Additional Possible Questions and Answers For Pre

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Additional Possible Questions and Answers for Pre-Oral Defense

1. Conceptual Framework

- How did you develop the conceptual framework for your study?

- By reviewing existing literature and identifying key themes and variables related to workplace

- Can you explain how the different concepts in your framework are related?

- Diversity impacts employee experiences, moderated by management practices, affecting

organizational outcomes like satisfaction and productivity.

2. Literature Review

- What gaps in the existing literature does your study aim to fill?

- The specific experiences of employees in the Philippine retail sector regarding diversity
management by immediate superiors.

- How does your research build upon or diverge from previous studies on workplace diversity?

- It applies existing theories to a new context and focuses on the role of immediate superiors.

3. Research Methodology

- Why did you choose qualitative methods over quantitative methods for this study?

- Qualitative methods allow for deeper understanding of personal experiences and perceptions.

- How will you ensure the credibility and trustworthiness of your qualitative data?

- Through triangulation, member checking, and maintaining a detailed audit trail.

4. Data Collection

- How will you ensure that your interview and focus group questions are unbiased and effective?

- By pilot testing and seeking feedback from peers and advisors.

- What steps will you take to encourage participation and openness from your interviewees?

- Ensuring confidentiality and creating a comfortable environment.

5. Analysis and Interpretation

- How do you plan to deal with any conflicting data or contradictory findings?

- Analyzing and documenting conflicting data to understand different perspectives.

- What strategies will you use to ensure that your interpretations of the data are objective and

- Using member checking, peer debriefing, and maintaining reflexivity.

6. Findings and Discussion

- What preliminary findings do you anticipate, based on your review of the literature?

- Employee experiences are significantly influenced by their immediate superiors' attitudes and

- How will you present and discuss your findings to ensure clarity and relevance to your research

- Presenting findings thematically with clear charts, quotes, and summaries.

7. Implications

- How do you think your findings will impact current HR practices and policies in the department

- Leading to better diversity training programs and more inclusive policies.

- What recommendations do you anticipate making for immediate superiors based on your findings?

- Regular diversity training, clear reporting channels, and inclusive leadership practices.

8. Limitations and Challenges

- What are the potential limitations of your study, and how will you address them?

- Sample size and response bias, addressed by ensuring diverse participants and using multiple data
collection methods.

- How do you plan to overcome challenges related to participant bias or data reliability?

- Through triangulation, member checking, and ensuring anonymity.

9. Ethical Considerations
- What specific ethical challenges do you foresee, and how will you address them?

- Ensuring confidentiality and obtaining informed consent, following ethical guidelines.

- How will you protect the confidentiality and privacy of your participants?

- Anonymizing data and securely storing it.

10. Future Research

- What areas of workplace diversity do you think need further research?

- Long-term impacts of diversity initiatives and experiences of different demographic groups.

- How could future studies build on your findings?

- Comparative studies in different regions or sectors and exploring specific diversity policies.

11. Significance and Contributions

- What do you believe is the most significant contribution of your study to the field of workplace

- Insights into the role of immediate superiors in managing diversity in the Philippine retail sector.

- How do you envision your study influencing future diversity initiatives in the workplace?

- Guiding companies in designing effective diversity training programs and policies.

12. Practical Applications

- How can companies implement the findings from your study to improve diversity and inclusion?

- Developing targeted training, clear policies, and better support systems for employees.

- What specific policies or programs do you think will be most effective based on your research?

- Mandatory diversity training, anonymous reporting systems, and mentorship programs.

13. Personal Insights

- What have been the most surprising or unexpected insights you've gained during your research?

- The significant impact of small actions by immediate superiors on employees' perceptions.

- How has conducting this research influenced your perspective on workplace diversity?

- Deepened understanding of the complexities and importance of inclusive leadership.

14. Contextual Relevance

- How do you think cultural and societal factors in the Philippines impact workplace diversity?

- Cultural norms and hierarchical structures significantly influence diversity management.

- What unique challenges do department stores in Mandaue City face regarding diversity that might
differ from other regions or industries?

- Managing a diverse customer base and addressing local cultural dynamics.

15. Stakeholder Engagement

- How will you involve key stakeholders in your research findings and recommendations?

- Through presentations, workshops, and detailed reports.

- What strategies will you use to communicate your findings effectively to non-academic audiences?

- Using simple language, visual aids, and real-life examples.

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