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JCHAS 737 1–9


Presenting of failure probability

assessment pattern by FTA
in Fuzzy logic (case study:
Distillation tower unit of oil
refinery process)
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is an appropriate tool for failure analysis and failure rate determination. In some
cases, it is difficult or even impossible to determine the relationships among the main factors of system
failure. Moreover manual calculation of subsystem failure probability rate is hard or impossible. Also, in
some situation for the lack of information about the process and main event obtained results are uncertain.
This is where fuzzy tool can be best exploited. In this study with matching of FTA and fuzzy for
determination of failure probability, we can obtain accurate and certain results. Refinery industry is one
of the most dangerous industries in Iran and in some places it is located near the crowded cities. The
distillation unit, as one of the most dangerous units in this industry, was evaluated by Fuzzy Fault tree
analysis (FFTA) tool. The findings of this study can be used in risk management method.

Q1 By M. Omidvari, existing condition or deciding to extol Fuzzy set analysis happens under a
S.M.R. Lavasani, to a higher level. (B) Different between dynamically changing environment
S. Mirza important risks and the risks which are or in systems where available data
less important. are incomplete or insufficient for sta-
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a logical tistical inferences. In the absence of
INTRODUCTION and diagrammatic method of evaluat- exact data, it may be necessary to work
ing the probability of an accident that with rough estimations of probabili-
Risk assessment is performed in order results from sequences of faults and ties. Under these conditions, it may
to achieve an appropriate decision for failure events. FTA is useful for under- be inappropriate to use the conven-
two following items: (A) accepting the standing the mode of an accident’s tional FTA for computing the system
occurrence logically. Furthermore, giv- failure probability. It is necessary to
en the failure probabilities of system develop a new kind of formalism to
Q3 M. Omidvari is Assistant Professor af- components, the probability of the fi- capture the subjectivity and the impre-
filiated with the Industrial and Me- nal event can be calculated. The sim- cision of failure data for use in FTA.
chanical Engineering Faculty, Qazvin plest way in formulating a reliability Instead of the probability of failure, it
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaz- problem is to use the standard Boolean will be more appropriate to propose
vin, Iran (Tel.: 281 3670051; operators AND, OR and NOT. the possibility of failure.2
fax: 281 3670051; In conventional FTA, the failure By recognizing all amounts of events
e-mail: probabilities of system components probability from first to last, mount of
are treated as exact values. However, happening likelihood of a final and
S.M.R. Lavasani is affiliated with the for many systems, it is sometimes very most of the time unpleasant phenome-
Environmental and Energy Faculty, difficult to estimate the precise failure na would be specified for the system.
Science and Research Branch, Islamic rates or probabilities of individual Therefore, the analysis of fault tree is
Azad University, Tehran, Iran. components or failure events in the one of the best quantitative methods of
quantitative FTA from the past occur- measuring dangers. Sometimes, exact
S. Mirza is Graduate student affiliated rences. In other words, the crisp ap- estimation of defeat from portions
with the HSE Department, Environ- proach tends to have difficulty in or probability of unwanted events
mental and Energy Faculty, Science conveying imprecision or vagueness happening is difficult because of inad-
and Research Branch, Islamic Azad nature in system modeling to represent equate information. Moreover, be-
University, Tehran, Iran. the failure rate of system component.1 cause of the lack of accuracy of

1871-5532 ß Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical Society 1 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

information and lack of data in base Qualifying studied system's dangers

events (BE), Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis
(FFTA) could be used. In FTA methods
Does entrance probability
need to accurate and enough data of rate exist?

