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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Ministry of Education ‫وزارة التعليم‬

University of Tabuk ‫جامعة تبوك‬

ELS1103 Module 3 Final Exam: Speaking Rubric – Suggesting Solutions

• You will be given a local or international problem. Define and suggest solutions.
• You have two minutes to organize your thoughts on the topic.
• You are expected to speak on the topic for two minutes. You can make notes on a blank
piece of paper.
• You may glance at your notes while you speak, but do not merely read off your paper.

Speaking Evaluation Rubric for Suggesting Solutions

▪ Student spoke fluently and at a natural pace with rare repetition or hesitation
▪ The response included clear ideas of which all were coherent
▪ No grammatical errors

Student used a wide range of vocabulary correctly
A minimum of TWO examples were provided
▪ Modal verbs (should/must/could) were used correctly
▪ Student spoke fluently and at a natural pace with some repetition or hesitation
▪ The response included clear ideas of which most were coherent
▪ Some grammatical errors

Student used a wide range of vocabulary correctly
A minimum of TWO examples were provided
▪ Modal verbs (should/must/could) were used correctly
▪ Student spoke at a natural pace with some repetition or hesitation
▪ The response included clear ideas of which some were coherent
▪ Some grammatical errors

Student used some key vocabulary but with errors
A minimum of TWO examples were provided
▪ Modal verbs (should/must/could) were used
▪ Student spoke with a lot of repetition or hesitation
▪ Many grammatical errors
▪ Student used some key vocabulary but with errors

One example was provided
Modal verbs (should/must/could) were used
▪ Student spoke with a lot of repetition or hesitation

Many grammatical errors
Either one or no example was provided
▪ Modal verbs (should/must/could) were not used

*The student gets a zero if no response was given or the response was
completely off topic.

ELS1103 (2023-2024) – Module 3

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