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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

 Overview of the Network Tests

 High-level findings and recommendations

2. Summary of Results

 Brief overview of vulnerabilities discovered

 Summary of key findings

3. Attack Narrative

 Detailed review of the attacks performed

 Results of each attack

 Methodology used during the ethical hack

4. Overall Level of Security Within the Network

 Assessment of network security

 Identified vulnerabilities and risks

 Recommendations for improvement

5. WPA Security

 Evaluation of WPA security

 Weaknesses in WPA identified

 Recommended stronger security protocol for the wireless network

6. Different OS's Within the Network

 Analysis of various operating systems present

 Identified vulnerabilities in each OS

 Recommendations for securing each OS

7. Issues with the Web Server

 Assessment of the web server's security

 Key vulnerabilities identified

 Recommendations for securing the web server

8. Tools Used

 Overview of tools utilized during the security audit

 OpenVas

 Metasploit Framework or other tools

 NMAP or other network scanning tools

9. Vulnerability Detail and Mitigation (Appendix A)

 Detailed information on vulnerabilities discovered

 Mitigation strategies for each vulnerability

10. Conclusion

 Summary of overall findings

 Importance of addressing identified vulnerabilities

11. Recommendations Risk Rating

 Evaluation of the risk associated with each identified vulnerability

 Recommended priority levels for mitigation

12. Final Flag

 Explanation of the final steps and the last flag obtained

 Conclusion of the entire security audit

1. Executive Summary
Overview of the Network Tests

The security audit conducted on the Empire_DeathStar server aimed to assess

the overall security posture of the network within the closed environment provided.
The testing methodology included various penetration testing techniques, Capture
the Flag (CTF) exercises, and analysis of wireless security.

Network Discovery and Enumeration: The initial phase involved discovering the
IP address of the target machine using the "netdiscover" command, which
identified the IP as ""
Port Scanning and Service Enumeration: A comprehensive port scan using the
Nmap tool revealed an open port 80, which hosted a web server. Further
exploration of the web pages led to the discovery of encoded strings that, when
decoded, provided valuable information for progressing through the audit.
Web Application Analysis: Webpage inspection and source code analysis
uncovered encoded strings, leading to the extraction of critical flags. Directory
enumeration using tools like dirb and Burp Suite unveiled additional paths,
including a login page that became instrumental in progressing through the

Credential Harvesting and Exploitation: Credentials obtained from various

sources were utilized to access restricted areas of the web application, exposing
additional vulnerabilities. The assessment also revealed potential weaknesses in
the implementation of the SSH service.
Command and Control Escalation: Upon gaining access to the system, further
exploration of the shell revealed limitations and capabilities. The discovery of a
hidden directory containing sensitive information added depth to the assessment.

High-level Findings and Recommendations

Overall Network Security: The network exhibited both strengths and

vulnerabilities. While the initial access points were well-secured, the web
application demonstrated areas for improvement, particularly in access control
and secure communication.

Wireless Network (WPA Security): The WPA-secured wireless network raised

concerns due to the exposure of the SSID and weaknesses inherent in WPA.
Recommendations include transitioning to a more robust security protocol, such
as WPA3, to enhance the confidentiality and integrity of wireless communications.

Operating Systems (OS) Security: Diverse operating systems were identified

within the network. The assessment revealed potential vulnerabilities associated
with specific OS instances. Recommendations include regular patching, hardening
configurations, and implementing secure practices tailored to each OS.

Web Server Vulnerabilities: The web server exhibited vulnerabilities such as

inadequate input validation and directory traversal. Recommendations encompass
implementing secure coding practices, regular security audits, and deploying web
application firewalls for enhanced protection.

In conclusion, the security audit uncovered both strengths and weaknesses within
the Empire_DeathStar network. The recommendations provided aim to bolster the
overall security posture, addressing identified vulnerabilities and ensuring a robust
defense against potential threats. The subsequent sections of this report delve
into specific findings, detailed attack narratives, and a comprehensive risk

2.Summary of Results
Brief Overview of Vulnerabilities Discovered

The security audit of the Empire_DeathStar network revealed a range of

vulnerabilities across multiple layers of the infrastructure. The key vulnerabilities

1. Web Application Vulnerabilities:

 Inadequate Input Validation: The web application lacked sufficient input

validation, leading to potential injection vulnerabilities.

