all the positives and negatives of the operations or
current practices. Finally, it aims at maximizing the positive findings all the while
minimizing the negative ones. Sustainable tourism aims at making the travels less
environmentally damaging and more enjoyable by not having to think much about the
negative impacts of tourism as a whole. There are many reasons to emphasize on the
sustainable tourism feature some of which are listed below.
 The first major importance of adopting sustainable tourism is that it can help
environment to take necessary break from all the wastes that it generally has to
consume on a daily basis otherwise. The contamination is mostly deducted to
almost nothing and organic products are used in sustainable tourism. For this, a
safe environment can be ensured.
 Another key advantage of sustainable tourism is that local communities are aided
a great deal by it. With the inclusion of the local communities in the decision-
making process, sustainable tourism ensures that the people who are affected
the most are given the proper limelight. This practice can grow to safeguard the
culture of the people and at the same time, generate revenue streams for them,
 Places which are considered to be favorite destinations by a majority portion, it
can significantly increase the use of resources and develop harmful competition
within the local people. To solve this issue, sustainable tourism can eliminate any
need of competing as fiercely by allocating resources properly and integrating the
important parts of the destination.
With the above described importance, it is now evident that the sustainable approaches
being followed can yield a great deal of advantages to the people. As for the decision-
makers, the current world is becoming more and more conscious of all the decisions
that they make and take. For that, following a sustainable approach can ensure
prevalence of peace and continuous growth. Moreover, most people are favored by this
approach in general. That’s why, to ensure a continuous and sustainable growth, the
decision-makers need to adhere to sustainable approaches. As for the sustainable
tourism’s principles, there are environmental, social and economic sustainability that the
industry needs to look out for. These ensure that the applicability of sustainable
approaches remains to be viable for the others all the while contributing to the growth of
the industry.

Discussion of the Role of Stakeholders in Decision Making of

Sustainable Tourism Development
Stakeholders in the tourism industry are quite broad in terms of scale. With the
proliferating nature of people working together in the industry to bring about the
changes and sustain the operations, the role of each and every individual or group
stakeholders is quite significant in terms of influence in the decision-making process. As
the main objective of role of stakeholders is to create the necessary value, in
sustainable tourism development, they need to cater to their needs where the
environment won’t be damaged by any mean. As for the stakeholders, there are
government, communities, tourism organisations & operators, SMEs, NGOs, tourists,
employees, transport, infrastructure etc. They all have their own roadmap to follow and
ensure the absolute development in terms of sustainable tourism. Any business working
in the tourism industry needs to adhere to the rules and regulations formulated and
participate in decision-making for creating a sustainable tourism development. The role
of different stakeholders in the development of sustainable tourism is elaborated below.
No industry in a particular economy can thrive without having the support of the
government in the first place. In the sustainable tourism development, there requires a
lot of measures to be undertaken where the government can play a major role in
incentivizing the sector. For that, favorable tourism policy as well as funding methods
can play a key role in determining the development prospects of the destination country.
Businesses and Smart Technology
The current world is fierce in terms of competition. The advancements made in the
technological sector is astonishing, too. For that, the businesses working in the tourism
industry are now compelling each other to bring better innovations on plate. In that
regard, the businesses can influence the decision-making process in the sustainable
business development by having a certain level of innovations in place already.
Many NGOs are now working in different sides of environment and trying to preserve
the nature best to their capabilities. Many projects are being undertaken to revamp the
sides of the environment that have been endangered. As NGOs play a key role in
making the nature better, the role of them in the decision-making process is also too
great for the work they do.
Tourists are those for whom the businesses put all the efforts towards providing them
with the best performance possible. In terms of tourists, the practices being adopted by
the tourists can play a major role in the decision making of the development of
sustainable tourism, too,
Host Community
The host community is the one that get affected both directly and indirectly. As
sustainable tourism calls for proper treatment of these communities, as well, the
businesses must undertake proper reasoning to take any new decision and that can
influence the decision-making process, too.

