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brand loyalty- lojalność marki

brand image- wizerunek produktu (how people see your brand and how they feel with
the experience with you)
brand stretching-rozciąganie marki (using an existing name on another type of products)
brand awareness- popularność marki/świadomość ,czyli rozpoznawalność konkretnej
organizacji wśród społeczności(the level of familiarity consumers have with a
particular brand)
brand name- nazwa firmowa
brand identity( those elements that are instantly recognized as representing a
particular business or product)

product launch- wprowadzenie produktu na rynek

product lifecycle- żywot produktu/cykl życia (introduction, growth, maturity, decline)
product range- gama, asortyment produktu( the set of products made by a company)
product placement- lokowanie produktu w filmie, telewizji itp. (Putting products into TV shows
and movies where they will be seen)
product endorsement- rekomendacja/poparcie produktu (the use of a well-known person to
advertise products)

market leader- lider produktu (the firm in the industry with the largest market share)
market research- badania rynku
market share- udział w rynku( a company's product sales as a percentage of total sales for the
market challenger- konkurent na rynku(a runner up firm that is fighting hard to
increase(zwiększyć) its market share in the industry)
market segment- zbliżona grupa nabywców ( a group of consumers who respond in a similar
way to a given set of marketing efforts)

to generate revenue- generowanie zysku( ways to drive income and increase profitability)

profit margin - marża zysku (the amount by which revenue from sales exceeds costs in a
Chief Executive- dyrektor naczelny (The role of the preside
t as head of the executive branch of the government.)
demand- popyt(Consumer willingness and ability to buy products)
Supply Chain- sieć firm zaangażowanych w produkcję (a network of companies and
people that are involved in the production and delivery of a product or service)


cancellations-odwołanie np samolotu ( the process of stopping or ending something)
security checks-kontrola bezpieczeństwa
jet lag- jet lag ( symptoms caused by travel from one time zone to another)
hand luggage-bagaż podręczny- the small pieces of lagguage that passenger can carry
into an airplane
overbooking of seats - airlines selling more tickets than actual places
baggage trolley- wózek bagażowy - a small cart for your bags and suitcase
delay- opóźnienie- make someone slow or late
downtown(A)-city center(B)-śródmieście
carry on baggage(A)-hand luggage(B)- Bagaż podręczny
one way tickey(A)-single ticket (B)- bilet w jedną strone
round ticket(A)-return ticket(B)- bilet dookoła
rest room(A)- public toilet(B)-toaleta publiczna
elevator(A)-lift(B)- winda- machine to go up/down
coach class(A)-economy class(B)-klasa ekonomiczna
schedule(A)- timetable(B)- rozklad
parking lot(A)-car park(B)- parking
line(A)-queue(B)- kolejka ( the line of people or vehicles)
check(A)-bill(B)- czek/rachunek
reservation(A)-booking(B)- rezerwacja
first floor(A)-ground floor(B)-pierwsze piętro

peak travel- moment kiedy największa liczba osób podróżuje ( at times when the
largest number of people are travelling)

check in- zameldowanie w hotelu (arrive and register at a hotel or airport)

frequent-flyer points- punkty przyznawane osobie często podróżującej za nagrodzenie

jego lojalności ( awarded by airlines to reward customer loyalty)

upgrade- zmiana siedzenia, bądź poziomu obsługi

lounge- poczekalnia, pokój gdzie pasażerowie mogą odpocząć

boarding pass- karta pokładowa, którą trzeba pokazać by wsiąść na pokład samolotu (
a piece of card you must show to get on a plane)

ground staff airport - wszyscy pracujący na lotnisku, bez załogi samolotu (pilota)(all
the people who work at an airport, but not the pilots or cabin crew)

convenience- wygoda- anything that makes life easier and more comfortable

attitude to - postawa- (the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something)

in advance- z góry/wcześniej- before of particular date

cope it - to deal with ( poradzić)

convey - przekaywać- to transmit; to communicate, make known; to transfer

carrier- nośnik/przewoźnik ( person or company that offers the professional conveyance(
przewóz) of goods or people.)
fare- opłata ( the money that you pay to travel by bus taxi, plane itc)
bear in mind -mieć na uwadze - remember, keep in mind
make an appointment- umówic sie- to arrange to do something at a particular time
come up- pojawić się- happen unexpectedly to be engaged-być zapracowanym- to be
put somebody through- to connect a person using a telephone to the person they want to
speak to)
to divert a flight - zmienic kirunek lotu- when the aircraft is no longer able to continue to
the original destination, and is now being sent to a new airport )
to afford to do something - mieć pozwolenie ( having enough money to be able to
spend it on doing something )
suffer from jet lag- cierpieć na jet lag- to feel tired after a long journey on plane
misbehaviour- złe zachowanie- improper behaviour
venue- location
owing to- przez coś - because of…
head for- udać się do- go in the direction of
meet the needs- zaspokoić potrzeby - to have or do enough of what is required
facilities- udogodnienia - places designed or built to serve a special function

Durable- wytrzymały
reliable- niezawodny
sophisticated - wyrafinowany
value for money- warty pieniędzy
fashionable- modny
sexy- sexy
upmarket- z wyższej półki/ ekskluzywny
inexpensive- niedrogi
timeless- ponadczasowy
cool- cool
well-made- dobrze wykonany
fun- zabawny
classic- klasyczny
stylish- stylowy

comfort- komfort
safety- bezpieczenstwo
price- cena
reliability- niezawość

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