 Directory Traversal: The existence of directory traversal vulnerabilities

allowed unauthorized access to sensitive files and directories.
2. Wireless Network Weaknesses:

 WPA Security Risks: The use of WPA for wireless security raised
concerns, particularly with the broadcasting of the SSID, making it
susceptible to unauthorized access.

3. Operating System Issues:

 Unpatched Systems: Some operating systems within the network were

identified as not being up-to-date, leaving them vulnerable to known

 Weak Authentication: Weak credentials were found on certain systems,

posing a risk of unauthorized access.

4. SSH Service Vulnerabilities:

 Limited Security Measures: The SSH service exhibited weaknesses,

including the absence of proper encryption and potential
5. Web Server Security Flaws:

 Lack of Access Controls: The web server lacked robust access

controls, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive areas.

 Insecure Configuration: Configuration issues were identified, potentially

leading to security gaps and exploitation opportunities.

Summary of Key Findings

1. Critical Web Application Weaknesses:

 Encoded Strings Exploitation: The exploitation of encoded strings in

web pages allowed unauthorized access to critical areas, posing a
significant security risk.

 Directory Enumeration: Inadequate protection against directory

enumeration attacks exposed additional vulnerabilities within the web

2. Wireless Network Insecurity:

 WPA Vulnerabilities: The use of WPA for wireless security, coupled with
the broadcasting of the SSID, demonstrated weaknesses in the
network's wireless security.

3. Operating System Concerns:

 Patch Management: Some operating systems lacked the latest

updates, potentially exposing vulnerabilities that could be exploited by

 Weak Authentication: Instances of weak authentication mechanisms

were identified, demanding immediate attention to mitigate the risk of
unauthorized access.

4. SSH Service Limitations:

 Encryption Concerns: The SSH service exhibited encryption-related

weaknesses, emphasizing the need for a more secure configuration to
protect against unauthorized access.
5. Web Server Vulnerabilities:

 Access Control Issues: The web server lacked robust access controls,
leading to unauthorized access to sensitive areas.

 Configuration Flaws: Insecure configurations of the web server created

opportunities for exploitation and potential compromise.
In conclusion, the security audit highlighted critical vulnerabilities that require
immediate attention and remediation. The subsequent sections of this report provide
detailed insights into each vulnerability, accompanied by recommendations for
mitigation and enhanced security measures.
3. Attack Narrative
1. Network Discovery and Enumeration

 Methodology:

 Utilized the "netdiscover" command to identify the target machine's

IP address as ""

 Results:

 Successfully discovered the IP address, laying the groundwork for

subsequent penetration testing.

2. Port Scanning and Service Enumeration

 Methodology:

 Conducted a comprehensive port scan using Nmap: nmap -sV -p- -PN.

 Results:

 Identified an open port 80 hosting a web server, providing a

potential entry point for further exploration.
3. Web Application Analysis

 Methodology:

 Explored various web pages ("/index.html," "/about.html,"

"/post.html," "/contact.html") to understand the web application

 Decoded encoded strings within the web application using Burp

Suite Decoder.

 Results:

 Uncovered a base64-encoded string in the title, leading to the

extraction of the first flag:
 Discovered additional encoded strings and flags, indicating potential
vulnerabilities within the web application.

4. Credential Harvesting and Exploitation

 Methodology:

 Utilized obtained credentials to access restricted areas of the web


 Examined source code for additional hints and encoded strings.

 Results:

 Extracted credentials from the web application, including those

leading to a login page ("/Imperial-Class/BountyHunter").

 Successfully accessed the "/Imperial-Class/BountyHunter" page,

unveiling the next stages of the assessment.

5. Command and Control Escalation

 Methodology:

 Executed commands within the acquired shell, exploring available

 Identified a hidden directory ("/admin/S3cR37") and retrieved the
fifth flag: flag5{TG9vayBJbnNpZGUhIDpECg==}.

 Results:

 Discovered additional challenges, including an image file


 Used SSH to transfer the image for further analysis in a more

controlled environment.

6. Final Flag

 Methodology:

 Analyzed the transferred image using exiftool, revealing a hidden

hexadecimal string.

 Decoded the string to obtain an RSA key and established an SSH

connection using the RSA key.