base events for calculating probability

Using fuzzy logic
of system. Usually, there is not accu-
rate or enough incident data in indus- Choosing experts
tries. FFTA is suggested for solving this
Are they inspect Qualifying weight
problem. Zadeh extended the notion able?
of binary membership to accommo- Consensus of experts
date various degrees of membership
on the real continuous interval 0 or Equation 2 would be used Diffuzyfy
Equation 1 would be used
1, where the endpoints of 0 and 1 Using probable to probability formula
conform to no membership and full
Qualifying BE probability
membership respectively.3 Amrozo-
wicz and his colleagues suggested a Qualifying Top Event (TE) probability
systematic approach must be under-
taken to effectively identify accident Recognizing and qualifying the most critical MCS

risks and consequences based on

FTA. So they can be minimized by Figure 1. The procedure of the study.
appropriate safety measures. The ap-
proach utilizes fault trees and event hazards related to chemical industries. Moreover this article assumes that
trees and incorporates The Human Er- FTA is an established technique in some basic events are examinable,
ror Rate Prediction (THERP) data to hazard identification. This technique and other ones are not. For measuring
quantify individual errors.4 Moreover can be both qualitative and quantita- the probability of basic events, if it is
frequency estimation can be per- tive if the probabilities and frequencies not examinable, formula number 1 is
formed at varying levels of detail and of the basic events are known. exploited, and if it is examinable for-
sophistication5: As fuzzy logic is extremely efficient mula number 2 would is used. This
for ejecting lack of finality, it is methodology is applied level by level
 Knowledge-based processes, in attempted in this article to cover lack on distillation towers of petroleum dis-
which expert opinion is used to esti- of finality by using expert’s opinion for tillation refinery.
mate the frequencies of events, defuzzification which may increase In this study, according to Hazard
based on the experience of knowl- lack of finality against center of gravity and Operability (HAZOP) informa-
edgeable operators, inspectors, etc. formula. So in this study, we used the tion which is done in refinery, check
 Data-based processes, in which accuracy of failure analysis, and a com- list of reactor’s hazard performed and
event frequencies are derived from bination of FTA and fuzzy and with the its fault tree illustrated. In Table 1 the
the documented operating history exploitation of center of gravity formu- analysis of the check list and fault tree
(in the form of incident reporting la and defuzzification. We have to bear of reactor’s hazard are shown.
system, maintenance histories, etc.) in mind that distillation towers in pe- The Fault Tree (FT) graph of refinery
 Logic-based processes which are of- troleum industry are one of the most distillation tower is shown in Figure 2.
ten used when insufficient operating potential dangerous and are viewed as FT is illustrated by HAZOP results
data exists to estimate directly the a threat to populations if located in which are the main base for failure
frequencies of very rare events. urban area. rate’s counts.
The fact that the information exist in
The cause-consequence diagram basic events or not must be checked at
method is based on the occurrence METHODOLOGY this level by using performed fault tree
of critical event, which for example and considering basic events, if it is
may be an event, involving the failure This study is of descriptive retrospec- exists, formula number 1 or 2 would
of components or subsystems that are tion model solving type that uses FTA be used (if it is non-examinable formu-
likely to produce hazardous conse- method for measuring failure probabil- la number 1 would be used. If it is
quences.6 The hazards associated with ity of distillation system of petroleum examinable formula number 2 would
Major Accident Hazard (MAH) indus- refinery. The algorithm of research is be used):
tries are fire, explosion and toxic gas shown in Figure 1.
PðtÞ ¼ 1  elt ; l  0:1 (1)
releases. Among these hazards, toxic In order to increase the accuracy
gas release is the worst as it has the and ejecting lack of finality, the fuzzy PðtÞ ¼ lt =2; lt > 0:1 (2)
potential to cause extensive fatalities. logic technique has been applied.
Qualitative and quantitative hazard For failure rate counts, center of gravi- If the essential information for mea-
analysis is essential for the identifica- ty formula (trapezoidal formula) suring failure probability is not present,
tion and quantification of these and Onisawa formula has been used. fuzzy logic would be used for measuring

2 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

Table 1. The Results of HAZOP for the System Under Study.

