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Nowadays, people have easy access to have their own television at home.

Thus, most homes

at least have one television. According to scientists, watching TV has many negative effects on people,
particularly for children. As a matter of fact, the researcher found that when people watch TV, they
are physically inactive and it increases heart problems. Therefore, people need to find another
physical activity for their own health.

Likewise I mentioned above, the negative effect of watching television is physically inactive and makes
people reduce exercise while they are enjoying television might increase health problems. Moreover,
some people enjoy watching and eating at the same time, and it leads to obesity due to over-eating.
Furthermore, screen time for youngsters may lead them to lack their language and social skills. The
television does not speak or interact with the child, so it can limit the child's social interactions.

Hence, those negative influences that the television has, these are some solutions to prevent the
negative effects. First, people need to use a time limit for their kids and themselves. In particular,
children are allowed to have screen time for 2 hours a day. In addition, the parents need to find
another fun activity for their kids that can be enjoyed together such as cycling or going out to the
nearest park. These activities might assist adults and youngsters to avoid being in front of
television much.

To summarize, people who watch television excessively will affect their health and other problems. In
fact, It is better to control the time to watch the television and find new activities that are suitable for

Dear Claire,
Thank you so much that for your willingness to help me to look after my house and pets. So, my
address is 18 Oklahoma St. Brookfield, WI 53045. In addition to your information, I will be away from
Thursday to Sunday next week.
Anyway, there are some things about my pet that I would like you to know. I have 2 cats and a
goldfish. In fact, one of my cats needs extra care because he is a senior cat. So, the food is different
from another cat, I have prepared it for you in a jar and there is a cat's name on it. Besides, for my
goldfish, just feed it once a day and not too much.
Moreover, for my household duties nothing much about it. Let the vacuum robot do the job. I have
written about how to use the robot.
Thank you so much for your time for me.

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