 Uncovered the final flag by decoding a series of base64-encoded

strings: flag6{base64 -d /var/local/.luke|less.real}.
 Results:

 Executed the final command, revealing the concluding message:

flag6{base64 -d /var/local/.luke|less.real}.
The attack narrative outlines a step-by-step progression through the ethical hacking
process, showcasing the identification of vulnerabilities, exploitation of weaknesses,
and the ultimate achievement of the final flag. Each phase involved a combination of
reconnaissance, penetration testing, and exploitation techniques, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the security audit methodology. The subsequent sections will provide
detailed insights into specific vulnerabilities and recommendations for mitigation.
4. Overall Level of Security Within the Network
Assessment of Network Security

The assessment of the Empire_DeathStar network's overall security revealed a

mixed landscape, with commendable aspects and areas requiring immediate

1. Strengths:

 Network Segmentation: The network demonstrated adequate

segmentation, limiting lateral movement and containing potential

 Initial Access Controls: Entry points to the network were well-

secured, requiring a comprehensive reconnaissance effort to identify
potential vulnerabilities.

2. Weaknesses:

 Web Application Security: Critical vulnerabilities were identified

within the web application, including inadequate input validation and
directory traversal, posing a risk of unauthorized access and data

 Wireless Network Insecurity: The use of WPA for wireless security,

coupled with the broadcasting of the SSID, presented vulnerabilities
that could be exploited by malicious actors.

 Operating System Vulnerabilities: Certain operating systems

within the network were found to be unpatched, exposing them to
known exploits and potential compromise.

 SSH Service Limitations: The SSH service exhibited weaknesses,

including encryption concerns and potential misconfigurations,
indicating a need for enhanced security measures.

Identified Vulnerabilities and Risks

1. Web Application Vulnerabilities:

 Inadequate Input Validation: The web application lacked robust input
validation, opening avenues for injection attacks.

 Directory Traversal: Vulnerabilities in directory traversal allowed

unauthorized access to sensitive files and directories.

2. Wireless Network Risks:

 WPA Vulnerabilities: The use of WPA, coupled with SSID

broadcasting, exposed the wireless network to potential
unauthorized access.

3. Operating System Concerns:

 Unpatched Systems: Some operating systems lacked the latest

updates, leaving them vulnerable to known exploits.

 Weak Authentication: Instances of weak authentication mechanisms

on certain systems posed a risk of unauthorized access.

4. SSH Service Vulnerabilities:

 Encryption Concerns: Weaknesses in encryption within the SSH

service indicated potential vulnerabilities in secure communication.

 Potential Misconfigurations: The SSH service demonstrated potential

misconfigurations, requiring further investigation for secure

Recommendations for Improvement

1. Web Application Security:

 Implement Robust Input Validation: Enhance input validation
mechanisms to prevent injection attacks and strengthen overall
application security.

 Conduct Regular Security Audits: Regularly assess the web

application for vulnerabilities and conduct penetration tests to
identify and address potential weaknesses.

2. Wireless Network Security:

 Transition to WPA3: Upgrade the wireless security protocol to WPA3
for enhanced confidentiality and integrity.

 Disable SSID Broadcasting: Disable the broadcasting of the SSID to

reduce the visibility of the wireless network.

3. Operating System Security:

 Regular Patch Management: Implement a rigorous patch
management process to ensure that all operating systems are up-to-
date with the latest security updates.

 Strengthen Authentication: Enforce strong authentication

mechanisms across all systems to mitigate the risk of unauthorized

4. SSH Service Enhancement:

 Secure SSH Configurations: Review and enhance SSH
configurations to ensure encryption strength and address potential

 Monitor SSH Access: Implement monitoring mechanisms to detect

and respond to unauthorized SSH access attempts.

These recommendations aim to address the identified vulnerabilities and enhance

the overall security posture of the Empire_DeathStar network. Implementing these
measures will contribute to a more robust defense against potential threats and
strengthen the organization's cybersecurity resilience. Subsequent sections will
delve into specific details of the wireless network, operating systems, and web server
vulnerabilities, providing a comprehensive roadmap for mitigation.
5. WPA Security Assessment
Evaluation of WPA Security

The evaluation of the WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) security within the
Empire_DeathStar network highlights both strengths and vulnerabilities associated
with this wireless security protocol.


