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Measurements and Units of Measure


4.4 Significant Figures in

Time Frame: 30 min
Time Allotted: 1 min Actual Time: __________

At the end of this learning guide, students should be able to:

1. demonstrate understanding of the rules in significant figures;
2. read measurements using measuring tools; and
3. report measurements with the correct number of significant figures.

Time Allotted: 4 min Actual Time: __________

Have you ever tried measuring something? What particular measuring devices have you already
Now, try this one.
What is the length of the pencil using the two different rulers? Write your answers in the space

Ruler A

Ruler B

Figure 4.4.1. Measuring the length of a pencil (Chang and Goldsby, 2016, pp.23)

Length (Ruler A): _________

Length (Ruler B): _________
Did you get the same value from the 2 different rulers? If they are different, what explains the
difference when you are measuring the same object?

You might answer 4.6 or 4.7 cm (Ruler A) and 4.58 or 4.59 cm (Ruler B). Are they the same? If
not, what is their difference? One difference is how precise the two different measurements from
the two rulers.

Learning Guide 4.4 page 1 of 8

Which of the two rulers gives us a more precise length? How precisely did you make your
How do you show consistent ways all scientists or students like you read and record measurements?

Time Allotted: 15 min Actual Time: __________

When you are asked to measure something, what are the first things that you might be scared
about? How do you make sure that you will be able to obtain high quality measurements?

Measurement is very important in gathering and reporting quantitative data in the scientific process.
When a measured or analyzed value is reported, it is important to communicate the certainty of the
accuracy and precision of the numerical data.

However, measuring devices like thermometer, graduated cylinder, pipet, and balances are made with
limitations combined with our limited senses and skill in reading these devices. Every time we
measure either temperature, length, volume, mass, or any other physical quantity- we can never
measure a quantity exactly and the measurement has some degree of uncertainty which means how
much a measurement varies around an already-measured value (Brookshire,2018).

Let us go back to Figure 4.4.1. In both rulers, the length of the pencil is clearly 4.0 cm but evidently
not 5.0 cm. Ruler A marks show no millimeters. You can estimate the tenths digit, and the length of
the pencil can be 4.6 cm. A friend or your classmate may record the length of the pencil is 4.5 cm or
maybe 4.7 cm. Four (4) is certain and tenths digit is uncertain.

On the other hand, Ruler B contains marks for millimeters. The pencil’s length can be 4.52 cm. The
hundredths digit can be estimated since the tenths digit which is 5 is certain. Again, a different person
may report the length of the pencil as 4.51 cm or 4.53 cm. In the given scenario, 4 and 5 are the two
certain digits and the uncertain one is the hundredths digit in the measurement. You can therefore say
that the length of the pencil is more precisely measured using ruler B..

The number of acceptable uncertainties is based on the device we choose. Which ruler measurement
are you going to use in determining the length of the pencil?

Yes, it is the lower ruler because it can measure the uncertain digits up to the hundredths digit and is
more precise than the top ruler.

Figure 4.4.2. Measuring the length of a rod (Buthelezi et al., 2008, pp.71)

The certain (known) and the uncertain (estimated) digits in a measurement are called significant

As seen in Figure 4.4.2, the stick's length is between 5.2 cm and 5.3 cm. We can see that the stick's
end is located between the second (2 nd) and third (3rd) millimeter marks since there are no definite

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markings as a guide. Since it is an estimation, the stick's length is 5.22 cm or you might read it as
5.23 cm. Any measurement can be recorded with three (3) significant figures. Two digits, 5 and 2,
are certain and one is uncertain (either 2 or 3).

Practice this in your notebook. Refer to Figure 4.4.3a.

Figure 4.4.3a. “Ruler Figure” by Sarah Greenwood is licensed under CC-BY-4.0.

a. What is the length of the rectangle?
b. What is/are the certain digit/s?
c. What is/are the uncertain digit/s?

Let’s practice more.

Note, in reading the volume of liquid using the graduated cylinder, read the lowest portion of the
concave meniscus (red line)

Figure 4.4.3a. “Read the meniscus” by wikiHow Staff is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

a. What is the volume of the water?
b. What is/are the certain digit/s?
c. What is/are the uncertain digit/s?

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You just learned how to express the correct number of significant figures in your measured values.
What if you are using measured values which were obtained by other people, how would you know
the number of significant figures in their measurements?

It is necessary to count properly the number of significant figures. It is easy to determine how many
significant figures a measurement has by following rules.

Let us go over first some terminology to be able to correctly identify which digit is significant.

 Nonzero digits are numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

 Leading zeros are those that come before all the nonzero digits
 Trailing zeros are those that come after all the nonzero digits (but not necessarily after the
decimal point).

Leading Zeros Trailing Zeros

0.00123 123 000 or 0.12000

Figure 4.4.3. Leading and Trailing zeros

Always remember that in counting the number of significant figures, the number should be read from
left to right of a reported measurement.


START HERE 54321 miles

Counting the number of significant figures should start from 5 to 1.