Primary Factor Secondary Factor Root Factor
The Failure rates A.1 Pressure increase
of reactor A
A.1.1 Increase in the flow A.1.1.1 Too much increase in the size of the pump
of pressure A.1.1.2 Malfunctioning of the control valve
A.1.1.3 Malfunctioning in the food flow monitoring

A.2 Corrosion increase A.2.1 The lack of suitable control over procedure
A.2.2 Inappropriate flux of the flow or lack of
A.2.3 The existence of appropriate performance
corrosive substance A.2.3.1 Internal corrosive substance
A.2.3.2 External corrosive substance

A.3 Temperature increase A.3.1 The lack of control over the temperature of the food
A.3.2 The obstruction of the catalyst
A.3.3 The failure of the reactors
A.4 The increase in the
flow of food
A.4.1 The increase in the A.4.1.1 Malfunctioning in the food flow monitoring
size of pump A4.1.2 Switching malfunction
A4.1.3 The failure of the electrical circuit

A: Reactor failure heterogeneous group of experts (e.g.

both scientists and workers) or a ho-
mogenous group of expert (e.g. both
scientists and engineers). The effect of
A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 difference in personal experience on
expert judgment is assumed to be smal-
ler in homogenous group compared to
heterogeneous group. A heteroge-
A.2.3 A.4.1
A.1.1 A.1.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.3.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.4.2
neous group of experts can have an
advantage over a homogenous group
by considering different view.8 Hetero-
A.1.1.1 A.4.1.1 A.4.1.2
geneous group of experts is selected for
A.1.1.2 A.2.3.1 A.2.3.2
evaluating the probability of vague
events and human error rates. Accord-
Figure 2. The analysis graph of refinery distillation tower. ingly, for qualifying measuring, the im-
portance of expert was measured. In
probability rate. According to per- phases of fuzzy logic for qualifying which using indices of quality of ex-
formed probabilities rate and lack of events rate are shown in Figure 3. pert, the most important of quality in-
information, five fuzzy levels have been For specifying final events condition, dices of expert were: title, experience,
used for the rest of performance. The it is essential for each event to be spec- education, and age.9 The quality expert
ified according to fuzzy and probabili- indices were shown in Table 3.
ty. The results are shown in Table 2. In
this table it is shown that which basic Qualifying Expert’s Measurement
Choosing expert
event has probability rate and which After recognition of the expert’s evalu-
has fuzzy rate. ation index, experts are qualified by
Quality weight of expert
indices (The expert is who was known
Expert Elicitation FTA Method, Refinery process and
Consensus of experts
Expert elicitation is one of the methods Fuzzy logic). In this study, an expert
Diffuzyfy for evaluating probability of events. is the one who has adequate informa-
This method provides some useful in- tion about evaluating system and who
Converting fuzzy failure possibility to formation for assessing risks. It is familiar to FTA. For vague events
fuzzy failure Probability by Onisawa includes delphi method and Nominal and human error dominated events,
Group Techniques and the like.7 An it is often difficult to estimate the oc-
Figure 3. Five phases of fuzzy logic for important consideration in the selec- currence rate of an event by using
qualifying events rate. tion of experts is whether to use a single probability. The concept of

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014 3

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

Table 2. Type of Final Events in Fault Tree According to Their Fuzzy or Probability Condition.
Primary Factor Secondary Factor Root Factor (final) Probabilities-Fuzzy
The Failure rates of A.1 Pressure increase A.1.1.1 Too much increase in the size of the pump Fuzzy
reactor A.1.1 Increase in the A.1.1.2Malfunctioning of the control valve Probabilities
flow of pressure A.1.1.3 Malfunctioning in the food flow monitoring Probabilities
A.2 Corrosion increase A.2.1 The lack of suitable control over procedure Fuzzy
A.2.2 Inappropriate flux of the flow or lack of Fuzzy
appropriate performance