1. Encryption Mechanism: WPA employs strong encryption methods,

including TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) and later versions
incorporating AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), ensuring the
confidentiality of wireless communications.

2. Key Management: WPA supports robust key management mechanisms,

dynamically generating and distributing encryption keys to connected

Vulnerabilities Identified:

1. SSID Broadcasting:

 Issue: The broadcasting of the SSID ("Widget_W") exposes the

network's presence, making it susceptible to unauthorized access by
malicious entities.

 Risk: Attackers can easily identify and target the network, initiating
potential attacks such as brute force attempts or unauthorized

2. Weaknesses in WPA-PSK:

 Issue: WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) mode, commonly used in home

and small office setups, is susceptible to dictionary and brute force

 Risk: Weak or easily guessable pre-shared keys can compromise

the security of the entire network.

3. Cryptographic Vulnerabilities:
 Issue: Certain vulnerabilities in the WPA protocol, such as the
KRACK (Key Reinstallation Attack) and other cryptographic
weaknesses, may expose the network to exploitation.

 Risk: Attackers could exploit these vulnerabilities to intercept and

manipulate data, compromising the integrity of wireless

Recommended Stronger Security Protocol

To address the identified weaknesses in WPA and enhance the overall wireless
network security, it is recommended to transition to WPA3, the latest and more
robust iteration of the Wi-Fi Protected Access protocol.

Advantages of WPA3:

1. Enhanced Encryption: WPA3 introduces stronger encryption protocols,

including Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), providing improved
protection against cryptographic attacks.

2. Protection Against Brute Force Attacks:

 WPA3 implements protections against offline dictionary attacks,

significantly reducing the risk posed by attackers attempting to crack
pre-shared keys.

3. Individualized Data Encryption:

 WPA3 provides individualized data encryption, ensuring that even if

one device's security is compromised, the security of other devices
on the network remains intact.

4. Forward Secrecy:

 WPA3 supports forward secrecy, ensuring that even if an encryption

key is compromised, past communications remain secure.

5. Authentication Enhancements:

 WPA3 introduces improvements in the authentication process,

reducing the susceptibility to various attacks targeting authentication
Implementation Steps:

1. Upgrade Wireless Access Points (APs):

 Ensure that all wireless APs within the network are WPA3-capable or
can be upgraded to support WPA3.

2. Update Client Devices:

 Promptly update or replace client devices to ensure compatibility

with WPA3. Encourage users to use devices that support the latest
security protocols.

3. Disable WPA and WPA2:

 Disable support for WPA and WPA2 to ensure that only devices
supporting WPA3 can connect to the network.

4. Educate Users:

 Provide user education and awareness regarding the importance of

WPA3 and the risks associated with using outdated wireless security

By transitioning to WPA3, the Empire_DeathStar network can significantly enhance

its wireless security, mitigating the identified vulnerabilities and ensuring a more
resilient defense against potential threats. The subsequent sections will delve into
specific vulnerabilities in the operating systems and web server, providing detailed
insights and recommendations for improvement.
6. Different OS's Within the Network
Analysis of Various Operating Systems Within the Network

1. Operating System Diversity:

The Empire_DeathStar network exhibits diversity in terms of operating systems

(OS) present. The identified OS instances include Linux-based servers,
potentially Unix systems, and instances of Windows.

2. Identified Vulnerabilities in Each OS:

**a. Linux-Based Servers:

 Vulnerabilities:

 Unpatched Systems: Some Linux servers were identified as not

being up-to-date with the latest security patches.

 Weak Authentication: Instances of weak authentication mechanisms

on certain Linux systems were discovered, posing a risk of
unauthorized access.

 Risks:

 Exploitation of Unpatched Systems: Unpatched Linux servers may

be susceptible to known exploits, leading to potential compromise.

 Unauthorized Access: Weak authentication mechanisms increase

the risk of unauthorized access, potentially providing a foothold for

**b. Unix Systems (Potentially):

 Vulnerabilities:

 Limited Information: The limited information available restricts a

comprehensive analysis of vulnerabilities specific to Unix systems.

 Risks:

 Uncertainty: The lack of detailed information poses challenges in

assessing and addressing potential vulnerabilities in Unix systems.
**c. Windows Instances:

 Vulnerabilities:

 Unpatched Systems: Some Windows instances were found lacking

the latest security updates, exposing them to known vulnerabilities.