The table below shows the five basic rules for correctly counting significant figures in a reported
Table 4.4.1 Rules in counting number of Significant figures
Rules Example (red -not significant)
 All nonzero digits are always
563 has three (3) significant figures
 Zeros between nonzero digits are
50063 has five (5) significant figures
 Leading zeros before a number
are not significant. (zeros are
0.056 has two (2) significant figures
indicators of the decimal point
 Trailing zeros at the end of a
number without a decimal point
5600 has two (2) significant figures
are not significant. (zeros are
place holders only)
56.00 has four (4) significant numbers
 Trailing zeroes in a number with
56.030 has five (5) significant numbers
a decimal point are significant.
0.0560 has three (3) significant figures

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Trailing zeros in a measurement without a decimal point can quite be ambiguous. Take 2500 km as
an example. Zeros in the measurement can only be a place holder and are not significant or in some
cases zeros in 2500 km are significant if they are a result of a precise measurement.
To avoid confusion, a vinculum or an overbar is used to mark the significant trailing zero or zeros
(Example b). There are times that an underline is used (Example c). Zeros after the vinculum or an
underline is not significant.

a. 8200 yards – 2 significant figures
b. 82𝟎0 yards – 3 significant figures
c. 8200 yards - 3 significant figures

A common and easier way to remove ambiguity of trailing zeros is expressing the measurement in
scientific notation (𝒂 × 𝟏𝟎𝒏 ). The coefficients (a) in a scientific notation are always significant and
the base (10) and the exponent (n) are not counted as significant figures.

In standard notation, the number 200, by following the rules, would have one significant figure.
However, there are cases that the instrument used can give a reading of two or three significant
figures. We can record the measurement it in such a manner that there less ambiguity. Then, scientific
notation will be helpful.

 2 × 102 - one (1) significant figure

 2.0 × 102 - two (2) significant figure
 2.00 × 102 - three (3) significant figures

a. 5600 m - 5. 6 x 103 m - 2 significant figures
b. 23900 kg – 2.39 x 104 kg – 3 significant figures
c. 71000 miles – 7.1 x 104 miles – 2 significant figures

Can you now correctly identify the number of significant figures? Let us have a short practice.
Identify how many significant figures each measurement. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. 0.0049 mm
2. 45,007 miles
3. 23.50 inches
4. 8700 kg
5. 6.70 x 106 km

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Time Allotted: 10 min Actual Time: __________


Now, let us test your understanding of the concepts discussed in this module. Follow the teacher’s
instruction on submission of output.

Read the direction carefully. Record the measurement with correct unit in the Data Table. For each
measurement, estimate to 1 place of uncertainty and correctly identify the number of significant
Measure the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flasks. Do not forget to measure to one place of uncertainty.

Flask A
Flask B
Figure 4.4.3. Measuring the liquid in the Erlenmeyer Flask
Source: Mr. Palermo’s Flipped Chemistry Classroom (n.d.). Erlenmeyer flaks [Image]. Retrieved from
Measure the liquid in the graduated cylinders.

Cylinder A Cylinder B

Figure 4.4.4. Measuring the liquid in the graduated cylinder

Source: Mr. Palermo’s Flipped Chemistry Classroom (n.d.). Erlenmeyer flaks [Image]. Retrieved from

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Measurement Significant Measurement Significant

Measuring Tool
with unit (A) Figures with unit (B) Figures

(This activity is adapted and modified from Mr. Palermo’s Flipped Chemistry Classroom-Virtual Lab:
Precision and Significant Figures.


Determine the number of significant figures in each of the following measurements. Write your answer
in the space provided. (1 point each)

a. 3065 m __________
b. 0.0021 mg __________
c. 7.90 mL __________
d. 8900 g __________
e. 56.045 yards __________
f. 9.300 x 10 mol __________
g. 1280𝟎0 sec __________

Time Allotted: 3 min Actual Time: __________

In Summary

 Significant figures consist of all the certain digits in a measurement plus one uncertain or
estimated digit.
 There are rules in determining the number of significant figures. These rules are as follows:
 All nonzero digits are always significant
 Zeroes between nonzero digits are significant
 Leading zeroes before a number are not significant. (zeroes are indicators of the decimal
point placement)
 Trailing zeroes at the end of a number without a decimal point are not significant. (zeroes
are place holders only)
 Trailing zeroes in a number with a decimal point are significant.

Learning Guide 4.4 page 7 of 8

Albarico, J.M. (2013). THINK Framework. Based on Ramos, E.G. and N. Apolinario. (n.d.)
Science LINKS. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore Inc.

Bewick, S., Dupon, J., Forsythe, T., Parsons, R., & Robinson, S. (2020, August 10). Significant
Figures. Chemistry LibreTexts.
stry_(CK-12)/03%3A_Measurements/3.15%3A_Significant_Figures. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Brookshire, B. (2018, April 16). Scientists Say: Uncertainty., C.,
Herring, F. G., Madura, J. D., & Petrucci, R. H. (2011). General Chemistry: Principles and
Modern Applications (10th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.

Buthelezi, T., Dingrando, L., Hainen, N., Wistrom, C., & Zike, D. (2008). Chemistry: Matter and
Change. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Chang, R. & Goldsby, K. A. (2016). Chemistry (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Christianson, A. and Flowers, P., Langley, R., & Theopold, K. (2019, June 06). Significant
Figures. Chemistry LibreTexts.
cant_Figures. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Key, J. A. Significant Figures. Introductory Chemistry - 1st Canadian Edition. Retrieved from CC BY-NC-SA
4.0 license.

Silberberg, M. S. (2013). Principles of General Chemistry (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Virtual Lab: Precision and Significant Figures (n.d). Mr. Palermo’s Flipped Chemistry
Classroom. Retrieved from

Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed and Approved by


Special Science Teacher II Special Science Teacher IV Special Science Teacher IV
Central Visayas Campus Ilocos Region Campus Cagayan Valley Campus

Learning Guide 4.4 page 8 of 8

© 2020 Philippine Science High School System. All rights reserved. This document may contain proprietary information and may only be released to third
parties with approval of management. Document is uncontrolled unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents are not subject to update notification.

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