A.2.3 The existence of A.2.3.1 Internal corrosive substance Fuzzy

corrosive substance A.2.3.2 External corrosive substance Fuzzy

A.3 Temperature A.3.1 The lack of control over the temperature Fuzzy
increase of the food
A.3.2 The obstruction of the catalyst Fuzzy
A.3.3The failure of the reactors Probabilities
A.4 The increase in
the flow of food A.4.1.1 Malfunctioning in the food flow Probabilities
A.4.1The increase in monitoring Probabilities
the size of pump A.4.1.2 Switching malfunction Probabilities
A.4.1.3The failure of the electrical circuit

linguistic variable is very useful in deal- and vague characteristics of them. using Equation. Table 5 demonstrates
ing with situations which are too com- Therefore, the linguistics value can all linguistic terms of conversion scale
plex or too ill-defined to be reasonably be used for assessing the vague final 6 into the form trapezoidal fuzzy num-
described in conventional quantitative events. As noted, the typical estimate bers.
expressions. of humans working memory capacity
A linguistic value can be represented is seven plus–minus two chunks, Expert’s Consensus of Opinion
by approximate reasoning of fuzzy which means the suitable number for Upon group evaluation, it is necessary
number. A linguistic variable is a vari- comparisons for human being to judge to aggregate different expert opinions
able whose values are words or sen- at a time is between 5 and 9.11,12 There- into one. There are many methods
tences in natural or artificial language. fore, Chens conversion scale 6 (Table available to aggregate the expert opi-
Chen and Hwang provided eight dif- 4) which contains six different linguis- nions, e.g. voting, arithmetic averaging
ferent conversion scales.10 Linguistic tic terms is used for assessing the vague operation, fuzzy preference rela-
terms used in the conversion scales events. Figure 4 represents the Chens tions,13 max–min Delphi method,
and corresponding representations of conversion scale 6. and fuzzy Delphi method.14 However,
fuzzy numbers are given in Table 4. The next step is the transformation no firm theoretical guidance can be
It is often difficult to estimate the of linguistic value into corresponding used to choose the most suitable one.
precise failure probability of the final fuzzy numbers and aggregate experts’ As mentioned before there are many
events due to insufficient data opinion into Fuzzy possibility (FPS) by methods available to aggregate the
fuzzy numbers, yet an appealing ap-
proach is linear opinion pool7:
Very Low Medium High Very high X
low Mi ¼ W j Ai j ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n (3)
0.7 where Mi is the ‘‘fuzzy error possibility’’
0.6 indicating the aggregated fuzzy value
of Event i, Aij is the linguistic value
assessed by j to Event i, m is the total
number of events, n is the total number
of experts and Wj is the weighting score
0.2 of Expert j.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Defuzzification is the process of pro-
Figure 4. Chens conversion scale 6. ducing a quantifiable result in fuzzy

4 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

Table 3. Table of Rating According to Expert’s Traits. Table 5. Fuzzy Numbers of Conversion
Score Classify Condition Row
Linguistic Terms Fuzzy Numbers
4 Professor Title 1
3 Controller Very Low (VL) (0,0,0.1,0.2)
2 Workers Head Low (L) (0.1,0.23,0.25,0.4)
1 Operator Medium (M) (0.3,0.5,0.5,0.7)
4 More than 30 Experience 2 High (H) (0.6,0.75,0.75,0.9)
3 20–30 Very High (VH) (0.8,0.9,1,1)
2 10–20
1 5–10 number à ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ is [Eq. (5)]:
5 PHD Education 3 8
4 MA > 0; x < a1
> x  a1
3 Graduated from high school >
< ; a1  x  a2
2 Technical license mà ðxÞ ¼ aa23 