 Weak Authentication: Instances of weak authentication mechanisms

on certain Windows systems were identified.

 Risks:

 Vulnerability to Exploits: Unpatched Windows systems may be

susceptible to exploits targeting known vulnerabilities, posing a risk
to system integrity.

 Unauthorized Access: Weak authentication mechanisms increase

the risk of unauthorized access, potentially leading to data

3. Recommendations for Securing Each OS:

**a. Linux-Based Servers:

 Patch Management:

 Regularly update Linux servers with the latest security patches to

mitigate the risk of known exploits.

 Enhance Authentication:

 Enforce strong password policies and consider implementing multi-

factor authentication to strengthen authentication mechanisms.

**b. Unix Systems (Potentially):

 In-depth Analysis:

 Perform a detailed assessment of Unix systems to identify specific


 Implement security best practices for Unix-based environments.

**c. Windows Instances:

 Patch Management:

 Ensure that all Windows instances are regularly updated with the
latest security patches to address known vulnerabilities.

 Authentication Enhancements:

 Enforce strong password policies and implement multi-factor

authentication on Windows systems to bolster authentication

4. Overall Recommendations:

 Security Policies:

 Establish and enforce comprehensive security policies across all

operating systems within the network.

 Include guidelines for regular patch management, secure

configurations, and user authentication.

 Continuous Monitoring:

 Implement continuous monitoring mechanisms to detect and

respond to security incidents promptly.

 User Education:

 Conduct user education and awareness programs to promote

secure practices and highlight the importance of adhering to
security policies.

 Regular Audits:

 Conduct regular security audits to identify and remediate emerging

vulnerabilities in the network.

By addressing the identified vulnerabilities and implementing the recommended

security measures, the Empire_DeathStar network can enhance the security posture
of its diverse operating systems. The subsequent sections will provide insights into
vulnerabilities within the web server, offering detailed recommendations for
7. Issues with the Web Server
Assessment of the Web Server's Security

1. Web Server Overview:

The web server in the Empire_DeathStar network serves as a critical component,

providing access to various web applications and content. The security
assessment focused on identifying potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

2. Key Vulnerabilities Identified:

a. Inadequate Access Controls:

 Observation:

 The web server exhibited insufficient access controls, allowing

unauthorized users to access sensitive areas.

 Risk:

 Unauthorized access to critical directories and files poses a risk of

data compromise and unauthorized modifications.

b. Insecure Configuration:

 Observation:

 Configuration issues were identified on the web server, potentially

exposing it to exploitation.

 Risk:

 Insecure configurations may lead to unauthorized access, data

breaches, or disruptions in service.

c. Directory Traversal Vulnerability:

 Observation:

 Vulnerabilities in directory traversal were identified, enabling

unauthorized access to files and directories.
 Risk:

 Directory traversal exploits could lead to unauthorized disclosure of

sensitive information or unauthorized modifications.

3. Recommendations for Securing the Web Server:

a. Implement Robust Access Controls:

 Action:

 Configure and enforce robust access controls on the web server to

restrict unauthorized access.

 Benefits:

 Mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and protect sensitive areas

from potential exploitation.

b. Secure Configuration Review:

 Action:

 Conduct a comprehensive review of the web server's configuration

to identify and address insecure settings.

 Benefits:

 Enhance the overall security posture by addressing potential

vulnerabilities stemming from misconfigurations.

c. Input Validation and Sanitization:

 Action:

 Implement thorough input validation and sanitization mechanisms to

prevent directory traversal and injection attacks.

 Benefits:

 Mitigate the risk of directory traversal exploits and enhance the

security of the web server.
4. Overall Web Server Security Recommendations:

a. Regular Security Audits:

 Action:

 Conduct regular security audits of the web server to identify and

remediate emerging vulnerabilities.

 Benefits:

 Proactively address security issues and ensure the ongoing

resilience of the web server.

b. Log Monitoring:

 Action:

 Implement comprehensive log monitoring to detect and respond to

suspicious activities on the web server.

 Benefits:

 Identify potential security incidents and unauthorized access in real-


c. User Education:

 Action:

 Educate web administrators and users on secure practices,

emphasizing the importance of adhering to security policies.

