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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing

Templates for Customer Replies
Work Instructions at a Glance

Templates for customer replies

Correction will be delivered with the Correction will be provided with the Correction will be delivered with Number of days until next update
next Hotfix Collection next release Emergency Patch

Inform the customer when the Inform the customer when the correction Template
correction will be Inform the customer that a new will be delivered/implemented. Option 1:
delivered/implemented. addition to his software is available Template • Informs customer about relevant
Template with release xyz. new information
Template Option 2:
• Inform the customer that the
incident is still in process and now
relevant information can be
Correction was delivered to Incident will be forwarded to Cloud Operations need to be provided. Specification about
customer system – reply for Development Support involved [in the resolution of the mandatory ORT must be given
“Solution provided” issue] Option 3:
• Inform the customer that the
Inform the customer that issue has Inform the customer that cloud incident is still in process and now
Inform the customer that a new been analyzed and require further operations team has been involved. relevant information can be
addition to his software is expertise from Development Support. Template provided. Realistic expected time
available in the system. Template until the next update must be given
Template to the customer.
Manually overwrite ORT in BCP.

Why we follow this process:

Line of updates (Ongoing Response Times) must be given to the customer. Templates will help to inform the customer about the next step.

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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Correction will be delivered with the next Hotfix Collection
Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,

In response to your issue, we have completed a correction/addition to your software.

This correction will be delivered with the next Hotfix Collection <Hotfix Collection SPS> .

The implementation is planned to take place in the next maintenance window at the < Put in the date of the Sunday
after RTH >.

The solution can be seen in SAP Note <number - if a note exists>.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards,

<Insert your signature here>

This is current state of planning and may be changed by SAP at any time without notice

→ Use the memo type “Info to Customer”

→ Select the corresponding incident status “Pending Release”,
→ Status “Pending Release” is visible for customers.
→ Status “Pending Release” stop ORT calculation
→ Find the corresponding RTH Date in System HFS.300 in TA HF_SCHEDULE by selecting Product Version
“S4HANA CLOUD <nnnn>”
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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Correction will be provided with the next release
Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,
How to identify and insert the release:
In response to your issue, we have completed a correction/addition to your • You identified the SAP Note that
resolves the issue, e.g. Note 2542286
This correction will be delivered with S/4HANA Cloud Release < Release • In this Note, look for section Solved in
number here >.
Cloud e.g.
The current S/4HANA upgrade schedule is available here: <insert the current SAP S/4HANA Cloud - release 1802
link of the External Upgrade Schedule>

The solution can be seen in SAP Note <number – if a note exists>.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards, More details on /go/s4ms ->

S4 HANA correction process
<Insert your signature here>

This is current state of planning and may be changed by SAP at any time
without notice.

→ Use the memo type “Info to Customer”

→ Select the corresponding incident status “Pending Release”,
→ Status “Pending Release” is visible for customers.
→ Status “Pending Release” stop ORT calculation.

©2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Internal 3

On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Correction will be delivered with Emergency Patch
Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,

In response to your issue, we have completed a correction/addition to your software.

This correction will be delivered with S/4HANA Cloud < EP Patch Collection Name >.

The implementation is planned to take place in the next maintenance window < tonight / tomorrow night / next

The solution can be seen in SAP Note <number - if note exists>.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards,

<Insert your signature here>

This is current state of planning and may be changed by SAP at any time without notice.

→ Use the memo type “Info to Customer”

→ Select the corresponding incident status “Pending Release”,
→ Status “Pending Release” is visible for customers.
→ Status “Pending Release” stop ORT calculation

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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Correction was delivered to customer system –
reply for “Solution provided”

Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,

The correction had been implemented in your system.

The solution can be seen in SAP Note <number – if a note exists>.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards,

<Insert your signature here>

→ Use memo type “Reply”

→ Select the status “Solution Provided”

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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Incident will be forwarded to Development Support

Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,

Thank you for the information provided so far. After analyzing the issue we have found that it
requires further expertise. Your incident will be forwarded to Development Support for further
Please specify when the customer might receive an update (Date / Time)
according to the mandatory Ongoing Response Times (ORT)
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards,

<Insert your signature here>

→ Use the memo type “Info to Customer”

→ Select the corresponding incident status “Pending Development”
→ Status “Pending Development” is visible for customers as “In Processing by SAP”.

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On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Cloud Operations need to be involved (in the resolution of the issue)
Use cases: you should use this template for customer communication for cases when the Cloud
Please Note
Operations Team need to be involved: problems related to e.g. performance, operating system,
database and software update required. You can find a detailed list of the Cloud Operations
Services here Please be aware that you have to fulfill
the mandatory Ongoing Response
Time (ORT) although the issue is with
cloud operations.
Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,

We would like to inform you that we have triggered the involvement of the Cloud Operations Team for
the resolution of the issue. As soon as we have new information regarding the progress of the analysis,
we will contact you.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Best regards,

<Insert your signature here>

→ Use the memo type “Info to Customer”

→ Select the corresponding incident status “Pending Operations”
→ Status “Pending Operations” is visible for customers as “In Processing by SAP”.

©2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Internal 7

On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies
Number of days until next update
Dear <Mr./Ms. LastName>,
Please Note
Option 1 – relevant new information
<Describe the new information using customer’s language (i.e. avoid technical terms)> Depending on the incident priority
the ORT must be fulfilled via „Call to
Option 2 – no relevant new information (standard update times) Customer“ or „Info to Customer.
We are still processing your incident. Unfortunately, there is currently no new information
that we can provide.

Please specify when the customer might receive an update (Date / Time)
according to the mandatory Ongoing Response Times (ORT).

Option 3 – no relevant new information (individual update times depending on situation)

We are still processing your incident. Unfortunately, there is currently no new information that we can provide.
We will contact you again in
<insert a realistic expected time (in days) until the next contextual update > working day(s) at the latest.
Manually override the ORT in BCP with this new value (date/time).
We really appreciate your patience.
Best regards,
<Insert your signature here>

→ Use memo type “Info to customer” and leave incident on status “In Process”

©2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Internal 8

On Premise & Cloud \ S/4 HANA Incident Processing \ Templates for Customer Replies Process owner:
Karola Hirsch / Ulrich Weber PS DS
Change Log

Version Changed by Date Description of change Status

Raquel Torrents (IMS)
1.0.0 July, 2015 Initial Document
Jaime Farinos (PS) Released
1.0.1 Katleen Linke/HG Oberhauser Nov. 2015 How to communicate release information (page 5) Released

1.0.2 Karola Hirsch May 4, 2016 Wording changed (slide 3, 4 & 8) Released

1.0.3 Karola Hirsch August 1, 2017 Add which status and memo type needs to be used for the different templates Released

1.0.4 Karola Hirsch Nov. 22, 2017 Status “Pending Release” stop ORT calculation (Q4 2017 release) Released
New templates “Emergency Patch” and “Correction delivered”
1.0.5 Karola Hirsch Dec. 07, 2017 Released
Update on template Hotfix Collection and Next Release,
1.0.6 Karola Hirsch Dec. 10, 2018 Add where to find corresponding RTH Date (page 2) Released
Pages 6 +8: Updated link to ORT document and processing times showing agreed ORT SLAs per
1.0.7 André Pürschel June 19, 2019 Released
contract type and priority

Tagging: Tagging: #WIPSEngineer #WIPSDeveloper #WIPSOnPremCloud

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