Macro Factors Influencing the Development of Sustainable

The macro factors affecting the development of sustainable tourism are majorly
technological innovation trends, environmental trends, and economic trends. These
factors affect the development process in different manners and the development gets
affected in some ways. Below is the explanation of these factors that can affect the
Innovation Trends
A sustainable tourism industry needs to see through what the future holds and where
the current market is headed. In doing so, innovation trends such as digitalization of the
processes in order to streamline them and make them more effective in practice can be
undertaken at first. Moreover, the tourists or the consumers of the industry getting better
experience out of innovations are expected to bring positive influence on the
development of sustainable tourism.
Environmental Trends
The climate of the world is changing rapidly and it is doing so in an adverse manner.
The nature getting endangered is in itself a bigger cause of concern for the tourism
industry. There, sustainability cannot be maintained if proper measures to undertake
preservations of nature are not taken or made clear. When the nature is preserved and
revamped thoroughly, the environmental favor can influence the outcome of the
development of sustainable tourism in many a ways.
Economic Trends
The economic trends are also pertinent with the development of sustainable tourism.
When an economy is enjoying booms, then the businesses can feel more enhanced in
terms of the decisions they take. However, the negative implications can see through to
the development of sustainable business. Because the economic trend can either
enhance or deteriorate the quality of the sustainable features undertaken.

Micro Factors Influencing the Demand for Tourism

Micro factors can also influence the demand for tourism a great deal, especially at the
UK because the implications are too far stretched for the country’s current tourism
condition. Some micro factors can be identified to be internal factors, intrinsic factors,
external factors of motivation etc. These can impact the demand for tourism too, as the
favorability will see an increased demand for tourism and the contrast can be seen if
they are properly emphasized.
Internal Factors
Internal factors can include rewards that are intangible, self-realizations, self-
achievements, social needs etc. These factors come into play in the demand curve as
the better these factors are realized, the better response the tourists exude to the
businesses’ different operations. Again, the fulfillment of such factors can see till the
end the achievement of proper development of sustainable tourism that can help the
industry flourish.
Intrinsic Factors
There are many intrinsic factors that can change the outcomes of the sustainable
tourism development which can include the perception of the tourists of the destination
place, beliefs and values of the destination place etc. These can help organisations
working in the industry of the UK bring better results by being directly impacted by the
favorable aspects including the higher chances of success in the country and also the
better materialization of the hierarchy need theory of Maslow. In short, the intrinsic
factors can significantly alter the outcomes for the demand of tourism in the UK.
External Factors
The external factors including money, class, income, location, family, age etc. are prime
drivers of the change in demand curve in the tourism industry for the UK. Firstly
because the stated factors can significantly change the perception and lifestyle of
people. These factors can also include the impact of them on the demand of tourism
and the adaptability that will come naturally with the sustainable tourism concept’s
application. Moreover, these factors can also dictate how often the tourists will make a
visit and as such things. In short, external factors can influence the demand for tourism
greatly and for that, the businesses operating in the industry must be aware of them.

The tourism industry currently plays a great part in the economy for many countries
across the globe. For that, governments are undertaking special measures just to
ensure the proper exposure of the destination sites. But for that, micro and macro
factors need to be analyzed first and then on the basis of the understanding, take
decisions that can facilitate the future implications of sustainability. This report has
described what sustainable tourism is and what the major principles are. After that, the
role of stakeholders in the decision-making process of sustainable tourism development
has been elaborated. Furthermore, macro factors influencing the development of
sustainable tourism and micro factors influencing the demand for tourism have been
elongated. On the basis of this report, it is quite clear that businesses need to be
facilitated by the government as well as the driving of innovation, too. Even more than
that, the proper coping mechanisms of the businesses in the new industry will be
important, too. As for the micro factors, factors already described should be put
emphasis upon. This way, the businesses will be able to understand the affecting
factors and properly strategize and plan the development for sustainable tourism. As for
the destination place, for which the UK has been selected, must ensure the analysis of
these factors before and derive the desired results.


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