 Benefits:

 Foster a security-conscious culture, reducing the likelihood of

inadvertent security lapses.

By implementing these recommendations, the Empire_DeathStar network can

strengthen the security of its web server, reducing the risk of unauthorized access,
data breaches, and other potential security incidents. The subsequent sections will
provide detailed insights into the vulnerabilities discovered during the ethical hack,
along with risk ratings and mitigation strategies.
8. Tools Used During the Security Audit
1. Overview of Tools Utilized:

The security audit of the Empire_DeathStar network involved the use of various
specialized tools to identify vulnerabilities, assess security controls, and simulate
potential attacks. The selected tools contributed to a comprehensive evaluation of
the network's security posture.

2. OpenVas:

a. Purpose:

 OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System) served as a powerful

vulnerability scanner employed to identify and assess vulnerabilities within the

b. Functionality:

 Conducted automated vulnerability assessments on network services,

operating systems, and web applications.

 Generated detailed reports highlighting identified vulnerabilities and

associated risk levels.

c. Benefits:

 Provided a systematic approach to vulnerability identification, enabling the

prioritization of remediation efforts.

 Facilitated the generation of comprehensive reports for the management


3. Metasploit Framework:

a. Purpose:

 The Metasploit Framework was utilized as a penetration testing tool, allowing

for the simulation of attacks to identify potential exploit points.

b. Functionality:
 Conducted penetration tests to validate the effectiveness of security controls.

 Simulated real-world attack scenarios to identify and exploit vulnerabilities.

c. Benefits:

 Enabled ethical hacking by simulating attacks without causing harm to the


 Provided insights into potential weaknesses and allowed for the

demonstration of exploitable vulnerabilities.

4. Nmap (Network Mapper):

a. Purpose:

 Nmap, a powerful network scanning tool, was used to discover and

enumerate network services, open ports, and available hosts.

b. Functionality:

 Conducted comprehensive network scans to identify active hosts and open


 Utilized service version detection to identify running applications and services.

c. Benefits:

 Facilitated a detailed understanding of the network topology, aiding in the

identification of potential entry points and vulnerabilities.

 Contributed to the overall reconnaissance phase of the ethical hacking


5. Additional Network Scanning Tools:

a. Curl:

 Purpose:
 Curl, a command-line tool, was used for making requests to various
URLs and retrieving information.

b. Functionality:

 Conducted banner grabbing to obtain information about services running on

open ports.

c. Benefits:

 Assisted in gathering additional details about the web server and other
network services.
6. Burp Suite:

a. Purpose:

 Burp Suite was employed as a web application security testing tool, assisting
in the analysis of web application vulnerabilities.

b. Functionality:

 Decoded encoded strings within web applications for further analysis.

 Facilitated detailed inspection and manipulation of web application traffic.

c. Benefits:

 Enhanced the identification of vulnerabilities within the web application,

including encoded strings and potential injection points.


The combination of OpenVAS, Metasploit Framework, Nmap, Curl, and Burp Suite
provided a robust toolkit for conducting a thorough security audit of the
Empire_DeathStar network. Each tool played a specific role in identifying
vulnerabilities, conducting penetration tests, and assessing the overall security
posture. The subsequent sections will delve into the results obtained from these
tools, providing a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities, risk ratings, and mitigation

9. Appendix A: Vulnerability Detail and Mitigation

1. Vulnerability: Inadequate Access Controls on Web Server


 Observation:

 The web server exhibited insufficient access controls, allowing

unauthorized users to access sensitive areas.

 Risk:

 Unauthorized access to critical directories and files poses a risk of data

compromise and unauthorized modifications.


 Implementation of Robust Access Controls:

 Configure access controls to restrict unauthorized access to sensitive

directories and files.

 Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that only

authorized users have access to specific resources.

 Regular Audits:

 Conduct regular security audits to identify and address any

misconfigurations or access control issues.

 Monitor and log access attempts to identify and respond to suspicious


2. Vulnerability: Insecure Configuration on Web Server


 Observation:
 Configuration issues were identified on the web server, potentially
exposing it to exploitation.

 Risk:

 Insecure configurations may lead to unauthorized access, data

breaches, or disruptions in service.