x ; X
> ; a2  x  a3
1 Under high school >
: a3  a2
4 More than 50 Age 4 0; x > a3
3 40–50 Za2 Za3
2 30–40 xa a3 x
a2 a1 xdx þ a3 a2 xdx
1 Less than 30
a1 a2
Za2 Za3
xa1 a3 x
a2 a1 dx þ a3 a2 dx
* a1 a2
logic. Defuzzification problems where X is the defuzzified output;
emerge from the application of fuzzy mi(x) is the aggregated membership 1
¼ ða1 þ a2 þ a3 Þ
control to the industrial processes.15 function; x is the output variable. 3
Fuzzy numbers defuzzification is an The above formula can be shown as (5)
important procedure for decision mak- follows for triangular and trapezoidal
Defuzzification of trapezoidal fuzzy
ing in fuzzy environment. The central fuzzy numbers. Defuzzification fuzzy
number à ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 Þ can be
area of defuzzification technique is se-
obtained by Eq. (6).
lected here. This method is also known
as center of gravity or center of area > 0; x < a1 Za2 Za3 Za4
defuzzification. This technique was de- > x  a xa1
xdx xdx a4 x
> þ þ a4 a3 xdx
> ; a1  x  a2 a2 a1
veloped by Sugeno in 1985. This is the < a2  a1
a a2 a3
most commonly used technique and is mà ðxÞ ¼ 1; a2  x  a3 X ¼ 1 a2
> a 4  x Z Za3 Za4
very accurate. This method can be >
> ; a3  x  a4
> a  a3
a2 a1 dx þ dx þ aa44ax
expressed as [Eq. (4)]16: : 4 0; x > a

R 4 a1 a2 a3
m ðxÞx dx
X ¼ Ri

(4) 2 2
1 ða4 þ a3 Þ  a4 a3  ða1 þ a2 Þ þ a1 a2
mi ðxÞ ¼  (6)
3 ða4 þ a3  a1  a2 Þ

Table 4. Linguistic Terms and Their Corresponding Fuzzy Numbers [10].

Linguistic terms Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3 Scale 4 Scale 5 Scale 6 Scale 7 Scale 8
None (0,0,0.1)
Very low (0,0,0.2) (0,0,0.1,0.2) (0,0,0.1,0.2) (0,0,0.2) (0,0.1,0.2)
Low-Very Low (0,0,0.1,0.3) (0.1,0.2,0.3)
Low (0,0,0.2,0.4) (0.1,0.2,0.3) (0,0,0.3) (0,0.2,0.4) (0.1,0.25,0.4) (0,0.2,0.4) (0.1,0.3,0.5)
Fairly low (0,0.25,0.5) (0.2,0.4,0.6) (0.2, 0.35,0.5) (0.3,0.4,0.5)
Mol. Low (0.4,0.45,0.5)
Medium (0.4,0.6,0.8) (0.2,0.5,0.8) (0.3,0.5,0.7) (0.3,0.5,0.7) (0.3,0.5,0.7) (0.3,0.5,0.7) (0.3,0.5,0.7)
Mol. High (0.5,0.55,0.6)
Fairly High (0.5,0.75,1) (0.4,0.6,0.8) (0.5,0.65,0.8) (0.5,0.6,0.7)
High (0.6,0.8,1) (0.6,0.8,1,1) (0.6,0.8,1) (0.7,1,1) (0.6,0.75,0.9) (0.6,0.75,0.9) (0.6,0.8,1) (0.5,0.7,0.9)
High-Very High (0.7,0.9,1,1) (0.7,0.8,0.9)
Very High (0.8,1,1) (0.8,0.9,1,1) (0.8,0.9,1,1) (0.8,1,1) (0.8,0.9,1)
Excellent (0.9,1,1)
Mol.: More or less.

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014 5

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

Table 6. Weight of Linguistic Terms and Expert’s Opinion in Each Vague Event.
Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 13
Weight of linguistic terms 0.366667 0.333333 0.3
Very Low 0 0 0.1 0.2
Low 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.4
Medium 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7
High 0.6 0.75 0.75 0.9
Very High 0.8 0.9 1 1

Table 7. Weight of Chosen Experts.

