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Dear Frederic,

I have received the package that you sent from your country, thank you so much for the present. I
have just got back from work and my doorbell rang, I thought my neighbor's kids were playing a prank
on me, but it was a postman. I was astonished when I got the package from you.

I opened it right away, and it was a notebook with cat pictures on it. I really need it to take notes of
my daily routines since recently I always forgets things. I have plan to go to the bookstore this
weekend to buy a journal, but you have given me first. Besides that, I love the size of the pocketbook,
Iit is neither too small nor too big, so I can put it in my bag.

I will start to use it tomorrow, considering that tomorrow will starts a new month. From now on, I will
not forget things repeatedly, thanks to your presents. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Par 1 intro (50 words) : paraphrase the topic

Short answers for the both questions

Par 2 (75words) : answer the 1st question (give explanation and related examples)
Par 3 (75words) : answer the 2nd question (give explanation and related examples)

Par 4 conclusion (50 words) : Summarize the points you have presented

In this globalization era, many people choose to pursue their degree or even get their career
overseas. Due to those facts, it is inevitably true that they will experience the feeling of lone and
miss their home countries. Basically, there are some possible reasons for this feeling. One of them is
their longing to the culture they grew up with. Moreover, some of the reasons and possible
solutions will be explored in the next paragraphs.

In the present, Ppeople’ mobility is spread out from one country to another. Some travel to work, and
some study for a period of time. For this reason, many people suffer from homesickness. Thus, I
would discuss this problem in the paragraph below.

Homesickness is a distress caused by being away from home for a long time period. The mMain cause
of the problems is that they yearn for their family, loved ones and food. In addition, a Another cause
is culture shock which makes them incompatible with local people. When being away from home and
living alone in another foreign country, most people get lonely easily. Furthermore, for some picky
eaters, it is hard for them to adapt with new food or new flavour. In fact, e Every country has their
own taste preference, and it is not easy for them to taste the opposite preference flavour with the
country where they are living.

Therefore, I have the are some possible solutions for this anxiety which often makes people face
depression. While people are studying or working abroad, Ffirstly they have to find a community of
people from the country they are from. By doing this, they may r Regularly join their events and go
out with them. Following that, try looking for restaurants that sell food from their home country, It
helps a lot to have nostalgia the cuisine that they crave for. Lastly, Tthey have to make time for video
calls with their family or loved ones. Nowadays, technology has a lot of benefits for people who live
away from their home.

In conclusion, although there are several drawbacks that people who live abroad will experience in
their daily basis, there are some possible activities that they can do to minimize their missing to
their home countries. Indeed, from a All of these solutions mentioned above, if they still face hard
times to cope with their depression, they need to seek help from professionals.

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