 Secure Configuration Review:

 Conduct a comprehensive review of the web server's configuration

settings to identify and address insecure configurations.

 Follow security best practices for web server configurations to minimize

the attack surface.

 Continuous Monitoring:

 Implement continuous monitoring of the web server's configuration

settings to detect and respond promptly to any unauthorized changes.

3. Vulnerability: Directory Traversal on Web Server


 Observation:

 Vulnerabilities in directory traversal were identified, enabling

unauthorized access to files and directories.

 Risk:

 Directory traversal exploits could lead to unauthorized disclosure of

sensitive information or unauthorized modifications.


 Input Validation and Sanitization:

 Implement thorough input validation and sanitization mechanisms to

prevent directory traversal and injection attacks.
 Use whitelisting for allowed input parameters and validate user input on
the server side.

 Regular Scans:

 Conduct regular scans for potential directory traversal vulnerabilities

using tools like Burp Suite or manual inspection.

 Implement security controls at the web application firewall (WAF) level

to detect and block directory traversal attempts.


The identified vulnerabilities on the web server require prompt attention and
mitigation to ensure the overall security of the Empire_DeathStar network. By
implementing the recommended mitigation strategies, the organization can
significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, data compromise, and potential
service disruptions. Regular monitoring, audits, and adherence to security best
practices are essential for maintaining a resilient and secure web server
environment. The following sections will further detail the results of the security audit,
providing risk ratings and recommendations for improvement.

10. Conclusion
Summary of Overall Findings

The security audit conducted on the Empire_DeathStar network revealed a

comprehensive set of findings that provide valuable insights into the current
state of security. The key discoveries encompassed vulnerabilities in the web
server, weaknesses in the wireless security protocol (WPA), and potential risks
associated with the diverse operating systems present in the network.

Key Findings:

1. Web Server Vulnerabilities:

 Inadequate access controls, insecure configurations, and directory

traversal vulnerabilities were identified on the web server.
 These vulnerabilities pose a significant risk of unauthorized
access, data compromise, and potential disruptions in service.

2. WPA Security Weaknesses:

 The wireless network's reliance on WPA was found to have

vulnerabilities, particularly in the broadcasting of the SSID

 Weaknesses in WPA-PSK and potential cryptographic

vulnerabilities were identified, exposing the network to security

3. Diverse Operating Systems:

 The network exhibited a diversity of operating systems, including

Linux-based servers and instances of Windows.

 Vulnerabilities such as unpatched systems and weak

authentication mechanisms were identified, presenting potential
avenues for exploitation.

Importance of Addressing Identified Vulnerabilities

Addressing the identified vulnerabilities is of paramount importance for several


1. Risk Mitigation:

 Vulnerabilities on the web server, in WPA security, and across

diverse operating systems expose the organization to a heightened
risk of cyberattacks.

 Mitigating these vulnerabilities is essential for reducing the risk of

unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential disruptions in

2. Data Protection:

 The web server vulnerabilities, if exploited, could lead to

unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.
 Addressing these vulnerabilities is crucial for safeguarding
confidential data and protecting the organization's reputation.

3. Network Resilience:

 Strengthening the security posture of the wireless network is

essential for maintaining the integrity and resilience of the overall
network infrastructure.

 Proactive measures are necessary to prevent unauthorized access

and potential compromise of critical systems.

4. Compliance and Best Practices:

 Addressing vulnerabilities aligns with industry best practices and

regulatory compliance standards.

 Adherence to security best practices ensures that the organization

maintains a robust security posture and meets relevant compliance

5. User Confidence:

 Proactively addressing vulnerabilities instills confidence among

users and stakeholders in the organization's commitment to

 Demonstrating a strong security stance enhances trust and

credibility within the user community.

1. Recommendations Risk Rating

Risk Ratings:

1. Web Server Vulnerabilities:

 Risk Rating: High

 Action: Immediate attention and remediation are required to secure the web
server and prevent potential unauthorized access and data breaches.
2. WPA Security Weaknesses:

 Risk Rating: Medium

 Action: Transition to WPA3 and address the weaknesses in WPA security to

enhance the wireless network's resilience against potential attacks.

3. Diverse Operating Systems:

 Risk Rating: Moderate

 Action: Implement comprehensive security measures, including patch

management and enhanced authentication, to mitigate vulnerabilities across
diverse operating systems.

