Grammar 6

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1. Degree of Comparison (Tingkat Perbandingan)

a. Possitive Degree (Perbandingan 2 hal yg setara)
S + V + as (Adj/Adv) as + S + V (+/-)
S + V + so (Adj/Adv) as + S + V (-)
S + V + The Same (noun) as + S+ V (-/+)
S + V + The Same as + S + V (-/+)

1. Ria is as foolish as you (are). Artinya: Ria sama bodohnya denganmu.
2. Ani is not so beatiful as Rianti. Artinya: ani tidak sama cantiknya dengan
3. You are the same as I. Artinya: kamu seperti saya.
4. Mawan’s Laptop is the same price as Astrid’s Laptop. Artinya: laptop mawan
sama mahalnya dengan laptop Astrid.
5. You have as style as Radit. Artinya: Kamu memiliki gaya yang sama dengan
6. You work as diligently as Maria. Artinya: Kamu bekerja sama rajinnya dengan
7. We run the same as Tiger do. Artinya: kami berlari seperti yang macan
8. The Rabbit is the same as I. Artinya: Kelinci itu seperti saya.

b. Preposition
S + V + like/as + O (serupa/seperti) (+)
S + V + unlike + O (tidak serupa/seperti) (-)
S + LV + similar to + O (serupa/seperti) (+)
S + LV + different from + O (tidak serupa/seperti) (-)

1. He works hard like Hulk. (Dia bekerja keras seperti Hulk).
2. He looks different from his father.
3. Anita remains similar to Butterfly.
4. They advise unlike Dalai Lama.

c. Adjective
S + LV + alike (Sama/Serupa/seperti)
S + LV + unlike (Berbeda/Tidak serupa/seperti)

1. They are alike.
2. They are unlike.
2. Comparative Degree
a. Conjunction
S + V + Adj/Adv + er + Than + S + V
S + V + more/less + adj/adv + than + S + V
S + V + irreguler + than + S + V

She is better than you. (Dia lebih baik dari pada kamu).
They speaks more difficult than I. ( mereka berbicara lebih susah dibanding saya).

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