Weight of expert Title Experience Education Age Experts
11/30 = 0.366 3 2 4 2 Expert1
10/30 = 0.333 2 2 4 1 Expert2
9/30 = 0.3 2 2 3 2 Expert3
10:1881=3 1FPS1=3 1 1 1 ¼ 0:00018
Probablity ¼ 3:7442:301  0:188 ¼ 2:301  k ¼ Probablity ¼ ¼ ¼ 5549
FPS 10k 103:744

Using Conversion of Possibility information bank the Top event (TE) The results of the selected expert’s
Formula to Probability rate is counted using formula 7. After measurement are shown in Table 7 and
Onisawa (1998) has proposed a func- that according to the calculated TE by accordingly the measure of first expert
tion which can be used for converting Fussell–Vesely formula (number 8), is 0.336, measure of second expert is
fuzzy failure possibility to fuzzy failure the most crises MCS can be achieved 0.333 and measure of third expert is
probability. This function is derived by according to Table 6. 0.3. Ordered results in Table 7 can help
addressing some properties such as the to experts to qualifying the measures of
proportionality of human sensation to TE ¼ 1 basic events.
the logarithmic value of a physical  ðð1  MCS1 . . . . . . According to relation 6 and the
quantity. The fuzzy probability rate resulted numbers from trapezoidal for-
can be obtained from fuzzy possibility  ð1  MCS12 ÞÞ (9) mula it is concluded that the defuzzify-
rate as follows.17–19,20FP: Fuzzy Prob- MCSi ing number is 0.188. This number is
FVI ¼ (10)
ability, FPS: Fuzzy Possibility TE considered as fuzzy possibility (FPS)
8 and by placing it in formulas 7 and 8, its
< 1
; FPS 6¼ 0 corresponding probabilities numbers
FP ¼ 10k (7)
: would are attained:
1  FPS 1=3 Probability
K¼  2:301 (8) In order to clarify the exploited meth-  
FPS 1  0:188 1=3
od, the details of one of the numeric ¼ 3:7443:301 
After qualifying basic event’s proba- problems of the basic events are illus- 0:188
bilities rate and by the help of gain trated.  
1  FPS 1=3
¼ 2:301  k ¼
Table 8. Probability Rate of Basic Events. 1 1 1
Probability ¼ k ¼ 3:744 ¼
Code of Basic Events Rate of Basic Events Kind of Basic Events 10 10 5549
A1.1.1 0.00018 Fuzzy ¼ 0:00018
A1.1.2 4  104 Probabilities After performing attained levels and
A1.3 4  104 Probabilities conversing fuzzy root reasons to prob-
A2.1 0.00073 Fuzzy abilities according to Table 2, number
A2.3.1 0.005 Fuzzy of the total basic events is 13, of which
A2.3.2 0.002 Fuzzy 7 are fuzzy (they are ordered in 5
A2.2 0.015 Fuzzy phases in Fig. 3), and six other basic
A3.1 0.008 Fuzzy events would are examinable or non-
A3.2 0.056 Fuzzy examinable, documented to formulas 1
A3.3 0.0009 Probabilities and 2, for example Malfunctioning in
A1.3 4  105 Probabilities the material flow monitoring is one of
A4.1.1 4  104 Probabilities the root probabilities which is ranged
A4.1.2 5  104 Probabilities as 103 and Its review period would be

6 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

Table 9. Qualifying rate of TE, Minimal Cut Set (MCS) probability.

MCs Possibiliy Probability Probabilities TE Probability MCs Ranking Critical MCs
A.1.1.1  A.1.1.2 0.188 0.00018  0.00004 7.2E08 8.32999E07 11
A.1.3 0.00004 0.00004 0.086434695 0.000462777 9
A.2.1 0.282 0.00073 0.008445683 7
A.2.2 0.675 0.015 0.173541423 2
A.2.3.1 0.508 0.005 0.057847141 4
A.2.3.2 0.425 0.002 0.023138856 5
A.3.1 0.583 0.008 0.092555425 3
A.3.2 0.863 0.056 0.647887978 1
A.3.3 0.0009 0.0009 0.010412485 6
A.4.1.1 0.00004 0.00004 0.000462777 9
A.4.1.2 0.0004 0.0004 0.004627771 10
A.4.2 0.0005 0.0005 0.005784714 8