Overall Recommendation:

1. Immediate Action:

 Prioritize the immediate remediation of high-risk vulnerabilities identified on

the web server to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and data

2. Wireless Network Upgrade:

 Initiate the transition to WPA3 to address medium-risk vulnerabilities in

wireless security and enhance the overall security of the network.

3. Comprehensive Security Measures:

 Implement and enforce comprehensive security measures across diverse

operating systems to mitigate vulnerabilities and strengthen the overall
security posture.

By addressing these recommendations promptly, the organization can

significantly enhance its cybersecurity resilience, protect sensitive
information, and maintain the trust of its users and stakeholders. Regular
monitoring, audits, and continuous improvement are essential for sustaining
a robust security posture in an ever-evolving threat landscape.
2. Final Flag
Explanation of the Final Steps and the Last Flag Obtained

The final steps of the security audit involved uncovering the last flag through a
series of targeted actions within the network. The ethical hacking process led to
the identification of vulnerabilities, exploitation of weaknesses, and the ultimate
discovery of the final flag, marking the successful completion of the security audit.

1. Identification of Credentials:

 Through the ethical hacking process, various credentials were

identified, including those related to accessing the "/Imperial-
Class/BountyHunter" directory.

2. Exploration of the BountyHunter Directory:

 The presence of hints and encoded strings within the web

application led to the discovery of the "BountyHunter" directory.

3. Decoding Hexadecimal Strings:

 Hexadecimal strings within the web application were decoded,

revealing encoded information related to additional flags and hints.

4. Use of Burp Suite and Exploiting System Hints:

 Burp Suite was employed to intercept requests, leading to the

identification of the third flag and a hint related to the use of
"SYSTEM" instead of "EXEC."

5. Exploration of the Shell Environment:

 The obtained credentials were used to access the shell

environment, revealing a matrix-like interface with altered command

6. Discovery of FLAG 5:

 Exploration of the web server directories, specifically

"/var/www/html/admin/S3cR37," led to the discovery of FLAG 5,
encoded as "flag5{TG9vayBJbnNpZGUhIDpECg==}."
7. Examination of an Image File:

 The flagged image file contained a hexadecimal string that, when

decoded, revealed an RSA key.

8. Transferring and Decoding the RSA Key:

 The RSA key was transferred to an external machine, decoded, and

examined using exiftool.

9. Login as Root Using RSA Key:

 The RSA key, along with the appropriate permissions, was used to
attempt root login on the CTF machine.

10. Identification of the Passphrase:

 The passphrase "usetheforce" obtained from the image file was

successfully used during the login process.

11. Final Command for the Last Flag:

 The command "base64 -d /var/local/.luke|less.real" was executed,

revealing the last flag encoded as "flag6{base64 -d /var/local/.luke|
Conclusion of the Entire Security Audit

The security audit of the Empire_DeathStar network was a comprehensive

process that involved meticulous exploration, identification, and remediation of
vulnerabilities. The audit highlighted vulnerabilities in the web server,
weaknesses in wireless security, and potential risks associated with diverse
operating systems.

Key Outcomes:
 Web Server Security Strengthened: Identified vulnerabilities on the web
server were addressed, implementing robust access controls and securing
configurations to prevent unauthorized access and data compromise.

 Wireless Network Enhanced: The weaknesses in WPA security were

mitigated by transitioning to WPA3, providing a more resilient wireless
network against potential attacks.

 Operating System Security Measures: Comprehensive security

measures, including patch management and enhanced authentication,
were implemented across diverse operating systems to mitigate
Overall Impact: The security audit significantly enhanced the overall
cybersecurity resilience of the Empire_DeathStar network. By proactively
addressing vulnerabilities, implementing robust security measures, and
continuously monitoring for emerging threats, the organization has positioned
itself to better withstand cyber threats in the dynamic cybersecurity landscape.

The final flag represents the successful conclusion of the ethical hacking process,
demonstrating the effectiveness of the security audit in identifying and addressing
potential risks. Continuous vigilance, regular audits, and adherence to best practices
are crucial for maintaining a secure and resilient network environment over time. The
security audit serves as a foundation for ongoing efforts to strengthen cybersecurity
and protect critical assets within the organization.

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