Possible Questions For Pre

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Possible Questions for Pre-Oral Defense

1. Introduction and Background

- Can you elaborate on how the term "diversity" has evolved in the context of workplace settings?

 Diversity means including people with different backgrounds, like race, gender, age, and culture,
in the workplace. It’s about recognizing and valuing these differences.

- What inspired you to focus specifically on the department stores in Mandaue City for your study?

 We chose Mandaue City because it represents a diverse urban area in the Philippines, and
department stores are places where different kinds of people work together.

2. Literature Review

- How do the findings of Kita (2019) and Ebrahimji (2020) relate to the context of your study in the

 Kita's findings on age discrimination and Ebrahimji’s stats on gender inequality show that
discrimination is common everywhere, including the Philippines. Our study looks at these issues

- Can you discuss the implications of the McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org study on workplace
diversity, and how it informs your research?

 This study shows that minority groups and women face barriers to promotion. Our research
explores these barriers in the local retail industry.

3. Research Questions and Objectives

- Why did you choose to focus on the lived experiences of employees as a primary research question?

 By focusing on employees' personal stories, we can understand the real impact of diversity
issues in their daily work life.

- How do your research questions aim to address the gaps identified in existing literature?

 Our questions aim to find out specific challenges related to culture, ethnicity, and gender in
Philippine department stores.
4. Methodology

- What methodology are you using to gather data on the lived experiences of employees in
department stores?

 We will use interviews and focus groups to hear directly from employees about their

- Can you explain the criteria for selecting your participants?

 We’ll choose participants based on their roles, time at the company, and diverse backgrounds to
get a broad range of perspectives.

- How will you ensure the reliability and validity of your data collection methods?

 We will use multiple methods to cross-check our data and confirm our findings with

5. Scope and Limitations

- What are the main limitations of your study, and how do you plan to address them?

 Our study is limited to Mandaue City and relies on self-reported data, which may have biases.
We’ll try to minimize these by including a diverse group of participants.

- How do you ensure that your findings will be generalizable beyond the specific context of Mandaue
City department stores?

 While our findings are specific to Mandaue City, they can offer insights useful for other similar
urban areas.

6. Significance of the Study

- How do you envision your study impacting current human resource management practices in the

 This study can help companies create better HR policies to support diversity and inclusion.

- What practical recommendations do you anticipate making to companies and managers based on
your findings?

 We expect to suggest ways for managers to communicate better and handle diversity-related
issues effectively.
7. Data Analysis

- How will you address potential biases in your data analysis process?

 We’ll use strategies like discussing our findings with peers to ensure we’re not biased in our

8. Expected Outcomes

- What do you expect to discover about the factors that contribute to and impede workplace diversity
in department stores?

 We expect to find what helps and what hinders diversity in the workplace, like company culture
and leadership.

- How will your research contribute to the broader academic understanding of diversity in the

 Our study will provide new insights into diversity issues in the Philippine retail sector.

9. Ethical Considerations

- What ethical considerations have you accounted for in your research design?

 We will get informed consent from participants, ensure their privacy, and handle their data

- How will you ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of your participants?

 We will anonymize data and securely store it to protect participant identities.

10. Implications and Applications

- How do you think your study will influence future research on workplace diversity?

 Our study can serve as a foundation for future research on workplace diversity in other contexts.

- What policies or practices do you anticipate recommending to enhance workplace diversity and
inclusion in department stores?

 We will likely recommend HR policies that promote fair hiring, ongoing diversity training, and
support for minority groups
11. Challenges

- What challenges do you anticipate encountering during your research, and how do you plan to
overcome them?

 Participants might be hesitant to share their experiences, and responses might be biased. We
will build trust and ensure a safe environment for sharing.

- How will you handle conflicting data or differing perspectives among your participants?

 We will consider all perspectives, even conflicting ones, to provide a complete understanding of
the issues.

12. Future Research

- How can future researchers build upon the findings of your study?

 Future researchers can look at other industries or regions and conduct long-term studies to see
how diversity evolves over time.

- What other areas related to workplace diversity do you think warrant further investigation?

 More studies could explore the impact of specific diversity initiatives and the role of leadership
in promoting inclusion.

13. Personal Motivation and Reflection

- How has your understanding of workplace diversity evolved through the course of this research?

 This research has deepened my understanding of the challenges and benefits of workplace
diversity. It shows how important it is to have inclusive practices.

- In what ways do you think conducting this study will benefit your future career?

 The insights from this study will help me promote diversity and inclusion in my future career,
making workplaces better for everyone.

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