attained according to it. By qualifying is replaced by probabilities, thereby logic (triangular formula). Using fuzzy
probability rate and placing it in leading to fuzzy fault tree analysis. Tri- logic in fault tree can make measure-
Table 8, probability rate of Top Event angular fuzzy numbers are used to rep- ments easy and also increase the accu-
(TE) could be computed.22 resent the failure possibility of basic racy.25 This problem is harmonious
According to the root reasons and events. Since a system may have to with the result which is attained in this
attained results, the FTA is shown in go through different operating condi- research. According to the studies
Table 8. As it is obvious in this table the tions during the design or testing done in this area, failure probability
most failure rate relates to A.3.2 which phase. Thus, the failure possibility of of basic events with help of fuzzy num-
is related to catalysts clogging. a basic event will be assigned more bers by different experts would be het-
The ordered methodology, which than one fuzzy numbers by different erogeneous in different conditions,
was applied phase by phase and its experts under various operating con- and correction of fuzzy number is sig-
related results about reactor are shown ditions. It is also well established that nificant for showing chosen vague
completely in Table 9. Then the the selection of a fuzzy number to events.
remarked results analyses are per- represent a basic event is vital in Finally the results of this research
formed, which are suitable solutions FTA. Here we developed an algorithm can increase reliability and decrease
and can prevent tensional Minimal to find a single fuzzy number for a basic system’s cost. Moreover the exploited
Cut Set (MCS) events. event; where in more than one fuzzy methods in those researches are har-
number is assigned to that particular monious with the ones in this study.
event. Using this algorithm, we obtain The bilateral fuzzy method attained
DISCUSSION a single fuzzy number, having least measures to experts and by defuzzifi-
variance from all fuzzy numbers cation of final events weight; weight of
Risk Assessment for Health and Safety assigned to the concerned event. The each event was examined. Differential
(RAH&S) of workers is a complex task adequate and appropriate means and aspects method used in this article is
that entails the consideration of many procedure for the detection of basic the strongest point of the article. 5
parameters which are, more often than events having key role in the occur- indexes which were specific to quanti-
not, difficult to quantify. RAH&S in rence of top event in system analysis fying and increasing accuracy of com-
industry is rampant with inadequate become essential. puting each final event’s were
data and/or imprecise and incomplete Here we have put forward an ap- introduced.
information, particularly in the design proach to rank the basic events in
stage, for which traditional quantita- accordance with their importance in
tive approaches do not give adequate the occurrence of top event. This ap- CONCLUSION
answers. In this work we outline the proach can be widely used to improve
basic aspects for a Qualitative Risk the reliability and to reduce the oper- According to qualifying and rating
Assessment Model (QRAM) based on ating cost of a system. The reasons Critical Minimal Cut Set (MCS) and
elicited data and using a fuzzy logic exploited in this article for using defin- range of model sensitivity, analysis tree
approach.23,24 itive and quantitative models in mea- Critical MCS was in 1–3 rating. Ini-
Research in conventional fault tree suring risk, is as same as used reasons tially by eliminating each of them, the
analysis (FTA) is based mainly on fail- in this study. increase of reliability was studied and
ure probability of basic events, which Tyagi and his colleagues about anal- each tree Critical MCS eliminated co-
uses classical probability distributions ysis of FT were showed that studying incidently was studied and the attained
for the failure probability of basic refraction probability of basic events is TE failure probability was 0.086 and
events. In the present paper, the prob- the main base of fault tree analysis reliability equalled 0.914. For the pur-
abilistic consideration of basic events which would be quantified by fuzzy pose of increasing reliability system the

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, July/August 2014 7

Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:
JCHAS 737 1–9

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Please cite this article in press as: Omidvari, M., et al., Presenting of failure probability assessment pattern by FTA in Fuzzy logic (case
study: Distillation tower unit of oil refinery process), J. Chem. Health Safety (2014), doi:

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